Laura said:SeekinTruth said:Anthony said:Does anyone remember how Douglas Reed described American presidents when they were
about to retire after serving the Zionist aka psychopath agenda most of their lives?
Yeah, that's what I thought of too reading that part of the discussion.
I vaguely remember it too. Can somebody find the passage?
pg 239 (online copy) said:Mr. House [political advisor to president Wilson, and trying to promote the Zionist agenda into Us politics through the president] later wrote of the man he had "chosen" and had elected ("the only one who in every way measured up to the office"), "I thought at that time" (1914) "and on several occasions afterwards, that the President wanted to die; certainly his attitude and his mental state indicated that he found no zest in life". When Mr. Wilson had not long been president Sir Horace Plunkett, the British Ambassador, wrote to Mr. House, "I paid my respects to the President, and was shocked to see him looking so worn; the change since January last is terribly marked". Six years later Sir William Wiseman, a British governmental emissary, told Mr, House, "I was shocked by his appearance . . . His face was drawn and of a grey colour, and frequently twitching in a pitiful effort to control nerves which had broken down" (1919)*.
* Strong resemblances occur in contemporary descriptions of Mr. Roosevelt, whom Mr. House also believed that he chose as a "figurehead". Mr. Robert E. Sherwood says with emphasis that Mr. Roosevelt was ever haunted "by the ghost of Wilson", When Mr, Roosevelt had been president two years his party manager, Mr. James Farley, wrote, "The President looked bad. . . face drawn and his reactions slow" (1935), and two years later he was "shocked at the President's appearance" (1937). In 1943 Madame Chiang Kai-shek was "shocked by the President's looks"; in 1944, says Mr. Merriman Smith, "he looked older than I have ever seen him and he made an irrelevant speech", and Mr. John T. Flynn says the President's pictures "shocked the nation". In 1945 Miss Frances Perkins, a member of his cabinet, emerged from his office saying, "I can't stand it, the President looks horrible".
pg 146 (online copy) said:The illusions of power were dissolving. These men [presidents/PMs/political figures] were never truly powerful, because they acted as the instruments of others. They already look wraithlike in the annals, and if the squares and boulevards named after them still bear their names, few remember who they were. Mr. Wilson returned to America and soon died. Mr. House before long was lonely and forgotten in the apartment in East 35th Street. Mr. Lloyd George found himself in the political wilderness and was only able to complete the ruin of a once-great Liberal party; within a decade he found himself at the head of four followers. Mr. Balfour, for a few more years, absent-mindedly haunted Saint James's Park.
Anthony said:Does anyone remember how Douglas Reed described American presidents when they were
about to retire after serving the Zionist aka psychopath agenda most of their lives?
Alana said:There's also this:
pg 146 (online copy) said:The illusions of power were dissolving. These men [presidents/PMs/political figures] were never truly powerful, because they acted as the instruments of others. They already look wraithlike in the annals, and if the squares and boulevards named after them still bear their names, few remember who they were. Mr. Wilson returned to America and soon died. Mr. House before long was lonely and forgotten in the apartment in East 35th Street. Mr. Lloyd George found himself in the political wilderness and was only able to complete the ruin of a once-great Liberal party; within a decade he found himself at the head of four followers. Mr. Balfour, for a few more years, absent-mindedly haunted Saint James's Park.
He makes me think of the character "Gus Fring", from the series "Breaking Bad".Mrs. Tigersoap said:In 2013 (he looks like he has not slept for years):
Mrs. Tigersoap said:Just recently I was wondering the same about Obama:
In 2008:
In 2013 (he looks like he has not slept for years):
Anthony said:Perhaps the reason their appearance changed is not because they were soulless
but precisely because they had a soul and were going against its potential, against their essence.
They were merely being used as tools as Reed mentions.
Pashalis said:Can we find other examples? intriguing indeed...
What about Hillary and Bill Glinton or Henry Kissinger or etc...
Anthony said:Perhaps the reason their appearance changed is not because they were soulless
but precisely because they had a soul and were going against its potential, against their essence.
They were merely being used as tools as Reed mentions.