Session 4 April 2015

Mandrak said:
Manipulation of the autopilot due warning for France and Germany was the first thing that came to my mind. I am glad that my nose had not cheated me.
But I am disappointed because this option is too little mentioned in the discussions.
I was also disappointed in the Sott who has not followed from the beginning the subject, not recognizing the potential - although I realize it is difficult to immediately know the cause of the accident.

Can I ask Mandrak, why you simply didn't join the conversation and share your suspicions about hacking of the autopilot system? Perhaps no one else thought of it? It would have certainly added to the conversation and that is the point of a network - to share what others may not see. ;)

In connection with the change of diet, I was a vegetarian almost 20 years and always been healthy, and when I started to eat eggs there was a problem with the heart. I was not sure if this is related to the change of diet. I'm not sure even now, but suspicion has increased after this session. If food is the cause, I can stop eating eggs or have to wait to the body adjusts.

It is unlikely that a heart condition developed over a very short time from eating eggs, however, many people are sensitive to eggs (especially the egg whites). Most food sensitivities are readily noticeable after removing them from your diet for a period of time, then trying them again to see how you react. My best guess though, is the heart condition is not caused by egg consumption.
Arwenn said:
A: For many, the transition in diet is either not possible due to epigenetic factors, or must be undertaken very, very slowly. For some, the requirements for carbohydrates is higher.

I have been in full ketosis for a few months now having slipped off the wagon a few times especially when being away. But for some reason this I am so very tired! I might be one of those people that needs to add some more carbs. Will post in the keto thread about this.

Thanks once again. :flowers:

Yeah, I've been having energy issues too especially when I was strict on no carbs. So a Paleo diet is better for some of us rather than the Keto.

I wanted to get my iron tested a few months ago, but the hassle of the doctor dissuaded me from it.
Thanks Chateau Crew for another great session! There is much to ponder...

A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!

... and much more to do.
Really fascinating session! Thanks for sharing and transcribing it so quickly! :flowers:

Laura said:
A: For many, the transition in diet is either not possible due to epigenetic factors, or must be undertaken very, very slowly. For some, the requirements for carbohydrates is higher. They need to fulfill this need as safely as possible. In this case, the individual has intuited the relationship and should do some experimental adjustments adding root type vegetables and some greens and berries.

Q: (L) What you're saying, I think, is that for some people, transitioning to functioning on ketones is much more difficult for a variety of reasons?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, the ketogenic diet is not ultimately desirable for everyone?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) But then that also leads to the question about how being on a ketogenic diet helps you evolve and raise your FRV, and make you super-smart and strong?

(Chu) The path to transformation and all that...

(L) Are you saying that the people who can't do the ketogenic diet that they...

(Galatea) They can't evolve, or they can do it another way?

A: It is helpful to evolving and FRV for those who require it. For some, it is required that they follow an adjacent plan. There is a great range of individual types. As you may have noticed, the ketogenic path is very difficult and a challenge even for the people it is right for. Some others have a bit more leeway and less struggle. And in answer to your next question, indeed there is something like karma involved.

Q: (L) So are you suggesting that those of us who need the ketogenic diet have karma to pay off? That we're being tortured? [laughter] We were gluttons in past lives or something?

A: Close enough! But aren't you glad that a path is available?

Q: (L) Well, that leads to the question: You also once said that the development of the soul is married to the genetics. Is there something involved with that in this?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So... I mean, I'm just trying to get myself out of the hole here.

(Pierre) If in past lives, say you were addicted to carbs. So, in a past live that's your soul. Now you incarnated in a new body, and there will be a transitioning program where you can go from there to somewhere else. Or perhaps your soul resonated to a different profile in the previous life and you followed the wrong path and now have to compensate. And now, after 5D review, it will resonate with this DNA profile...

(Perceval) I think their previous comment was that souls marries to genetics if present. So, what you're thinking of is that for the soul to absolve itself or remove this karmic debt, that it picked a body with a specific set of genetics that required...

(L) That enables you to do that. Or to fulfill a specific mission?

(Perceval) Yeah.

(L) Is that kinda getting close?

A: Yes

This is really fascinating to me. Having spent A LOT of time working with my own health challenges, it's been a really eye opening process in terms of seeing how the treatments need to be individually tailored. An example I have is when I felt like I wasn't having good results with the magnesium supplementation I was doing, so I took practically every form of magnesium I could find (I think I had at least 6 types with me) to the Applied Kinesioloigist I've been working with and asked him: "Which form is best for me and how much should I take?". Turned out two forms (gluconate and malate) were the best for me and I apparently had a negative reaction to Magnesium Citrate (as in: don't take it).

While some things certainly appear to be universally bad (gluten, dairy, soy, etc), I think others may fall into a gray area and can be positive for some while being negative for others, or positive for a person for a period of time while some process is taking place and then either unnecessary or negative, and various other factors for reasons that are hard (if not impossible) to isolate on an individual basis. The body is such a complex machine with so many factors involved (genetics, epigenetics, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, environmental toxins, pathogens, etc, etc) that it's incredibly hard to know for sure what's going on and how to proceed.

