Session 9 December 2017

aleana said:
Thank you for another information packed session! Much to ponder.

rylek said:
Artemis said:
T.C. said:
Could you elaborate on this at all, Artemis? It's just that it stood out to me personally because I've always wished I could ask the C's an almost identical question.

I would if I could. It's very hard for me to put into words. I had this knowledge - something I just understood I could do, and it all made sense in that very moment, and I thought it was amazing. Almost as soon as it came, it was gone, but I remember knowing that I knew it. Can't get any clearer than that :nuts:
I can related to this, something similar happened to me not too long ago. It's as if a veil lifts for a split second and you get a glimpse of your potential but it's just a fleeting impression after which it's back to "normal". Anyone else had something similar happen to them?

It reminded me of dreams I have had where I briefly remembered having some very important insight that was crucial to my understanding of a situation I was dealing with - only to have it vanish upon awakening with only the feeling state of the dream left. Very disconcerting! :huh:

Ah, okay. My experience was quite different, then.

When I was little, around six maybe, I would have these quite bizarre 'dreams'. The entire content of them didn't really conform to a regular experiencing of being. They were accompanied by a certain 'dread' feeling, and a strange kind of 'scale' trigger... like within the experience, was enormity contained in tininess, or vice versa.

The thing was, the feeling that accompanied the 'dreams' could be triggered by something in moments when I was awake, or I could even trigger it myself. It was intriguing and tempting to do, but it was scary and uncomfortable and there was that feeling of dread. The deeper I went into the state, the worse I would feel until I reached the point where I would pull back and let it go. The older I got, the less I dared pursue the state/experience, and when I did, I wouldn't take it as far.

Eventually I lost the ability to access whatever this was - except for every now and again, in extremely mild ways that only just brush the surface. Funnily enough, the last time I experienced anything close to how it was when I was little was when I was about 18yrs old, and I contracted salmonella. I woke up in the middle of the night in a state of delirium, but it was a very familiar feeling and felt a lot like these states I used to experience when I was young.

It would be almost impossible for me to explain what I saw or perceived when I had these dreams or dreamstates. But I have wondered over the years whether it's something that I'm worse off for having lost and not pursued and developed, or whether it was better to leave it. So when you said, "I have this experience where I have this knowledge where I thought that I could do something, like I had some sort of ability, but I lost it. Do you know what I'm talking about? I can't describe it to you", I wondered if it was along the same lines.
Thank laura and team for the session. Interesting experiments with tapping ether. This reminds me of stonehenge dances to bring nourishment etc. This also reminds me of teslas machine tapping the ether for electricity- Probably mechanical decoding of information.
Bear said:
I've had something similar happen a number of times where an understanding of something, oftentimes after reading a book that gives an aha moment, tied in with many other things to give, to me at least, an unsettling feeling of perspective and awareness and/or understanding. Then by time I woke up the next day it was gone. I've written in my journal a couple times with my thoughts during this, but it just doesn't seem to capture the sensations and feelings related to the thoughts. There is a glimmer of it though after I read what I wrote later, if I spend time thinking about it.

I haven't had any of the sense of having known something feelings that I can recall recently, but I do have those aha moments that I bolded above. I just have come to accept that when I am reading something and making connections, or just contemplating the new knowledge and assimilating it, I will never be able to go back to that state and feel it as it was when I first felt and thought it. Even if I were to write it down or post about it, the experience is just fleeting. I have wondered if there was a way to access your thoughts and feelings you've had in the past, something like the Akashic Records. Sort of like a "mind voice recorder".

Regarding trying to lift people or make them weigh less: there was a game that I was introduced to by a family member when we were children and you would put a few fingers under a person lying on a table and keep repeating, "light as a feather, stiff as a board." And I think that was the name of it too. So you had a few people around the person and I suppose if the belief was strong enough, the person would be lifted up with only a few people's fingers pushing them up. I didn't experience it myself, maybe because there weren't enough believers, but I also kind of shied away from it because I don't think I understood it and probably had some negative connotation due to religious upbringing.
aleana said:
Thank you for another information packed session! Much to ponder.

rylek said:
Artemis said:
T.C. said:
Could you elaborate on this at all, Artemis? It's just that it stood out to me personally because I've always wished I could ask the C's an almost identical question.

I would if I could. It's very hard for me to put into words. I had this knowledge - something I just understood I could do, and it all made sense in that very moment, and I thought it was amazing. Almost as soon as it came, it was gone, but I remember knowing that I knew it. Can't get any clearer than that :nuts:
I can related to this, something similar happened to me not too long ago. It's as if a veil lifts for a split second and you get a glimpse of your potential but it's just a fleeting impression after which it's back to "normal". Anyone else had something similar happen to them?

