Session 29 July 2023

Thank you for the Session. Very interesting one.

Okay. That's the sum and substance of this video they have shared of a real alien, supposedly. Was it a real alien in the video?

A: Yes
Watching the video I noticed the Gray doesn't blink. If this is real, them being Cybergenetic Beings, does that mean there's no need for the blinking mechanism?

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

A few things in this session regarding Science Fiction being inspired and the whole talk of underground people being released above really makes me wonder if they're telling in a movie I recently watched on Netflix called "They Cloned Tyrone".

It's about a secret underground base in a Southern ghetto neighborhood in the US, where experiments are conducted on the above populace. The people above are unknowingly affected by a drug laced in their food and products, making them obedient. There are primary clones below, programmed to fulfill specific roles in the above city, that are released if the above unit dies, such as drug dealers, pimps, and prostitutes to maintain order. A government agent reveals that the base's location underneath a ghetto is intentional, as it deters outsiders from entering, allowing the experiments to proceed undisturbed due to the perceived danger of the area. The movie also mentions the existence of similar underground bases across the United States.

As someone I watch on YouTube commonly says: "Your life is an illusion and TV is your reality".

This also made me want to share something I've been meaning to about the area I'm currently living in; Christmas Valley, OR.

A small Farm Town with about 1200 or so people in it; a very remote location in the Oregon Outback.

Some things I've been made aware of about this area have really caught my attention.

I'll list them in order.

1. According to my Fiancees cousin, during the winter months around 8 O'Clock, dancing lights appear in the sky and apparently very frequently. So frequent she's been able to get videos of them on her phone.

2. There was an operating Air Force base out here from 1985 to 2005 that is now "shut-down".

I've heard one story about my Fiancees cousin that went to explore the "shut-down" military base. Not entirely sure what they did but nothing happened while they were there. But the next day the cops came to their high school and was able to identify the ones who broke in and they got in some kind of trouble.

My question here is, how in the world did the Cops know who it was if this place is "shut-down"? Apparently, the excuse the cops gave was they were able to identify their 'Foot Prints' or 'Tire Tracks', which sounds very unlikely. Makes me wonder if there is a functioning surveillance system there that 'someone' is actively monitoring?

3. There have been animal mutilations in the area where carcasses have been found completely deflated without any sign of blood. Here's the article on it with pictures:

"Five young purebred bulls mysteriously showed up dead on the ranch this past summer, drained of blood and with body parts precisely removed."

I've really been wondering if there is some kind of underground base underneath the defunct USAF base?

Kind of a strange place I'm living in.
Wow, this one was wild. Thanks for the session.

I wonder what the relation is between the underground people and those with the extra 'power centers' as discussed in the June session. So these types are even smarter and generally work from the shadows? And there really is just simply one dude at the top of it all, lording over the planet (albeit with some crazy powers)?

Reality probably is crazier than the most far-out sci-fi or high fantasy novel! Hopefully "one day" it will all make sense.

The stuff about predictions is interesting too. It kind of explains why accurate predictions about everything from the weather to the economy are so vanishingly rare. And that really weird phenomenon in the stock market where price nearly always avoids anyone's predictions and will always screw over the most people possible.

It seems to be getting increasingly difficult to predict anything in life these days, nothing is linear and "they" can just change the timeline whenever it suits them anyway.
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Thank you for the session and good questions Germans too lol! Thanks for the humor without which it would be utterly depressing. Today I read an article on RT saying report coming from Ministry of Home in India found missing numbers of adult women and underage girls is about 1 million for women and 250 000 for girls, who went missing between 2019-2021. It's hard to contemplate what probably happens to these unfortunate peeps out there.