I've worked with computers for decades and often times things won't work when they should and since they're complex machines, it's not always possible to know why, but it is often possible to fix them without knowing why by changing the working variables and state they're in. In this way, I think of it as working with something of a black box and trying to figure how to get the inside to work and get the right outputs without being able to open it up. I think the human body is somewhat similar, though many orders of magnitude more complex, with various inputs and outputs and we have diagrams for how it works and how it should work, but the diagrams aren't always complete or are sometimes wrong or may be different than how the black box is actually working for reasons that are unknown, but by knowing a lot about the diagrams and having a better working model, it's possible to fix the output (how we feel and how our bodies work) by changing the inputs with educated guesses and carefully observing. In that way, it's possible to fix a not fully understood thing (the human body, in this case) by carefully mapping out the inputs and outputs and doing experiments. I suppose that process also builds knowledge and then makes the thing better understood in a certain way. So I think we can gather knowledge as best we can, then run experiments with ourselves and observe the output to see if we can figure out if the data applies to our specific situation or not, and also network about the results to get a better understanding (to create a more complete model of the functioning of the human body).

Q: (Galatea) Speaking of pets, I wanted to ask if it's possible to take pets into 4D with you?

A: In some instances if there is sufficient bonding so as to increase the FRV of the 2D creature. In the case of Sebastian, being loved by so many, this is possible.

Q: (L) So you kind of piggyback him. So, you're saying that some creatures can skip 3D?

A: Rare, but possible.

That's also really sweet and heart warming that Sebastian is still with you! I believe that the Cs said that 2D partly learns to become 3D by being around 3D beings, so maybe if a 2D being is around 3D beings learning to be 4D beings, it can pick up enough 3D lessons and, with a strong enough bond, can "skip a grade". That's fascinating. And also really weird in imagining him becoming a 4D being and then you all getting to know the 2D pet that you all had in this lifetime as a 4D being while also being 4D beings.
Divide By Zero said:
Yeah, I've been having energy issues too especially when I was strict on no carbs. So a Paleo diet is better for some of us rather than the Keto.

I wanted to get my iron tested a few months ago, but the hassle of the doctor dissuaded me from it.

You don't need to see a doctor to get the blood work done; you can order the test online and go to a facility to have the blood drawn and then get the results. I did it and it was pretty easy, and I liked ordering my own blood work rather than having to work with a doctor (I especially liked not having to work with a doctor). I ordered through Life Extension--to test Hemochromatosis, I think you'd need these two tests:

and possibly this one for a full test:

They have an article about it here (linking to the page on diagnosis):

I think the first two tests would probably be enough to indicate if there was a problem with iron overload, but I'm not 100% sure. If you sign up for their subscription membership ($6.95/month), you can get significant discounts on the blood work. I did this and canceled after the second month (I forgot to cancel before the automatic renewal while debating getting more blood work).
Psalehesost said:
A lot of what's happening seems to be an "opening up" of all manner of things - also something mentioned in previous sessions. There's earth changes, and there's psychological changes - what's inside people surfacing - and the pathological nature of our civilization is becoming more and more overt in every way.

Actually, for some time I've been feeling as if the Wave is changing me - as part of an interactive process. What's happening in the world makes for an amazing learning experience. Life is getting more and more interesting as time goes on - provided we engage with the world and learn, in every way. Including psychologically, where in the process, things seem to come up layer by layer over time and with effort, to be worked with and understood.

Well said. I feel this precisely. I never felt so eager in my life to see how I can integrate into every burst, to help keep things balanced in some way.
I'm still shaking inside around those concepts about having/not having a soul, or having to wait for one, or not having one at all. I also recall my Gurdjieff readings on the topic and it makes me shiver. Recognizing myself as quite thick, I sometimes fall into despair for lack of understanding of our 'reality'. Anyway... VERY valuable session. :shock: Thanks!
:) :) :) Many thanks to Laura and Crew and the C's for this interesting and informative session. Lots to learn and think about regarding this one. I also want to express condolences for Sebastian. So sorry he is gone but also glad you can feel and sense that he is still with you.
Mandrak said:
Manipulation of the autopilot due warning for France and Germany was the first thing that came to my mind. I am glad that my nose had not cheated me.
But I am disappointed because this option is too little mentioned in the discussions.
I was also disappointed in the Sott who has not followed from the beginning the subject, not recognizing the potential - although I realize it is difficult to immediately know the cause of the accident.
In connection with the change of diet, I was a vegetarian almost 20 years and always been healthy, and when I started to eat eggs there was a problem with the heart. I was not sure if this is related to the change of diet. I'm not sure even now, but suspicion has increased after this session. If food is the cause, I can stop eating eggs or have to wait to the body adjusts.

Well I know it's been Ark's favorite idea since at least 3/31. I could see SOTT and Cass presenting multiple ideas since for SOTT, that's what alternative news sites do and for Cass, you want to be a little careful since it's a France related issue.
Shared Joy said:
here is what Verse 25 of the Tao te Ching is saying:

Before the universe was born
there was something in the chaos of the heavens.
It stands alone and empty,
solitary and unchanging.
It is even present and secure.
It may be regarded as the Mother of the universe.
because I do not know it's name,
I call it the Tao....

Verse 21
Even though the Tao is intangible and evasive,
we are able to know it exists,
Intangible and evasive, yet it has a manifestation
Secluded in the dark, yet there's a vitality within it.
It's vitality is very genuine.
Within it we can find order.

Implying that we are the manifestation, thus to know the Tao, is to know thyself, right?
Seems like that same saying used variously: "All the worlds a play/dream, and each must play their part; but you are the dream, you are the dreamer."
And our dreams always start in the dark, bringing order and chaos in their turn.
We find that which we seek, first one, then the other, until we realize they are but one, as are we reflecting their vital energies, their Tao.

osis. There was a similar quote about the darkness being like a blank canvas that L quoted in an earlier session, needed for the light to paint on... or something like that.
And as for us, I liked the one about how the cow doesn't affect the whole herd comment, but prefer T's cigarette butt statement the best in describing our significance and insignificance simultaneously. That was a good one. :D
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