Session 8 August 2015

Thanks so much for the session! I'm grateful for every new session that's published and this one was very interesting!

Laura said:
Prometeo said:
Why are the 63% of population only infected? why are the other 47% not infected? what are they doing?
Maybe they are not genetically susceptible.

That 63% of infected folks could comprised of a subset of the following:
  • OPs naturally "non-souled"
  • souled 3D STS beings that are 4D STO candidates
  • souled 3D STS beings that are 4D STS candidates

That last one came to mind after reading through Organic Portal site on the Cassiopaea pages. I'm struggling with the 'Us vs Them' mentality that can come out of first learning about OPs. What I learned is that it is extremely difficult to spot OPs. Even more daunting, as people start to do the Work, the system will begin to put more OPs and Psychos in the vicinity of the 'seeker'. As Laura mentioned above, we're all likely still OPs, it's possible that we haven't encountered as many OPs as those seeking to do the Work. I'd like to think I have control over my thoughts and then some enticing thought related to sex, food or something between those derails my attention! :D

It would be interesting to learn more about the percentage of above groups that comprise that 67%, but that may end up generating more noise than insight. Those groups can be clustered any number of ways that may lead us down wrong paths of inference. It may just come down to the "individual aura":

[quote author=Organic Portals, Part 1]This is suggested in these comments from the Cassiopaeans:

Q: (L) I want to get back on my question that you have not answered... I want to know who, exactly, and why, exactly, genetically engineered the Semitic people, and why there is such an adversarial attitude between them and the Celts and Aryans.
A: It is not just between the Jews and Celts, if you will take notice. Besides, it is the individual aural profile that counts and not groupings or classifications. But, to answer your question: there are many reasons both from on and off the planet�.
Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic "Master Race" was what they were going after, to create this "breeding ground?"
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?
A: No.
Q: Why?
A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis�.

You will notice that the C�s are pointing us in the direction of individuals and away from groups. It is not �groupings or classifications�, it is the �individual aura profile.� [/quote]
Mm I think my assumption was that only 63% were infected along my plug of the shaman profile, but the question was about how many people suffer from the infections. That means that some people have it but do not suffer from them. Which can be true, so many people in the world are healthy and energetic and they are not keto.
Prometeo said:
Mm I think my assumption was that only 63% were infected along my plug of the shaman profile, but the question was about how many people suffer from the infections. That means that some people have it but do not suffer from them. Which can be true, so many people in the world are healthy and energetic and they are not keto.

When one says in English "how many people suffer from such infections" that doesn't mean literally SUFFERING, but just SIMPLY having it.
Prometeo said:
Which can be true, so many people in the world are healthy and energetic and they are not keto.

I think it's also important to note that many people are apparently healthy, damage by gluten, grains, high carbohydrates, is progressive, then many people is a matter of time, "a time bomb", today may appear to be well and tomorrow get sick. ;)
riclapaz said:
I think it's also important to note that many people are apparently healthy, damage by gluten, grains, high carbohydrates, is progressive, then many people is a matter of time, "a time bomb", today may appear to be well and tomorrow get sick. ;)

That's very true, and one of the motivating factors for me on giving the body the right food. I don't seem to react to food the way that some others do, even when I was eating total crap I usually felt pretty good, and no overt issues. Of course, who knows what would happen 20 or 30 years later... There are many that do well until their 50's and 60's then completely fall apart in the next few years. There are exceptions (like those who lived to be 100 doing whatever they wanted), but I'd rather not take a gamble on just good genetics.
Laura said:
Prometeo said:
Mm I think my assumption was that only 63% were infected along my plug of the shaman profile, but the question was about how many people suffer from the infections. That means that some people have it but do not suffer from them. Which can be true, so many people in the world are healthy and energetic and they are not keto.

When one says in English "how many people suffer from such infections" that doesn't mean literally SUFFERING, but just SIMPLY having it.

