Session 30 October 2021

(Mike) ...soon after Caesar, then did the change in the earth's environment that seems to have coincided with overhead cometary bombardment allow some people, such as some of the followers of Paul and/or Paul, to transition to 4D as part of the process of the Wave?

(L) Well, you know the answer to that is yes, Mike. I mean, come on!
I was confused about Paul and the wave question. It sounded like he reincarnated back to 3D, but maybe it was 4D. The wave is on its way here so how could it have been here back then? I thought it was part of the grand cycle? I just figured Paul and his group advanced due to their efforts.
The Cs tend to be quite specific in their answers and so, with the response below, one could mistakenly think Paul came back to 3D . . .
Q: (L) I think he was just using the Jewish god as a stand-in. He didn't really have much in the way of anything to reference. At the time, there were all these different gods. Then of course the Jewish god was claiming to be the only high creator god. That's what Paul was working with.

(Ryu) And did he come back after his life in the Roman Empire?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Who did he come back as? Anybody notable?

A: No
But the Cs answer must have meant that Paul/Zacaria went to 4D - "as part of the process of the Wave" - and thus, could not be someone notable in 3D anytime after the end of the Roman Empire. Did he transition directly to 4D due to the Wave or via a stopover in 5D?

I was erroneously remembering that the Cs "0 new year" exclamation was the influx point of the current Wave - but no:
Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!
A: 2012 is a distraction. We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

Q: (L) So you're saying that there is a macro-collapse that has already begun?

A: Yes
I doubt that the "zero new year" has anything to do with "The Wave". There is so much going on. My best guess is that it is the initiation of the "New World Order" which will last for some time before anything like "The Wave" arrives.

Also, The Wave's "arrival" will be different for different groups of people depending on their "receivership capability". For some it will be "riding the wave" and for others it will be "going under." It's not where you are, but WHO you are and what you SEE. It seems that if you don't even yet see that this "zero new year" is not the wave, then you are not in the loop. You need to do a lot of work to get there.
The Cs have since said that the Wave has initiated, but its cosmic macro manifestation means it's not really apparent in the ordinary sense on the micro level. I'm still not clear just how many Waves have come through during our "current" cycle - only that one that accompanied the cometary cluster destruction of the Roman Empire or still others? How many civilizations have collapsed and been destroyed by cosmic measures since Atlantis? I imagine that answer can be ascertained from the threads if one can locate the relevant material - Search can be quite challenging with that.

It should be remembered the Cs said it was a triple threat > Realm border crossing/The Wave, cometary cluster, the Sun's binary Twin (and that they are riding this Wave as well - the Transient Passengers). The Sun's Twin was not a factor with the Roman Empire fall so a somewhat different cosmic catastrophe from what's coming now. Please chime in if I have any of this wrong.

a placebo is a saline solution
Well, that's what most people think, but it's really not the case at all! I know I saw a lot of information exposing this somewhat recently in regards to vaccines, but not sure where to find it now. Here's one mention:
To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals
An unofficial reference from "comments", but no citation:
Remember, the "placebo" group in some of those trials were not just saline. Some got the meningitis vaccine. So even the "placebo" arm of some of those trials were people who were recently vaccinated.
Descriptor link to a pdf:
HPV Vaccine Trials Used Neurotoxic Aluminum Placebos To Falsify Study In a Collective Evolution article Robert F. Kennedy Jr reported that that out of the 16 HPV vaccine randomized trials only two used an inert saline placebo. Ten of the trials for the HPV vaccine were done against a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant, and four of the trials used ...
"... another aluminum-containing vaccine as the comparison."

The bottom line is these "placebos" that aren't really placebos at all have majorly skewed the vaccine efficacy results that have been used to promote how truly wonderful they all are!
Thanks Laura, The Chateau Crew, et al.

Very informative session, about the 79% death rate one question:

1.- It is about 79% of the Total population of the planet or
About 79% of the population of the planet that get the new virus??

For example:

79% of a global population of 10 millions who got infected with the virus is
different sort of saying to 79% of a global population o 7 billions. (having been infected or not)

What should be the right answer in that context?

Thanks!. :cool2::cool2::cool2:
Thanks Laura, The Chateau Crew, et al.

Very informative session, about the 79% death rate one question:

1.- It is about 79% of the Total population of the planet or
About 79% of the population of the planet that get the new virus??

For example:

79% of a global population of 10 millions who got infected with the virus is
different sort of saying to 79% of a global population o 7 billions. (having been infected or not)

What should be the right answer in that context?

