Session 29 May 2021

(L) Yeah. Get your official Zombie Apocalypse coffee mug. Keep Calm and Kill Zombies! I don’t know, it's been SO crazy that I don't even want to go outside anymore to tell you the truth. I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to go to the store, I don't want to see people wearing masks. Look what they've done to my world! And it's just really pissing me off. So... I hope it pisses all of y’all off, too. If it does, then maybe you'll have the strength to hang in there through it all with your network. Boy, I sure would like to see every single one of you here - all in one big group. BOY would that be nice. I look at all those lovely faces... Chu is scrolling so I can see everybody.

This hits home for me right now. Being on a plane 10-12 hrs with a mask is killing my peace of mind as well as brain cells . I am afraid it’s leading me into anger issues that am not keeping in check well at all. I am raising my voice to passengers when that would have been unthinkable behavior for me pre Covid. I hate the look and feel of being muzzled. In my private life I am often ignored when I speak but now I have to contain too many unkind or reactive emotions every day.

I am still participating in the romance reading project. Mostly I feel like I am coming apart at the seams or at the opposite extreme of feeling numb to life as it gets to be less of the kind of world I’d like to live in. I hope the positive effects of the reading will kick in soon before I get to be too much of a self destructive liability.

I have had a session with a natural health individual and his colleague who is very empathic. In their initial assessment of my emotional state they described my energy as ‘reversing’. Maybe that the chakras are spinning counter to the direction they should? There has been so much negativity to observe and deal with that I think I am doing a poor job of handling it. My attitudes and energy feel like they need to be cleansed.

Thank you for this session and all the love and knowledge you give to us! The Paul book is on my bookshelf. I promise to start it soon. If things would just ease up a little bit.....
This made me think:

There's a real tendency, not just here but amongst everyone taking part in the wider truth movement, to succumb to a certain hysteria founded in, I think, two things. The first is focusing on worst case scenarios (e.g. "the vaccine will kill everyone who takes it and they're going to force everyone to take it at gunpoint!") The second is to imagine all of the bad things that could happen in the future, happening to you, personally.

That's usually not the case, and I think it's symptom of information overload: receiving data from the entire planet, and then identifying with it as though it is (or could be) happening to one personally.

Will bad things happen? Sure. Freaky, weird stuff? Without doubt. But will all of the bad, weird things happen to you, personally? Almost certainly not. And, knowledge protects - if you're paying attention, you're much less likely to get hit by a car crossing the street ... and there's no reason to be consumed by anxiety about what you'll do if you do get hit by a car, as while such a thing is certainly possible in general (and inevitable for some), it is vanishingly unlikely for you so long as you look both ways each time you cross.

Think back to the last year of lockdowns. Certainly there's been some weird, tyrannical stuff. But how much of it has affected you, personally? Certainly it has ... But I doubt nearly as badly as those who succumbed to the fear porn and other elements of operant conditioning. For me, personally - and for many others - this year has been a fantastic opportunity for personal growth - to read, to think, to get myself in shape, to fix relationships, and generally to prepare. And I know that's the case for many others, as well ... Those who "pay attention to reality, left and right." Which isn't to say it hasn't been challenging. But it hasn't been all bad, either.

As the old song goes, "it's the end of the world as we know it/And I feel fine."
Thanks. This perspective gives some calmness.
I agree with most of the above, but the Cs responded in the affirmative when asked if the vaccinated were spreading the virus (they also said yes about COVID-19). Cells that produce the spike protein can hardly be considered a virus (although they could and probably do cause COVID-19), so I’m still not really satisfied with this explanation.

I’m also unsure about where the spike protein goes once it’s produced by the cell. It should be released from the cell for the immune system to see it and develop antibodies.
As Mikovitz has explained, parts of viruses have caused even more problems than whole viruses.

As for the rest of the details, here's a good article on the subject:

As Mikovitz has explained, parts of viruses have caused even more problems than whole viruses.

As for the rest of the details, here's a good article on the subject:

I would agree that the answer that vaccinated people are shedding something that is spreading COVID is not really helpful since COVID is undefined and therefore could still mean almost anything. But perhaps that was the point? What is COVID?
My mother has gotten onboard with the romance novels without any prompting on my part. She received the SOTT newsletter with the link to Balogh's interview on MindMatters and though she still hasn't listened to it, it piqued her interest and she bought one of her books (Westcott series). She really liked it and is planning to read the whole series.

That's really good to hear Adaryn! I hope she enjoys the novels :-) It didn't occur to me to suggest them to my mom. Some of them have been translated into Polish so she may in fact be keen to read them. I'll ask her. She doesn't speak English so her choice would be limited but given that she's a busy person and not a fast reader the ones that are available in Polish may keep her going for a while.
Thanks for this historical session! Pretty good points got mentioned that hit home in some regards.

With the world going downhills, I understand that networking is important. I have found myself in a tough situation, where I have retreated pretty much from all my social circles. They all bought the narrative and parrot whatever the media says. I can't stomach it anymore. I feel I'm getting punched in the stomach and say "UGH" outloud when I read them. I don't participate anymore in such conversations, therefore I'm out of friends! I feel I'm on my own now, other than this forum to sit and read what you people discuss. I don't feel intellectually sufficient to grasp everything, while I also have a terrible memory for numbers and names, so crystallizing that knowledge can be a challenge sometimes. Not to mention I most times lack the discipline to sit and meditate. I feel like this whole solving the problem approach, not lying about it in order to find a solution, should also apply to oneself. Be sincere with oneself and go from there. I also found out that I can't do that alone, so your discussions here help a lot to identify programs, reflect and project.

In times like this, I try to stay collected, but the chaos around me sometimes gets me. Gotta stay strong and be patient, I guess...
As Mikovitz has explained, parts of viruses have caused even more problems than whole viruses.

As for the rest of the details, here's a good article on the subject:

Yeah, I agree. That’s why I insist on making the distinction between COVID-19, which is the disease and SARS-COV-2, which is the virus supposedly causing it.

I would be perfectly content with the Cs’ answer if it was left at the vaccinated spreading covid. But they also answered that they’re spreading the virus. The spike protein on its own is not the virus, so what were they referring to?

Are the vaccines actually infecting people with the live virus, or are the vaccinated synthesising the virus somehow? Or maybe it’s just a minor corruption in the channeling process due to a leading question.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Pfizer et al were just outright lying about the contents of their vaccine.

Thanks for the link, btw.
But the answer to the suggestion that it may be a Clifford algebra was "Close". And I have no idea what kind of an algebra is "close" to a Clifford algebra, but not a Clifford algebra. It is a big puzzle for me!
The Cs are somewhat impossible to pin down. They've liked your 4,2 metric before quite directly like they did here with the two times but not three but have also liked it when you brought up bimetric ideas so just a general 4,2 metric could possibly have been considered close in Cs terms. They also quite directly mentioned geometric algebra as the better math compared to large Lie algebras. Course they might not mean the geometric algebra which is just Clifford algebra with a preference for matrices with real number entries. They could for all we know mean algebraic geometry (which someone here at the time thought) or just looking at algebra and geometry in general.

Since once you get up to Cl(6), you are talking something bigger than what people usually work with, I tend to think close might mean the big Clifford algebra is symmetry broken to the point that you aren't actually using the big Clifford algebra but it is broken up into parts as in the smaller bivector algebras (aka the smaller Lie algebras) and spinor components. For the actual large algebra itself, the only thing I think about (I'm admittedly very limited here) is that for the outer product, the even grades commute and the odd grades anticommute (related to the bivector bosons vs spinor fermions).
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