Session 4 April 2015

Avala said:
Leonarda said:
Dave_posse said:
MariuszJ said:
No. Perfect Universe is 100% STO.

Hi MariuszJ, if the universe were 100% perfect STO, which would come to learn? Yes, I think it is more a "utopic" to think that the universe is 100% STO, but somehow there must be a balance, is as "good" and "bad", "light" and "darkness" both are the mirror image of the other, one can not exist without the other, both depend on the other to acquire knowledge. Just my point of view.

And believing that things should be STO only is rejecting the other half of creation and therefore, the other half of god. Laura goes in detail explaining this in the Wave.

Believing that things 'should' be or 'must' be in any way is STS. Things are the way they are. Accepting that, respecting that, and learning from that is STO.

Good correction. When I wrote this I was thinking of a passage of the wave that describes how the turtles put the eggs on the beach and the birds are there to eat them, few of them make it to the sea and you only are a spectator of the situation. Well this is a bad explanation, I made a search in the forum, but maybe it can only be found in the books (that i don't have with me right now) when I find it i will put it for more understanding.
Kika said:
Yes, Goyacobol, I am a mother, and the desire to be my children better than me, is what moves me.
"Good will is the way to hell," said the people. With good will, knowledge is needed. Since I do not have any advisors from higher dimensions, I have to turn my surroundings and what I perceive. Therefore, always turn to "Mother Nature" as a divine manifestation.
In nature there are two types of relationships.
1. Symbiosis - cooperation between at least two of the organism in a common goal (progress in existence).
2. Parasitism - relationship between two organisms where one serves the other.
Is it any inappropriate, if someone asks for my cooperation, (not service) to ask; what is the purpose and the goal?
I have written more, but you did not comment on it. Is it because you did not notice, or because the Cs has not said anything about this? (Did not have the quote)
For example Mr. COBOL, are not IF THEN loop reminded of something else?
Or let's say that someone asked what was the will of your: father, mother, wife, child?
Would you answered like this:
A: Energy of information configurations of infinite permutations.
And I add, all as Cs say I consider pure truth, it is important to interpret the words, and consider this one of the options.


You really don't have to call me "Mr." :D.

I am sorry that I sound like a robot sometimes. I thank you for reminding me that you can not just parrot back in quotes to every question. Sometimes it is difficult to know what the other person is thinking when you read it in print here.

I suppose sometimes I fall back on quoting the Cs material and books because I am not always that confident in my own answers by themselves. One reason I started trying to add quotes is because it seemed that the discussions went completely away from the original source and why the forum was created.

If it would not be for Laura, Ark, the forum and the Cs I would have not joined in the first place.

When I first started reading the forum discussions I really didn't even like the format. Even reading Cs sessions in the question answer format seemed a little "stuffy/stiff/formal". There are times I wish we could just sit face to face with each other and talk directly and honestly without a keyboard between us.

When we reply to comments here it sometimes seems really slow to get a reply back (sometimes they just get lost in the shuffle). Even now I am not 100% sure how to understand what you are really feeling by just reading your reply.

For instance when you say "I do not have any advisors from higher dimensions".
Does that mean ???:

You think having advisers from higher dimensions is a only for the few and privileged?
You shouldn't depend on advisers from higher dimensions?
I don't need or want "advisers from higher dimensions"?
Why is he always quoting "advisers from higher dimensions" ?
Why does the forum talk so much about "advisers from higher dimensions"?
I kind of think the Cs are "advisers from higher dimensions" but I think "Mother Nature" is just as good a source?

May none of the above apply. I am not sure exactly how you may mean that one little part.

Your two numbered items seemed to me to be the perfect description of STO and STS.

1. Symbiosis - cooperation between at least two of the organism in a common goal (progress in existence).
2. Parasitism - relationship between two organisms where one serves the other.

But I was not sure what you meant by:

"Is it any inappropriate, if someone asks for my cooperation, (not service) to ask; what is the purpose and the goal?"

You seem to be making a distinction between "cooperation" and "service".
So do you mean ???:
I wish the Cs would have said CWO (cooperation with others) instead of STO?
Why didn't the Cs say "STS" means Symbiosis To Others?
I don't like the term "service" but I will accept using "cooperation"?
There is a big difference between "cooperation" and "service"?
I won't "cooperate" unless you really give me a good explanation of your purpose and your goal?

