Session 4 April 2015

Hi folks:-) i believe that while we are discussing some rather interesting stuff here a very important issue has to be addressed.
In short i would like to know your personal opinion regarding the following set of questions:

What is the origin of the so called caucasian or white race?
Do you believe that the so called Aryan race of people was somehow transported from the perished planet?
What would they be like in appearance and special capabilities once they got there?

The main reason for asking this is that at present there seem to be two theories regarding that issue.

One of them is very well-known to all of those who read all of the sessions of the C's and it explains everything
And the other theory as strange as it may sound really belongs to Laura herself and sounds rather farfetched to me.

While the C's state plainly that there was once a planet inhabited by the so called Aryan race of people and later also destroyed by this very race while the survivors were transported to this planet Laura states quite unequivocally that this is not the case and the white race appeared as a result of some viral infection.It sounds odd but she states in her hit-list series that when this planet was destroyed bits and pieces of DNA of it s perished citizens somehow got there with some help of the comets and asteroids which carried the viral material that later infected the natives of this planet. And that is how the aryan race appeared.

I must admit that although i believe in the viral theory of creating the new species through the cometary bombardment i believe that this is NOT the case with the origin of the Aryans. And even if Laura is right and the C's are wrong though her own theory was never confirmed in any session we still have the perished planet and its aryan citizens whose DNA virally infected the natives of this planet and created a new species of people.

Now that is a very important issue i believe because as long as we have two theories we won't go too far in our understanding of our own origin and our role here.

So i need some clues on your behalf members of the forum.
Hello Caledonia,
You pose a question I have asked myself for as long as I have memory. How can this one planet have such diversity of race? Yellow, brown, black, white, red and those I have left out. Eyes can be different, noses can be different, lips can be different, hair texture can be different and there may even be minor differences within physiologies. And even another path of thought is how can these differences be explained with us all coming from the same evolutionary source? What prehistoric animal was that? Is there some common animal way back in antiquity we come from?
I have no pipeline on hard truth. I do hear whispers every now and then, but facts escape me.
And yeppers, I have wondered about these apparent disparate species inhabiting this Big Blue Marble...
So yes... I entertain the theory of a laboratory experiment. Transplants from other worlds. Microorganisms that affect DNA falling from the skies. Any and all may be a factor... I dunno...
One thing that bears credence is interbreeding of species. Methinks this cannot be ignored.
This is probably noise but I couldn't help responding to your intriguing question.
What I have noticed is that with all that was said, you didn't voice your theory. What do you think?
:) :) :)
Hi AI today:-) thanks much for your answer:-) I stick firmly to what the C's said in their sessions. And imho it sounds rather logical that the race quite capable technologically and psychically of destroying the whole planet COULD find a way to rescue themselves and transport the survivors or the refugees of the planetary conflict to this planet. Mind you those guys were the ancestors of the atlantean majority of the people and the latter according to the C's clearly had the interplanetary ability and even the interstellar i suppose or transdimensional even:-) By using it they built some structures on Mars and the Moon.And but of course they had this mighty motherstone or merkaba as some people call it for some stargate technology and transportation purposes. The C's said that nearly half of the refugees used it to transport themselves here. So you see all of my points are rather well grounded and are based on what the sessions gave us. And to top it all they had besides the motherstone technology what we know now from the sessions as the holy grail technology or some crystal of sorts.

So no but this viral theory is WRONG - it could be true generally speaking but it is wrong in THIS case. And many many many quotes of the C's refute it. In fact i strongly believe that this event - the aryan presence all of a sudden laid the foundation for all of the conflicts in this world up to this day.
electrosonic said:
sitting said:
The sticking point for me at this moment is the necessity for duality (as stated above). The Mahayana preaches non-duality--as its goal, and in its ultimate formulation. I need to study further.

Maybe non-duality represents the final return to Godhead by the destruction (or melding) of the STS/STO principles?

Or maybe non-duality represents a third way to STS/STO. Maybe a Service To All. Or a Service To The Absolute?

Or maybe it's a good term to use to describe the realization that all creation works on balancing two opposing forces?

Think of it this way - if being STO involves the upholding of the creative principle (gravity dispersal?) , and a love & desire to continue to create (rather than an absorbtion of creative principles upheld by STS) - how can we ever actually return everything to the Creator if we are constantly creating?