In bellow tweet talks man and woman about the movie Monsters inc. how it represents allegory of actual torturing of children harvesting for Adrenochrome, though I never seen the movie myself so I cannot say more about it, but I shudder it is movie for children? Here is transcript of their talk:
"The movie plot is literally centered around the monsters who work at Monsters Incorporation where they enter through the doors at night to scare them because the children's fears, specifically their screams are used to power the city of monstropolis. They even use ranking systems to see who can extract the most screams from these children. And they are absorbed into these like tubes, these containers or whatever. And they literally look like blood when they are filling up and if you think about these tactics that are used by the elites, how they acquire the best form adrenochrome blood is spiking the Adrenalin in children. So you have to torture, you have to deliberately instill fear and then you extract the blood. The scheme to kidnap the children and extract their screams with the help of machine called the Scream Extractor and at full capacity, the device tortuously forces the screams out of them until they meet their end".
The implications of this and other related info from the session are mind-boggling. I can only recommend reading The Threat and Walking Among Us by David Jacobs.

A few of us had a chance to interview Jacobs several years ago for the Truth Perspective show. Though I doubt he's correct about everything he says, his general understanding of the hybridization program seems pretty close to what we understand here. If Jacobs' data and conclusions are correct, the abduction phenomena, as a whole, is quite widespread. He has much to say about mass hybridization, in particular, as well:


It seems to be getting increasingly difficult to predict anything in life these days, nothing is linear and "they" can just change the timeline whenever it suits them anyway.

One more thought on predictions. Is this change of plans just because TPTB consciously changes them (conscious intervention by STS) or is this prediction effect more a natural function in creation?

E.G. The C's warn of Earth changes and comets. Have they also bought us more time to sort ourselves out by doing this?

To take an invididual life as an "as above, so below" microcosm, it seems that predictions are often doomed to failure naturally. Don't we usually instead get a different path that, while totally unexpected and unpredictable, takes us where we wanted to go, with a whole bunch of twists, synchronicities, and often bitter, hilarious irony?
An impeccable, sensational wheeling session.
Thank you for sharing essentials informations with grace and humour.

[Falcor chewing on Laura's flip flop.]

(Andromeda) Sweetie, would you save mom's flip flop there before it becomes...

(L) Somebody stole my shoe? [laughter] Give up my flip flop! Those are my favorite flip flops. Now they're all wet and slimy! [laughter]
Furriaea, for fury or furry, Falcor knows the right timing and what the priorities are!
Thank you all for very informative session!

One question that comes to mind is the ancient Egyptian priest who advised pharaoh. Could some of them also be born and raised underground and brought up for a specific purpose?
Well it looks like for human history, the reall power has never resided with the warriors, the kings, the merchants etc., but ultimately with the shadowy archons, the priest class, the druids, even the shamans in small tribes. So yes, that would be a perfect place to infiltrate, among others.
That was a very good session!

  • Someone please educate me - so is adrenochrome something that is extracted from children's blood by inducing fear / horror in them? Do the kids live or are they killed?
  • Good to know Grusch is sincere. Makes it very interesting!
  • 2.5 million underground people on the surface is a lot. They need to have a system of getting people into the system - passports, birth certificates and other "papers". Incidentally, I'm pretty certain I know one from work 😳 as he's creepy creepy creepy.
  • So there's a head honcho emperor STS alien person who rules over them all. My oh my I have to say I got bad vibes about that guy. Imagine what he must need to be to be atop this mountain of pain / suffering. He must be the type of person you don't want to mess with one bit.
The world appears to be quite sick now with all the stuff going on.
This is how that particular hybrid looks like:

None of what he says explains why she called him "not real" though in such a panicked voice, so I think it's likely that his version is not how that interaction played out. I guess she may have noticed something odd about him and gotten freaked out while that conversation was happening, but it wasn't what he said that made her react like that. Also, unless US airlines are very different from European ones, she wouldn't have been allowed to board the plane if she was drunk, and alcohol isn't served until a longer while after take-off. There's also the fact that I saw people say under those videos that she hadn't been seen drinking by other passengers.

Another thing that caught my attention was that he mentioned someone behind him chuckling and him blinking at them twice. It could have happened that way, and I guess she may have sounded a bit panicky and paranoid and another fellow passenger thought it was an overreaction. But I remember reading somewhere that people who lie often mention witnesses to their version of the story, and weave them into the narrative in an attempt to create an illusion of some sort of a "social proof".

