Session 30 December 2023

(L) Yeah, so we would like to have an end of the year statement. Anything that we haven't asked, that we should have asked, that we would've asked if we'd been in a less discombobulated state of mind? Would you please tell us? We're asking sincerely.

A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven. Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.
I used to regularly have dreams about being attacked by aliens, vampires, zombies etc that were trying to abduct me. I came to see these dreams as warning that I am being actively probed. I stopped having them a few years back but I've had 2 or 3 in the past week!

Be careful out there y'all, keep your eyes open!
A number of experts say that everything is heading towards the fact that Israel as a state will be liquidated. And this is an old global problem. Pyakin says that the global elites need to get rid of Israel because... the USA needs to be reformatted, and for this we need to finish all US projects. Ritter said a lot, you know. Vladimi Vladimirovich Putin said that it is important to create an independent Palestine, and this is not possible with the current Israel. Khazin describes how Israel does not fit into the future economic model. The Israeli government is desperately trying to clear the Gaza Strip in order to then seize these territories and seize the shelf for the development of gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea. Drive the residents of Gaza to Egypt, in order to overwhelm Egypt with an influx of refugees, and start a big war in the Middle East. But the US can no longer do anything. Nothing will save Israel and, it seems to me, this will be the solution to the “long-term old problem.” Well, we can also speculate about Ukraine. But this is January-April.
Thank you!

Ряд экспертов говорят, что все идет к тому, что Израиль как государство будет ликвидирован. И это старая глобальная проблема. Пякин говорит, что мировым элитам необходимо избавиться от Израиля, потому что... США нужно переформатировать, а для этого нужно завершить все американские проекты. Знаешь, Риттер много чего сказал. Владимир Владимирович Путин заявил, что важно создать независимую Палестину, а при нынешнем Израиле это невозможно. Хазин описывает, как Израиль не вписывается в будущую экономическую модель. Правительство Израиля отчаянно пытается очистить сектор Газа, чтобы затем захватить эти территории и захватить шельф для разработки газовых месторождений в Средиземном море. Согнать жителей Газы в Египет, чтобы завалить Египет наплывом беженцев и развязать большую войну на Ближнем Востоке. Но США больше ничего не могут сделать. Ничто не спасёт Израиль и, мне кажется, это будет решением «многолетней старой проблемы». Ну и про Украину тоже можно порассуждать. Но это январь-апрель.
Re end of Israeli homeland in Palestine: there is a Jewish homeland, a Jewish Oblast in northern Russia exists and has existed since 1928, officially established in 1934! Scott Ritter spoke about this, and in context of the end of Israel, how likely is it that this place would come to the fore now? I don't know, but I wonder.

Wow, what a gift! Thank you Pierre! And the last part applies to me as much as any of us. I've been irritable lately so I plan on taking the C's advice.

What an incredible session. Thank you!

edit: spelling
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Thank you for an absolutely fascinating and heart-warming session. My mind often goes to 5d, wondering what it is like, and reading Pierre's words here provided me with some comfort, along with confirming some of my own ideas about the afterlife. It's great to know he is happy and adjusting to his new estate.

Also good information about how 4d STS will manifest; Nordics will surely fool those who are not fully aware of the polarities of 4d being. I suppose my main question would be what do 4d STO think about all this? My guess is that they don't concern themselves about such a thing, and will be concentrating on their own tasks in hand. Truly, they remain an enigma! Hopefully not to remain one for too long however. This also makes me wonder about the concept of the fractal soul, as mentioned in a previous session. If all souls extend across many densities, it makes me even wonder if Caesar himself has a fractal soul on 3d at this point? Or maybe he did, but he has been "called home" to prepare for the future? Just a few thoughts I have...

The atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza really ought to wake a lot of people up. I suppose I don't see much of this in my own life other than on here or on X, and because of this it can be difficult to truly get a handle on public opinion en masse. Perhaps one of the drawbacks of maintaining a strict strategic enclosure? I just want the people of Gaza to be relocated now, it's their only hope really.

Truly it is time to concentrate the mind on spiritual as well as intellectual matters. Time to tend to the heart and mind, and prepare for the shocks to come. Cleansing can take many forms, but my suspicion is that this will be a process that will be very arduous for us all, and we as folk who have had a "head start" due to our interests over the many decades will have to step up and make greater efforts to assist the newbies. I'll read the excerpt from Paul tonight to help understand the broader concept of love and clear sighted thinking.

This is a wonderful session which renews my hope for a better world, that it not only is possible but also inevitable. God knows humanity needs this! :-)
Re end of Israeli homeland in Palestine: there is a Jewish homeland, a Jewish Oblast in northern Russia exists and has existed since 1928, officially established in 1934! Scott Ritter spoke about this, and in context of the end of Israel, how likely is it that this place would come to the fore now? I don't know, but I wonder.

There are a large number of places on the planet where Jews would find their new home if necessary, but certainly not here. The number of Jews is 837 people, 0.6% of the total population. On the contrary, they leave this place and have nothing to do here. There are no banks, corporate offices, the climate is far from Israel. This area is a deep province. Here you can hide from war, for example. But it's better to hide in Siberia:lol:. In other words, the name of this region is the only thing that connects it with Jews:lol:.

Scott Ritter seemed to be joking.:lol:
Wow, what a session. It touched my heart to hear Pierre and so comforting to know he's doing well and still has the strongest bond with you us/all.
Always appreciate what you all do ❣️. Thank you all again. I really it is going to be a year of challenges and change. Hopefully we can stick together and continue to work our way through the mess for a brighter future. :hug2:
Since the year 2024 started, I have a new different feeling. It feels to me that the year 2023 was like a vacuum cleaner. It sucked in everything, that was happening during that year. It's bag was chock full or problems, issues, projects, events. The new year started with an empty bag. So it feels fresh and roomy. It feels like there is a lot of potential for anything. At a new year party I offered a toast, that no matter what things will be happening to us - good or bad, it is our attitudes and reactions to them, that will be important. Thus, even from a bad situation or event, one can benefit, with a proper reaction. Problems could become opportunities..

The last/first session was just what the doctor ordered :) You are the man, Pierre! My love for you too!
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