It reminded me of dreams I have had where I briefly remembered having some very important insight that was crucial to my understanding of a situation I was dealing with - only to have it vanish upon awakening with only the feeling state of the dream left. Very disconcerting! :huh:
Yeah, me too but have just resigned to noticing them until I'm able to recall them lucidly enough to be able to note them down. A few times I've woken with phrases spoken by a voice still from the dream.
Thank you for the new session, Laura & crew.
Regarding trying to lift people or make them weigh less: there was a game that I was introduced to by a family member when we were children and you would put a few fingers under a person lying on a table and keep repeating, "light as a feather, stiff as a board." And I think that was the name of it too. So you had a few people around the person and I suppose if the belief was strong enough, the person would be lifted up with only a few people's fingers pushing them up. I didn't experience it myself, maybe because there weren't enough believers, but I also kind of shied away from it because I don't think I understood it and probably had some negative connotation due to religious upbringing.
yep we played that game too at highschool ,one kid on a chair four kids standing with hands on the sitting one's head ,I can't remember a rhyme I think we just counted...maybe backwards like a rocket launch and then lifted the chair plus person with one finger each
it worked every time...but we were a bunch of gullible teenagers after all
it reminds me of those reports of people lifting impossible weights of accident victims...the need to save a loved one overrides the consensus ''belief'' in gravity for a short time
apparently one can influence magnetic fields as well , take a glass of water, magnetize a needle or pin ,stick it in a slip of paper and float it in the water to make a compass ,tell a group of kids they can make the needle spin by wanting it to spin ...and they will!!
the funny''I almost remember ''feeling ,hmm I get that with certain its on the tip of my tongue feeling
Thank you all for the session!

rrraven said:
Thank you for the new session, Laura & crew.
Regarding trying to lift people or make them weigh less: there was a game that I was introduced to by a family member when we were children and you would put a few fingers under a person lying on a table and keep repeating, "light as a feather, stiff as a board." And I think that was the name of it too. So you had a few people around the person and I suppose if the belief was strong enough, the person would be lifted up with only a few people's fingers pushing them up. I didn't experience it myself, maybe because there weren't enough believers, but I also kind of shied away from it because I don't think I understood it and probably had some negative connotation due to religious upbringing.
yep we played that game too at highschool ,one kid on a chair four kids standing with hands on the sitting one's head ,I can't remember a rhyme I think we just counted...maybe backwards like a rocket launch and then lifted the chair plus person with one finger each
it worked every time...but we were a bunch of gullible teenagers after all

I remember that "lite as a feather, stiff as a board" game as well. In middle school, I think it was a classmate who said they had tried it before and it worked for at school one day fellow classmates and I gathered around and attempted it. Funny though, I don't remember much of the result.
Thanks for the new session transcript. Lots of interesting discussions.

I remembered playing that game too - lifting someone with just the fingers of a few people - when I was around 9 or 10 years old.
The info on gravity and how our perception and awareness changes as we are more capable of seeing beyond the tip of our noses reminds me of the following session and how it is complementary to this new session:,12958.msg93926.html#msg93926

Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Next? (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference center."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have super powers? (L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such changes soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Q: (A*l) Me? (J) Is A*l going to become super again? (laughter)

A: If you are prepared.

Q: (A*l) So I need to like load up? Lock and load? (A**) Eat your spinach! (L) Seriously, the spinach is the main thing! (laughter) (J) It's part of the acclimatization. (Allen) At Chaco Canyon, they ate lots of spinach. (A*l) So I'll be able to like teleport? And you guys will be able to, too? (C) We don't know. (A*l) We can like teleport and visit each other in our rooms?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (A**) Will we have superpowers like this idiot savant guy... (Allen) He's not an idiot savant, just a savant. (A**) Okay, the savant guy... (C) Daniel Tammet.

A: Some will. That is much like 4D experience.

Q: (A**) So we'll be able to like feel and see numbers?

A: Hear colors...

Q: (A**) That's cool! (C) So does that mean that he's kind of an advanced person or...

A: Not necessarily advanced, but just the luck of the genes so to say. That sort of thing, and much else, is coded in many and now and then it activates.
I'm still at the middle of reading the session, but the things that are mentioned regarding the rising of another person using just fingers is quite interesting, at school we play a lot with it many years ago, quite intersting the observations, the information that comes back to the observer came to my mind ... so far, so interesting session, thanks for sharing!
Thanks a million for sharing and posting another amazing session :)

Really interesting the answer concerning Trump's Jerusalem decision. I also find it interesting that the decision seemed to have coincided around the same time that Putin announced that he is going to run for President in 2018. Maybe the unstoppable force is going to meet the immovable object head on with the outcomes of the Jerusalem decision. Things are definitely moving.
Lilou said:
Laura said:
Lilou said:
Many thanks for the new session! I guess it was too much to hope that Trump actually had some sort of plan when he announced US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Just buying powerful 'friends'. :rolleyes: Israel will not be able to take more land unless there is chaos, so it pushes their agenda. As an added bonus, it gives Israel an excuse to kill more Palestinians. :mad:

Long live Putin. Perhaps he can help to maneuver thru this mess.