And in spanish too. I'm not from neptune lol, I know what it means. I will stay silent. Need more data to work on that answer.
(Heimdallr) Is there anything that this group here needs to be doing or focusing on more?
A: Magnetizing.
Q: (L) What does that mean? Magnetizing who or what?
(Galatea) Where? When? Why?
(Heimdallr) How?
A: Fulfilling the function of the lighthouse! If it isn't broke, don't fix it!
Q: (Heimdallr) So, I guess we just continue doing what we're already doing? Man the posts?
A: More and better! You will see that united efforts send a signal of which you are not fully aware with ramifications as yet unseen. The important element is the colinearity.

(Heimdallr) Y at-il quelque chose que ce groupe ici doit être de faire ou de se concentrer sur de plus?
A: magnétisation.
Q: (L) Qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Magnétisant qui ou quoi?
(Galatée) Où? Quand? Pourquoi?
(Heimdallr) Comment?
A: remplir la fonction du phare! Si elle est pas cassé, ne le répare pas!
Q: (Heimdallr) Donc, je suppose que nous continuons simplement faire ce que nous faisons déjà? L'homme les messages?
A: plus et mieux! Vous verrez que les efforts unis envoient un signal dont vous n'êtes pas pleinement conscients des ramifications encore invisible. L'élément important est la colinéarité.

Concernant le magnétisme, je ne suis pas Maître Reiki mais j'ai eu mes deux initiations il y a 30 ans environ, j'ai perdu mes cahiers des signes à effectuer car je n'ai pratiqué que pendant un an à peu près mais j'ai recommencé suite au livre "La reconnexion" de Eric Pearl" il y a une dizaine d'années et hier j'ai repratiqué juste en imposant mes mains sur mes chiens et chats en récitant la "Prière de l’Âme"... L'Energie était bien là chaude et vibrante... Mes petits ont bien apprécié et mois aussi...
Je pense le refaire et magnétisé ainsi boisson et alimentation...

Regarding magnetism, I'm not Reiki Master but I had my initiations about two 30 years ago, I lost my notebooks signs to make because I have practiced for only a year or so but I 'started again following the livre'La reconnection' Eric Pearl 'there ten years and yesterday I repratiqué just imposing my hands on my dogs and cats by reciting the' Prayer of the Soul .. . The energy was there warm and vibrant ... My little appreciated and months have also ...
I think it again and magnetized food and drink and ...
Prometeo said:
Laura said:
Prometeo said:
Mm I think my assumption was that only 63% were infected along my plug of the shaman profile, but the question was about how many people suffer from the infections. That means that some people have it but do not suffer from them. Which can be true, so many people in the world are healthy and energetic and they are not keto.

When one says in English "how many people suffer from such infections" that doesn't mean literally SUFFERING, but just SIMPLY having it.

And in spanish too. I'm not from neptune lol, I know what it means. I will stay silent. Need more data to work on that answer.

The point is, the INTENT of my questions was simply: how many people are infected?
sitting said:
Laura said:
Session Date: August 8th 2015
Q: (Heimdallr) We were wondering if Putin and his team of advisors are aware of the hyperdimensional reality, and if so, how they do they understand it?

A: He is somewhat aware, but in a different context.

Q: (Perceval) Would that context be kind of in a more military or technological context where they've been trying to use devices or...

A: More like a form of mental martial arts.

Q: (Ennio) So, he's battling through his mind basically?

A: Yes

My interpretation is he's using the most potent weapon available to him ... and to us all as well. Gauging by the results he's achieved thus far, it's a powerful weapon indeed.

It's important I think not to misinterpret this reference to "mind" as simply "wishing" however. As mind (and thoughts) ultimately direct "acts & strategy." And not just our own -- when viewed in the perspective of transducers. The impact may be wide ranging.

I think this "mind" remark also ties intimately into the C's highlighting of enhanced awareness as the goal of Work.


I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that. And as far as I know Putin has a black belt in Judo and at least Number 8 in Taekwondo. In Austria People who have a black belt must be registered (at least those who have it in a regularly way) because of their extraordinary abilities. I understand this statment that way.

P.S. Forgot to mention: Thank you very much again for that session! :flowers:
naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that. And as far as I know Putin has a black belt in Judo and at least Number 8 in Taekwondo. In Austria People who have a black belt must be registered (at least those who have it in a regularly way) because of their extraordinary abilities. I understand this statment that way.

