Session 4 April 2015

Richard S thanks for your answer:-) Here are the answers to your remarks:-)

1. I do not obsess about anything - that is just one of the questions in the long list of my endless studies on all subjects.
2. Well i could be a critter in the sand or a leaf on a tree or a wolf in the forest or an eagle in the skies. A woman or a homosexual or even a transsexual in any life. A saint or a thug -a monk or a tyrant -who knows? A black man or a vietnamese woman :cool: and so could you yes? But what is important IS the fact that right now i am a caucasian race-wise and when i am saying that i mean that it is for a reason. And if it were so in many past lives than it was always for a reason.See? It is karma. And this is not what i made up - i am quoting the C's.
3. The laws of karma are simple and i know them well. The killer will be killed the rapist will be raped the wealthy will be poor the greedy will be impoverished. Do you know those?
sitting said:
Kika said:
@ Sitting
It is precisely for the above reasons, that I find goyacobol's session quotes so enormously helpful. They pin you back to the source material--and forces you(?,!) to confront the exact words used, and their true meaning.

(?) Maybe you'd like a word "force you" replaced with "advise you?" Because I did not know which word to choose, I was :evil: to Goyacobol.
(!) Do these words equally true meaning, for you and me? :huh:

Hi kika,

If you accept my entire sentence, then you'll have to go with the original wording.
If someone pins you back--you're are being forced. No? :)

Kika and sitting,

I hope we can use this as an opportunity to "air out" our differences in communication. Maybe it is not so much differences as disagreement. It seems to me, Kika that you might have what some on the forum call a "sacred cow". I will include myself and try to explain what I mean. My "sacred cow" may be using direct quotes from the Cs. Your "sacred cow" might be allowing certain words that trigger emotion like :evil:.

I do not mean to be judgmental since your experiences may have helped program your reactions to certain words like "service", "forced" and "pin you back".

I think that sitting made an important point about not wanting to change the meaning and order of the transcripts wording.

Kika said:
I am an ordinary woman. In my life I have to deal with what I have.

You seem to be making a distinction between "cooperation" and "service".
So do you mean ???:
I wish the Cs would have said CWO (cooperation with others) instead of STO?
Why didn't the Cs say "STS" means Symbiosis To Others?
I don't like the term "service" but I will accept using "cooperation"?
There is a big difference between "cooperation" and "service"?


You notice in the above answer to all those questions you said "Yes". I was willing accept "cooperation" as a reasonable interpretation if that helped to see the concept of STO in a positive way. But I think if we allow ourselves to do that for every instance we could completely lose the true meaning of what the Cs really want to communicate.

For me the word "service" has some quality of "cooperation". One dictionary definition is "an act of helpful activity". For others it means a military obligation. I was in the "service" and went to Korea for my Army enlistment. Some may interpret "service" to be an honorable and positive concept. Maybe "service" for you could trigger a thought about "servitude"/slavery? I just noticed you were :evil: and tried to be more sensitive to the emotional reaction.

I don't think there is anything wrong with being emotional or sensitive either. I just see that you may not realize how you are reacting to different words that you find more negatively charged than others might understand them or mean to use them.

Hope you won't be :evil:

goyacobol :/
Caledonia said:
Richard S thanks for your answer:-) Here are the answers to your remarks:-)

1. I do not obsess about anything - that is just one of the questions in the long list of my endless studies on all subjects.
I wasn't stating that you in particular were, just that most of us were not.

2. Well i could be a critter in the sand or a leaf on a tree or a wolf in the forest or an eagle in the skies. A woman or a homosexual or even a transsexual in any life. A saint or a thug -a monk or a tyrant -who knows? A black man or a vietnamese woman :cool: and so could you yes?
Yes, as I mentioned it could have been any of these and lots more.

But what is important IS the fact that right now i am a caucasian race-wise and when i am saying that i mean that it is for a reason. And if it were so in many past lives than it was always for a reason.See?
That is not what you actually said, which was:
Caledonia said:
And being a person of one race or another IS important because it is strictly karmic as to why you come here over and over and over in the same body race-wise i mean:-)

I do agree that our experiences in our current life have something to do with our past life or lives. But, why do you think we come back as the same race over and over?