Do you see why I sometimes would just rather give a quote and let you decide what it means?

But you know, I appreciate your sense of humor where you called me "Mr. COBOL". :P

And the following questions you asked are a kind of mirror to me to show me how I may look to others here:

I have written more, but you did not comment on it. Is it because you did not notice, or because the Cs has not said anything about this?[Can't you think for yourself?] (Did not have the quote)[You didn't say anything because you couldn't find a quote]
For example Mr. COBOL, are not IF THEN loop reminded of something else?[programmed robot]
Or let's say that someone asked what was the will of your: father, mother, wife, child?
Would you answered like this:
A: Energy of information configurations of infinite permutations.[you have no emotions just logic]

I think you make some good observations. I can see how you might draw those conclusions. I just hope I can improve my communication skills so I don't continue to appear unconcerned about the emotional aspects of the topics being discussed. I need to do better I think. :( :-[

If we were sitting in the same room I could just ask you to elaborate on that a little more. You see I am already getting tired of the way we have to keep typing away just to say a few everyday words. Boy, just think I could copy and paste something or use the insert quote button. Where is that insert quote button when you need it? :huh:

I think you get the idea. :rolleyes:

Now, I think I'll just go and play my guitar for awhile. :violin: Or do I want to get on the forum and use my insert quote button? :huh: Decisions, Decisions :/
What learning?? After so many billions of years all the souls should already know that being STS does not pay off. We do not need to throw somebody or to be thrown into the fire for millions of years to see that it is painful. That is not a lesson. That is totally unnecessary. As I have said, no one has any control over this sick situation. We accept the situation since otherwise living would be unbearable.
MariuszJ said:
What learning?? After so many billions of years all the souls should already know that being STS does not pay off. We do not need to throw somebody or to be thrown into the fire for millions of years to see that it is painful. That is not a lesson. That is totally unnecessary. As I have said, no one has any control over this sick situation. We accept the situation since otherwise living would be unbearable.

I think you are completely ignoring free will. What you are suggesting is a universe devoid of choice. As long as free will exists - every being can decide what it wants to be. Even the idea that "after so many billions of years..." is incorrect because you're assuming the universe, and all the density levels therein, somehow have a concept of "time", which does not appear to be the case - and I have to second the recommendation that you read the Wave for a better understanding of this. You're trying to fit the ocean into a teaspoon of your own perspective, and trying to judge the ocean based on your teaspoon. A better idea, and much less futile, is to try to understand the universe as it is - as it sees itself, not attempt to tell it what it ought to be, which is a STS mindset.

You are in this world because you fit here. You think souls should know better? And yet here you are, on an STS planet. Why don't you know better by "now"? After "billions of years" and yet here you are, 3rd density STS. I think you'll find the Wave will help you understand, or at least begin to understand, many of the things you're currently having trouble with. And it's a very engrossing read, it'll be very hard to put down once you start!
goyacobol said:
I am sorry that I sound like a robot sometimes. I thank you for reminding me that you can not just parrot back in quotes to every question. Sometimes it is difficult to know what the other person is thinking when you read it in print here.

I suppose sometimes I fall back on quoting the Cs material and books because I am not always that confident in my own answers by themselves. One reason I started trying to add quotes is because it seemed that the discussions went completely away from the original source and why the forum was created.

If it would not be for Laura, Ark, the forum and the Cs I would have not joined in the first place.

When I first started reading the forum discussions I really didn't even like the format. Even reading Cs sessions in the question answer format seemed a little "stuffy/stiff/formal". There are times I wish we could just sit face to face with each other and talk directly and honestly without a keyboard between us.

I think you make some good observations. I can see how you might draw those conclusions. I just hope I can improve my communication skills so I don't continue to appear unconcerned about the emotional aspects of the topics being discussed. I need to do better I think. :( :-[

If we were sitting in the same room I could just ask you to elaborate on that a little more. You see I am already getting tired of the way we have to keep typing away just to say a few everyday words.