I'm not so sure about "extraordinary abilities" since in a steetfight there are no rules and oftentimes a 'blackbelt' is trained in a manner that is structured, regimented, and often predictable without that sharp edge of a life and death situation. When confronted with a real life situation even a trained martial artist has to oftentimes break through a wall of intense adrenal rush (something which was not an integral part of their training) which could cause hesitation. In that small amount of time his (street) opponent can be on and all over them in an instant since the street fighter guy is in total fight mode from the get go with no hesitation or fear whatsoever.

But I do think training in martial arts is very good to prepare a mental defense so that one could increase ones sensitivity/awareness even at very subtle levels and see it coming before it happens. By then there is more time to mentally prepare to fight back and equally prepare to think in terms of strategy and options and avoiding or neutralizing the situation and/or outsmarting the opponent in that critical amount of time.

A good combination IMO is to get trained in the martial arts and/or self defense for the mental/physical awareness along with carrying police grade Oc pepper spray when you go out. The martial arts training will prepare one mentally (i.e., awareness, mental acuity, sense of physical positioning, distance and proper stance) so that one is more able to use the pepper spray at the right time in the right way. No need to really 'get into it' unless you're a 24/7 full time professional fighter of some kind and even then a full time fighter is thinking in terms of consequences whereas a psycho attacker is not.
naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that.

Hi naorma,

I think the C's reference to "mental martial arts" had little to do with actual martial arts, but a great deal to do with agility, courage, strategy, vision, and self discipline. Although Putin's judo training (standard fare for KGB officers) does not hurt, I don't think that part was central to his mental capabilities.


My own experience is that formalized dojo training is often an impediment rather than an asset. An overly-inflated sense of competence (black belt) can be problematic. Of all the people I've trained with over many years, only a small percentage in my view can really handle a dangerous situation properly. And the truly great ones always have this knack for avoiding trouble in the first place. For most of the others, it's really a roll of the dice either way.
sitting said:
naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that.

Hi naorma,

I think the C's reference to "mental martial arts" had little to do with actual martial arts, but a great deal to do with agility, courage, strategy, vision, and self discipline. Although Putin's judo training (standard fare for KGB officers) does not hurt, I don't think that part was central to his mental capabilities.


My own experience is that formalized dojo training is often an impediment rather than an asset. An overly-inflated sense of competence (black belt) can be problematic. Of all the people I've trained with over many years, only a small percentage in my view can really handle a dangerous situation properly. And the truly great ones always have this knack for avoiding trouble in the first place. For most of the others, it's really a roll of the dice either way.


In trying to find a Cs reference to "mental martial arts" I came up blank but there are quite a few hits on "mental blocking".

Your previous comments on the importance of the mind or mental aspects of Putin's positive influence and it's relevance to us seemed very appropriate to me.

Session 2 May 2015
Q: (L) I would say you have to also have people who are fully aware
of the possibilities, doing mental blocking, taking care of the energy
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay.
(Galatea) Related, is it okay for us to meditate in order to increase our psychic abilities? Is it safe?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's in the sessions. We talked about that. Scottie, do you
have any questions about your recent reading?
(Scottie) Well, kind of... I recently read Hostage to the Devil by
Malachi Martin. I posted on the forum about it. A short discussion
ensued, and several people asked basically what's the deal with
Catholic priests doing an exorcism and they invoke Jesus, blah blah
blah. So, many of us were wondering how that works. We kind of
know that the story that Catholics believe about Jesus is not exactly
true. It's a lie. So, I'm having a hard time reconciling this whole
"invoking Christ" thing with the fact that entities seem to get in the
door when you're lying to yourself about something. So, that's how
they get in, but then a Catholic exorcist is technically believing a lie if
they're invoking the name of Jesus, and the entities are pretty smart,
right? So...
(Perceval) Why would it be effective?
A: Intent combined with being and willingness to do good can often
produce effects even when knowledge is absent.

Some may tend to think of "psychic" abilities as "woo woo" stuff but I really don't look at it that way myself. We are just trying to regain the use of what I think were once more "natural" abilites that were lost after the burning away or blocking of some of our DNA.

Also this may be almost instinctive and related to the importance of the Wave and moving towards 4D.

