Session 8 August 2015

naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that. And as far as I know Putin has a black belt in Judo and at least Number 8 in Taekwondo. In Austria People who have a black belt must be registered (at least those who have it in a regularly way) because of their extraordinary abilities. I understand this statment that way.

I have a black belt and instructor certification in several martial arts, and I think that it gives one with the willingness to see things objectively a physical representation of mental processes that can be useful for self-development. A frame of reference for the use of moves and counter moves that can evolve into an ability to use strategy in a conflict or high risk situation, but I've not been endowed with any special mental abilities because of my training.

However, I have had people relay stories to me that might be along the lines of mental abilities that you're talking about, though I don't think it's the way that Putin uses his mind against 4D STS influence. For example, one student of mine studied various form of Tai Chi in China for a few years and told me once about how he and his instructor were walking along the street one day and were being approached by a person who looked like he had the intention of doing them harm, and the master he was with manipulated the energy of the situation in such a way that the person coming towards them suddenly changed his expression and walked passed them as if they weren't even there. Not sure how much of this or his other stories were true, or how much was projection or delusional or wishful thinking. But even assuming such a thing is possible, which I don't know one way or another, I'm not sure Putin has the ability to outmatch a 4D being in a game of wits or wills in such a manner.
Hello Perlou, coupled with what goyacobol and SeekinTruth mentioned, I recommend reading the mental block from the glossary will help you understand further, gives some interesting clues. :flowers:

author said:
Mental Blocking

This term occurs in the Cassiopaea material in the meaning of spiritually holding one's ground or resisting attack. This is described as a fourth density principle which does not have any fixed translation into human actions or attitudes, as the practice will depend on the situation.

We can look at the idea from many different angles:

From Ra:

Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

RA: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation armed with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

QUESTIONER: Could you amplify the meaning of what you mean by the "failure to accept that which is given?"

RA: I am Ra. At the level of time/space at which this takes place in the form of what you may call thought-war, the most accepting and loving energy would be to so love those who wished to manipulate that those entities were surrounded and engulfed, transformed by positive energies.

This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say.

It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction and both sides, if you will, must then regroup.

[…] The most typical approach of Orion entities is to choose what you might call the weaker-minded entity that it might suggest a greater amount of Orion philosophy to be disseminated. Some few Orion entities are called by more highly polarized negative entities of your space/time nexus. In this case they share information just as we are now doing. However, this is a risk for the Orion entities due to the frequency with which the harvestable negative planetary entities then attempt to bid and order the Orion contact just as these entities bid planetary negative contacts.

The resulting struggle for mastery, if lost, is damaging to the
polarity of the Orion group. Similarly, a mistaken Orion contact with highly polarized positive entities can wreak havoc with Orion troops unless these crusaders are able to
de-polarize the entity mistakenly contacted. This occurrence is almost unheard-of. Therefore, the Orion group prefers to make physical contact only with the weaker-minded entity.

From the Cassiopaeans:

Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body,
what caused this paralysis.

A: Yes. Separation of awareness. Which is defined as any
point along the pathway where one's awareness becomes so
totally focused on one thought sector that all other levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby making it impossible to become aware of one's physical reality along with one's mental reality. This gives the impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of

A: An event which sidetracks, temporarily, the mental

Q: (L) And what event can sidetrack the mental processes to
this extent?

A: Any number.

Q: (L) In this particular case, what was it?

A: It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting
thought centers.

Q: (L) What energies were being eclipsed?

A: Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this
causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an
immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time,
which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non-
existence, or a stopping of the movements of all
functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In
between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities,
we always find zero time, zero movement, zero
transference, zero exchange. Now think about this. Think
about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition
of non-existence?

A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but
non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you

There are many passages elsewhere in the Cassiopaea material where attack and blocking attack are discussed.

The core idea of mental blocking is to assert one's position and the nature of one's being. This may take many forms. The idea is a spiritual one for which we do not have direct terms or perception, thus we look at it through the example of everyday confrontations.

One aspect of the idea is not to be drawn into the attacker's “world” via curiosity, desire to change the world or the attacker, emotional hooks, self-importance or the like.

Another aspect is to be internally certain and undivided. In a
confrontation, the attacking party generally expects some reaction, either aggression or backing out. In some cases, mental blocking can take the form of giving no response or an entirely unexpected response. The main idea is not to play by the same playbook as the adversary, thus breaking out of a pattern of expected reactions.

Getting entangled into arguments or repetitious interactions with people can be draining and as much as one sees the problem in these, it is very difficult not to be affected, thus at least implicitly accepting the rules of the game. Playing various influence games tends to affect one's FRV and/or one's basic model of reality. Thus getting dragged into hostile
arguments can for example be an attack. Blocking such may involve declining to participate.