It is karma. And this is not what i made up - i am quoting the C's.
3. The laws of karma are simple and i know them well. The killer will be killed the rapist will be raped the wealthy will be poor the greedy will be impoverished. Do you know those?
The C's also said we do not really understand how Karma works and it would probably be foolish of us to think it was all as simple as that. They have also mentioned that there are things we can do which help ameliorate or even completely remove 'Karmic debt', so it is probably not so set in stone as we might think.
Caledonia said:
3. The laws of karma are simple and i know them well. The killer will be killed the rapist will be raped the wealthy will be poor the greedy will be impoverished. Do you know those?

Actually, not really the case in all cases. If one is dealing with those who have no individuated soul, there is no "karma" in the exact terms you mention.

And really, Caledonia, I'm getting rather weary of your twisted arrogance. I have way more important things to do than to have to monitor your paramoralistic declarations and manipulative games so stop it altogether with no trying to sneak back in.
Caledonia said:
Hi folks:-) i believe that while we are discussing some rather interesting stuff here a very important issue has to be addressed.

And the reason this issue is important? Well, I guess you have just decided it is important. You could have just said "I have an issue that I think may be important and I have some questions for the forum". But, for some strange reason the idea of "external consideration" is not even on your radar.

Caledonia said:
In short i would like to know your personal opinion regarding the following set of questions:

What is the origin of the so called caucasian or white race?
Do you believe that the so called Aryan race of people was somehow transported from the perished planet?
What would they be like in appearance and special capabilities once they got there?

The main reason for asking this is that at present there seem to be two theories regarding that issue.

One of them is very well-known to all of those who read all of the sessions of the C's and it explains everything

Now I guess all you have to do is read all of the Cs sessions and everything will be explained there and you will not need to ask any questions or worry about learning anything else. :rolleyes:

Caledonia said:
And the other theory as strange as it may sound really belongs to Laura herself and sounds rather farfetched to me.

For some strange reason all of a sudden Laura is now accused of having a "farfetched" theory. Woooo...

Caledonia said:
While the C's state plainly that there was once a planet inhabited by the so called Aryan race of people and later also destroyed by this very race while the survivors were transported to this planet

Yes, the Cs state "there was once a planet inhabited by the so called Aryan race".

Session 7 October 1994
Q: (L) What is the origin of the Aryan race?
A: 5th planet now know as asteroid belt.1
Q: (L) When did they come to earth?
A: 80 thousand years ago? Difficult for us to use your measuring system.

Was that planet destroyed? Maybe, if the planet's name is Kantek.

Session 30 September 1994

Q: (L) Is the cluster of fragments in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter the remains of a planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was that planet known as?
A: Kantek.
Q: (L) When did that planet break apart into the asteroid belt.
A: 79 thousand years ago approximately.

How was it destroyed?

Session 22 October 1994
Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we now know as the asteroid belt,
you said was destroyed by psychic energy. Could you clarify that?
A: The occupants of that planet, many of whom are your soul ancestors, simply decided to develop a
service to self atmosphere that was so super charged in the negative that it actually caused their home
planet to be destroyed because the energy levels became so intense crashing back upon themselves
that they actually destroyed the atomic structure of the planet, causing it to physically explode.
Q: (L) Was this done technologically or was it strictly done by mind power?
A: They are one and the same.
Q: (L) Did they do something like drop bombs?
A: No, no. This was done by psychic energy. There has been in a transient fashion of reality the danger
of the same thing happening on your planet. Although we are quite confident it won't because we see
all reality, past present and future. But, you must understand also that even in our particular
perspective point, all reality is nonetheless fluid. There are still many choices of realities and possible
futures and possible pasts and possible presents. But we feel fairly confident that that particular fate
will not befall your planet, although it did the one then known as Kantek.

Caledonia said:
Laura states quite unequivocally that this is not the case and the white race appeared as a result of some viral infection.
It sounds odd but she states in her hit-list series that when this planet was destroyed bits and pieces of DNA of it s perished citizens somehow got there with some help of the comets and asteroids which carried the viral material that later infected the natives of this planet. And that is how the aryan race appeared.

Yes, Laura does mention this as one of many possibilities in the in her book The Apocalypse: Comets, Asteroids and Cyclical Catastrophes.

Laura gives a number of hypotheses, ranging from comet-borne DNA to ‘atomized body parts’ entering earth’s
atmosphere as a result of the destruction of the ‘Fifth Planet’. Whatever the case, the idea of
‘extraterrestrial genes’ isn’t that incredible when looked at in light of modern science, especially in
light of the news that NASAmay have found microbes on Mars 37 years ago.