Session 11 February 1995

Q: (L) In a previous reading you stated that the Lizzies tried to abduct my eldest daughter and that I
"stopped" it. At the time I should have asked, and am asking now: how, specifically, did I stop that
activity? {The situation and what I did is described in “Amazing Grace”.}
A: Mental blocking, i.e. using 4th density principles.
Q: (DM) Was it just her presence that led them to believe that they should go find somebody else to
A: Pay attention to self-explanatory answers.
Q: (L) Okay, so, a mental block is a 4th density principle?
A: Bravo!
Q: (L) So, mentally blocking is our defense?
A: One of them.
Q: (L) And, I was galvanized to erect this shield around my child because it was my baby?
A: And you knew what to do.

And, continuing on a little more "woo woo" stuff (keeping in mind I don't see this as "woo woo" it's just 'LauraWorld') I found the following session interesting:

Q: (Laura) Ok, we've got all of these little things that need to be
done; we've got a hole in the cellar that needs to be dug, that's still
sitting there, we've got a pool that's supposed to be built, now we're
supposed to build a psychomantium.
A: This is not a daunting or costly project... materials: felt of the type
you used for your charts, mirror and soft light, or candles. {Terry
describes a portable version that can be set up when using, and
taken down when not needed.}
Q: (Laura) Is this basically the way that it is done, as Terry has
described it?
A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) How long is it necessary to sit and stare into the mirror
before one experiences...
A: Varies, but not long.
Q: (Terry) It's going to vary from person to person... (Laura) OK,
what advantage is there to using a psychomantium to using the
board, I mean, is it going to replace the board?
A: No. Visualizations clarify and unite images.
Q: (Laura) Ok, what images would we wish, or would be suggested to
unite and clarify, and particularly in the term unite? You've used the
term 'unite' on a number of occasions, and in unusual ways.
A: Anything and everything in transcripts, for example... and all else.
Q: (Laura) Okay, so we would be able to see all of the things told
about in the transcripts. Would we also be able to, by seeing a 4th
density reality, be able to generate some sort of unification between
ourselves, in some sense, and this new reality ?
A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) Is this part of the way and means of bonding oneself to
4th density reality.
A: Helps.

Q: (Laura) Can one also use this to visit other parts of the globe in
real time?
A: Yes.
Q: (Terry) Visit the past and the future?
A: Yes.
Q: (Terry) There's other things on the other side. Can they come
A: Only if used ignorantly.
Q: (Laura) Is it the mental blocking technique that we are familiar
with what prevents entry of something else?
A: Close.
Q: (Jan) 'Knowledge protects!' (Terry) Well, this is easier than
digging out under the pool, and building a reflecting pool, and finding
75 square feet to build a labyrinth. (Laura) It sounds like a damned
amusement park! (Jan) Yeah, 'LauraWorld'!!! (Terry) It would give a
whole new meaning to an 'E' ticket ride!
A: "Amusement" denotes fun!
Q: (Laura) Ok, guys, it's late and Ark is waiting.
A: Goodbye.
End of Session

From the above session we are reminded of the importance of "mental blocking" in affairs concerning 4D reality.

This next session seems to indicate that the genetics may marry at certain astrological "birth dates" and this could be a factor for some of us concerning frequency issues based on technological influences but "mental blocking" may be the main thing no matter what our genetics or astrological charts seem to indicate:

Session 3 January 2009
Q: (S) Okay, so we can just use a very long ethernet cable instead of the WiFi.
A: Research frequencies and cancelling frequencies for ideas. But the main thing is mental blocking. Notice that ______ is
similarly affected due to frequency similarity.
Q: (J) Frequency of the person, or frequency of the...
A: Note birth dates.
Q: .... (A****) Is this numerology based? (L) Well, I dunno, I think it's probably numerology/astrology, plus maybe the time of
year and some kind of frequencies of the sun sign maybe. Is that it?
A: Yes. More or less.