Attack often works by playing on pre-existing doubts or divisions within the self or within a group. Recognizing this and being unambiguous and not tempted to be swayed is important. “I don't want to know” is not mental blocking. Knowing things, including the nature and content of the attack is important for an objective view of the world. But once one knows about it, one can decline to again be subjected to the same arguments and simply reject the whole topic as one that has already been seen and dealt with.

Declining a confrontation is not always an appropriate strategy, for example truth cannot be defended by being invisible. It is not possible to give fixed rules for every situation. Recognizing appropriate action depends on
recognizing the deeper dynamic involved, we could say the nature of the asking. Defending truth where there is no interest for it to begin with is simply wasted time whereas standing up for it when there is a possibility of it being accepted can be a service to the participants.

Knowledge of a special kind may itself be a form of protection. Since the battle concerns one's “soul” or FRV, having drawn one's circle and standing firm in it may preempt attack. Human knowledge is never absolutely certain or complete, but knowledge through choice to apply it may become something of a different quality. Information is converted into being by the process of commitment. Mental blocking is not a matter of “true belief” but rather
of asserting one's choice also wile faced with attack. This is generally not an aggressive stance, since attack often expects an aggressive response.

Acting as a group may be important to the process. A single individual may be worn down by continuously defending one's position, also a group may focus “higher energies” more effectively than an individual. This is not a case of mob mentality but of strength in unity of purpose. An isolated
individual's mode of thinking and perceiving may more readily be shifted to match the attacker's, thus diminishing the STO alignment of the attacked.

We are not talking about fighting in a physical or 3D sense, where both antagonists have a similar nature and modes of thinking and responding. In 3D warfare, no matter the specifics, also in asymmetric situations, the combatants still play at a similar game.

In the case of mental blocking, the point is to preserve one's own nature, not to adopt that of the attacker. This is not always applicable to physical 3D conflict. We may think that in the context of higher densities, one's FRV, or polarity along the STO/STS axis determines one's strength and the realm one occupies. Deviating from one's chosen polarity represents loss. Sometimes the battle may be a “staring down contest,” sometimes it may not occur at all if the antagonists are naturally kept separate by their different natures.

Writings of mystics of the monastic traditions describe something like mental blocking when discussing the spiritual attacks confronted by the monks. The devils seek to confuse, to alternatingly flatter and to induce despair. The defense is not in arguing or engaging but in simultaneously acknowledging that the self is weak yet stands firm in giving thanks and glory to God, regardless of temptation or concern for self. The general advice not to talk to apparitions concerns this.
naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that. And as far as I know Putin has a black belt in Judo and at least Number 8 in Taekwondo. In Austria People who have a black belt must be registered (at least those who have it in a regularly way) because of their extraordinary abilities. I understand this statment that way.

I think that's the wrong approach. I was involved in the martial arts and physical and mental. The two can be combined, but do not have much in common. I think that the best way to understand the mental fight, to personally try. So what is a mental fight (as I understand it) - or perhaps is better to say "mental creation"? It is to understand your mind as a tool in a world of mental energy. If you imagine something - this is real in this world. If you put a lot of energy into something, then it becomes stronger.
You can for example create your object and oppose it to another object that symbolizes a problem in the physical (or spiritual) world. You can create an energy shield against negative energy. You can break the energy blockages that lie in essence of blockade in the physical world.
In the bioenergy used some of the techniques in this category, eg. disease imagine such a dark mixture and healing energy as light. Then imagine how the disease comes out, and the light enters.

It is not without limits and prices. We invest our energy, which can overcome the problem or not. In many cases, we only increases or decreases percentage of some possibilities.

Mental creations can be used for good or evil.
When one person wants to control the other, that person can encircle other person with their energy.
Someone could penetrate aura of another person by focusing negative energy on part of the aura (body).
It can be used for healing or mind-reading, or for blessing.
It is possible to create elementals - temporary creatures of the ether, with a variety of tasks.
Energy shields, balls, circles, creatures, blades, blocking ... choice forms, imprinting energy, assigning purposes (intent, task).
It is good to do mental exercises first. My favorite exercise is imagining a point of light, which is on the increase. The second exercise can be a ball of light that moves to draw a circle faster and faster. Later you can try to imagine the huge pillar of light, then a few of those. And they can have a purpose (eg, cleaning the planet of negative energy).
So it's not really like martial arts, where the focus is on physical activity. Here the focus is on the mind.

So I'm sorry that this capacity is not very used. For example, we can help Syria against terrorism without a shot fired. One person makes a minimal difference, 10 can do more, 100, 1000? Reducing the power of elite to control the people, yes we can.
But when a group of people trained to think all the same at the same time, the effect is even stronger. Satanists sometimes do it in groups. This world is enslaved because people are divided and evil are united, organized.

