Session 4 April 2015

Laura said:
I've noticed that since I began making the videos (will get back to that soon) and doing some skype sessions with some of the groups around the world, connections seem to be building gradually. It also helps that so many people have been here to visit, and/or that some of you are able to visit with each other. I notice a distinct change in atmosphere and so many forum member coming forward with help and wisdom to share with others. For me, it is a good thing when I don't need to intervene in a thread because knots of misunderstanding are building, or egos are going whacko all over the place. I see people on the forum actively working on these things themselves, and it is hopeful to me. So, it seems that I may be acting as some kind of "connecting matrix."

For my part, I'm working every day to keep up my response-ability to all the group members, to the AIM, and still trying to have a semblance of a life though, for me, that pretty much is my life. Still, I do have to take some care with my health and so far, that is doing fine even if I had that bit of a rough patch when I fell last September. It sure boosted the research since I could do little else but read!!!

One thing I can assure you from my experiences with Ark: even if you are a world away from another person, there can be incredible connections formed that feel almost physical! I would say that we connected chakras across the Atlantic! And it wasn't just an illusion!

Laura, thank you very much for your inspiring post and for the work you do. It is priceless to us, individuals with the possibility of connecting with our higher centers. Our network is like an oasis in the middle of the world run by OPs, where people with a potential of knowing higher esoterical realms are 'bullied', forced to be 'normal', and corrupted into mindless worshiping of material things.
Neil, yeah, that's how I was kinda thinking about it too - the idea of putting someone on the step behind you on a grand scale. Thanks for the reminder from Gnosis. From the many things the C's have said also, the whole putting someone on the step behind you seems to be a universal thing - the entire process of evolution spiraling upwards at all levels.

This is a bit off-topic, but not too much. When I reread that excerpt from Mouravieff, I remembered all the "biblical gloss", as the C's put it, he uses in the 4th Way concepts. It was on my mind several months ago that something else that was niggling at the back of my mind is that the whole "true" 4th Way being kept in monasteries for centuries claimed by Mouravieff and others goes against the basic principles of what Gurdjieff said about 4th Way school not having any permanent form, etc. I've wondered about that for a while now.
Laura said:
For my part, I'm working every day to keep up my response-ability to all the group members, to the AIM, and still trying to have a semblance of a life though, for me, that pretty much is my life. Still, I do have to take some care with my health and so far, that is doing fine even if I had that bit of a rough patch when I fell last September. It sure boosted the research since I could do little else but read!!!

Hi Laura,

Your "working everyday day" is an inspiration to all. And your periodic reminders--encouragements--and admonitions, are much appreciated. And much needed. I believe I speak for many when I say this.

I'm very glad to hear that you're on the mend. And thank you for your remarks.
Richard S said:
Myself and some others have been fortunate enough to both be able to visit Laura and the others at the Chateau and get together with others at meetings and such. Even though it is always preferable to be able to meet in person there is no doubt in my mind that many of us are connecting with each other without being physically present.

Hi Richard,

Yes, you are fortunate to have made that visit. My reluctance to fly (anywhere) will not afford me that opportunity. I will simply have to work with greater effort--in receiving messages on the wind. And I agree with you on the reality of making non-physical contact connections. It's very encouraging.
SeekinTruth said:
Neil, yeah, that's how I was kinda thinking about it too - the idea of putting someone on the step behind you on a grand scale. Thanks for the reminder from Gnosis. From the many things the C's have said also, the whole putting someone on the step behind you seems to be a universal thing - the entire process of evolution spiraling upwards at all levels.

Yes, this is part of the lesson of 3rd density that helps you grow so that you can graduate to 4th density even if Gurdjieff didn't put it in those terms. I noticed that the Cs were quite clear about this, though also a bit reticent to give exact instructions. They pretty much just said that you have to learn the lessons of 3D, they involve "karmic and simple understandings" and that intensively examining and discussing things followed (most importantly) by sharing (both a function of their all-important directive: Networking), and that was the whole key.

Obviously, it seemed a little squirrely to me at first. I mean, it's not exactly what all the esoteric teachers promote nor even the pop-psychology - How to have a better life - people write about. At least not in those terms. And very few of them place any emphasis on the "Knowledge Protects" and "Always Expect Attack" (from which knowledge can protect or extricate) ideas.

But, heck, I had tried all the other ways and nothing was really connecting the dots of life and understanding in a comprehensive way... so Ark and I decided to follow the instructions in a dedicated way. Everything has followed from that decision. I even remember the day we discussed it and decided and then went online to buy a domain name. That made it real, a commitment.

Obviously, I didn't expect to learn the kinds of lessons I had to learn in the doing, especially not the most unpleasant ones, but the Cs also encouraged patience and persistence.

I don't know if there is an ultimate destination anymore; nor does it really matter now because I see that just what we have done has helped so many people (and really angered some as well!). So if just helping people to come together, to learn to understand and get along with each other in a deep, spiritual way, is all that results, I guess I'll be able to go to my rest with a bit of comfort. And if we succeed in something even greater, well, that will be icing and cherries on the cake! One thing I have learned is to be open to possibilities that I would never had considered before; and to just DO what is in front of me to be done with care and diligence whether it is cleaning the bathroom or writing a book.

