Session 4 April 2015

MariuszJ said:
Laura said:
MariuszJ said:
Well, it started maybe a month ago. I have never felt so bad before. For no apparent reason I suddenly completely broke down and lost interest in everything. Is it due to the Wave? However, I do not see any significant changes in people around me.

I know how you feel; been there, done that. I keep telling people that the only thing that keeps me going, drives me, is love for kids, group, people in general who are being bamboozled etc. Somebody has to do the research, find the answers, make it available on the chance that it MIGHT help. I can't leave this world without giving everything I've got to solve the problems because I don't want to find myself on "the other side" and seeing that there was something else I might have done.
My girlfriend just broke up with me. I want somebody to kill me.

MariusJ - get a grip on yourself!
If you want part of you to die, concentrate on killing your inner predator.

You could start by writing down all your negative thoughts, then burn your list.
MariuszJ said:
My girlfriend just broke up with me. I want somebody to kill me.

Mariusz, get a grip! Remember this:???

MariuszJ said:
Yes, total celibacy can help a lot to get to 4D. I have never had sex and I am 51. This is why my aura is violet (spiritually very advanced) as you can see in my avatar.
goyacobol said:
Palinurus said:
Caledonia said:
Hey people yesterday you gave me the following link '''' suggesting that the guy behind the resource might be the reliable source of info telling the truth and debunking the thrive movie as pure disinfo and cointelpro. Well i read a few articles there and i must say that this guy is anything but the true guy - debunking the movie he states this:

1. 9/11 was not an inside job and those who claim the opposite are just crazy conspiracy theorists
2. There is no one world government
3. The world is not controlled by a group of predatory banking families
4. Crop circles are all bogus and have nothing to do with some higher forces
5. Federal reserve bank has no bad intentions or any conspiracy to enslave us.

Now you must be kidding by giving me this link suggesting that it is true and debunks the movie.
Do you really think that the guy behind this debunking site is legit? :-) :shock:

All those 'suggestions' are purely on your account, they weren't implied by just giving the link. So, wrong conclusion !

The blog --which is filled by at least two people, I think-- only shows that Thrive can be debunked from different angles -- even from mainstream ones.

No need to take anything from it as gospel or absolute truth, I would say.

Think for yourself, remember ?!


It really wasn't your post that Caledonia is talking about but who would know since he seldom uses any specific references for anything.
the post is from Vulcan59 _,37872.210.html .

I did notice that Vulcan59's debunker was not the best and started to reply but became "busy" with other posting and let it drop. Sometimes were just not perfect and that's something we forget I think.


I at first I felt bad for you but it is also your responsibility for being so general in your posts. All you said was:

Hey people yesterday you gave me the following link ''''

Hey, Caledonia there are a lot of people on this forum, now which one are you trying to talk to?

The ''insert quote button can be your friend. Why not learn how to use it.? :huh:

Although I really appreciate your stepping in and trying to fend for me goyacobol, in this particular instance you've got your references mixed up.

I was the one who gave the link to

This is the link Vulcan59 added later: _

As you can see for yourself now, that's not the link Caledonia complained about.
Caledonia said:
2. Thanks a lot i AM doing my work. And watch the movies too sometimes because as they say all work and no play know:-)

Just thought I'd mention that SOTT radio is IMO excellent for when one don't feel like reading (or have hands and eyes occupied with other work)
Palinurus said:
goyacobol said:
Palinurus said:
Caledonia said:
Hey people yesterday you gave me the following link '''' suggesting that the guy behind the resource might be the reliable source of info telling the truth and debunking the thrive movie as pure disinfo and cointelpro. Well i read a few articles there and i must say that this guy is anything but the true guy - debunking the movie he states this:

1. 9/11 was not an inside job and those who claim the opposite are just crazy conspiracy theorists
2. There is no one world government
3. The world is not controlled by a group of predatory banking families
4. Crop circles are all bogus and have nothing to do with some higher forces
5. Federal reserve bank has no bad intentions or any conspiracy to enslave us.

Now you must be kidding by giving me this link suggesting that it is true and debunks the movie.
Do you really think that the guy behind this debunking site is legit? :-) :shock:

All those 'suggestions' are purely on your account, they weren't implied by just giving the link. So, wrong conclusion !

The blog --which is filled by at least two people, I think-- only shows that Thrive can be debunked from different angles -- even from mainstream ones.

No need to take anything from it as gospel or absolute truth, I would say.

Think for yourself, remember ?!


It really wasn't your post that Caledonia is talking about but who would know since he seldom uses any specific references for anything.
the post is from Vulcan59 _,37872.210.html .