Thanks!. :cool2::cool2::cool2:

could also be a bacteria as they and viruses "talk" to each other, then infection rate/spread would be much lower?
I was not expecting the Cassiopaeans to more or less jump on the depopulation bandwagon, however I considered they must have nuanced reasoning behind it. I interpreted their comments in the context of planetary science and neuropsychology.

Earth's carrying capacity is basically a function of the amount of arable land it has, which can be modulated by technology. With a medieval level of technology, you would struggle to get past 1 billion, with much past that considered unsustainable. With the current climate, combined with fossil fuels and nuclear energy, perhaps 8 billion is sustainable. If you have access to advanced technologies like cold fusion, or something more exotic like antimatter reactors and zero point energy, you may be able to raise the carrying capacity to several multiples of that. A shift into an ice age climate reduces the carrying capacity at a given level of technology, and what was once sustainable is suddenly overpopulated. From the point of view of maximizing the habitability of Earth, places like Antarctica and the Sahara desert are a useless waste of space and should be terraformed. A sufficiently advanced civilization should be able to prevent glaciation and end Earth's cycle of ice ages. One commonly discussed method in astroengineering circles for terraforming cold planets is the placement of large orbital mirrors which function like lenses focusing light from the planet's parent star onto its surface and heating it up. Such a mirror would require a lot of materials to build, and would have significant maintenance costs as it is constantly being pelted by micrometeoroids. Does humanity have the wherewithal to build such a thing? Probably not, civilization is too primitive. The mirror may in fact be a rather crude method, and the PTB claim to have weather modification technology, but it is not clear that they have a clue at all what they're doing. Therefore, ice ages will set the carrying capacity for the planet and define the limits of overpopulation.

Additionally, assuming all of the technological hurdles are met, human physiology seems to present a hard limit on the maximum population size. Much has been discussed here over the years regarding the tribal nature of humanity and how it relates to phenomena such as the Dunbar limit. Social ills and psychological problems seem to increase as population density increases, and humans aren't really equipped to function in high density megacities. It would seem that at around 500/sq mi the possibility for entropic decay begins to increase sharply and exponentially. Considering the total land area of the planet, this would put the population upper limit at around 25 billion. This could perhaps be circumvented with genetic engineering, but is very tricky, as there may be nonmaterial reasons as to why something like the Dunbar limit exists. If the human entity is a "wave reading device" which can be compared to a radio, then perhaps cramming too many radios into too small of a space creates interference. The pressure or weight one feels when in a big city may be due to some kind of destructive interference which occurs at an esoteric level. The only way to go denser is to meticulously calibrate the radios so that they can't interfere with each other, which limits freewill and leads to a sort of hive mind mentality. Furthermore, there is the issue of how you are going to feed 25 billion people. Artificial lab-grown meats and protein solutions would take far less space than their natural counterparts, but circumstantial evidence suggests it is not a viable solution. Again the issue here may be more metaphysical than physical. As Gurdjieff was grasping at with his description of "Hydrogens," the human entity needs a constant flow of impressions to survive, the highest of which can be emanations from higher densities. An animal that had a life of its own and was consumed in a somewhat wholesome way may serve as a conduit for some connection to the Divine through some residual impressions it accumulated, while a piece of synthetic meat may be physically similar in terms of chemical analysis, but is a piece of "dead matter" divorced from the flow of spiritual energy.
So, if Russia falls... C's often say things will get worse before they start to get better. If someone forces you to take an injection, how worse can it get? Just remeber two years ago when it was all normal. Australia? How come a cluster of asteroids didn't hit Australia yet? Everyone are affected by this repression. Too much damage has already been done. I guess we really have to starve to death and freeze to death before it gets better (for those who survive)
Well in my case i was forced to be vaccinated by my own parents, now the interesting question here would be, if Putin have the same vaccine tht i have , couse you know Putin have the sacred royal blood of the sacred family, so maybe there is a chance , small chance but i hope there is
Well in my case i was forced to be vaccinated by my own parents, now the interesting question here would be, if Putin have the same vaccine tht i have , couse you know Putin have the sacred royal blood of the sacred family, so maybe there is a chance , small chance but i hope there is
My guess is that Russia will made vaccination mandatory, but with their own vaccine. We know that it is not that deadly as Fyzer. And in that way will get WHO and other gangsters off Russia's back. Thus no more corona crazyness in Russia, and no "fall" of Russia.
Gratitude to Laura and everyone involved in the last session. It isn't getting any easier. Trying to warn people over the last year, I've sadly encountered a surprising amount of 'stony ground', yet continued networking is key... so how best to do this?

In a word - carefully. Network carefully in your local context. There are many 'human-looking creatures' on the planet that drain energy directly from Souled humans. Especially now. Networking with them can hook you directly into the STS feeding pyramid.