Now, I hate to be too explicit and profuse but I don't want to leave out any gems in the cracks in the road so I am including as much of this next session as I can to illustrate what the Cs are trying to tell us:

Session 16 July 2009
Session Date: July 16th 2009
Laura, Ark, G**, Scottie, C**, P L, Don D, Allen, A**, Joe
Q: (L) This is 16 July 2009. It's been 15 years tonight since the C's first came along. So this is our 15 year anniversary session. It is
a dark and stormy night, I can assure you. It is trying to blow like the dickens and rain like crazy and there’s thunder and lightning
outside. There was just a flash of lightning and - ah! Hear that thunder? (laughter and loud thunder recorded) So we've got a storm
going on, and we're all here in this room and we don't know if the electricity is gonna last. So we have two tape recorders going, one
of which can switch to battery power at a moment's notice. We can get candles out if we need to because we may end up in the dark.
On the other hand, we may not. We'll have to wait and see. So, anyhow, that's our introduction for this evening. Alright, here we are.
15 years ago... There were a lot of booms and shaking of the house then, though for different reasons. Going back in my mind
thinking about it... Hello? Who do we have with us?
A: (Loud wind gusts recorded) Leahriaea of Cassiopaea!
Q: (L) Well, alrighty then! Now, we have people on the forum who are trying to sort themselves out and come up with some good
questions. But, at the moment, we haven't really decided which of those questions are what we're going to bring to the table here, and
what we have on our minds are a couple questions of our own. After I posted the last session, which I did today, one of the forum
members posted an article about Maze Dances, or the Dance of Ariadne, or the Crane Dance. And they even put a link to where you
could download or see one. (To Ark) Did you ever get it downloaded? (Ark) I downloaded all of them for you {on the minime system
which takes hours}. (L) Can we watch them? (Ark) We can. (L) Okay, so we'll watch them later - well, I guess we better watch them
now. We'll take a break and watch them before we ask about them. (Break to watch 5 dancing videos) (L) Ya'll still there?
A: Oh yes! That was inspiring, yes?
Q: (L) Well, okay. How close were any of those to the original maze dances?
A: There were elements of the archaic techno-spiritual practice in a couple of them. The first and second were closest in step and
Q: (L) Okay, well, what could be added to the step and the pace to get it closer?
A: One of two ways: dance a spiral with the "bridge" on the turn out of the center or dance a formal maze and the same maneuver on
the turns.
Q: (L) I guess the bridge is where they have their hands together and they kind of turn inside out. (DD) Right, that was cool. Is the
time signature of the music that they're doing this to of any significance?
A: Yes, but it can be different depending on the aim. Remember that these maneuvers literally change the "field" in which the
participants are moving. This can change things on many levels, even including turning DNA on or off.
Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic
field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields
interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't
know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer
by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it
follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a
group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of
energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this
other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...
A: A "conduit" maybe?
Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it
has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?
A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast
to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their
baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?
Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced
benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the
original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy
(healthy cereal)! (laughter)
A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras
must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do
you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave
is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the
"elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just
Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.
A: Mental blocking.
Q: (DD) Do they block themselves? (Review of previous answer) (A***) So they're talking about the dance, and people together
doing this dance would create some sort of block?
A: Exactly.
Q: (A***) That's a good reason to learn to dance! (Ark) Well, how long would you have to dance to keep the block going long
A: You create it with the dance, chant, musical induced state, and then just add power as needed.
Q: (S) We just run some extension cords, and... (laughter) (L) But how often do you add power?
A: With the current imbalance, about once a week. Later, as the balance is restored, it can be once a month... Dark of the moon.
Q: (S) What did they mean by "add power"? (L) Do it again. (P) Is it a special day of the week? (L) Well, they said once a month,
dark of the moon... Oh, you want to know if it's once a week, then which day?
A: Moon-day.
Q: (L) Well this is all very interesting stuff. Why weren't you telling us this a long time ago? (laughter)
A: We think you know that! There was much you needed to learn on your own for strength and also there was the factor of trust. We
understand that humanity has been led astray many times and there is a lot of metaphysical "noise" out there. After this time, we
think that even with the "open" nature of the future and reality, we have not misled. The first 6 years were spent trying to increase
your awareness and help to purge illusions. Now you see the changes in your world that we spoke of. Now, we hope that you will begin
to understand that there is hope, but that we and all other STO beings can only act through you (pause) in the collective sense.
Q: (L) Oh, I see. (Ark) What you see? (L) I just got the word "collective" - I was wondering what in the world that word was in there
for. Okay. (Ark) They said there is still hope? That's what they said? (L) I guess the hope is how we meet the wave, and what our
world is like after. When you have a wave, a tsunami, you can do like that guy did in the movie Krakatoa. Ya know, throw out your
anchor and head into it, tie yourself to the wheel, and grin a lot! That was so cool! So, is that basically what we're talking about here?
The wave is gonna happen and how we meet it depends on what we do to prepare and that we can...
A: Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.
