Session 4 April 2015

Laura said:
electrosonic said:
windmill knight said:
Here's a happy thought: If strong bonds with 2D beings can help them progress faster, even possibly to the point of skipping 3D, then people with whom you have strong bonds, such as friends or family, can benefit from your own progress, even if they are not fully interested in the Work. Even more so for people who are committed to the work of this forum and have bonds with each other; they help each other to increase the FRV as a group, and one's effort bears fruits for all. Isn't that great news, as well as fantastic motivation to become a better person?

I would of thought that it would be a lot more difficult to pull a human being along in your wake to 4D just because of 'strong bonds', purely because they will have buffers, and karmic debt, which will prevent them from skipping much needed lessons.

2D consciousnesses probably don't have the same restrictions.

Also keep in mind exactly what the Cs said: it was RARE, but possible. They didn't say it was a done deal. From what I surmise, Sebastian may stay for a bit and then return to the soul pool though it IS possible - not necessarily probable - that the outcome might be different.

It does seem to be the case that when the C's agree that something is possible, they mean it literally.
Even a 1 in a Trillion chance is possible, and therefore would still get a yes answer.
I suppose its then up to us to work out how 'probable' these events are.
A session of upmost importance to me. Thank you so much for clarifying this, I've been sorely in need of reading that session, heh.

Meanwhile, I'll be smoking my cigs and paying more attention :cool2:. I've been an avid reader of SOTT.NET and I appreciate your Work.
sitting said:
Laura said:
(Galatea) What star or constellation are you closest to right now?

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Much thanks to Laura and crew, phenomenal session material!

I don't think I've ever seen the word imagination used in that way by the C's. Ever.
And it brought to mind this particular definition from Seth:

Beliefs are thoughts--reinforced by imagination and emotion--about the nature of your reality.

I had always placed emphasis on emotion, but never felt the same about imagination. In fact, in some ways, I felt excessive imagination was dangerous and a thing to avoid. But they are saying otherwise.

I think you've taken the wrong route on this. "Excessive imagination" is NOT what the Cs are suggesting. Rather, a prudent and careful use of it. Excessive imagination IS dangerous.
Psalehesost said:
Laura said:
A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!

Q: (L) We're in the middle of it. We're just so small and miniscule in relation to the cosmic process that what we see as this gradually deteriorating situation that is leading to ultimate chaos on this planet is the effect of it happening. It happens in increments and jumps, like quantum wave packets or whatever they call 'em. It accumulates, and then jumps, and then accumulates, and then jumps.

(Pierre) If chaos is a manifestation of the Wave, chaos is here for a while now, so the Wave is here.

(L) The Wave is here because chaos is the manifestation of the Wave.

A: Yes! Goodbye.

Laura noted in a thread for a previous recent session that the signs are really quite obvious: just look at the state of the world and at all that's going on! It's quite a process of change - and indeed of chaos increasing in every area.

A lot of what's happening seems to be an "opening up" of all manner of things - also something mentioned in previous sessions. There's earth changes, and there's psychological changes - what's inside people surfacing - and the pathological nature of our civilization is becoming more and more overt in every way.

Actually, for some time I've been feeling as if the Wave is changing me - as part of an interactive process. What's happening in the world makes for an amazing learning experience. Life is getting more and more interesting as time goes on - provided we engage with the world and learn, in every way. Including psychologically, where in the process, things seem to come up layer by layer over time and with effort, to be worked with and understood.

That's how I feel too. It's as if everything has gone to a whole other level including the chaos in all domains all over the world. Think back about 15 years, and compare to what happened and is happening in the world. And the chaos is making it clear that everything is in flux in a new way and many possibilities that didn't seem imminent a few years ago are now something to really watch unfold.
sitting said:
Laura said:
(Galatea) What star or constellation are you closest to right now?

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Much thanks to Laura and crew, phenomenal session material!

I don't think I've ever seen the word imagination used in that way by the C's. Ever.
And it brought to mind this particular definition from Seth:

Beliefs are thoughts--reinforced by imagination and emotion--about the nature of your reality.

I had always placed emphasis on emotion, but never felt the same about imagination. In fact, in some ways, I felt excessive imagination was dangerous and a thing to avoid. But they are saying otherwise.

I don't think that the C's are necessarily advocating excessive imagination here, which to me would be being overly dissociative, always focusing on 'possible' negative outcomes, allowing the emotions to take over where rational reasonable thinking would be more constructive, etc. This, to me, would seem like engaging in excessive and detrimental or 'negative imagination' ala Gurdjieff. Rather, perhaps they mean exercising our ability to 'see' connections where they may exist in very specific contexts. Kind of like purposely engaging our thoughts to construct the possible ways in which things may exist. Scientists sort of do this all the time, but we are kind of like scientists too. We have some information and hypothesize their relations to other bits of information we have, and then work to find out if this can be tested in any way. Or if it actually 'makes sense' to us and helps to form some understanding about something.
maxtree said:
Thank you for the session.

A: The same source is certainly toying with the "PTB" and enjoying their power and the resulting turmoil.

"Enjoying" the resulting turmoil????? the deaths of 150 people.
I still have problems with understanding our non-feeling 'neighbors'.

Yes this came as bit of a shock to me too! I think it has helped me to just think of these individuals as dead inside; machines things with very twisted emotions that occupy human bodies that are animated by certain 'alien' forces. How else to explain their supremely evil nature aside from what we know about the nature of psychopaths?
Thanks for sharing the sessions Laura and the team! It's great seeing them posted here more frequently. You are all very helpful.
Laura said:
I think you've taken the wrong route on this. "Excessive imagination" is NOT what the Cs are suggesting. Rather, a prudent and careful use of it. Excessive imagination IS dangerous.