It could be that the people you're trying to warn aren't actually asking for your warnings. An STO candidate gives only to those who ask, and gives only what is asked. Trying to advise people who are not ready for the information is like stepping in between them and their karma. And then you get hit by their karma. We can't save anyone here. This lesson is very difficult when it is our close friends and family who are having vaccine-induced strokes, eating wheat, advocating for solar technology, etc.

Another simple answer is to network on the forum here! Ask questions, read interesting threads, make yourself known and available, do your best to contribute in meaningful ways, and in particular share from your heart - your concerns, doubts, and fears. If there are issues in your life, chances are there have been some people here who will be willing to share from the vast wealth of Knowledge that's been gathered over the years.

Thank you for another compelling session. Wondered about the discussion about local networks that got mentioned. Would this be something like small groups (10 or so)? I heard about an interesting model that could be of interest here. Say each small group each have a group representative, then those representatives form small groups (10 or so too) as regions. Each region has a representative and form small groups as well (10 or so) as states or nation and so on. At the end those nation or continent groups (whatever best fits) of 10 representatives form a group that serves the interests of the world community. It kind of ends up as a good balance between bottom-up and top-down.

This had me thinking of this recent episode of MindMatters with Alan Francis, who is in the midst of attempting to set up a Gurdjieff institute in Spain. Bless his heart, what a time to do it, too!

Francis states a clear progression of the Work, staring with the small and the personal, and expanding outwards from there.

First, one must become a 'conscious egoist' - what this means is that the primary Work is on the self.
Only after a sufficient amount of time spent growing in Being and Knowledge should one consider Working with others. The third step is Work on behalf of humanity - this is on the scale of Gurdjieff's 'Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man', or this forum itself.

As I think about it, a nested council structure such as the one you are describing won't amount to anything real, sustained, and meaningful unless the people involved are Working to grow their Souls. Only then would it be possible to deal with, for instance, attempts at psychopathic takeover, STS interference, or even just the basics of human emotions.

We have a definite increase in global suffering. I've noticed that people often run to 'community' as a form of compensation - and that's in the best of times. Nowadays in the 'New Normal', many are recently awakened to the fact that the people in power, whom they have relied on most of their lives, are in fact destructive and malevolent. So there is this desperation for an 'alternative structure' that I'm seeing. People feel trapped. But when the motivation is panic, the result is most often chaos.

That's not to say that 'Parallel Structures' (to use Vaclav Havel's term, mentioned in this great video on Mass Psychosis) are impossible or bad to strive for. In fact, they may what allows many people to live through this insanity. But it is a topic that needs patience, research and contemplation.

Kind of hilarious to say that when a few sessions ago the C's said that reality would very soon disintegrate! But I've found that it is very important take a breath, slow down, and take a methodical approach than I am used to. Somehow, slowing down results in the feeling that I have more time.

So, if Russia falls... C's often say things will get worse before they start to get better. If someone forces you to take an injection, how worse can it get? Just remeber two years ago when it was all normal. Australia? How come a cluster of asteroids didn't hit Australia yet? Everyone are affected by this repression. Too much damage has already been done. I guess we really have to starve to death and freeze to death before it gets better (for those who survive).

Didn't you hear? An asteroid almost obliterated Australia recently. It wasn't allowed to land, however, because it could not provide proof of vaccination.

Joking aside - it seems like you think getting an injection is the worst thing that can happen. Have you read and understood the vaccine health protocol thread? Some people on this forum have taken the injection, followed the protocol by taking the required steps, and have had quite good results for their health.
Hello everyone, thank you for the session. Those times are truly hard so it's nice to know that we are stepping in critical period of time. I hope that this "silent before the storm" that is now wouldn't last for long. For me personally it's very hard to life the "old life" - to stressful work, worrying about money etc. when every thing is clearly going into chaos, the possibility of new different future is right before our eyes but we still must live in the "prison of old times". It's like our prison cell was taken from Sweden to North Korea :-D I hope that we soon meet the good end in this movie :-)
Thank you for all the hard work that goes into these sessions thank you for your dedication for helping people and souls.
Thank you for an informative and wonderful session I'm so grateful for everything you do.
My thoughts on the session really have something in mind about the shedding of the vaccines because I had a dream wearing my brother stab me in the neck when I wasn't looking with the vaccine and then I looked at the dusty medical kit, flipped. the lid and it said moderna.
"What did you just do?" I said.
"Whoa, goodness, thought, I better do the detox right quick."
I've been working to get my health back pretty much doing everything that is recommended by Dr. Gabby.
I ordered all the medicines a while back. I feel like my roommate might have done a little shedding or something while cooking.
It was something I was first worried about but then it gets hard to avoid things--and she didn't take me seriously when I said, "hey you could be shedding."
Then I thought, maybe it doesn't matter. As long as I haven't taken the vaccine.
It matters.
And I'm sweating every day and I think I'm going to seriously do that detox thing for the vaccine right away, even though I haven't had the vaccine and never will.
Everyone be safe out there.
hello to all
thank you for the session:
(Dread) Let's hope someone launches free energy technology.
(Laura) That's assuming that something like that even exists. I don't think you get anything for free in this universe.

