I have also thought the same thing, having read Barbara Marciniak's material and with what the Cs have told us, I think it may in fact be so. But we must not forget that we are an experiment. In Bringers of the dawn, for example, the Pleidians tell us that Earth is a great Living Library:
"...in one of the galactic systems, it was planned to design Earth as an intergalactic information exchange center. It was an incredible plan. Earth was a beautiful place, located at the edge of one of the galactic systems and easily accessible from other galaxies. It was close to many gateways: the highways by which energies travel through space.
There was much activity to create an individual representation of all the galaxies on this planet. Some of the creator gods were experts in genetics.
They were able to put molecules together through their hierarchies - molecules of coded identity, frequency and electrical charge - to create life. Many sentient civilizations gave their DNA to have a representation of their coding on this planet. Then, genetic experts designed various species, some human, some animal, playing with the varieties of DNA that sentient civilizations had donated to turn Earth into this clearinghouse, this center of light, this Living Library. The plan for the Earth was grandiose... (Chapter 2: About the Journey of the Prime Creator)
The Pleidians seem to be talking about Intelligent Design here. Continuing with the analogy of the Living Library, it is as if the designers were the librarians who organize and include new editions, corrected, enlarged and updated editions. The chateau talked about this engineering:
Now, as for the human species the Cs have pointed out:
Nordic genes from orions aka Transient passangers aka Wave Riders aka unified thought form aka super ancient spiritual ancestors were used to create in laboratory the different races that were then "planted" on Earth.
As we already know the Aryans came from Kantek
Sorry to stray from the topic you raised above but I see that you come form Mexico. The reason I raise this is because in my recent researches, I came across a most odd group of electronic musicians who appear to hail from Mexico. What attracted me to them is their name "
Neormm", which has a connection to something the C's have spoken about in the transcripts that may connect with Orion. I wrote about this in the Alton Towers thread yesterday - see:
Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians
Here is the relevant extract from my article:
Session 29 April 1995:
Q: (L) Do they all share a common origin?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what is that origin?
A: Neormm.
Q: (L) Neormm?
A: Closest English equivalent.
Q: (L) Is that a place?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where is it?
A: Check star guides.
Session 7 June 1997:
Q: In a previous session where you introduced the concept of perpendicular realities, you stated that (T) was connected to a particular reality called 'Neormm.' You also designated the 'thought centre' of STS as Ormethion. I noticed the similarity of the names. Is there a relationship?
A: The orm is close to orimulsion. Look it up.
MJF: As Laura discovered, Orimulsion is an
emulsion of bitumen in water, which is used as an industrial boiler fuel in power plants. Orimulsion is made by mixing the bitumen with about 30% fresh water and a small amount of
surfactant (chemical compounds that decrease the surface or interfacial tension between two liquids, a liquid and a gas, or a liquid and a solid.
ORM as an acronym stands for
Object–relational mapping, which in computer science is a programming technique for converting data between a relational database and the heap of an object-oriented programming language. Thus, it is a framework that can help and simplify the translation between the two paradigms: objects and relational database tables. Does this shed any light upon the operation of the STS thought centre known as
Previously, we have noted that “
Orm” is closely connected to “
Orme” (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) or “Ormus”, which leads us to Monoatomic (white powdered) Gold or Manna, the great secret of the High Priests of Egypt, Moses, the Essenes (who preserved the knowledge after the destruction of the Temple of Herod), the Knights Templar and the medieval alchemists. You may also recall that “Ormus” was the name the
Priory of Sion (Rosicrucians?) allegedly adopted after their split with the Knights Templar, as marked by the “
Cutting of the Elm” incident at Gisors in 1188 AD.
As to “Orimulsion”, produced by mixing bitumen with water, when the white powder of monoatomic gold was mixed in water, it was known as “
The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus”. It was called, “
That which issues from the mouth of the creator.” Where the Bible speaks of the man who will plant the golden tree of life, in Hebrew this is the
ORME tree. [Credit to gnosisxsophia for this.]
Did the cutting down of the elm at Gisors therefore represent a symbolic destruction of the Orme or golden tree I wonder? Does this in part explain why the Priory of Sion adopted the name “Ormus” after that event?
Q: Well, what I am asking is about the possible relationship between Neormm and Ormethion...
A: Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!
Session 31 October 1998
Q: Now, I have long wondered about something you said to Terry, about him being connected to a thought center called Neormm, and that it was related to orimulsion, and this is some kind of a fuel. I wonder if you could clarify that remark. What is Neormm?
A: Not yet.
Session 7 November 1998:
Q: (L) Okay, I want to ask: what is the relationship between Neormm and Odiem?
A: Take the two and look for hidden words.