I think you have made quite a few useful posts in the forum which have clarified issues and added to the understanding of, especially, newer members. It surely is difficult to get some points across if we personally do not totally know how to transfer what we know across to others in a useful and understandable way, and if we are not really sure about what we are saying we hesitate to say anything about a subject.

This is all a part of the learning process we undertake here. As we learn more and become better able to respond to people in our own words because we do understand the concepts and subjects being discussed we can then be more 'personal' with our responses. Takes time, learning and continued effort to get to that point.

Even so, sometimes it is good to include relevant transcript passages into our messages to show what the C's have said about a subject. As long as we don't get carried away with having the quotes stand alone as the conversation.

So, don't get discouraged! :D
MariuszJ said:
What learning?? After so many billions of years all the souls should already know that being STS does not pay off. We do not need to throw somebody or to be thrown into the fire for millions of years to see that it is painful. That is not a lesson. That is totally unnecessary. As I have said, no one has any control over this sick situation. We accept the situation since otherwise living would be unbearable.

Mariusz: Instead of asking these really ridiculous questions based upon your 'wants' why don't you just do as Laura asked and read The Wave? There is also a great deal more you could also read which would answer most of your questions. We try hard to keep a high signal to noise ratio here and your posts are unfortunately mostly 'noise'.
MariuszJ said:
What learning?? After so many billions of years all the souls should already know that being STS does not pay off. We do not need to throw somebody or to be thrown into the fire for millions of years to see that it is painful. That is not a lesson. That is totally unnecessary. As I have said, no one has any control over this sick situation. We accept the situation since otherwise living would be unbearable.

Well, obviously you have learned nothing so yeah, "what learning?"

And for those of the STS inclination, it does indeed pay off in the way they want it to.

19 Sept 1998 said:
Q: He says: 'I believe that if we do not send love energy to
the world that the egocentric STS energy will be
A: Why would one choose to send this? What is the
Q: To change it to your idea of what it is supposed to be.
To control it to follow your judgment of how things ought
to be.
A: Exactly. The students are not expected to be the
architects of the school.
Q: So, when you seek to impose or exert influence of any
kind, you are, in effect, trying to play God and taking it
upon yourself to decide that there is something wrong with
the universe that it is up to you to fix, which amounts to
A: Yes, you see, one can advise, that is okay, but do not
attempt to alter the lesson.
Q: He also says: 'I believe that an enlightened being is
emanating love where ever that person is, and this is even
without being asked. It just happens because that is what
they are - love.' Comment, please.
A: An enlightened being is not love. And a refrigerator is
not a highway.
Q: What?! Talk about your mixed metaphors! I don't get that
A: Why not?
Q: They are completely unrelated!
A: Exactly!!!
Q: What IS an enlightened being?
A: An enlightened being.
Q: What is the criteria for being an enlightened being?
A: Being enlightened!
Q: When one is enlightened, what is the profile?
A: This is going nowhere because you are doing the proverbial
round hole, square peg routine.
Q: What I am trying to get to is an understanding of an
enlightened being. Eddie and a LOT of other people have
the idea that an enlightened being IS LOVE, and that is
what they radiate, and that this is a result of being
A: No, no, no, no, no. "Enlightened" does not mean good.
Just smart.
Q: Okay, so there are STS and STO enlightened beings?
A: Yes, we believe the overall ratio is 50/50.
Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?
A: An intelligent being who only gives.
Q: Well, since we have dealt with the idea of not giving love
to those who don't ask, what do they give and to whom do
they give it?
A: All; to those who ask.
Richard S said:
goyacobol said:
I am sorry that I sound like a robot sometimes. I thank you for reminding me that you can not just parrot back in quotes to every question. Sometimes it is difficult to know what the other person is thinking when you read it in print here.

I suppose sometimes I fall back on quoting the Cs material and books because I am not always that confident in my own answers by themselves. One reason I started trying to add quotes is because it seemed that the discussions went completely away from the original source and why the forum was created.

If it would not be for Laura, Ark, the forum and the Cs I would have not joined in the first place.