I did notice that Vulcan59's debunker was not the best and started to reply but became "busy" with other posting and let it drop. Sometimes were just not perfect and that's something we forget I think.


I at first I felt bad for you but it is also your responsibility for being so general in your posts. All you said was:

Hey people yesterday you gave me the following link ''''

Hey, Caledonia there are a lot of people on this forum, now which one are you trying to talk to?

The ''insert quote button can be your friend. Why not learn how to use it.? :huh:

Although I really appreciate your stepping in and trying to fend for me goyacobol, in this particular instance you've got your references mixed up.

I was the one who gave the link to

This is the link Vulcan59 added later: _

As you can see for yourself now, that's not the link Caledonia complained about.


Sorry, for the mistake. Sometimes I am glad that "time" is an illusion since I feel like I waste a lot of time making mistakes.


Sorry I got your link mixed up with Palinurus' link.


I still think you could help by using the ''insert quote button. But as you can see no ones quite perfect here either! ;)
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
loreta Page 18 - Reply #255 said:
A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Imagination is creativity. I remember now that Marcel Proust said about his creativity, his ideas, his personal vision of his masterpiece and of life, were not from his brain, or mind, or from him. He said that everything was coming from the cosmos, that everything, ideas, projects, creation of something, inventions, everything was already in someplace and the "creator" or us in fact, the humans, can pick it up. It is just a question to be "open", to accept, to listen, to be aware, to give permission to our imagination. It is the words of the C's: "we are only a thought away" that made me think about Proust.

Hi Loreta -

Sorry - I hope I’m not “nit-picking” here — because I think the example you’ve used about Proust creating by using his imagination makes sense — at least as is generally understood by most all of us, including me. So, I’m not dis-agreeing or criticising.

But your post triggered a question in my mind. I was wondering if the phenomenon Proust described in your post could be similar to the art of “channeling”?

The reason I ask is because I looked up the word “imagination” and it seems as if it is describing a somewhat similar, but not exactly the same phenomenon. I really don’t know. I’m actually a little confused about which is which and what’s the connection, if any. I may be mixing up the idea of imagination and daydreaming. I think we do use our imaginations in order to daydream.

But what Proust is describing sounds to me more like he’s tapping into what I might call the “Idea Universe” or “Information Field”. That he is “receiving” information rather than making it up in his own imagination.

But I can’t really say for certain. There may be a connection that I’m just not understanding yet. Ooops! Just had a thought. Might the “channeled” (for want of a better term) information go straight to the imagination mind (right brain) rather than be received by the logical mind? Could that be the connection?

I do know that when I have creative ideas, they also do not seem to me to be ideas I’ve created by my own mind — neither my logical nor my imagination minds. They just seem to come to me from somewhere outside my own mind.

But in order for that to happen, I think we all must be somehow hooked up to that Universe of Ideas and, at certain times, under certain conditions, and possibly in certain mental states, we hear the signal loud and clear.

Just wondering if you have any thoughts about this. Thanks — and Cheers!

* * * * *

Wikipedia Definition of Imagination:

Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses.

Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process.

A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative), in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds”. It is a whole cycle of image formation or any sensation which may be described as "hidden" as it takes place without anyone else's knowledge. A person may imagine according to his mood, it may be good or bad depending on the situation. Some people imagine in a state of tension or gloominess in order to calm themselves. It is accepted as the innate ability and process of inventing partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world.

The term is technically used in psychology for the process of reviving in the mind, percepts of objects formerly given in sense perception. Since this use of the term conflicts with that of ordinary language, some psychologists have preferred to describe this process as “imaging” or “imagery” or to speak of it as "reproductive" as opposed to "productive" or "constructive" imagination. Imagined images are seen with the “mind’s eye”.

Imagination can also be expressed through stories such as fairy tales or fantasies. Children often use such narratives and pretend play in order to exercise their imaginations. When children develop fantasy they play at two levels: first, they use role playing to act out what they have developed with their imagination, and at the second level they play again with their make-believe situation by acting as if what they have developed is an actual reality that already exists in narrative myth.

I think Proust was feeling he was, the creator, a sort of channeling. Ideas are there, the writer in that case "take these ideas", that are out of space, out of time, they are eternal. This vision of Proust about his creation was teach by one of my university teachers. He was a little crazy, by the way.

I was just thinking about Proust because of the sentence of the C's. I made a relation about the word "thought" and the word time. Maybe, surely, I am out of the reality of this subject. "only a thought away", as out of time, no time no space. And no time, no space is the subject of the work of Proust.