Q: (L) So in other words, we've gotta learn to dance. Does EVERYBODY have to learn to dance?! (laughter)
A: No, only the young ones and those who are able. But... it would be powerful!
Q: (Ark) Yeah, you know, someone has to do this (squatting down and jumping up maneuvers that looked very difficult)... (L) Well,
the thing is that it's nothing that could really hurt you. It's not strenuous. (DD) Except those knee drops. (Ark) Okay, I start exercising
tomorrow! (C) And all the 200 people, don't need to be in the same place, or do they?
A: It is good to have at least seven in one group. 8 is better.
Q: (L) At least. So, the more the merrier?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) So it's much like these shamans dancing to get the rain, yes?
A: That was corrupted. They had already lost the knowledge that this is a group thing and no one individual has the "being" to stand
alone in 3D {against 4D}.
Q: (L) But the Indians would do rain dances together, wouldn't they? I mean the Native Americans, excuse me. (A***) Feathers, not
dots! (laughter)
A: Yes. But they too had lost much knowledge.
Q: (P) Does the location have an influence on the effectiveness of the dance?
A: It can, but not important enough to think about it much. One does want to avoid negative energy locations.
Q: (DD) Maybe out in the back here with the underground stream going to the pond...
A: Running water is good.
Q: (A***) Where we removed the pergola today, there's a nice clearing there. (Joe) Could seven people in this room do something
like that at this time?
A: The effort would be extremely beneficial for all here particularly in terms of DNA and other benefits. But for global purposes the
larger number is needed. The power increases exponentially with the addition of each person. Remember the saying: Wherever two or
MORE (letters came slowly) are gathered...
Q: (L) I guess when you do that slow little loopy thing, that you want to capitalize those letters?
A: Yes
Q: (DD) Is there a time on Mondays to do the dance, like sunrise or sunset?
A: Better as sun sets. In fact you can employ a little sungazing.
Q: (L) So you do your sungazing, get yourself charged up, and then you start your dance. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is it a good idea to do breathing exercises beforehand?
A: Absolutely!
Q: (L) How about doing some Pipe Breathing while you're doing the dance steps?
A: Maybe. Try it!
Q: (DD) Do we have the dance steps? (L) Well, they said the steps were right in the first and second dances, or a combination of
something of those. (Joe) What about music?
A: That depends on aim. We think that you can network to figure that out.
Q: (Joe) If your aim was to like {demonstrates aggressive stance)... (L) You need like martial sounds I guess. (S) So, for the final
one with 200 people to block the bad guys, we could use Pink Floyd, the Tear Down the Wall song! (laughter) (L) Another Brick in the
Wall, eh?
A: Actually...
Q: (laughter) (L) Not a bad idea! (Allen) So should we have workshops to teach people how to do these dances?
A: You better learn them first!
Q: (L) I guess you'll have to watch those first two videos over and over again. (A***) We'll figure them out easily enough. (L) Alright
peoples, are we done? Or are you guys so enthused that we just take a break? (Break) (L) So basically, we can recapitulate by saying
that people need to learn to breathe. Breathing can change things in their physiology. And also they need to use the breathing to get
themselves into a meditative state, or a state where they can do the bioenergetic breathing, which then helps them to release karmic
and current life programs and issues and get a cleansing. Once they've started to become cleansed, then they are able to - and this is
supposed to be interspersed with, as I understand it - continuous input of data and information. They did say that you use this to deal
with reality. This meditating and breathing is not an escape, this is a healing. Meanwhile, you're supposed to at the same time -
throughout the day - you're supposed to be paying close attention to reality and not falling into illusion. Okay, so we've got that part
of the program. And then once these people begin to clear out their traumas and their programs and get free of illusions and so forth,
that means that they are then better able to use facing reality and thinking with a hammer to connect their chakras. And that, I
assume, means connecting to their higher intellectual center and higher emotional center. Of course, you connect the emotional center
first and then the intellect comes in also. So, in other words, they become kind of like connected with themselves in the future so to
say. Am I on track so far?
A: Yes. But we would like to point that all "souled" individuals are members of a fragmented 6D soul/being. When they begin to
connect with their future/higher centers, this implies a natural connecting with the other members of their soul group.
Q: (L) Okay, so anyhow, that's the first thing. And then once people begin to make these connections and then they begin to practice
this spiral and maze maneuver which is in a sense like... gee, it's almost like human beings becoming crop circles on the surface of the
landscape, and creating neural circuits of some sort in the mind of the earth, or in the body of the earth. Anyway, that's what I'm
getting at. And then that is what enables them to do things like mental blocking... Okay, so if you're gonna do this mental blocking,
okay so you're gonna do this dance and whatever, how do you effectively put the mental block in place? I mean, you're just dancing
thinking, "I'm mental blocking! I'm mental blocking!"
A: No no no! Remember the "Prayer of the Soul"?
Q: (L) So we're supposed to say that while we're dancing?
A: Sometimes. Other times the words will be different. Sometimes it will be chanted and sometimes it will be sung.
Q: (L) So where are we gonna get these words from?
A: We will be giving them in dreams to you.
Q: (A***) Sweet. (L) So, pretty much we've got... Well, that's quite a comprehensive program. There was some discussion on the
forum recently about if people had to die to get to the 4th density. And I think I remember you distinctly saying that some will die and
some won't. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Some people will transition into 4th density. Like I said before they'll just kind of like rejuvenate and their DNA will unwrap or
change under the new cosmic environment and their bodies will change?
A: Some.
Q: (L) And we already asked what some of that would be like. Okay, so... (A***) I supposed we're not allowed to ask if it's gonna
happen to us. (laughter)
A: You have your work cut out for you. You have a choice of futures. What will it be? A dark star or paradise restored??? Goodbye.