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Merci Goyacobol, SeekinTruth et Riclapaz pour vos commentaires que j'ai lu avec beaucoup d'attention, je vais méditer tout cela...
Je suis allée sur le lien de la DANSE et y ai laisser un commentaire, il me semble que ce projet n'a pas encore abouti...
La lecture et la relecture des livres de LAURA, la pratique de EE deux fois par semaine et la Prière de l'Âme chaque fois que possible sont sans doute déjà une bonne protection...
Merci de votre attention...

Thank you Goyacobol, SeekinTruth Riclapaz for your comments and I read very carefully, I will meditate on all this ...
I went on the link and have DANCE leave a comment, it seems that this project has not yet been completed ...
Reading and rereading books LAURA, EE practice twice a week and the Prayer of the Soul whenever possible are probably already good protection ...
Thanks for your attention...
I thank you also Goyacobol, riclapaz , SeekinTruth,

What you have shared here is insightful and so appropriate for what I have been undergoing and learning lately. The mental blocking is especially helpful. :)
MusicMan said:
Skyalmian said:
I have a stomach mole (since age 5), lower right abdomen, that as of late seems to be the source of major ongoing woes. For starters, it's frequently causing major involuntary muscle twitches beneath it, combined with energetic sensations and movements, numbness, and since 08/05 has been the cause of some very dramatic issues that have cropped up. In desperation I very heavily overdosed on by-the-pound deli cooked-and-seasoned garlic, which shut it down 1 day after peak activity, but it's resuming again. The weirdness runs down into lower half of body.

Are there viruses in moles that can be of major issue?

MusicMan said:
Moles are the body's way of encapsulating cells that go awry, and may contain parasites.
Largely they are benign but they can metastasise, sending their contents throughout your body and becoming a bigger problem.
It's a situation that should be checked by an expert in these matters.
Take care, Skyalmian.

I don't want to hijack this thread, maybe it should be moved elsewhere, but I had to add that I awoke with a jolt at 5AM this morning with you on my mind Skyalmian, and the words "Vestigial Nipple". Such things are benign, and occur occasionally. I have one. No dramas.
Long story of non-stop hysteria and terror for half a month, and I just said this to friends:

Made the realization that memory almost entirely disappeared for past 3 weeks, and that only the hundreds of messages to friends kept me "me" in creating and maintaining a linear timeline of events. But otherwise, I can barely consciously remember anything...

Memory is reputedly stored in the 'soul' so if an alternate self collides, memories will, too.

Brutal. Absolutely brutal.

And something tells me that I will no longer be thin as a rail no matter what I do or don't eat, because the collision feels like a beast of a man.

I think things are okay now.

Also: waking seizure several nights ago, never experienced total mental lockup like that with very bad 'hangover' next day before.

EE was involved, and may have spawned the entire episode, given the subject matter, of 'dissolving' not a fear-causing loop itself but the PTSD loop spawned from extreme imprint of trauma 2.3 years ago—it being 'triggered' by subconscious associations, etc.
Quelles sont ces "taupes" dont vous parlez, en France ce sont des petits animaux dans les campagnes !... Merci pour vos précisions...

What are these 'moles' you speak of, in France they are small animals in the countryside! ... Thank you for your clarification ...
PERLOU said:
Quelles sont ces "taupes" dont vous parlez, en France ce sont des petits animaux dans les campagnes !... Merci pour vos précisions...

What are these 'moles' you speak of, in France they are small animals in the countryside! ... Thank you for your clarification ...

Mole est aussi traduit par grain de beauté, rien avoir avec le petit animal dans ce cas-ci ;)

Mole can be used for beauty spot, it's not about the animal in this context.
I wonder what has happened to me. Since two months ago i have been so weak that I have been barely able to get up from bed to go to my workplace. Besides, I have a strange feeling that I am the only living person in the world since the rest of people are robots. Additionally, I more and more often come to the conclusion that the only hobby that most people have is sexual activity and making babies. Is this all, what I feel, related to the changes we go through?
goyacobol said:
Some may tend to think of "psychic" abilities as "woo woo" stuff but I really don't look at it that way myself. We are just trying to regain the use of what I think were once more "natural" abilities ...

I think that part is key ... and may explain a lot.

Ours is a reclamation, not one of evolving (into something new.) This (had it once but lost it) implies enormous latent potential just waiting for reactivation. With huge implications once accomplished. Even if partially.

Hence the urgency to obscure, hinder, confuse, retard, destroy. Parasitic infection being one such means. Burning off segments of DNA, truncation of flow etc are others. EMF pollution, food pollution, you name it, they've done it.

There must be good reason for them to be so concerned, and indeed fearful. The fact that 200 coherent minds can effectively block them is telling. Two hundred is not a huge number really. But is indicative of quality (mind) over quantity (matter.)