The fact that he said he educates people on TikTok about Free Masons was also interesting in the light of the Cs revelations that those creatures are on social media and generate following.

I will admit that I am super curious about what it was that she saw in him that made her react like that ;-D
Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?
A: Yes
Here is a list of individuals (not brands) that have reached the top of the YouTube pyramid...
Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of well-known US musicians. Strangely, two Russian channels have made it to the top 10: "Like Nastya" and "Vlad and Niki."

Like Nastya
Anastasia Sergeyevna Radzinskaya (born January 27, 2014), known online as Like Nastya, is a Russian-American YouTuber. Anastasia was born in Krasnodar Krai, Southern Russia. She was incorrectly diagnosed with cerebral palsy; her doctors feared she might never be able to speak.
Anastasia's content includes, among other things, children's songs, educational entertainment, unboxings, vlogging, and roleplays.
Before starting their channel, Anastasia's mother Anna owned a bridal salon in Krasnodar while her father Sergey owned a small construction company. In 2015, Anastasia's parents sold their companies, and in January 2016, they created their YouTube channel, which grew rapidly from their content. The family relocated to Miami, Florida in 2018.
Anastasia's parents signed with multi-channel network Yoola and social media company Jellysmack. According to Forbes, Anastasia was "one of the world's fastest-growing creators, thanks to videos in seven languages" in 2019, becoming the third highest-paid YouTuber in the world, with an estimated annual income of $18 million.

Vlad and Niki
Vlad and Niki is a YouTube channel featuring Russian American-born brothers Vladislav Vashketov (born April 11, 2015) and Nikita Vashketov (born November 17, 2007). Their parents, Sergey and Victoria Vashketov, originate from Moscow, Russia and run 21 YouTube channels in 18 languages. The children reside in Miami, Florida and occasionally Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Their main channel is the 8th most-viewed and 8th most-subscribed in the world.
Vlad and Nikita started their YouTube channel on April 23, 2018, prompting their father to quit his sales job to help with brands and licensing. Their videos include roleplays, vlogging, and advertising. The channel signed a representation deal with Haven Global, an Australian-based licensing agency, to develop new content, consumer products, and licenses for mobile apps under their brand. They also signed a deal with Playmates Toys, a Hong Kong-based manufacturer, to produce toys under their brand. In 2019, the brothers were judged to be the YouTubers making the most money per video at an estimated US$312,000 per video.

It's interesting that both Russian families reside in Miami, Florida. Both channels were started after the 2014 Ukraine coup. Despite being so popular, their Wikipedia entries are not very detailed. Their videos are very 'colorful,' fitting perfectly into the 'rainbow' agenda. 🌈 🤔

Could entire families be seeded from underground?

About predictions
(Joe) There have been cases in the internet era that got a lot of attention when someone... There haven't been many, but there have been a few over the past 20 years... where someone predicted something. It wasn't like a major event, a plane crash or so something like that. Someone predicted and it got a lot of traction on the internet after the fact. They used a timestamp and they showed that some person had actually predicted some kind of an event, you know? So I think it's true that that would be something they'd want to avoid, you know?

(L) Well, they've also said... remember that time when they said that the PTB, you know, they change plans and change everything around just to fool and throw people off.

The curious case of Terry A. Davis, the programmer genius, resurfaced in my mind.
Terrence Andrew Davis (December 15, 1969 – August 11, 2018) was an American programmer who created and designed TempleOS, a public domain operating system. Its development was an extremely complex, time-consuming and unusual undertaking for one person.

As a teenager, Davis learned assembly language on a Commodore 64. He later earned a master's degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University and worked for several years at Ticketmaster as a programmer for VAX machines. In 1996, he began experiencing regular manic episodes, one of which led him to hospitalization. Initially diagnosed with bipolar disorder, he was later declared to have schizophrenia. He subsequently collected disability payments and resided in Las Vegas with his parents until 2017.

Davis grew up as a Catholic and was an atheist for some of his adult life. After experiencing a self-described "revelation", he proclaimed that he had been in direct communication with God and that God had commanded him to build a successor to the Second Temple. He then committed a decade to creating an operating system modeled after the DOS-based interfaces of his youth. In 2013, Davis announced that he had completed the project, now called "TempleOS". The operating system was generally regarded as a hobby system, not suitable for general use, but Davis received sympathy and support for bringing the project to fruition.