In other words, does being STO keep the illusion going purely by continuing to disperse gravity?

Maybe its only by the realization of a third principle that can finally bring the Creator back round to its first basic principle?

Hi electrosonic,

Thank you for your comments. Thought provoking indeed.

I have thought along similar lines at times, though not in as clear a fashion as you have.
Caledonia said:
Hi folks:-) i believe that while we are discussing some rather interesting stuff here a very important issue has to be addressed.
In short i would like to know your personal opinion regarding the following set of questions:

What is the origin of the so called caucasian or white race?
Do you believe that the so called Aryan race of people was somehow transported from the perished planet?
What would they be like in appearance and special capabilities once they got there?

The main reason for asking this is that at present there seem to be two theories regarding that issue.

One of them is very well-known to all of those who read all of the sessions of the C's and it explains everything
And the other theory as strange as it may sound really belongs to Laura herself and sounds rather farfetched to me.

While the C's state plainly that there was once a planet inhabited by the so called Aryan race of people and later also destroyed by this very race while the survivors were transported to this planet Laura states quite unequivocally that this is not the case and the white race appeared as a result of some viral infection.It sounds odd but she states in her hit-list series that when this planet was destroyed bits and pieces of DNA of it s perished citizens somehow got there with some help of the comets and asteroids which carried the viral material that later infected the natives of this planet. And that is how the aryan race appeared.

I must admit that although i believe in the viral theory of creating the new species through the cometary bombardment i believe that this is NOT the case with the origin of the Aryans. And even if Laura is right and the C's are wrong though her own theory was never confirmed in any session we still have the perished planet and its aryan citizens whose DNA virally infected the natives of this planet and created a new species of people.

Now that is a very important issue i believe because as long as we have two theories we won't go too far in our understanding of our own origin and our role here.

So i need some clues on your behalf members of the forum.

Our origins and roles are spirit/soul related. Race is merely part of the 3D STS experience.

You appear to be obsessed with these STS ideas a little too much for comfort.
Kika said:
@ Sitting
It is precisely for the above reasons, that I find goyacobol's session quotes so enormously helpful. They pin you back to the source material--and forces you(?,!) to confront the exact words used, and their true meaning.

(?) Maybe you'd like a word "force you" replaced with "advise you?" Because I did not know which word to choose, I was :evil: to Goyacobol.
(!) Do these words equally true meaning, for you and me? :huh:

Hi kika,

If you accept my entire sentence, then you'll have to go with the original wording.
If someone pins you back--you're are being forced. No? :)
Electrosonic please tell me that you are not really interested in how we really appeared here:-) I know that you are just as many are:-) And being a person of one race or another IS important because it is strictly karmic as to why you come here over and over and over in the same body race-wise i mean:-) So while the soul matters a lot it can't escape from the universal laws of Karma.:-) :cool2:
Caledonia said:
Electrosonic please tell me that you are not really interested in how we really appeared here:-) I know that you are just as many are:-) And being a person of one race or another IS important because it is strictly karmic as to why you come here over and over and over in the same body race-wise i mean:-) So while the soul matters a lot it can't escape from the universal laws of Karma.:-) :cool2:

I have literally no idea what you are talking about.

You are a soul. You are not the body you occupy.

And please tell me why you think everyone continuously reincarnates as the same race over and over?

The whole theory seems puerile.
Caledonia said:
I must admit that although i believe in the viral theory of creating the new species through the cometary bombardment i believe that this is NOT the case with the origin of the Aryans.

Hi Caledonia,
I guess this is what you mean by "viral" theory? I don't get to read as much as I want so I must ask... Is this theory what was stated as what is "THE" theory as to how the Aryan race came to be here? I ask because I have a hard time thinking where anyone said something like "This IS what happened", "This is what is", or any unequivocal state of fact. I am probably drifting now so I gotta think about what we both have said...
electrosonic said:
Our origins and roles are spirit/soul related.

I agree with this electrosonic . These bodies we inhabit are nothing more than the car we drive to work, shopping or transporting us to where ever we need to be.. These biological containers are nothing more than vehicles to enable our lessons in "school".
Mr. Premise said:
Maybe "non-duality" and Mahayana Buddhism is a sacred cow for you, Sitting. Personally, I would ditch the concept because it only makes sense on 7th Density. If it becomes a guiding concept prematurely on lower densities, I think it leads people astray like when the RA group obsesses about the Law of One and fails to develop discernment when they ignore "negative" stuff.