The above quote is the whole session. I just couldn't help seeing it as a very important "reflection" that says we are part of a 6th density group soul and we "have our work cut out for us".

I am not saying we don't have parasites to kill, psychopaths to identify or 4D STS thought centers to eclipse from our reality but our souls may depend on our "unity" and our intention to think of others above our own safety or survival.

Our brains and the parasites may be an important part of why we are hitting the "glass ceiling" so in this respect I am hoping to not be off topic in my response to the mental aspect of our efforts to be successful in blocking 4D attacks and finding an STO path that would unite us as a 6th density soul group.

The following session speaks of our predicament concerning decision making (this applies to myself quite alot):

Session 22 July 2012
Q: (L) Um... Hmm. (Ailen) That's interesting because I was reading
about it this morning. But I decided it probably didn't apply because
it was talking about Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, but they were
talking about problems with the cortico-something in the frontal
cortex where it affects decision-making, and...
A: You have a very narrow window of opportunity to make what
corrections can be made.
Q: (L) And how should he go about doing that?
A: Research and mostly following directions. You really do not
perceive reality as it is nor do you have the ability to make
assessments of what you do perceive.
Q: (E___) Is there any way at this point, in addition to researching
and mostly following directions, to increase my receivership
capability? And perceiving reality as it really is?
A: Doing things that need doing with full attention.
Q: (Ailen) When they say "research", they mean researching about
this brain thing? (L) Yeah, I guess.
A: Yes. Warning: You have almost zero insight.