Would Nicolas Tesla be a myth?
Something else because today I'm a little bit lost.
the C's said that 90% of the population will pass the wave (alive) because it is cyclo-cosmic and there 79% will be eradicated, was it 90% of the 21%?
they also said that all the souls came to incarnate to pass the wave, now they are talking about overpopulation, so if someone would explain that.
or are we still stuck in this time bubble that the C's talked about until the end of our days?
and the last question
for the record, it took us 25 years to go from Jesus to Julius Caesar through Jesinavara, is it possible that Anatoly Fomenko's algorithm is effective, considering the answer given to Ark, that is to say less than 1000 years?
Thank you for your answers because I need to understand to make the right links
strength and courage
ps: if Scotty wants to contact me, I am a neophyte in forum and I confess I don't know how it works, thank you in advance
ps: my husband wants to know if the (secret) Alliance exists and if the drachomonoïds are real or if it is an allegory to make our dark side concrete.
Deepl traduction
bonjour à tous
merci pour la séance:
(Dread) Espérons que quelqu'un lance la technologie de l'énergie libre.
(Laura) C'est en supposant que quelque chose comme ça existe. Je ne pense pas que vous obteniez quoi que ce soit gratuitement dans cet univers.

Nicolas Tesla serait-il un mythe?
autre chose car aujourd'hui je suis un peu perdue.
les C's avaient dit que 90% de la population passera l'onde (vivante) car c'est cyclo-cosmique et là 79% va être éradiquée, s'agissait-il de 90% des 21%?
ils ont dit également que toutes les âmes sont venues s'incarner pour passer l'onde, maintenant ils parlent de surpopulation, alors si quelqu'un voulait bien expliquer cela.
l'onde est-elle passée? ou somme nous toujours coincés dans cette bulle temporelle dont les C's avaient parlé et ce, jusqu'à la fin de nos jours?
et la dernière question
pour mémoire nous avons mis 25 ans pour passer de Jésus à Jules César en passant par Jesinavara , est - il envisageable que l'algorythme d'Anatoly Fomenko soit effectif, compte tenu de la réponse donnée à Ark c'est à dire moins de 1000ans?
merci pour vos réponses car j'ai besoin de comprendre pour faire les bons liens
force et courage
ps: si Scotty veut bien prendre contact avec moi, je suis néophyte en matière de forum et j'avoue ne pas trop savoir comment cela fonctionne, par avance merci
ps: mon mari veut savoir si l'Alliance (secrète) existe et si les drachomonoïdes sont réels ou s'il s'agit d'une allégorie pour rendre concrète notre partie sombre.
Translated with (free version)
I really appreciated the question regarding France, Spain and Italy as origins all of the romance languages.
Truly a curious and funny question.
With respect to the the Odyssey I'd have to go with France.
From what I've read Giodelic is supposedly closer to proto-celtic than Italic.
The split happened earlier during the late Urnfield very early Halstatt.
Italic being a later migration through France.
Thank you to the chateau for another interesting session. It is clear that it takes a strain on the arms for those directly involved so a big thank you to them for putting their arms in the line of service.

This was a surprise to me as I was starting to think that perhaps some were placebos. Yet, it makes sense since the goal was to counter the effects of the original virus and it possible positive effects.

That is how I see it too. Those in high positions within the elite circles of power get a saline dosis if any at all. Some lower level politicians might well get the real jab, like the Australian politician who developed Bells palsy. And just a few days ago (10/30), a republican candidate for Allegheny county council, Joe Wise, died after the jab.

After Halloween and then All Saints day yesterday, today was All Souls day. It was an opportunity to remember ancestors and not least those who have passed in recent times and we decided to go to the cemetery on a blustery autumn day. It felt right to do and could well be a tradition which in the times to come will experience a revival by others.
I'm from Canada and there was a video of our prime minister and wife getting the jab. It was sooo fake I can't believe they even let that out. I guess though they just want to rub some stuff in our collective faces, great laugh for them.
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