Session 6 July 2024

Have I read Ra’s material…Yes.

Am I as familiar with it as the C’s material and/or 4th way other esoteric sources …No

it is said Ra’s material is a mix of truth and fiction thus I would naturally put more time effort energy into C’s channeling material to avoid more confusion/wasting time for efficiency and not go down wrong roads as I remember during a C’s session RA’s material was questioned and the C’s said the material was a % true.

I think I made the right choice as I feel/know my progress is correct and has come along way just some missing parts

Thank you for answering my question this is a big missing piece or was for me and I only have one other question based on this new (to me) information
You know it probably wouldn't hurt to read the Ra material. The C's did tell Laura to read everything and since you have read a lot of esoteric work, it doesn't sound like you would have too much trouble picking out the truth from the junk. Just a thought.

*Edit* Oh I understand what you're saying now. Still, best not to throw the baby out with the bathwater
Have I read Ra’s material…Yes.

Am I as familiar with it as the C’s material and/or 4th way other esoteric sources …No

it is said Ra’s material is a mix of truth and fiction thus I would naturally put more time effort energy into C’s channeling material to avoid more confusion/wasting time for efficiency and not go down wrong roads as I remember during a C’s session RA’s material was questioned and the C’s said the material was a % true.

I think I made the right choice as I feel/know my progress is correct and has come along way just some missing parts

Thank you for answering my question this is a big missing piece or was for me and I only have one other question based on this new (to me) information
I started reading de RA material a long time ago and then somehow I got directed to this Cass channelling. It just corroborated everything I've already read but in a more updated way. To be honest, in the RA material it's said that some negative forces comes from Cassiopeia as well. Só it's just food for thought
I started reading de RA material a long time ago and then somehow I got directed to this Cass channelling. It just corroborated everything I've already read but in a more updated way. To be honest, in the RA material it's said that some negative forces comes from Cassiopeia as well. Só it's just food for thought
Yes and the C's the group channels are not "from" Cassiopeae. They channel through a radio signal booster or window located in the Cassiopeae region. Of course as the C's said the Ra material was provided by the C's as Paladeians due to the fact that the Cassiopaeans "travel" or transmit through different constellation locators as time as we experience it progresses.
Friend, Greetings! I think you can help me with a philosophical question I've had for a long time... you know, that the force is strong with me but I'm not yet a Jedi like you are. The question is the following: At what point is the silver cord of a person, for example in a vegetative state, broken? How will we know that a body still maintains a spiritual connection? I don't know if I made myself clear....but I imagine it would be a karmic burden to turn off the devices of a spiritual being still incarnated. I don't know if it's a worthy question to be asked to the C's.... Thank you in advance
Friend, Greetings! I think you can help me with a philosophical question I've had for a long time... you know, that the force is strong with me but I'm not yet a Jedi like you are. The question is the following: At what point is the silver cord of a person, for example in a vegetative state, broken? How will we know that a body still maintains a spiritual connection? I don't know if I made myself clear....but I imagine it would be a karmic burden to turn off the devices of a spiritual being still incarnated. I don't know if it's a worthy question to be asked to the C's.... Thank you in advance
The the titles forum members have are just tiers of "unlocked achievements" based upon number of posts, number of and reactions and possibly other things I am not yet aware of plus you have admins, ambassadors, FOTCM members shown by the yin/yang symbol. The titles themselves don't necessarily mean one of us has more knowledge or being than another.

I'm not sure why you mean by silver thread. Is it a term refering to a connection to our higher centers?
The the titles forum members have are just tiers of "unlocked achievements" based upon number of posts, number of and reactions and possibly other things I am not yet aware of plus you have admins, ambassadors, FOTCM members shown by the yin/yang symbol. The titles themselves don't necessarily mean one of us has more knowledge or being than another.