You might want to review the following from Session May 27, 2000:

Q: (B) So, on 4th density, would time become concrete, and therefore manipulatable because it is no longer an illusion?

A: Quite close. Now, pay attention! What if: one on 2nd density perceives objects due to their similarity. One on 3rd density perceives objects due to their difference, and one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?

Q: (B) In terms of their own union with all of them? I kind of thought that would be the NEXT step up.

A: No.

Q: (A) I have a problem with this sentence. It says: "one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?" Who is in union with the objects?

A: Perceiver.

So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.
Sounds pretty close to home to me. Like maybe right around the corner?
sitting said:
Mr. Premise said:
Maybe "non-duality" and Mahayana Buddhism is a sacred cow for you, Sitting. Personally, I would ditch the concept because it only makes sense on 7th Density. If it becomes a guiding concept prematurely on lower densities, I think it leads people astray like when the RA group obsesses about the Law of One and fails to develop discernment when they ignore "negative" stuff.

You might want to review the following from Session May 27, 2000:

Q: (B) So, on 4th density, would time become concrete, and therefore manipulatable because it is no longer an illusion?

A: Quite close. Now, pay attention! What if: one on 2nd density perceives objects due to their similarity. One on 3rd density perceives objects due to their difference, and one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?

Q: (B) In terms of their own union with all of them? I kind of thought that would be the NEXT step up.

A: No.

Q: (A) I have a problem with this sentence. It says: "one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?" Who is in union with the objects?

A: Perceiver.

So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.
Sounds pretty close to home to me. Like right around the corner.

Yep. Maybe in this sense 'non-duality' is just pure STO, taken to a 4D level?
Electrosonic what you believe to be a puerile idea is really based exclusively on what the C's said in many sessions. They said that those who have some special karmic debts are doomed to reincarnate in the the same bodies over and over race-wise. That is the law of karma. Do i make my point clear now? :cool: And yes we are the souls i know and it is paramount:-) :cool2:

Secondly. AI today i believe you feel a little confused when you try to figure out what i mean by the viral theory right? Well what i mean is this. There is a series of articles called the hit-list of the C's and in one of those it is plainly stated that the author i believe it is Harrison Koehli (sorry if i misspelled it) and Laura believe that the Aryans on this planet evolved and not appeared all of a sudden by means of some random mutations- viral in their nature. Namely they state that there was once a planet in this system later destroyed by its own people whose pieces of DNA mixed with some viral material on the surface of some comets and asteroids found their way to this planet and then infected the native neanderthal population here. And that is how the aryan race really appeared. Now do i have to explain that again? And do you understand now what theory i really mean?

It sounds very farfetched to me because i believe it needs no improvements as it is laid out in the sessions of the C's. And how exactly Laura or Harrison came to that totally ungrounded theory i simply don't know. While we have a good working confirmed hypothesis given in the sessions we need no other theories totally ungrounded even if they are proposed by people like Laura herself or any member of the crew. And if the think that it is true and the C's are wrong or we need an upgrade on this topic then i would like to see those questions or theories confirmed by the C's in the future sessions.( the Jesus - Caesar topic is a good example)
Caledonia said:
Electrosonic please tell me that you are not really interested in how we really appeared here:-) I know that you are just as many are:-)
While this is most likely true it is also the case that most of us are not obsessed with this. We are all here 'now' and have lessons to learn and Work to do.

And being a person of one race or another IS important because it is strictly karmic as to why you come here over and over and over in the same body race-wise i mean:-)
Here you are making an assumption which is most likely not true. How do you know you were not of a different sex and race in any previous incarnations, a different species entirely on some distant planet, or possibly an animal of some sort?

So while the soul matters a lot it can't escape from the universal laws of Karma.:-) :cool2:

Please explain what are the universal laws of Karma and how you know for sure that you understand them completely.
sitting said:
So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.

What makes you think in any way that unity and non-duality are the same thing?

I has been made very clear that STS beings exist in the Fourth Density. This is "duality" most certainly! Like the C's once said "a refrigerator is not a highway". When asked what the relationship between the two was, they said there is none. The same applies to unity and non-duality.
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