I think genius are genius for many reasons, one of it is this capacity of imagination, that is something that gives you openness, no limitation and gives you the chance to be in contact with these ideas that are there, this universe plain of ideas and concepts as you explained so well. I mean creative imagination, as when you try to do something important, resolve a problem or try to understand concepts. Genius have imagination and also this capacity to understand the forces or movements of the cosmos, maybe the mathematics of the universe. Maybe they have a very sense of mathematics. In their brain. Proust had a mathematical brain, his work is considered like a cathedral. I think also that to understand mathematics you need this capacity of imagination.

This word "thought" said by the C's made me think about time and time made me think about Proust. It was just an idea I shared, maybe because I have imagination. ;)
sitting said:
Sorry, I meant to say "6th density quantum entanglement" instead.

Further by entanglement, do you imply equality of essence, absolute or relative identities, one directional flow of information or mutual exchange, field or particle--or both, or some other, things like that.

Thanks in advance.

I was mostly just reiterating what was in the session:

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that distance is not a viable concept. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Thought transcends distance.

(L) Thought transcends distance, and we are quantumly entangled or something...

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) There's no time, there's no space...

So the idea would be most fundamentally no time, no space just eternal information with patterns and those patterns can for us show up as quantum entanglement between third density thought and 6th density thought. For us the math of time and space and quantum transactions still applies even though perhaps most fundamentally the transactions are through eternal information.
Bluelamp said:
I was mostly just reiterating what was in the session:

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that distance is not a viable concept. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Thought transcends distance.

(L) Thought transcends distance, and we are quantumly entangled or something...

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) There's no time, there's no space...

So the idea would be most fundamentally no time, no space just eternal information with patterns and those patterns can for us show up as quantum entanglement between third density thought and 6th density thought. For us the math of time and space and quantum transactions still applies even though perhaps most fundamentally the transactions are through eternal information.

Hi Bluelamp,

Thank you for your reply.

I was curious about quantum entanglement as that term implies an inherent, universal attribute of nature--achieved without effort. But in our present situation, great effort is required.
The (good) information configurations are reachable ... but not instantaneously granted.
Much in the way of lessons is needed, apparently.

If emotional blockages (deliberately installed or otherwise) can inhibit, then perhaps entanglement may not be the best term possible. Maybe assumption & awareness are better descriptions.

PS I speak as a layman in physics. FWIW.
Loreta - Page 20 - Reply #290 on: Yesterday at 08:30:43 PM said:
I was just thinking about Proust because of the sentence of the C's. I made a relation about the word "thought" and the word time. Maybe, surely, I am out of the reality of this subject. "only a thought away", as out of time, no time no space. And no time, no space is the subject of the work of Proust.


This word "thought" said by the C's made me think about time and time made me think about Proust. It was just an idea I shared, maybe because I have imagination. :)

LOL on that last part. :) And thank you, Loreta, for your explanation. Now I understand how you could make these connections that you made with Proust.

As the C’s said —

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

So — I can see that using our imaginations is the most direct way to comprehend that they are only a thought away — and that “a thought away” is much closer than we can imagine.

I imagine that thought probably travels faster than the speed-of-light. So, if the C’s are as close as a thought away, they're pretty darn close, yes?

Cheers & thanks again for your clarification. :)
Thank you so much for the session Laura & crew! :flowers: So many interesting and thought provoking things were discussed here. For me personally it's probably the diet part that stood up the most, because I've encountered some problems on this front. But the whole session was so packed with information that I need to re-read it a couple times more!

And this part was just mind-blowing:

A: It cannot be set in stone; remember that about half of all babies never house individualized souls. In some cases it can be very early, and others, as late as early adulthood.

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Galatea) So I guess they're waiting around the body's frequency to change.

(L) So, is that true? A soul can be hanging around, and there's, say for example, a body that's close to the frequency they need, but not quite, and they have to wait until something happens or changes?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What can change frequency?

(Perceval) Experience.

(Pierre) Knowledge.

(L) Yeah, puberty, thought, experience.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Perspectives change via experience I think.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Awareness of something?

(L) All kinds of things can change frequency.

(Galatea) Does that mean it's possible for something else to take over the body in the meantime?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Does it get kicked out when the soul comes?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, you once talked about things like vaccinations and things changing the frequency, which causes negative potentials. Does that factor into this process?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Can a soul literally get kicked out of a body if the frequency is not matching the soul?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) You can be made into a soulless monster eventually!

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) And technology would have the same effects as we've seen...