I'm not sure why you mean by silver thread. Is it a term refering to a connection to our higher centers?
Thanks for explaining me the titles we get. I'm not a very active member, unfortunately. Exactly, that would be a shining thread that connects us to the physical/3D body
Thanks for explaining me the titles we get. I'm not a very active member, unfortunately. Exactly, that would be a shining thread that connects us to the physical/3D body
Originally I related the silver thread you're talking about is our connection to 5th density - the conduit through which we go back to 5th density when we die.

Now if by silver thread you mean our connection to higher centers/high self in 4D, it's safe to assume that nobody has a connection to their higher centers because we are all organic portals either completely or to some extent. Now there are some who have the possibility of gaining that connection and those who do not I suppose.

It would benefit you to read Gurdjieff, Mouravieff and Ouspensky. The Fourth way, In Search Of The Miraculous, A new model of the Universe and Tertium Organum. At least Gnosis I and the "All and Everything" series - Beelzebubs tales to his grandson, meetings with remarkable men and Life is Real Only then when I am.
Dilution with water should be fine as long as you can cover your individual needs without inhaling all day.

I am using distilled water in my DIY liquids.
So is the issue with dilution of nicotine in a nebulizer is that a person may not inhale enough nicotine for his needs?
I started reading de RA material a long time ago and then somehow I got directed to this Cass channelling. It just corroborated everything I've already read but in a more updated way. To be honest, in the RA material it's said that some negative forces comes from Cassiopeia as well. Só it's just food for thought
I understand that we must try and verify everything and even the C's say that not one source has 100% truth/all the info/the whole pie.

However, with that being said above I came across the C's info first and then the RA material - I chose to go deeper with the C's material as well as 4th way and other esoteric philosophy's/channeling because the C's have a whole network/forum attached to them and are currently being updated in real time I know and knew I needed help on this journey and it looks like I made the wise choice as I can always ask questions...can't I? Thus I learn the C's material and then ask questions to fill in the gap like was done over the last 48hrs. Its more efficient this way then going down wrong roads without a network (If I just went all in on the RA material) - I could be wrong but I do not know of a current real time forum/RA channeling group...If there is one let me know and I will balance both info at the same time for data gathering.

Like I just said above - regarding RA's material I wasn't aware of a live/current forum with a network like we have here and I believe the RA material is no longer currently channeling thus it lead me to use logic that spending the time/energy with the C"s and delving into that info would behoove me more and it has current info, current networking and updates roughly monthy in real time and I was right it has......

I am very interest in the 5D contemplation zone - reincarnation hub and then going back to the lower densities 3D and or 4D and also how to move past 5D to the other side... I was under the impression that memory is not FULLY intact under 5D - when one reincarnates back to lower and it is only intact beyond 5D. I was wrong and it was pointed out to me today/yesterday. I assumed that 4D being had higher capabilities than 3D but the nuance of that/what encompasses this "higher capabilities" I should investigate more.

If the info that I learned was basic or not is futile to me at this point as I have done as much work as I can while fulfilling 3d responsibilies and taking care of myself and helping others to the point where - when this info was pointed out to me there was a big click and a new hope for the future and this all makes more sense. I could of understood the "basics" and not done as much work and then I don't have the same perspective as I do now and I guess I am not good enough to go lock step with the basic the advanced and the nuance all at the same time in real time certain parts of me update at certain times based on impressions and knowledge...But I knew help was needed thats why I went with C's more instead of RA...I also don't want to be annoying here and say into the forum (xyz said this from this source is it said this is it true...I find that annoying as we have a source and many topics to learn on this forum I don't want to be rude and bring in outside noise all the time.)

I assumed there is amnesia either in part or partial or total if one is part or partial or total physical and reincarnates. I know in 4D one is still physical in some regard and beyond 5D there is no physical - In 4D thought is important and you create with it and time is completely different less of a delay.

The goal remains the same 4DSTO candidate - The grade I/we are in is 3D STS and I have and will continue to strive towards 4D STO candidate to learn in that realm hopefully when I get there after this current experience....