I am not sure that she says "that is how the aryan race appeared.

Caledonia said:
I must admit that although i believe in the viral theory of creating the new species through the cometary bombardment i believe that this is NOT the case with the origin of the Aryans. And even if Laura is right and the C's are wrong though her own theory was never confirmed in any session we still have the perished planet and its aryan citizens whose DNA virally infected the natives of this planet and created a new species of people.

Now that is a very important issue i believe because as long as we have two theories we won't go too far in our understanding of our own origin and our role here.

So i need some clues on your behalf members of the forum.

Perhaps we should question the "theory" that "her own theory was never confirmed in any session" and look for some "clues".

Session 4 March 2012

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?
A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!
Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what?
(Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can
be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just
described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?
A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.
Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a
virus? Materialization?
A: Yes.
Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close in location to those of stem cells,
and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?
A: More or less!
Q: (Perceval) Except when we do the thinking, we mess it up. So we should stop thinking and interfering with the manifestation of our DNA!

Gee, I wonder where Laura gets all these "strange" ideas. It's almost like she is using critical objective thinking or something! :O


Caledonia said:
Hi AI today:-) thanks much for your answer:-) I stick firmly to what the C's said in their sessions. And imho it sounds rather logical that the race quite capable technologically and psychically of destroying the whole planet COULD find a way to rescue themselves and transport the survivors or the refugees of the planetary conflict to this planet.

Earth to Caledonia. The Kantekkians did not "rescue themselves" they destroyed their own freakin planet! They were rescued/lifted to Earth by Orion STS.

Session 24 September 1995
Q: (L) Well, the word "kilt" comes from "Celtic," but no one seems to know where they originated...
they just sort of appeared on the landscape, so to speak.
A: Exactly!
Q: (L) Are you going to tell us?
A: No, not just as of yet.
Q: (L) So, there is some interesting connection! (RC) Does it mean "warrior race?"
A: If you prefer! We have close affiliation with the "Northern Peoples." Why? Because we were in
regular, direct contact with them on Kantek, before they were "lifted" to Earth by Orion STS.
Q: (L) If you were in direct contact with them, how come they were in cahoots with the Orion STS
A: Who says they are in "kahoots?"
Q: (L) Weren't they rescued by the Orion STS?
A: Yes. But one need not be in "kahoots" to be rescued!!!
Q: (L) Well, if the Orion STS brought the Celts here, they must have brought them for their own
purposes, am I correct?
A: Essentially, but herein lies the reason why you need a review. You see, you have some gaps in your
knowledge base which are caused by channeling, absorbing and analyzing information out of sequence
with what we have given you and mixing it all together!

Caledonia said:
Mind you those guys were the ancestors of the atlantean majority of the people and the latter according to the C's clearly had the interplanetary ability and even the interstellar i suppose or transdimensional even:-) By using it they built some structures on Mars and the Moon.And but of course they had this mighty motherstone or merkaba as some people call it for some stargate technology and transportation purposes. The C's said that nearly half of the refugees used it to transport themselves here.

NO, the Cs did not say the Kantekkians use "it" to transport themselves here. They may have known teleportation or been given teleportation technology. This following is what they DID say:

Session 31 May 1997
Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island
long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big,
blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there
were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells,
chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at
A: Teleportation.
Q: Who teleported it there?
A: The "Celts."

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?
A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans.
Q: Now, you said before that Atlanteans were not Celts, is that correct?
A: No.
Q: The Atlanteans were Celts?
A: "Celts, Druids," etc... are merely latter day designations.
Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the
Lizzies... brought here, correct?
A: Yes.

Q: When the Lizzies did this, how many Celts were physically brought here?
A: Hundreds of millions.
Q: How long, in our terms, did it take to bring these Celts to this planet? Or, is this ongoing?
A: Well, in the sense that you measure it, let us say about a week.
Q: Did they transport them in ships, that is some sort of structure. That is, did they load them up,
move them into 4th density, reemerge here in 3rd density, or something like that?
A: Close.
Q: And they unloaded them in the area of the Caucasus, is that correct?
A: And regions surrounding.
Q: And, that was what, 79 to 80 thousand years ago?
A: Over 80,000.

Caledonia said:
So you see all of my points are rather well grounded and are based on what the sessions gave us.

Well, close but no cigar.

Caledonia said:
And to top it all they had besides the motherstone technology what we know now from the sessions as the holy grail technology or some crystal of sorts.