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Is that why there are these people who go for operations and then they wake up with a different personality or speaking a different language...?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) For an individual, when the soul attaches to the body or leaves, is it noticeable?

(Perceval) That's what I just said.

(Chu) Yeah, sometimes.

A: Sometimes. The individual may notice inside or an observer may notice.

Q: (L) So, people can change, and sometimes even change dramatically?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Can a person hold more than one soul sometimes?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Weird. Does that make people have multiple personalities sometimes?

A: Sometimes.

I can hear my brain parts sizzling trying to comprehend all this.
goyacobol said:
Just continue BHelmet's train of thought and hopefully be in MP3 compression mode (brief) here are some thoughts (hopefully pithy, nitty-gritty :lol:).

Concerning the Wave and the Realm Border I noticed that the "timing" element was expressed as being "NEVER definite". This might be the "lag" as BHelmet mentions above.

Session 14 July 1996

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or
transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled.
So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing
field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?
A: ...Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on
the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!
A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and
circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where
we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about
things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told
about them since they must be experienced?
A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?,"

So from the above it sounds like "Timing is NEVER definite" and "The learning cycle is variable, progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold." There is "no free lunch"...

First - thank you, very much, goyacobol, for your networking assistance. A couple observations:

Great point about timing being variable.
I think my mind wants a roadmap! (lol) Or maybe a program of events. "If it's tuesday, it must be apocalypse event scenario 34a."

The importance of where we are on the learning curve is also pointed out as being key. I think that is perhaps one aspect of creating a conduit: that you need a bunch of people at approximately the same level of the learning curve. (perhaps related to Gurdjieff's '200 people could change the world...where are they' comment?) Conversely, it has been mentioned that events won't happen until we are 'ready' (in terms of knowledge and awareness).

A Doors lyric comes to mind (even if Morrison WAS some kind of co-opted military intelligence brat - per David McGowan):

"The future's uncertain; the end is always near."

So, keep opening up to new knowledge is my guess. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

BHelmet said:
goyacobol said:
Just continue BHelmet's train of thought and hopefully be in MP3 compression mode (brief) here are some thoughts (hopefully pithy, nitty-gritty :lol:).

Concerning the Wave and the Realm Border I noticed that the "timing" element was expressed as being "NEVER definite". This might be the "lag" as BHelmet mentions above.

Session 14 July 1996

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or
transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled.
So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing
field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?
A: ...Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on
the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!
A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and
circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where
we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about
things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told
about them since they must be experienced?
A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?,"

So from the above it sounds like "Timing is NEVER definite" and "The learning cycle is variable, progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold." There is "no free lunch"...

First - thank you, very much, goyacobol, for your networking assistance. A couple observations:

Great point about timing being variable.
I think my mind wants a roadmap! (lol) Or maybe a program of events. "If it's tuesday, it must be apocalypse event scenario 34a."

The importance of where we are on the learning curve is also pointed out as being key. I think that is perhaps one aspect of creating a conduit: that you need a bunch of people at approximately the same level of the learning curve. (perhaps related to Gurdjieff's '200 people could change the world...where are they' comment?) Conversely, it has been mentioned that events won't happen until we are 'ready' (in terms of knowledge and awareness).

A Doors lyric comes to mind (even if Morrison WAS some kind of co-opted military intelligence brat - per David McGowan):

"The future's uncertain; the end is always near."

So, keep opening up to new knowledge is my guess. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?


It is more fun to assist others sometimes than just searching for my own stuff. And I agree about "If it's tuesday, it must be apocalypse event scenario 34a." being a mindset I have myself. That is why I chose the footnotes quotes:

(Hedsel 2000, 325–329)
The Wave Chapter 67/ Food for the Moon and the Burning House | Cassiopaea:

… We live in a foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we do not have much time.

Session 9 August 1997:
Q: Well, we better get moving! We don't have time to mess around!
A: You will proceed as needed, you cannot force these events or alter the Grand Destiny.

Session 16 October 1994:
Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?
A: Why? Change will follow.

blue bell said:
Something did take place a year ago, which was necessary to bring back some balance. The rest is up to us on an individual basis. The choice to harbor demons or kick them out is ours to make happen, at this time work on self is is paramount to getting rid of these Trojan Horse types of attachments. We are gifted with the predators mind and here is where the battle is fought.

Are we on our own as the human race, without influence from outside, making our own free will choices based upon our nature?

Is the evil still free to come and go as they please or is there some sort of a lock down in place?

A year ago, balance was restored by a series of events which I played a part in, as is my understanding.

The rest are notes on my experiences over the past year and how it is felt that we need to prepare for the future.