Hi Laura,

Your meaning was my meaning. Re-reading my own post, I see the phrasing was done rather poorly.
Substantively, there's no difference of opinion here. None.

I was so struck by their mention of the word, used in such a direct and instructive way--that I got overly excited.
And yes--prudence and care is most likely what they meant.

This topic has occupied my thoughts as I continue to grapple with the faith concept. I now think faith equates with belief. And belief equates with thoughts and emotion. And it's very good to know it might also require prudent and careful imagination as well.

I hope this makes things clear.
sitting said:
Laura said:
I think you've taken the wrong route on this. "Excessive imagination" is NOT what the Cs are suggesting. Rather, a prudent and careful use of it. Excessive imagination IS dangerous.

Hi Laura,

Your meaning was my meaning. Re-reading my own post, I see the phrasing was done rather poorly.
Substantively, there's no difference of opinion here. None.

I was so struck by their mention of the word, used in such a direct and instructive way--that I got overly excited.
And yes--prudence and care is most likely what they meant.

This topic has occupied my thoughts as I continue to grapple with the faith concept. I now think faith equates with belief. And belief equates with thoughts and emotion. And it's very good to know it might also require prudent and careful imagination as well.

I hope this makes things clear.

Notice that subconscious communicates information about how something is seen by it through images/notions that appear in the conscious mind and vice versa images which we consciously bring to life in our imagination build our belief system (which is located in the subconscious) what in turn, affect our behaviour.
''A lot of people talk about wanting to wait for the Wave. In fact, I think there was one person who said that if he had a date for the Wave, he would work on himself, but since there's no date, he doesn't see any point in doing that.''

Quite telling of their inner being (or its present state) and their motives of engaging in the Work, if working with such motives could be called Work at all; sooner I'd call it lethargic capitulation and expectance of external ''Divine reward'' brought about by the belief of somehow being entitled to some kind of ''Rapture'' by means of vague association with QFG by having stumbled across and merely skimmed through all the info presented on

Western religious programs still run amok in many minds, it seems.
Ennio said:
maxtree said:
Thank you for the session.

A: The same source is certainly toying with the "PTB" and enjoying their power and the resulting turmoil.

"Enjoying" the resulting turmoil????? the deaths of 150 people.
I still have problems with understanding our non-feeling 'neighbors'.

Yes this came as bit of a shock to me too! I think it has helped me to just think of these individuals as dead inside; machines things with very twisted emotions that occupy human bodies that are animated by certain 'alien' forces. How else to explain their supremely evil nature aside from what we know about the nature of psychopaths?

If ya'll have been keeping up on the study of psychopathology, this would not be at all surprising nor difficult to understand. Nobody does anything without a "payoff". Yes, it is hard to understand what psychopaths get out of what they do, but with effort and application, you can begin to understand it. The twist is, they can NEVER understand normal humans.

Understanding psychopaths really, really, is important. Without this understanding, you can't "see behind the curtain" or connect the dots. We all tend to project our motivations onto others and it is particularly bad when you do that in the direction of a psychopath. I'm guilty of it again and again because, like everyone else, it was really hard for me to grok and I had to spend about ten years studying it from every angle to really get it hammered into my brain.

Probably every aspect of our lives is influenced by psychopaths so there is very good reason to study them as unpleasant as it may be. And it is decidedly unpleasant, repellant, disturbing, and all of that. But without doing so, we are at their mercy.
Hi all:-) Fabuluos session. I had the feeling that the new session is about to come out for quite a time and somehow i was sure that it would be so before the 8 th of April.

Now it 's been awhile since the C's gave us so much good and to the point info regarding the Wave itself. And it is no wonder that the old sessions of 1994 -1996 were recalled. Well i also have felt for quite a long time that the Wave IS there judging by how literally everything accelerated right in front of our eyes for the last two years or so. And that means that the chaos has already begun and is in its initial stages or the most critical part of this creative chaotic process is about to begin.

So much so but i recall two famous sayings right now. Ordo ab chao and As above so below. Both of them could be applied i believe in their broadest and truest sense to the situation we are witnessing right now. The Wave by approaching creates this chaos and thus it is creative though it might seem too chaotic in its manifestations.

As for the plane crash of A-320 and the power outages i believe i was right in my insights posted exactly after the incidents on this forum. Of course i didn't believe in the crazy suicidal co-pilot BS that the PTB-funded MSM outlets would feed us eversince this happened. And as i see i was at least 90 % right saying that the co-pilot was mind controlled to do what he did. And it wasnot due to an overhead explosion or a bomb or a missile or something else that was discussed on this forum. I knew the reason or at least was on the right path nearly the next day. Now it really doesn't matter that it was the remotely controlled autopilot and not the remotely mind controlled co-pilot because my first general idea was right - the plane was remotely controlled to crash and tampered with from within. And secondly i turned out to be 100 % right when i suggeste that it was a warning from the darkest and most sinister PTB sources to Germany and France.

Well you can find my post on this topic in the thread to the last session before this one so as not to tell me that i made this up right now and post factum. And of course when i suggested that the power outage in Holland was due to the 4D bleedthrough as it was many times and even as early as 2003 in NY i hit the nail on the head so to speak too.

Actually these days i have some monstrous intuitive outbreaks and insights which i also laid out here a few days ago.

And of course thanks again for the session and many confirmations.
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