Oh yes, it was so "Holy". Holy cajoles, how you think they got this "crystal" technology (with a little help from their friends)? Well, since you should already know maybe I could just let you look it up. Well, I don't have that much "time" to waste so here is where you can find it:

Session 19 November 1994
Q: (L) How come this crystal didn't shatter or break up during the subsidence of Atlantis?
A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear
explosion would be absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy. That relates to the
design function.
Q: (L) And then what would happen?
A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the Atlanteans.
Q: (L) Where did they get this technology?
A: They evolved it.
Q: (L) They invented it themselves?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they interact with any aliens?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did they get any help at all from these extraterrestrials?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who were these aliens?
A: Lizards.

Q: (L) What kind of power frequency did these crystals use?
A: Full range.
Q: (T) How many of the crystals have been discovered by the governments of the world?
A: All.
Q: (T) Are they trying to use them?
A: Pointlessly.

Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:3)

Caledonia said:
So no but this viral theory is WRONG - it could be true generally speaking but it is wrong in THIS case. And many many many quotes of the C's refute it.

I beg to differ (like that really matters). Nonetheless, I breathlessly await your documented response to the many, many quotes of the Cs to refute it.

Caledonia said:
In fact i strongly believe that this event - the aryan presence all of a sudden laid the foundation for all of the conflicts in this world up to this day.

Well, I think you might be right about where much of this started but we can't blame everything on the Aryans. We all have some responsibility this "time" around.

Caledonia said:
Electrosonic please tell me that you are not really interested in how we really appeared here:-) I know that you are just as many are:-) And being a person of one race or another IS important because it is strictly karmic as to why you come here over and over and over in the same body race-wise i mean:-) So while the soul matters a lot it can't escape from the universal laws of Karma.:-) :cool2:

I won't take time to show you where the Cs would beg to differ with you about the dilutions of the races but I will throw out a snippet on karma from the Cs since you are so adamant about it.

Session 30 August 2009
Q: (Scottie) That was really bad... (Ark) Well, I'm not sure if I really understand what I want to ask. I understand that there were
many factors that came together. But question is if such an end was somehow written in her karma? (Joe) Did she choose? You know,
other sources always talk about people choosing to die - at some level there's a choice made. Is that the case here?
A: Too much credibility is given to the idea of "karma". Anybody can be "taken out" if their awareness is not sufficient to the situation.
But as is the case, it follows the general rules of 3D reality. 4D STS can maneuver through agents mainly, environment, and that sort of thing.

In some cases "awareness" or the lack of "awareness" can be your biggest downfall.

And finally, while I took the "time" to write this post Laura had already responded with thoughts that sum it up much better than I just tried to do.
Thank you, Goyacobol, for an excellent review.

One of the most significant things I think the Cs have ever said is the following:

26 Nov 1994 said:
A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.

And this:

24 Feb 1996 said:
The primary reason for our communication is to help you to learn by teaching yourselves to learn, thereby strengthening your soul energy, and assisting your advancement.


12 Dec 1998 said:
A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer." We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness.


22 June 1996 said:
Q: (L) ... And, how come I am always the one who gets assigned the job of figuring everything out?

A: Because you have asked for the "power" to figure out the most important issues in all of reality. And, we have been assisting you in your empowerment.
Laura said:
Thank you, Goyacobol, for an excellent review.

One of the most significant things I think the Cs have ever said is the following:

26 Nov 1994 said:
A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.

And this:

24 Feb 1996 said:
The primary reason for our communication is to help you to learn by teaching yourselves to learn, thereby strengthening your soul energy, and assisting your advancement.

12 Dec 1998 said:
A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer." We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness.

Thank you, Laura. I like all of those. The first one is one that I think about allot. And the other two really show how we have to do something with what we decide. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. I was hoping you wouldn't have to waste so much energy on that post. I know you have so much going on.
goyacobol said:
Thank you, Laura. I like all of those. The first one is one that I think about allot. And the other two really show how we have to do something with what we decide.

Yes. And I never forget it. It's really true that you only get 10% inspiration and to get to 100% - if it is even possible - you have to put in that 90% perspiration one way or another. There is NO free lunch!

goyacobol said:
Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. I was hoping you wouldn't have to waste so much energy on that post. I know you have so much going on.

I very much appreciate the fact that so many forum members - including yourself - seem to be making quantum leaps in understanding and response-ability. It does help me in many ways, but I think it helps even more when members engage with each other to discuss, do some research, and work things through.
goyacobol said:
Laura said:
Thank you, Goyacobol, for an excellent review.