SeekinTruth said:
This is a bit off-topic, but not too much. When I reread that excerpt from Mouravieff, I remembered all the "biblical gloss", as the C's put it, he uses in the 4th Way concepts. It was on my mind several months ago that something else that was niggling at the back of my mind is that the whole "true" 4th Way being kept in monasteries for centuries claimed by Mouravieff and others goes against the basic principles of what Gurdjieff said about 4th Way school not having any permanent form, etc. I've wondered about that for a while now.

Yes, Mouravieff was definitely one of those who saw a work from a distance and made all kinds of wrong assumptions about it... a little like William Patrick Patterson, I think. But we can be thankful for them because, at least, they have put down some things in writing that can be re-cognized by those actually on the staircase.
goyacobol said:
fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? ...

A: ... We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Hi goyacobol,

I'm still doing re-reads of what you had so generously put together. A question did pop up however.

When they say connect chakras by proper networking, do they mean connecting one's own internal chakras (through the process of networking with others)--or do they mean connecting one's chakras with the chakras of other people?

Or maybe both? The second coming after the first?

Or maybe even the second without the first?

An internal (self) connection makes more intuitive sense to my way of thinking. It speaks to a greater reliance on self and less of a dependency on others. And it's the gathering of self connected individuals that gives rise to the next level of connective power. The individual's internal connection being the true basis. But I could be wrong.

This difference I think can lead to a slightly different emphasis on one's approach. The internal aspect being perhaps more important. FWIW.
sitting said:
goyacobol said:
fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? ...

A: ... We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Hi goyacobol,

I'm still doing re-reads of what you had so generously put together. A question did pop up however.

When they say connect chakras by proper networking, do they mean connecting one's own internal chakras (through the process of networking with others)--or do they mean connecting one's chakras with the chakras of other people?

An internal (self) connection makes more intuitive sense to my way of thinking. It speaks to a greater reliance on self and less of a dependency on others. And it's the gathering of self connected individuals that gives rise to the next level of connective power. The individual's internal connection being the true basis. But I could be wrong.

This difference I think can lead to a slightly different emphasis on one's approach. The internal aspect being perhaps more important. FWIW.
I'm pretty sure they mean connecting chakras with other people.
Yeah, I understood it to mean connecting chakras with others who are active in the network too. But, it may be that a certain amount of personal Work also has to have been accomplished (maybe at least the process of the formation/fusing of a magnetic center has started, or the preliminary Work on the way to that, so as to make the possibility of being able to communicate in new, non-conventional ways, so to speak, more probable). It sounded like the C's were saying we'll be connected in ways where our minds will know what to do, etc. when the internet is no longer available, BECAUSE of the earlier connections made and having gained a common understanding. Or so I think.
sitting said:
Mr. Premise said:
I'm pretty sure they mean connecting chakras with other people.

Even if one's own remains disjointed?

Yes, they meant to connect with others. Because of a couple other allusions, I have the impression that even if a person's own chakras are "disjointed", as you put it, they can be more rapidly brought into full functionality BECAUSE of proper work in relation to others. That's probably because in a network where there is some connection, what is gained by one, can be added to all. And that's also why personal responsibility is so important because the fall of one member can affect all the rest.
Laura said:
sitting said:
Mr. Premise said:
I'm pretty sure they mean connecting chakras with other people.

Even if one's own remains disjointed?

Yes, they meant to connect with others. Because of a couple other allusions, I have the impression that even if a person's own chakras are "disjointed", as you put it, they can be more rapidly brought into full functionality BECAUSE of proper work in relation to others. That's probably because in a network where there is some connection, what is gained by one, can be added to all. And that's also why personal responsibility is so important because the fall of one member can affect all the rest.

If the universe is indeed a school, then we're all here to share our understanding, experience and knowledge. We're all students and teachers and nature is a teacher. I truly feel that the sessions, the forum and all of the hard work and research that has been done and is atill being done, is paying off and will continue to do so for anyone who approaches with true intention and an open mind.
Konstantin, goyacobol, Rima, thank you for your inputs regarding the number 40.

This number seems to be significant in astronomy and religion.

These are just a few of my thoughts to add to the discussion:

40 days/years refers to a cycle of material existence, where transformation occurs. This cycle, I think, only concerns the first four lower dimensions from 1 through 4. It is like a transformation of a larva within a cocoon. If successful, a butterfly will break through the cocoon and spread its wings.

#40 has a connection to the womb/cocoon of the Universe (Mary, Inanna, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Ishtar, etc). It is some sort of a portal through which soul units proceed into generation and back. Let’s keep in mind that the average duration of pregnancy is about 40 weeks.