The above is an explanation of my thought process and my process in learning this information - this is why I am explaining myself because I respect those of the forum and I want those here to understand my decision making and where I am coming from and at the same time receive any info that may be helpful for understanding/persepctive...I knew I needed a network as there would be times I miss something or dont understand something or go too far and I know I am missing something and have to ask or my assumptions are corrected...thus this post...
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Originally I related the silver thread you're talking about is our connection to 5th density - the conduit through which we go back to 5th density when we die.

Now if by silver thread you mean our connection to higher centers/high self in 4D, it's safe to assume that nobody has a connection to their higher centers because we are all organic portals either completely or to some extent. Now there are some who have the possibility of gaining that connection and those who do not I suppose.

It would benefit you to read Gurdjieff, Mouravieff and Ouspensky. The Fourth way, In Search Of The Miraculous, A new model of the Universe and Tertium Organum. At least Gnosis I and the "All and Everything" series - Beelzebubs tales to his grandson, meetings with remarkable men and Life is Real Only then when I am.
When do we have a "permission" to break the silver thred or conduit of a person so the soul can go to the 5th density and be freed of the body, without gaining karma for doing this. i.e: a doctor that unconnected the life support of vegetative state person, where the conduit is still connected to the body.... I have a Gurdjieff book, but it's not those you've mentioned. Appreciate your time, thank you
At the human level, evolution must be done consciously. And unlike the animal kingdom, humans evolve as individuals and not a species. It doesn't happen "automatically" and very few humans are able to evolve. This is a natural law according to Gurdjieff.

Yes, I understand that. What I reject right now is a reflection towards the natural course of this duality, why? that's what I'm trying to find out. In a more summarized way, I do not like this system of "many must die and all perish in order to gain consciousness", it is the way.

Did I explain myself better?

Without suffering what need or desire would you have to attempt evolution in the first place?

I don't know, I don't see it clearly now. I wanted to know the truth, I was not looking to know how to evolve. Maybe that's why the shock of reality that I now have at this point after so many years.

But all this comes from what I see globally is happening now, not individually in my life. So as not to be misinterpreted, it's not that I'm in a position of victim "why me!" no, I'm sick of seeing these psychopaths exterminate lives over lives and it makes me upset that nature.

Thanks for the question, I will ponder about it. I'll find a way because it's as absurd as hating the sun and the day just because it shines so bright. 🤣
After reading the news this morning, I'm wondering if the "Quorum meeting" had anything to do with Trump surviving an assassination attempt?

In my opinion and based on what has been said above about the Quorum, it is very possible that the groups assembled there changed the outcome of the event to create the balance sought through creating a new timeline or program change as mentioned by the Cs

In an action that we cannot thoroughly understand from our 3D perspective the Quorum allowed the opposing team to go to the ultimate consequences which was the shooting, it did not violate the free will of those but neither did it allow Trump's free will to be violated, because he like all of us, has a contract/mission prior to reincarnation. And if the Quorum are by nature Prophecy Watchers this attempt on life was a no,no!

I recall something the psychic Joni Patry said that several astrologers, upon reading Trump's birth chart, found that he was destined to be president.

And the same can also be said of Thomas Matthew Crooks and Trump supporter Corey Comperatore who took the fatal shots. One can only imagine the contract clause that would read something like "I will die for you, for my family"

Is there a new timeline or did the one prior to the 2021 fraud resume?

I'll use what Joe wrote on social networks to illustrate the old Timeline

Trump is dead.

The RNC meets today with no nominee for POTUS. They have to come up with one.

Who gets the nomination?

Nikki Haley.

Can you imagine HER as the Rep. candidate? A vile neocon, Israel-first, deep stater?

Biden would be put to pasture and the entire "establishment" (CNN etc. included) are happy to tacitly support Haley, 'their' woman.

She would probably have been allowed to win in Nov, or she would have won legitimately (albeit with record low turn out in the election).

So in this timeline there is no balance but a continuation of the geopolitical, economic, social and ecological imbalance aggravated since the events of 9/11.

I don't know what the new timeline has in store for us, however, from what the Cs have told us we can speculate that for balance there will be plays and counterplays, for every action there is a reaction.