Q: (Belibaste) So you cannot really rely on your own thinking, and
you have to trust and rely on others for the right processes, the right
things to do.
A: Yes.
Q: (Belibaste) Maybe doing the right thing again and again will rewire
the brain, and you'll learn the right path?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Paying attention is probably the biggest thing.
A: It also helps to care more about others than yourself.
Q: (L) But I guess you can't create that if it isn't there.
A: True.
Q: (E___) Do I have the capability to care more about others than I
do about myself at this point?
A: No.
Q: (E___) At a later point?
A: Possible. In your case, it is very difficult, however you were
recently given good advice: Do what "it" doesn't like.
Q: (L) What about I___?
A: Here is part of the problem: Despite the good intentions of both,
they each feed what is worst in each other.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: E___ feeds I___'s ambition to her detriment and ultimate
destruction. I___ feeds E___'s helplessness by not demanding that
he do what he doesn't like. That too will destroy him ultimately. It
takes two to tango...
Q: (L) Well, I guess the obvious question aside from what we've
already asked is what should they do about their relationship?
A: By normal standards they do not have a "relationship".
Q: (Ark) But I have a question. Because I am also feeding Laura’s
ambitions, and she is not making me do what I don't like. What's the
A: You neither have genetic glitches that deprive you of insight. Raw
ambition is quite different from an incredible drive for truth matched
by a deep urge to share and nurture.
Q: (L) So, in other words, I___ is not being completely honest about
her reasons for doing what she does. Maybe she doesn't even know
them herself.
A: True.
Q: (Ailen) You're implying that she also has genetic glitches, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They don't want to say anything else about that. Genetic
glitches. But she doesn't lack insight, does she?
A: Not as much, but when she does get a glimpse it is often
overridden by emotion.
Q: (L) So it sounds like she needs to get her emotions under control.
A: Big time!!!
Q: (L) So they could have a relationship if they would make these
adjustments, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (E___) Thank you. (L) There's hope.
A: But you must never slip down the slippery slope of giving each
other the wrong feedback.

Sorry if this is too long and just distracting. I am hoping this is not the "wrong feedback". FWIW
Merci pour ce long partage mais les connaissances en valaient vraiment la peine...
Je n'ai pas compris ce qu'était cette danse et comment la danser !...
Pouvez vous aussi préciser comment faire ce "Blocage" ?...
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses...

Thank you for sharing this long but knowledge really worth the trouble ...
I have not understood what this dance and how to dance! ...
You can also specify how to do this 'Block'? ...
Thank you in advance for your answers ...
PERLOU said:
Merci pour ce long partage mais les connaissances en valaient vraiment la peine...
Je n'ai pas compris ce qu'était cette danse et comment la danser !...
Pouvez vous aussi préciser comment faire ce "Blocage" ?...
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses...

Thank you for sharing this long but knowledge really worth the trouble ...
I have not understood what this dance and how to dance! ...
You can also specify how to do this 'Block'? ...
Thank you in advance for your answers ...


The Dancing- techno-spiritual techniques topic has been discussed some here but not in great detail.

Here is the link to the forum topic Dancing- techno-spiritual techniques

I think that the "Techno" part of the "Spiritual" is something that we usually don't consider as being related or compatible but the Cs seem to be making the link between them. I don't think we fully understand what this means yet.

So far I don't see much progress towards utilizing this technique but maybe we will in the near future.

The "Block" part is, I think, a collective effort since we are told that no one in 3D can successfully stand against the 4D STS frequency fence. I think becoming individually stronger helps but the final efforts would have to be at the group level.

Personally, I think the diet (and now killing parasites), EE and meditation (using POTS) are ways to help in "blocking" the negative influences around us.
That was a good reminder of those session, goyacobol, thanks for posting them.

PERLOU, if you go to the session linked above, and read the whole thread, there are links to the videos showing the dances, if I remember correctly (if the videos are still available, as it's been a couple of years since I last watched them). If you don't find them in that thread, you can search the forum for "maze dance", "crane dance", etc. and see what comes up, as there were other threads discussing them too with links to the videos.

As far as your question about "this 'Block'", if you mean the mental blocking, after all the things to get prepared and healed mentioned in that session, when the group of people start on the dancing together, they were to think of the words of the Prayer of the Soul (where we are asking specific help from the Divine Cosmic Mind, e.g. "Clear my eyes that I may see, Clear my ears that I may hear, Cleanse my heart that I may know and love..., etc.). And then other words to be sung or chanted were to be given in dreams - don't know what the status of that is, though.

ADDED: Just saw your latest post, goyacobol.
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