During his final years, Davis amassed an online following and regularly posted video blogs to social media. Although he remained lucid when discussing computer-related subjects, his communication skills were significantly affected by his schizophrenia. He was controversial for his regular use of slurs, which he explained was his way of combating factors of psychological warfare. After 2017, he struggled with periods of homelessness and incarceration. In 2018, he was struck by a train and died at the age of 48.
In his videos, he regularly accused the CIA of causing him trouble. He once said they brought him into a room and wanted him to crack popular cryptographic algorithms, which he always refused. His mysterious death took the community by surprise. When the plandemic hit, someone reviewing his videos found that Terry predicted the Covid drama years before it actually happened!
In the directory listing, just after "China" and "Virus," there is "Election," possibly referring to the stolen 2020 U.S. Elections. After that, there is "Diet Shasta," (the actual product is Diet Dr. Shasta!) which can be thought of as the "Kool-Aid" (vaxx) that people were forced to "drink" in 2021, following the mass vaxx campaign.
These events would then have made people "Dumb" (more obedient?) and a real fight between Good and Evil would unfold (à la Star Wars). "Putin" is mentioned twice, before and after the "Virus." We now know 2022 was the year of "The Return of Putin."
Next, there is the TSA... hinting at more travel restrictions?
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that has authority over the security of transportation systems within, and connecting to the United States. It was created as a response to the September 11 attacks to improve airport security procedures and consolidate air travel security under a dedicated federal administrative law agency.

The TSA develops broad policies to protect the U.S. transportation system, including highways, railroads, buses, mass transit systems, ports, pipelines, and intermodal freight facilities
. It fulfills this mission in conjunction with other federal agencies and state partners. However, the TSA's primary focus is on airport security and the prevention of aircraft hijacking. It is responsible for screening passengers and baggage at more than 450 U.S. airports, employing screening officers in airports, armed Federal Air Marshals on planes, mobile teams of dog handlers, and explosives specialists.
Finally, there is "Tax," and "FBI." Increased, law-enforced taxation and domestic terror?
If there is any truth in all this, disinfo or not, it's a very crafty way of laying up the future!

Was Terry assassinated because of his predictions? Did he reveal too much?

A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans were in place.

Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening, because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?

A: Yes
Hmm... at the start of Special Military Operation, did the C's intend to protect Putin by revealing that there were plans to assassinate him?
Session 26 February 2022:
(Niall) I'm worried, so I want to ask this and get it out of the way. Are they gonna try to assassinate Putin?

A: It has been tried and they will try again.
This is how that particular hybrid looks like:

None of what he says explains why she called him "not real" though in such a panicked voice, so I think it's likely that his version is not how that interaction played out. I guess she may have noticed something odd about him and gotten freaked out while that conversation was happening, but it wasn't what he said that made her react like that. Also, unless US airlines are very different from European ones, she wouldn't have been allowed to board the plane if she was drunk, and alcohol isn't served until a longer while after take-off. There's also the fact that I saw people say under those videos that she hadn't been seen drinking by other passengers.

Another thing that caught my attention was that he mentioned someone behind him chuckling and him blinking at them twice. It could have happened that way, and I guess she may have sounded a bit panicky and paranoid and another fellow passenger thought it was an overreaction. But I remember reading somewhere that people who lie often mention witnesses to their version of the story, and weave them into the narrative in an attempt to create an illusion of some sort of a "social proof".

The fact that he said he educates people on TikTok about Free Masons was also interesting in the light of the Cs revelations that those creatures are on social media and generate following.

I will admit that I am super curious about what it was that she saw in him that made her react like that ;-D
Just a note that this was brought up in the thread on this video elsewhere on the forum. This was not the guy on the plane. He was just using the scenario as a platform to get views. You can tell, because he references another video by a guy who claimed to look at him and see him blink - but that guy admitted he was just having fun and making it all up.
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