Well, if you combine the letters of both words one of the hidden words you can make is “
Odin”, the Norse god and where stars or celestial objects are concerned you can make “
Orion” (with all the implications that name carries!) as well as the “
Moon”. We have already considered “
Orm” and “
Orme” above, but you can also construct the word “
iron” too, which links us to magnetite. It may just be coincidence, but iron is, of course, a highly magnetic metal and you can produce the word or name “
Neorem” from the two words, which just happens to be the name of a Finnish manufacturer of powerful magnets. This company specialises in the production of NdFeB magnets and pole elements for large electric motors and generators, especially for renewable energy applications. Curiously, the company was founded the same year that the C’s first mentioned the name Neormm. I can’t determine how the name “Neorem” arose or why it was adopted, but it does lead us back to Scandinavia again and by extension to Odin the chief god of the Norsemen.
I would be interested if anyone has any further thoughts on these two strange words.
BTW: Whilst researching for this article, I came across this very strange psychedelic music video on youtube
, which is full of occultic imagery (including tetrahedrons etc), and called:
Neormm @ Hitech Revolution México 2ed by @Lisergica25 - CDMX - video @BSTVBODYSUITTV
It is highly strange that the video should have the name "Neormm" in the title though. The second song is apparently called '
Language of Trees'
*. Here is a link to a webpage that is titled "Synthetic Reincarnations" - see:
Neormm – Synthetic Reincarnations
Do they read the C's transcripts I wonder? Any ideas? This is seriously weird!
Can you help me here? Are you aware of the music group?
*Strangely this reference to the Language of Trees makes me think of the C's answer to Laura about the Nordic Covenant:
Q: (L) […] How many people were in this [Nordic] covenant?
A: Look for answers, trees will lead you to it?
Q: (L) What literary source can I go to find the least distorted or corrupted information?
A: Trees.
If anyone can recall what book about trees this was, it would help here. I originally made a connection with Robert Graves and his book The White Goddess because it deals with the Druid alphabet, which was a tree based alphabet. The Celtic Druids may have had a strong connection to the Essenes or the White Sect. Perhaps one was a branch of the other? Some Masonic scholars even promote the view that the roots of modern Freemasonry lie with the Druids, which if they were linked to the Essenes, would make sense of the C's statement that the "Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors." The C's even credited the Druids with building Stonehenge:
Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?
A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.
Q: If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar groups of people?
A: Atlantean descendants.
In this connection the C's said elsewhere that "
Celts, Druids," etc... are merely latter day designations". They also said that the Druids were not the group they had been in contact with on Kantek:
Q: You said that there is a group with whom you have been in contact since they were on Kantek. Is this group the Druids?
A: No. We will not as of yet identify.
Could that group have been the progenitors of the Essenes I wonder?
Coming back to the issue of trees and the Nordic Covenant, the matter was discussed again by C's in the
session dated 23 September 2000:
Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. [
MJF: which were Oak**, a tree especially sacred the Druids]
Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly."
**Q: Okay, I will! Anything else? I think we have about covered it for tonight...
A: Leaves on cover...
Q: (A) What about them?
A: Oak. [MJF: creating a possible connection here with Oak Island]
Q: Yes...
A: Is Beechnut a company? [MJF: Creating possible references here to Sir Francis Bacon, whose name in old Norman French meant "Beech", and Sir Walter Raleigh and by extension Oak Island]
Now, having gone through all the shamanic stuff, all the information about the world tree, the world axis, and your remarks about building a staircase [
MJF: This reference has a special resonance with Sir Francis Bacon and with Freemasonry - which the C's picked up on elsewhere when in response to Laura's questions about bloodlines and potential activation of DNA they told her to "Build your staircase one step at a time". They also once referred to her as the "Masoness": "Your quest is your own. We do not "steer". We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness"]
, which is another variation on the world axis or world tree, and having some kind of mission, and the mission being piercing the spider, which relates again to the world axis and the world tree, which one climbs one step at a time. Then, you talked about Jack and the Beanstalk, which is another example of the world tree. Over and over again we are having all these representations of trees which basically has something to do with some sort of destined action, and it is almost as though you are hinting that some person has to be physically tuned as a transducer of some sort to "stand in the gates of time," for the rest of humanity. Then, you made the remark recently about lodestar. Well, there might have been a time in my life when I might have thought that it was me who could do something like that. And, if I ever did, maybe it was even ego thinking. However, I am getting a little old for that sort of thing, so I don't really think that it is my role. But, I do think that there is somebody in the world whose role that is, and I would like to know if that is somebody we are supposed to be looking for, or that we are going to find this person?
A: Perhaps you shall find, or perhaps they will find you!