When I first started reading the forum discussions I really didn't even like the format. Even reading Cs sessions in the question answer format seemed a little "stuffy/stiff/formal". There are times I wish we could just sit face to face with each other and talk directly and honestly without a keyboard between us.

I think you make some good observations. I can see how you might draw those conclusions. I just hope I can improve my communication skills so I don't continue to appear unconcerned about the emotional aspects of the topics being discussed. I need to do better I think. :( :-[

If we were sitting in the same room I could just ask you to elaborate on that a little more. You see I am already getting tired of the way we have to keep typing away just to say a few everyday words.

I think you have made quite a few useful posts in the forum which have clarified issues and added to the understanding of, especially, newer members. It surely is difficult to get some points across if we personally do not totally know how to transfer what we know across to others in a useful and understandable way, and if we are not really sure about what we are saying we hesitate to say anything about a subject.

This is all a part of the learning process we undertake here. As we learn more and become better able to respond to people in our own words because we do understand the concepts and subjects being discussed we can then be more 'personal' with our responses. Takes time, learning and continued effort to get to that point.

Even so, sometimes it is good to include relevant transcript passages into our messages to show what the C's have said about a subject. As long as we don't get carried away with having the quotes stand alone as the conversation.

So, don't get discouraged! :D

Agreed Richard S,
Goyacobol , of cause it is good to question one self as you just did, but just wanted to say that I have also found your posting Cs quotes helpful.
goyacobol said:
Kika said:
Yes, Goyacobol, I am a mother, and the desire to be my children better than me, is what moves me.
"Good will is the way to hell," said the people. With good will, knowledge is needed. Since I do not have any advisors from higher dimensions, I have to turn my surroundings and what I perceive. Therefore, always turn to "Mother Nature" as a divine manifestation.
In nature there are two types of relationships.
1. Symbiosis - cooperation between at least two of the organism in a common goal (progress in existence).
2. Parasitism - relationship between two organisms where one serves the other.
Is it any inappropriate, if someone asks for my cooperation, (not service) to ask; what is the purpose and the goal?
I have written more, but you did not comment on it. Is it because you did not notice, or because the Cs has not said anything about this? (Did not have the quote)
For example Mr. COBOL, are not IF THEN loop reminded of something else?
Or let's say that someone asked what was the will of your: father, mother, wife, child?
Would you answered like this:
A: Energy of information configurations of infinite permutations.
And I add, all as Cs say I consider pure truth, it is important to interpret the words, and consider this one of the options.


You really don't have to call me "Mr." :D.

I am sorry that I sound like a robot sometimes. I thank you for reminding me that you can not just parrot back in quotes to every question. Sometimes it is difficult to know what the other person is thinking when you read it in print here.

I suppose sometimes I fall back on quoting the Cs material and books because I am not always that confident in my own answers by themselves. One reason I started trying to add quotes is because it seemed that the discussions went completely away from the original source and why the forum was created.

If it would not be for Laura, Ark, the forum and the Cs I would have not joined in the first place.

When I first started reading the forum discussions I really didn't even like the format. Even reading Cs sessions in the question answer format seemed a little "stuffy/stiff/formal". There are times I wish we could just sit face to face with each other and talk directly and honestly without a keyboard between us.

When we reply to comments here it sometimes seems really slow to get a reply back (sometimes they just get lost in the shuffle). Even now I am not 100% sure how to understand what you are really feeling by just reading your reply.

For instance when you say "I do not have any advisors from higher dimensions".
Does that mean ???:

You think having advisers from higher dimensions is a only for the few and privileged?
You shouldn't depend on advisers from higher dimensions?
I don't need or want "advisers from higher dimensions"?
Why is he always quoting "advisers from higher dimensions" ?
Why does the forum talk so much about "advisers from higher dimensions"?
I kind of think the Cs are "advisers from higher dimensions" but I think "Mother Nature" is just as good a source?

May none of the above apply. I am not sure exactly how you may mean that one little part.

Your two numbered items seemed to me to be the perfect description of STO and STS.

1. Symbiosis - cooperation between at least two of the organism in a common goal (progress in existence).
2. Parasitism - relationship between two organisms where one serves the other.

But I was not sure what you meant by:

"Is it any inappropriate, if someone asks for my cooperation, (not service) to ask; what is the purpose and the goal?"

