Session 4 April 2015

Thank you for the session in this Easter weekend ! :)

If this may help a few, about intestinal problems following the food change for a ketogenic diet, a simple cure of probiotic has settled my problem.
windmill knight said:
Here's a happy thought: If strong bonds with 2D beings can help them progress faster, even possibly to the point of skipping 3D, then people with whom you have strong bonds, such as friends or family, can benefit from your own progress, even if they are not fully interested in the Work. Even more so for people who are committed to the work of this forum and have bonds with each other; they help each other to increase the FRV as a group, and one's effort bears fruits for all. Isn't that great news, as well as fantastic motivation to become a better person?

Thank you very much for this thought, it's really encouraging to me. I have often thought about my family and all my friends and good acquaintances who are not involved in the Work, becoming sad, that maybe I had to say them all Goodbye - in case I was able to make it to 4D STO, which I have heavily doubted. Then I had been thinking about you all leaving, and that made me sad as well. But since my decision to join FOTCM and thereby becoming more active in its projects (translating) as well as the forum again, and especially by reading the recent sessions, my attitude started to change to: maybe, it still is possible for me to go with all of you. Would be even more wonderful to become in such a way, that I will be able to take at least some of my loved ones with me - who are part of my real life "network".

Being part of the network seems to me as being part of a process of giving while being nurtured at the same time - a constant flow of balanced energy, ideally. That is, how I understand STO at this current point in time where I write.
Flow of energy seems to improve, if blocks are removed: physically (diet etc.), emotionally (EE and other means of emotional processing), cognitively (networking, therapy etc.) and others.
In recent sessions the subjects were gaining and applying knowledge (Doing), airing out by doing EE and networking, and now it is diet. Regarding the ketogenic diet, I am very fond of bone broth. It is so easy to make and gives a lot of energy (if I refer to my system), especially if it is super fatty - really satiating and mood improving :)
Thank you for this session. Really interesting about the frv comment and how it could effect everyone.

Looks like the time is now, good wishes to all.
Psalehesost said:
As a general note for everyone who has problems with the keto diet, in light of this session:

Also keep in mind that for many, there are initially problems which may be overcome. Many stumbling blocks and ways of dealing with them, as well as supplements which may help with transitioning in the beginning, are described in Maria Emmerich's book Keto-Adapted. I think that's good as a first step for those who experience problems. If it doesn't help, and problems persist, then maybe the keto approach isn't a good fit for you individually. In that case, a paleo approach (a bit more carbs, of the safest kinds available) may indeed be better.

thanks for posting this note Psalehesost:
for me it has been a challenge indeed, I've been in full keto for over two months, but yesterday I kinda broke my diet, I had to have some " tacos" which by the way they were the best tasting tacos I have ever had.
I have read and bought all needed supplements that Maria recommends, I been taken them... but there is this emptiness I feel, I don't feel hungry it is just an emptiness in my gut. :-[
windmill knight said:
Here's a happy thought: If strong bonds with 2D beings can help them progress faster, even possibly to the point of skipping 3D, then people with whom you have strong bonds, such as friends or family, can benefit from your own progress, even if they are not fully interested in the Work. Even more so for people who are committed to the work of this forum and have bonds with each other; they help each other to increase the FRV as a group, and one's effort bears fruits for all. Isn't that great news, as well as fantastic motivation to become a better person?

I would of thought that it would be a lot more difficult to pull a human being along in your wake to 4D just because of 'strong bonds', purely because they will have buffers, and karmic debt, which will prevent them from skipping much needed lessons.

2D consciousnesses probably don't have the same restrictions.
"A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!

Excellent session you guys! Iwonder how much I'm acting because of the Wave? I mean , should I just be moving out of the city,! I'ts a now! and save food , or been prepare doing other things ,,,I mean ...hOW I know Im in the correct path of doing things!!! :hug: :lkj:
Laura said:
A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!

Q: (L) We're in the middle of it. We're just so small and miniscule in relation to the cosmic process that what we see as this gradually deteriorating situation that is leading to ultimate chaos on this planet is the effect of it happening. It happens in increments and jumps, like quantum wave packets or whatever they call 'em. It accumulates, and then jumps, and then accumulates, and then jumps.

(Pierre) If chaos is a manifestation of the Wave, chaos is here for a while now, so the Wave is here.

(L) The Wave is here because chaos is the manifestation of the Wave.

A: Yes! Goodbye.

Laura noted in a thread for a previous recent session that the signs are really quite obvious: just look at the state of the world and at all that's going on! It's quite a process of change - and indeed of chaos increasing in every area.

A lot of what's happening seems to be an "opening up" of all manner of things - also something mentioned in previous sessions. There's earth changes, and there's psychological changes - what's inside people surfacing - and the pathological nature of our civilization is becoming more and more overt in every way.

Actually, for some time I've been feeling as if the Wave is changing me - as part of an interactive process. What's happening in the world makes for an amazing learning experience. Life is getting more and more interesting as time goes on - provided we engage with the world and learn, in every way. Including psychologically, where in the process, things seem to come up layer by layer over time and with effort, to be worked with and understood.
electrosonic said:
windmill knight said:
Here's a happy thought: If strong bonds with 2D beings can help them progress faster, even possibly to the point of skipping 3D, then people with whom you have strong bonds, such as friends or family, can benefit from your own progress, even if they are not fully interested in the Work. Even more so for people who are committed to the work of this forum and have bonds with each other; they help each other to increase the FRV as a group, and one's effort bears fruits for all. Isn't that great news, as well as fantastic motivation to become a better person?

I would of thought that it would be a lot more difficult to pull a human being along in your wake to 4D just because of 'strong bonds', purely because they will have buffers, and karmic debt, which will prevent them from skipping much needed lessons.

2D consciousnesses probably don't have the same restrictions.

Yes. And we don't know that 2D consciousness necessarily becomes a 4D being in the same sense as a "graduated" 3D being would.

Another major factor is the free will choice of the CONSCIOUS/self-reflective being. That must play a big part in it.
Thank you for this very, very interesting session!
Now is the "time" to DO, otherwise an opportunity missed!
Thank you All!

I’m sorry about Sebastian passing away… perhaps will all meet in 4d!?!

I have to keep telling myself not to fear! 3D thinking has my mind on my kids and the possibility for a lot of pain…

Live in the moment be aware do the best you can and whatever happens is Divine Will…

So much to ponder, yikes!

Thank You Again Everyone!
Thank you for the very interesting session.

Sebastian must be very happy to be able to be still around all those who love him so much

That is very heartwarming
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