One of the most significant things I think the Cs have ever said is the following:

26 Nov 1994 said:
A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.

And this:

24 Feb 1996 said:
The primary reason for our communication is to help you to learn by teaching yourselves to learn, thereby strengthening your soul energy, and assisting your advancement.

12 Dec 1998 said:
A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer." We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness.

Thank you, Laura. I like all of those. The first one is one that I think about allot. And the other two really show how we have to do something with what we decide. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. I was hoping you wouldn't have to waste so much energy on that post. I know you have so much going on.

thank you both for encouragement, thank you all out there who gave me strength not to give up, and to learn and discover by ourself, thank you for guidance on that path ... I am just about to finish Amazing Grace - I am so thankfull for all I read there so far ... I am so gratefully for encouragement to go to search and discover by my self instead of ben explained about things in short cuts, what I was doing most of the time .. the feeling and emotions and understanding that comes from deeper research is just incomparable with anything else ... And at the top of that, I am so greatfull to get a chance, in this crowded planet, to know someone like you, Dear Laura you are incredible person, woman and mother! Each day as I am learning more about your devotion, your hard work to research, question and come to conclusions that are helping all of us to see the world from more objective perspective .... I am just each day more inspired to follow that path of knowledge ... THANK YOU!
Richard S said:
sitting said:
So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.

What makes you think in any way that unity and non-duality are the same thing?

I has been made very clear that STS beings exist in the Fourth Density. This is "duality" most certainly!

Hi Richard S,

My description relates to the inner composition of things--within the 4th density realm.
The existence of such clearly implied by the C's remark:

"one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them."

Think of a large Lego set, with a basic unit block. Out of which houses, trees, cars, good guys ... and bad guys are made. The unity & non-duality refers to the unit blocks themselves, and not the eventual objects.

I believe this unity exists for us (in 3rd) as well, but we just don't see it. In 4th density, that perception is universal. Perhaps because they accept only those who can. And leave out those who can't. For that reason alone, it's important to reflect on one's rigidity, openness to new ideas, other concepts & perhaps even other religions. Not in silly-nilly fashion, but with humility and seriousness of purpose. It is a danger to be dismissive.

Good to remember too that we choose what we see. By altering our assumptions (through knowledge and a bit of imagination).

And I think the process itself is interative--as per the observation made on another thread by rs. FWIW.

Quote from rs:
"To truly learn, you have to allow the intention to unfold so that you may see the true outcome. Then you can have a new intention, perhaps based on the outcome of the first. "
sitting said:
Richard S said:
sitting said:
So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.

What makes you think in any way that unity and non-duality are the same thing?

I has been made very clear that STS beings exist in the Fourth Density. This is "duality" most certainly!

Hi Richard S,

My description relates to the inner composition of things--within the 4th density realm.
The existence of such clearly implied by the C's remark:

"one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them."

Think of a large Lego set, with a basic unit block. Out of which houses, trees, cars, good guys ... and bad guys are made. The unity & non-duality refers to the unit blocks themselves, and not the eventual objects.

I believe this unity exists for us (in 3rd) as well, but we just don't see it. In 4th density, that perception is universal. Perhaps because they accept only those who can. And leave out those who can't. For that reason alone, it's important to reflect on one's rigidity, openness to new ideas, other concepts & perhaps even other religions. Not in silly-nilly fashion, but with humility and seriousness of purpose. It is a danger to be dismissive.

Good to remember too that we choose what we see. By altering our assumptions (through knowledge and a bit of imagination).

And I think the process itself is interative--as per the observation made on another thread by rs. FWIW.

Quote from rs:
"To truly learn, you have to allow the intention to unfold so that you may see the true outcome. Then you can have a new intention, perhaps based on the outcome of the first. "

I'll add to that by saying:

.... that the realization of unity is the foundation of 4D - its the expression of this realization that results in either an STS or STO 4D existence.

STO express unity by accepting all elements of consciousness as equal and uphold their free will to create.
STS express unity by trying to absorb all elements of consciousness/creation back into one big whole.

But both are doing what they believe is best for the Absolute.