And I will use what seers, astrologers, remote viewers and orhers say will happen in the future.

● Trump becomes President but faces a planned economic crash. The situation is dire. Possibly he will be blamed for the economic disaster in the West.

Earth changes test humanity. "Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive" said the Cs

● Rebirth. Trump had the following thoughts about the future.​
The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.​

But Trump is wrong, for just as there will be no globalists there will be no Patriots loyal to a nation but souls loyal to a vibration experiencing a new reality yet Trump will have accomplished his mission.​
I understand that we must try and verify everything and even the C's say that not one source has 100% truth/all the info/the whole pie.

However, with that being said above I came across the C's info first and then the RA material - I chose to go deeper with the C's material as well as 4th way and other esoteric philosophy's/channeling because the C's have a whole network/forum attached to them and are currently being updated in real time I know and knew I needed help on this journey and it looks like I made the wise choice as I can always ask questions...can't I? Thus I learn the C's material and then ask questions to fill in the gap like was done over the last 48hrs. Its more efficient this way then going down wrong roads without a network (If I just went all in on the RA material) - I could be wrong but I do not know of a current real time forum/RA channeling group...If there is one let me know and I will balance both info at the same time for data gathering.

Like I just said above - regarding RA's material I wasn't aware of a live/current forum with a network like we have here and I believe the RA material is no longer currently channeling thus it lead me to use logic that spending the time/energy with the C"s and delving into that info would behoove me more and it has current info, current networking and updates roughly monthy in real time and I was right it has......

I am very interest in the 5D contemplation zone - reincarnation hub and then going back to the lower densities 3D and or 4D and also how to move past 5D to the other side... I was under the impression that memory is not FULLY intact under 5D - when one reincarnates back to lower and it is only intact beyond 5D. I was wrong and it was pointed out to me today/yesterday. I assumed that 4D being had higher capabilities than 3D but the nuance of that/what encompasses this "higher capabilities" I should investigate more.

If the info that I learned was basic or not is futile to me at this point as I have done as much work as I can while fulfilling 3d responsibilies and taking care of myself and helping others to the point where - when this info was pointed out to me there was a big click and a new hope for the future and this all makes more sense. I could of understood the "basics" and not done as much work and then I don't have the same perspective as I do now and I guess I am not good enough to go lock step with the basic the advanced and the nuance all at the same time in real time certain parts of me update at certain times based on impressions and knowledge...But I knew help was needed thats why I went with C's more instead of RA...I also don't want to be annoying here and say into the forum (xyz said this from this source is it said this is it true...I find that annoying as we have a source and many topics to learn on this forum I don't want to be rude and bring in outside noise all the time.)

I assumed there is amnesia either in part or partial or total if one is part or partial or total physical and reincarnates. I know in 4D one is still physical in some regard and beyond 5D there is no physical - In 4D thought is important and you create with it and time is completely different less of a delay.

The goal remains the same 4DSTO candidate - The grade I/we are in is 3D STS and I have and will continue to strive towards 4D STO candidate to learn in that realm hopefully when I get there after this current experience....

The above is an explanation of my thought process and my process in learning this information - this is why I am explaining myself because I respect those of the forum and I want those here to understand my decision making and where I am coming from and at the same time receive any info that may be helpful for understanding/persepctive...I knew I needed a network as there would be times I miss something or dont understand something or go too far and I know I am missing something and have to ask or my assumptions are corrected...thus this post...
The C's have explained in deeper many questions left by the RA channeling group. But they complement each other. Unfortunately the contact was dissolved when one of them passed away. Their main goal was learn ways of healing with RA and for this reason alone I became very interested in this group and this contact, but the questioner ended up not taking into account other extra-physical factors that ended up leading him to his end. I guess you'll learn a lot . Reading will make you relate both channels. Thank you for the well-prepared history and we are just apprentices/teachers on this 3D journey, no one just learns or just teaches. Together we add a lot to each other’s learning ! Thank you for your time !
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