The questions are issues that I think may be possible but am not sure about.
All we have is to understand ourselves, this is all that matters.

My future looks pretty good, to me. The playing field has been leveled, hooray. For now, mostly all are blind to the situation.

hi win 52 interesting thoughts. how do you know this?

what are the things you speak of?

I am not saying that we should ignore what is happening in the world, but is that distracting us from more important issues? Feeling tired of being used as food, I am trying to walk on a day by day basis and it seems to be working as people are responding well and supporting my son and I by hiring us to restore their dwellings, cleaning exteriors, often times paying us more than we asked.

Recently, I became aware that certain entities have been taken away. Yet, I can still see people with red eyes of fire, which to me is an indication that the 3D person is harboring a demon or two. I can't fight but merely observe as I think the nature of the person will have to choose whether to work with these or boot them out.

Again, I had no idea how to answer till I started writing this. Sorry for taking so long to respond. Hope this helps.
4 March 95 said:
Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what
A: 5, 6, and 7.
Q: (T) What does it look like in 4th?
A: Earth.
Q: (T) Jupiter looks like Earth and Earth looks like Jupiter
in 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) What does Earth look like in 4th density?
A: Invisible.
Q: (J) Huh? (L) What do you mean, invisible?
A: Only visible upon request. Variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Okay, does this mean that to the Lizzies and Orions
the earth is invisible?
A: When they are not thinking about it.
Q: (J) You mean when they are not thinking about it it
doesn't exist? They have to focus on it for it to become
A: Close.
Q: (T) But, you told us one time that everyone in 4th density
was able to see us?

A: Yes.
Q: (J) Us, not earth. (T) What do they see us on?
A: Able to see you when they choose to.
Q: (J) In other words, they focus on the frequency to see us.
(L) I guess it is like animals in second density. You
ride down the road and don't really see what is around you
unless you focus in on it. (J) Unless you concentrate on
looking for them... (T) Like standing still in a forest
and after a time you can see what is there. (J) It is all
according to perception.
A: Yes, but 4th level is the
first one with true variability.

So, does 4th see the windows? or only 5th -7th?, if the latter then perhaps all there is, is light? upon request of course with at least a little imagination. ;D
Note to moderators:

"When they say "Only visible upon request," I take that to mean not simply earth and us humans on it--but the entire 3rd density universe, with it's trillions & trillions of stars and billions & billions of galaxies. All becoming available, accessible in physical form--subject to their manipulation. Materializing in totality--at mere command of their choosing. Wow! That's where my imagination takes me." ~

~ just how we manipulate and control our 2D world, but in fact the 2D world is constructed by particles which is 1D. You know, 1D is a dot, two dots sitting next to each other are seen as line and the 2D world sees them just as lines, but in fact, they are moving dots so fast, that the 2D world sees them and perceives them as a line. The 2D world sees the world inside of its own existence, which is moving dots, but cannot 'see' what is outside of it. The 2D world would never see 3D, ever, but it is connected to it, the quantum entanglement, just like all our thoughts, frequencies transcend and magnified to the higher density. The 2D world manipulates the 'dots' at it's own free will, and the 'the dots' learn from the experience so they can stay alive and try something different to protect themselves to create a new reality for themselves. When the dots create a new reality to the 2D world (which might take eons), the 2D world realizes the changes and counter acts to preserve its own existence to the changes it had to face. When the 2D world realizes that it has been manipulated by the 3D world, it responds back by preserving itself from the 'outer' influences and counter acts.

The 2D world is a world of fast moving particles, in all 3D directions. Why do I say 3D in a 2D world? It is because the 2D world sees the fast moving particles in three dimensional lines of certain order. That is how the 2D world perceives it, the movement of the particles inside of it creates some sense of 3D space in order for the 2D to learn from it, to manipulate it and consume it.

So say we are 3D, and we see the 2D world as we see it like we can touch it, feel it but we see another dimension of it! Very important! This is how the Universe encompasses itself and learns by experience from infinite possible scenarios called Free Will! Very important message to the group, the inside of the Universe, by learning and experiencing itself to shift itself, to experience itself to see what it's inside of itself, from STO and STS, back and forth, infinite possible ways. Realm Change! Awesome! Your 'insides' found out they are just constructing something magnificently enormous to the 'outside' surface of it that is just much bigger and phenomenal beyond human comprehension. Acknowledgment and comprehension of your group is required. Faith is needed. Your work is very important and acknowledged so far, C's are always with you, keep the faith, thought away! thought, thought, thought!
End note to the moderators
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