You seem to be making a distinction between "cooperation" and "service".
So do you mean ???:
I wish the Cs would have said CWO (cooperation with others) instead of STO?
Why didn't the Cs say "STS" means Symbiosis To Others?
I don't like the term "service" but I will accept using "cooperation"?
There is a big difference between "cooperation" and "service"?
I won't "cooperate" unless you really give me a good explanation of your purpose and your goal?

Do you see why I sometimes would just rather give a quote and let you decide what it means?

But you know, I appreciate your sense of humor where you called me "Mr. COBOL". :P

And the following questions you asked are a kind of mirror to me to show me how I may look to others here:

I have written more, but you did not comment on it. Is it because you did not notice, or because the Cs has not said anything about this?[Can't you think for yourself?] (Did not have the quote)[You didn't say anything because you couldn't find a quote]
For example Mr. COBOL, are not IF THEN loop reminded of something else?[programmed robot]
Or let's say that someone asked what was the will of your: father, mother, wife, child?
Would you answered like this:
A: Energy of information configurations of infinite permutations.[you have no emotions just logic]

I think you make some good observations. I can see how you might draw those conclusions. I just hope I can improve my communication skills so I don't continue to appear unconcerned about the emotional aspects of the topics being discussed. I need to do better I think. :( :-[

If we were sitting in the same room I could just ask you to elaborate on that a little more. You see I am already getting tired of the way we have to keep typing away just to say a few everyday words. Boy, just think I could copy and paste something or use the insert quote button. Where is that insert quote button when you need it? :huh:

I think you get the idea. :rolleyes:

Now, I think I'll just go and play my guitar for awhile. :violin: Or do I want to get on the forum and use my insert quote button? :huh: Decisions, Decisions :/

I stick my spoon here, I disagree with Kika, Goyacobol take the opportunity to thank him for his time and energy to answer, especially in finding sessions with exact Cs to achieve a greater understanding in any subject having said that, all we are learning in this boat, everyone tries to do their best to help others, go ahead Goyacobol, to me you are good at connecting the dots with the sessions.
Richard S said:
I think you have made quite a few useful posts in the forum which have clarified issues and added to the understanding of, especially, newer members. It surely is difficult to get some points across if we personally do not totally know how to transfer what we know across to others in a useful and understandable way, and if we are not really sure about what we are saying we hesitate to say anything about a subject.

This is all a part of the learning process we undertake here. As we learn more and become better able to respond to people in our own words because we do understand the concepts and subjects being discussed we can then be more 'personal' with our responses. Takes time, learning and continued effort to get to that point.

Even so, sometimes it is good to include relevant transcript passages into our messages to show what the C's have said about a subject. As long as we don't get carried away with having the quotes stand alone as the conversation.

So, don't get discouraged! :D

Richard S,

Thank you, for the observations. I was starting to think that I really need to have more "balance" in the way I try to share information and then Kika really kind of "hit the nail on the head " with her kind of mirroring myself back which is really a great "service" even if it feels uncomfortable sometimes.

I sometimes marvel at the way the mods and administrators seem to have the skill to say a lot in a concise and manner that is relevant and informative at the same time. I like that you also described the main deficiency of many of my posts which is "carried away with having the quotes stand alone as the conversation" (sorry for the quote :D).

Thanks :)
I think the references to the C's are appropriate in almost every case. It always seems to help when someone is able to pull out the C's exact comments and tends to put things in perspective.
riclapaz said:
I stick my spoon here, I disagree with Kika, Goyacobol take the opportunity to thank him for his time and energy to answer, especially in finding sessions with exact Cs to achieve a greater understanding in any subject having said that, all we are learning in this boat, everyone tries to do their best to help others, go ahead Goyacobol, to me you are good at connecting the dots with the sessions.


I appreciate your comments and support but I do think Kika helped me to see that many times I was over using the quotes without really commenting myself. And as Richard S pointed out I was "carried away with having the quotes stand alone as the conversation" without engaging in a real conversation.