So the supposed duality may be just the 3D view of a 4D phenomena.
On the whole unity-duality thing, I think it can be perceived like a magnet with a north pole and a south pole. As a 4D STO being, the locus of your consciousness may be concentrated close to the north pole, but you are aware that you exist as part of the same magnet with the south pole which is opposite in potential with all that entails. One magnet, with opposite potentials, you choose which one you wish to express. In the end, both poles work together to create The Field. I'm sure there is a lot of metaphysical knowledge out there that explains what the "magnet" represents and goes into great detail about how it actually works, but on its most fundamental level, I believe it really is that simple.

My interpretation would be that the magnet is composed of souls, polarity is equivalent to freewill or choice, and the resultant field represents the manifested universe.
sitting said:
Richard S said:
sitting said:
So in 4th density, the perceiver is in union with the objects. All the objects.
In other words, unity and non-duality.

What makes you think in any way that unity and non-duality are the same thing?

I has been made very clear that STS beings exist in the Fourth Density. This is "duality" most certainly!

Hi Richard S,

My description relates to the inner composition of things--within the 4th density realm.
The existence of such clearly implied by the C's remark:

"one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them."

Think of a large Lego set, with a basic unit block. Out of which houses, trees, cars, good guys ... and bad guys are made. The unity & non-duality refers to the unit blocks themselves, and not the eventual objects.

I believe this unity exists for us (in 3rd) as well, but we just don't see it. In 4th density, that perception is universal. Perhaps because they accept only those who can. And leave out those who can't. For that reason alone, it's important to reflect on one's rigidity, openness to new ideas, other concepts & perhaps even other religions. Not in silly-nilly fashion, but with humility and seriousness of purpose. It is a danger to be dismissive.

Good to remember too that we choose what we see. By altering our assumptions (through knowledge and a bit of imagination).

And I think the process itself is interative--as per the observation made on another thread by rs. FWIW.

Quote from rs:
"To truly learn, you have to allow the intention to unfold so that you may see the true outcome. Then you can have a new intention, perhaps based on the outcome of the first. "
I have to admit I didn't fully understand what you were talking about, which is the fundamentals of the micro scale rather than the macro which we can readily observe. I will also admit I do not have any ability to understand how things would be in a 4D environment. So, in a sense, there is the possibility you may be correct.

Then again, even at the subatomic level there would probably be some sort of duality. Electrons/Positrons, etc. Perhaps it just depends upon the point of view as has been mentioned. I guess we will know the answer when (and if) we get there.
Neil said:
On the whole unity-duality thing, I think it can be perceived like a magnet with a north pole and a south pole. As a 4D STO being, the locus of your consciousness may be concentrated close to the north pole, but you are aware that you exist as part of the same magnet with the south pole which is opposite in potential with all that entails. One magnet, with opposite potentials, you choose which one you wish to express. In the end, both poles work together to create The Field. I'm sure there is a lot of metaphysical knowledge out there that explains what the "magnet" represents and goes into great detail about how it actually works, but on its most fundamental level, I believe it really is that simple.

My interpretation would be that the magnet is composed of souls, polarity is equivalent to freewill or choice, and the resultant field represents the manifested universe.

That's a useful way to describe it. Ark says "magnetic monopoles" are hypothetical one-pole magnets; some people say they exist, some people laugh at them. Whether or not they exist, they are mysterious.
Sitting and Goyacobol,

When someone advises, gives me the opportunity to look at the situation from a different perspective. I have a choice I can do that or not.

When someone force, he is a force, a milder form of aggression and violence, and that every free will "fall into the water."

When someone cooperates has a choice: who, where, how, when.....
When someone serve then it must be on the "rules of service", there is no free will.

Therefore, I think, that the Cs want to emphasize; if we accept one of polarity we are somehow giving up free will and we must serve according to some rules.

You do not have to believe me, but if you know a lawyer, ask how important it is and what are the consequences if the contract does not use the words with true, real meaning.

My "problem" with the real meaning of the word is as follows. When someone uses a word that has meaning and then used a lot of other words, to prove that this word has a different meaning, I become suspicious. Especially if it a different meaning, has its own word that describes it. In most cases, it appears that word means what it means, and all those "mental exercise" was manipulation.

I discovered my own "holy cow", and that is:
How can people, if they know the true meaning of the war, to make and accept the following statement:
"Let's start a war to make peace".
Especially if this war, starting in a foreign country, other people's yards, someone else's house.
I see nothing honorable and positive.

I this discussion will not spread further.
Anyone who wants to understand, this is understood, and who is not, will not understand, or if I write a doctoral thesis.
Case closed.
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