Well, as someone else posted on the thread about this event, at least things are moving.

True! He sure stirred things up and brought attention back to the stalled peace process. It is possible for some good to come out of it.

And then there is this, posted on the Jerusalem thread. Note some of the terms in bold:

H2O said:
An interesting article, that hints at 'moving things along', and 'deal making'.

Andrei AKULOV | 10.12.2017 | WORLD /

Analysis: Trump’s Statement on Jerusalem Has Hidden Agenda

This week, President Trump made a step other presidents did not dare to take since the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act came into force, stating that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain a united city, with the US Embassy moved there from Tel Aviv. Instead of another waiver, the president signed an executive order to comply with the law. Donald Trump was well aware that the move would cause indignation in the Islamic world and anger the allies. But there was method to his madness.

Is the president pro-Jewish, acting as Israel’s agent? Certainly, not, otherwise the media outlets backed by Jewish lobby would not attack him. The prominent Jewish leaders in America are not pro-Trump. So, it’s not about being pro-Israel, simply the US president does what he can – he is raising stakes, bluffing and exerting pressure. With his background as a businessman, he perceives foreign policy as the art of making deals. His statement, like the statements he has made on North Korea, results in rising tensions. The exacerbation of the situation on the Korean Peninsula puts pressure on China, pushing it to make concessions on a number of issues in different areas. Pyongyang is still hot on the agenda but somehow the new North Korea’ launches and constant exchange of hostile statements has become routine – something the world has gotten used to. Donald Trump can’t exploit the issue further as efficiently as he did before because the situation has reached an impasse.

It’s not the only impasse in the Middle East. No progress has been achieved in Israel-Palestine peace talks after many years of trying. The process is stalled. The United States is losing its position in the region. It does not appear to be the key actor in the region anymore against the background of Russia making huge gains.

Moscow is seen as the one who calls the shots in the Middle East. It has won in Syria having joined together with Turkey and Iran. Much has been said about the importance of its rapprochement with Egypt. It has close ties with Saudi Arabia, including military cooperation. Russian President Putin enjoys good personal relationship with Jordanian King Abdullah and the relations with Israel are excellent. Friendly with everybody, Moscow is well suited to mediate between Israel and Palestine. If progress is made, Russia’s clout in the region will grow immensely to dwarf that of the United States.

The Washington’s influence in the Middle East has been greatly reduced as a result of its failures in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Muslims do not view favorably its interventions in Libya and Somalia and support of Israel. The Trump’s stance on migration poured more fuel on fire. Can this trend be reversed?

By recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the embassy there, President Trump has come into the focus of attention. Yes, he is under fire at present but it will die down as time goes by. The president is seen now as a resolute leader able to stick to his guns and not succumb to fear or hesitation. He believes that Arab countries will look to the US again, hoping Donald Trump will use his influence to make Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agree to revive the negotiation process.

It serves the purpose to read attentively Trump’s statement. He points out that, despite the frustration with settlement efforts, the decision “is not intended, in any way, to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement.” And he wants a deal. As the president put it, “We want an agreement that is a great deal for the Israelis and a great deal for the Palestinians.” According to Mr. Trump, “a peace agreement that is acceptable to both sides,” remains to be the goal. The president emphasized that the US is “not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved.”

So, Donald Trump is talking about the status of Jerusalem to be negotiated. He does not state the US recognizes East Jerusalem as part of Israel. It fact, the United States recognizes West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which is viewed as Israel’s territory by international community anyway. There is nothing new in this approach. In the statement, the president never said which Jerusalem, East or West, he is talking about. And he did it on purpose.

Israel’s leaders took the Trump’s bait. Now they cannot say no to the US president known as the great defender of Israel. The only thing president Trump has to do is wait till the dust settles.

The hopes may be dashed and the plans to pursue the hidden agenda may backfire. Moscow can initiate the revival of Israel-Palestine dialogue. It has already made known its readiness to mediate and host the meetings.

It’s worth noting here that in April Russia said it viewed West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, calling for Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem. “We reaffirm our commitment to the UN-approved principles for a Palestinian-Israeli settlement, which include the status of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state. At the same time, we must state that in this context we view West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The Moscow’s stand on the issue is still at odds with the Israel’s position as it claims the entire city as its eternal united capital.

With Palestine turning away from the US and Russia’s clout grown as a result of Syria’s victory, the chances that Moscow could step in to head the peace effort have significantly grown. If it succeeds, the US will be rolled back.
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