I'm guessing that even the very existence of the Short Cycle is due to the fall. A compassionate "short cut" granted by the universe. But I could be mistaken.
MariuszJ said:
I wonder what has happened to me. Since two months ago i have been so weak that I have been barely able to get up from bed to go to my workplace. Besides, I have a strange feeling that I am the only living person in the world since the rest of people are robots. Additionally, I more and more often come to the conclusion that the only hobby that most people have is sexual activity and making babies. Is this all, what I feel, related to the changes we go through?

Have you been to see your doctor for a check up?
MariuszJ said:
I wonder what has happened to me. Since two months ago i have been so weak that I have been barely able to get up from bed to go to my workplace. Besides, I have a strange feeling that I am the only living person in the world since the rest of people are robots. Additionally, I more and more often come to the conclusion that the only hobby that most people have is sexual activity and making babies. Is this all, what I feel, related to the changes we go through?

I hope you get better, its horrible to feel low energy. I get that at times when I work double shift and get bad sleep. Are you getting good sleep?

By the way, I'm a bit confused/concerned why you would focus on sexual activity and making babies.
People have many more hobbies, like following sports, celebrities, and incessantly listening to junk music/watching junk TV :)
Ruth said:
MariuszJ said:
I wonder what has happened to me. Since two months ago i have been so weak that I have been barely able to get up from bed to go to my workplace. Besides, I have a strange feeling that I am the only living person in the world since the rest of people are robots. Additionally, I more and more often come to the conclusion that the only hobby that most people have is sexual activity and making babies. Is this all, what I feel, related to the changes we go through?

Have you been to see your doctor for a check up?
Yes, I have gone to see my GP and blood test shows that everything is all right. I have changing blood pressure but it has been for years before. I sleep for 5 to 6 hours a day, which is not enough. I think I feel down due to nobody having a friendly talk with me for months! I cannot stand that loneliness so I feel like that. I have somehow managed to do without these talks for years but now I cannot any longer. I feel as if everybody hated me. Once I try to have a talk with a stranger, I feel that person is reserved, unfriendly, closed inside, which I cannot understand. Only one person among thirty is kind, open and talkative. I believe in a world without any boundaries between people, as hippies did, so when I see, it is different, I am shocked and disappointed. I do not belong to this world any more.
A Jay said:
naorma said:
I think that someone who has a black belt in the martial arts needs to have special mental abilities. They are trained in that. And as far as I know Putin has a black belt in Judo and at least Number 8 in Taekwondo. In Austria People who have a black belt must be registered (at least those who have it in a regularly way) because of their extraordinary abilities. I understand this statment that way.

I have a black belt and instructor certification in several martial arts, and I think that it gives one with the willingness to see things objectively a physical representation of mental processes that can be useful for self-development. A frame of reference for the use of moves and counter moves that can evolve into an ability to use strategy in a conflict or high risk situation, but I've not been endowed with any special mental abilities because of my training.

However, I have had people relay stories to me that might be along the lines of mental abilities that you're talking about, though I don't think it's the way that Putin uses his mind against 4D STS influence. For example, one student of mine studied various form of Tai Chi in China for a few years and told me once about how he and his instructor were walking along the street one day and were being approached by a person who looked like he had the intention of doing them harm, and the master he was with manipulated the energy of the situation in such a way that the person coming towards them suddenly changed his expression and walked passed them as if they weren't even there. Not sure how much of this or his other stories were true, or how much was projection or delusional or wishful thinking. But even assuming such a thing is possible, which I don't know one way or another, I'm not sure Putin has the ability to outmatch a 4D being in a game of wits or wills in such a manner.

FWIW, I understood the "mental marital arts" comment more as a reference to Putin's ability to wrestle with himself/his own mind - that he kind of learned from his martial arts training to deal with the predator's mind, his fears, short comings etc., or in other words: to increase his Being. I think to do what he's doing, you need an exceptionally strong mind, and maybe his long years of experience, his background in martial arts and maybe also a more sound version of the Christian faith led to him developing his own way of "doing the Work", so to speak. So nothing "supernatural" here I think. These were my initial thoughts when I read the C's remark, but I could be wrong of course.
luc said:
FWIW, I understood the "mental marital arts" comment more as a reference to Putin's ability to wrestle with himself/his own mind - that he kind of learned from his martial arts training to deal with the predator's mind, his fears, short comings etc., or in other words: to increase his Being. I think to do what he's doing, you need an exceptionally strong mind, and maybe his long years of experience, his background in martial arts and maybe also a more sound version of the Christian faith led to him developing his own way of "doing the Work", so to speak. So nothing "supernatural" here I think. These were my initial thoughts when I read the C's remark, but I could be wrong of course.
This comes close to how I interpreted the comment. I thought of it along the lines of psychological chess that encompasses many if not all of the qualities you mentioned above.
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