My intention for the most part was to draw some of the discussions back to the source material. I know that some of the material is difficult to find even when you can remember a portion of the wording. I also was trying to help the newer members get a glimpse of where to find the material by including the references and the links. I just really "got carried away" in many instances. I hope my example will be useful for others trying to share without going overboard.

This format is a challenge for all of us I think. It has advantages and disadvantages. I think maybe "text-ting" on a cell phone is similar and maybe the younger members can relate to the format from that perspective. Of course before text-ting there was letter writing and manuscripts. The funny thing is that is like to read but maybe I just don't like to write quite as much. You know it's so easy to cut and paste these days that some of us (look at me) can get carried away and not even notice (for awhile). :)
goyacobol said:
I sometimes marvel at the way the mods and administrators seem to have the skill to say a lot in a concise and manner that is relevant and informative at the same time.

Me too, but the only way to learn how to do that is by practicing and working on self meanwhile. And luckily for people like me who are not there yet, part of what those who are good at it have learned is patience, and to be overbearing with foolish people as long as the fools try to better ourselves :)

I think you are doing well in questioning yourself, but please don't stop quoting, as it is much appreciated and I can only agree that:

monotonic said:
I think the references to the C's are appropriate in almost every case. It always seems to help when someone is able to pull out the C's exact comments and tends to put things in perspective.
Miss.K said:
Agreed Richard S,
Goyacobol , of cause it is good to question one self as you just did, but just wanted to say that I have also found your posting Cs quotes helpful.


Thank you for letting me know that my posts were helpful. But, I have to say that you also helped me to see myself in a more clear way too. Any of us can try to improve the communication here on the forum. I think it's one of our biggest challenges.

Thanks :)
Kn0w1llusions said:
Laura said:
Well, that's interesting. A couple of times, you've given messages to the group. Is there anything you'd like to say to the group?

A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!

I often get anxious when the C's mention in their transcripts to get our collective acts together as I tend to always assume I'm not doing enough and I'll "miss the ride" so to speak. I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way. I always feel I'm not posting enough, or doing enough reading on the forum or material, or not doing enough of "the work".

It's an old bad habit of always assuming I'm bad, wrong or not doing it correctly, likely due to an abusive and neglectful upbringing. But as much as I make "progress" in life I always feel it's always short. I've overcome decades of depression but it seems internalized even though I don't "feel" depressed on a conscious, emotional level. You can't be suicidal for decades of your life with out it taking it's toll on you.

I always have a very big lack of drive, motivation, or passion. I feel as thought I have no fuel in my gas tank emotionally speaking. What ever I would like to do, I automatically "shut down" and even if I make some progress I don't get much satisfaction from it. I believe if I had a healthy intimate relationship, something at 33 I've never had, it would help lift me out of my funk but I'm always worried that it would cause me more harm than good, so I end up stuck in this catch 22 situation.

I try my best to eat paleo, do EE, and try to remain positive and help others. I've done one session with Patrick and Heather with SRT and plan to do more. It just never feels like enough and in the mean time, time passes by quickly, I still struggle to make ends meet, and core issues never seem to go away. I don't suppose anybody has any advice or recommend anything that might help.

Kn0w1llusions, maybe there is some sense in the anxiety you feel, amongst self sabotaging signals, and the bit you quoted is an actual, though perhaps muffled, kick in the behind. No intimate relationship will save you, if you don't have an intimate relationship with yourself (not the narcisistic kind), and it sounds like you're still carrying some heavy unchecked baggage, with the emotional disconnection you mention. The SRT could also be an indication of wishful short-cut thinking, 'someone sort me out'?

Coming around emotionally can't be done (in my experience) without reading proper litterature (Psychology and Cognitive science) to prime a new adult way of treating and understanding yourself with. But the kicker lies in the pain - conscious suffering- we are ready to endure with awareness, challenging those fixed ideas about ourselves that don't work for our best interests (which we may not even be conscious of). Socializing, when that's what we've been conditioned to avoid. Or what about giving what is asked (SOTT editing for example), which can be painful if we have ideas that our false personality rather would be doing. Or sharing (make a thread) about yourself to engage with people who know some aspects of what you're going through and perhaps learn what you can not yet see.

"Act as if the Wave is here", what needs to be Done?
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