This 40-day period after death seems to be the domain of the Final Judgment, where animal souls are being sorted out from highly evolved souls that achieved a connection with higher non-material realms. The animal souls go back to the primal matter and the advanced souls “resurrect”, or move on. The resurrection of Christ has been celebrated around the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Ishtar, which is pronounced "Easter", is the East Semitic Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian goddess, equivalent to Mary. Ishtar or Easter is also a day that commemorated the resurrection of her son Tammuz (Jesus, Osiris etc, in other words an advanced soul.). When Tammuz was killed, Ishtar proclaimed a forty-day period of sorrow each year. Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration of “Easter” was made. This event signifies the resurrection of the soul after going through a difficult period of change and Judgment.

The constellation of Pleiades can be seen throughout the year except in late April and May. The Arabs, especially, thought Pleiades forty days' disappearance in the sun's rays was the occasion of great harm to mankind, and Muhammad wrote that "when the star rises all harm rises from the earth." After the spring equinox the Pleiades can be seen in the west. The Pleiades heliacal rising in the Northern Hemisphere was widely recognized as the beginning of the new season of fertility and agriculture, in other words resurrection of life.

Pleiades in mythology and mystery religions have a strong connection to Naiades, the water nymphs. This ethereal moisture of the womb is an attribute of the lower spheres of material existence. Water represents the sphere of fluidity and instability. Souls proceeding onto generation are enveloped in ethereal humidity are called Naiades.

Going back to the subject of Organic Portals.

As Laura suggested, the concept of the “second death” could be connected to the concept of the 40 days, which in many religions is the time of darkness, uncertainty, probation, rain, death. The importance of the "forty days" probably has to do with forty days' disappearance of the Pleiades. In ancient literature we can find links between Pleiades and the mythological virgins.

The C’s once also made a remark about the “wise virgins”, probably implying that we, as potentially souled individuals, should continue the work on our spiritual transformation and connecting our higher centers

A: Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins.

We can look at the Parable of the Virgins under a slightly different angle. This parable is about the time of the Judgment and it gives us an idea about the difference between advanced souls as “wise virgins” and the “foolish” ones, which are the Organic Portals and potentially souled individuals, who did not connect to their higher energy centers.

I think lamp here is the light of reason, the divine energy that radiates through higher centers. Organic Portals don’t have that light, because they don’t have the soul of their own. Oil could represent knowledge. When the bridegroom came, the foolish ones wanted to borrow the light, just like the Moon borrows/reflects the light from the Sun.

Matthew 25 The Parable of the Ten Virgins

25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.
8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ [This line did not have to be in the parable, unless, perhaps, it was included to provide a clue that there is a group of people, such as Organic Portals, who try to take light from the “wise”]
9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
If you are interested in number esotericism, you might want to read Walter Burkert's "Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism". It's probably the best book on the origins of mystical numbers and what they may or may not have meant I've read thus far. He pretty much strips away all the BS and tries to get back to the origins. This should be read in conjunction with "Redefining Ancient Orphism" by Radcliffe Edmonds.

From this study, it can be suggested that all the number business that came AFTER the Pythagoreans, including that in the OT which was written in the early third century, came from this really fascinating kind of early fundamentalism. It might even be suggested that, since the Pythagoreans were also obsessed with ritual purity and pure foods that the ideas for many of the legalistic nitpicking of the OT came from them, too.

The Pythagoreans are known for their theory of the transmigration of souls, and also for their theory that numbers constitute the true nature of things. They performed purification rites and followed and developed various rules of living which they believed would enable their souls to achieve a higher rank among the gods. Much of their mysticism concerning the soul seems inseparable from the Orphic tradition. The Orphics included various purifactory rites and practices as well as incubatory rites of descent into the underworld. Apart from being linked with this, Pythagoras is also closely linked with Pherecydes of Syros, the man ancient commentators tend to credit as the first Greek to teach a transmigration of souls. Ancient commentators agree that Pherecydes was Pythagoras's most "intimate" teacher. Pherecydes expounded his teaching on the soul in terms of a pentemychos ("five-nooks," or "five hidden cavities") — the most likely origin of the Pythagorean use of the pentagram, used by them as a symbol of recognition among members and as a symbol of inner health (eugieia Eudaimonia).

Interestingly, the there was a guy named Mousaios (or Musaeus) who was said to be either the son or disciple of Orpheus, the probable origin of the name of "Moses" in the OT.

Anyway, the two books mentioned above are among the most interesting and informative I've ever read on this topic - just LOADED with information and obscure stuff that can only be gleaned by dedicated scholars.
Laura said:
Anyway, the two books mentioned above are among the most interesting and informative I've ever read on this topic - just LOADED with information and obscure stuff that can only be gleaned by dedicated scholars.

As in colleges and universities there are the 100 level courses, the 200 level courses, the 300 level courses and so on... All of a building block nature. If one would take a 300 level course without the prerequisite 100 & 200 level, well... That'd be a waste of time, doomed for frustration and failure. Is the implication here that these may be like a 500 level course? Without background, attempting to comprehend what the writer is saying is lost... Then again, with time and continued learning, the pieces of the puzzle may fall into place...
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