Show #24: Who was Jesus?

After listening to this show, the biblical Jesus was a limp-wristed wimp compared to Julius Caesar. Actually, compared to a lot of human beings.
Hey, toss in a few "miracles" here and there, turn the other cheek to your oppressors, things suck here on Earth but put up with it and wait for your eternal reward in "heaven," yadayadayada.
Thanks once more, Laura and Sott, for all of your work and research to bring the rest of humanity the truth.
This show was a real eye-opener.
There are going to be a lot of authoritarians and their followers with squeamish stomachs.

The 3D and 4D sts folks: "Uh-oh, we're in trouble, they're not buying the Jesus scam anymore." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:perfect: :perfect: :perfect:

:cool: :cool: :cool:

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Quote from: Laura

"Well, the difficult we do immediately, the impossible just takes awhile. I'd say that figuring out the Jesus question was a biggie even if I find that a couple other people have figured it out before me. As I said, that is actually a comfort and I'm thankful that each of them has done it exactly the way they have because now I can just quote and cite them and concentrate on the "rest of the story."

A couple of other people may have figured it out but may have not put all the pieces together plus their "timing of discovery" might have further buried the material, due to the world at large, and society in general, not ready to receive it? Considering our present world in chaos, environment changes et al and religious tension all over the globe, timing for this disclosure may be at it's apex?

I find it ironic, that with all this new information coming to light, expanding the reading list of books and literature, that Julius Caesar was falsely accused of burning the Royal Library of Alexandria, "a great library containing all the knowledge of the world."

Four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library include: Julius Caesar's fire during the Alexandrian War in 48 BC; the attack of Aurelian in AD 270 – 275; the decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in 391 AD; and the Muslim conquest in (or after) AD 642.[4]

After the main library was fully destroyed, ancient scholars used a "daughter library" in a temple known as the Serapeum, located in another part of the city. According to Socrates of Constantinople, Pope Theophilus destroyed the Serapeum in 391 AD.

I can only speculate but surmise that Pope Theophilus relocated the contents of the Library before completely destroying the Serapeum, which eventually became part of the estate, consealed in climate controls vaults under the Vatican?
My brain and I thank you so much for sharing all this information. I haven't been this excited since learning about ketosis. :lol: Time to hit the books.
Odyssey said:
My brain and I thank you so much for sharing all this information. I haven't been this excited since learning about ketosis. :lol: Time to hit the books.

I couldn’t agree more. I just started reading commentaries on the gallic and civil wars and it is absolutely amazing. This story needs to be made into a movie, the passion of Julius Caesar.

Laura said:
Meanwhile, the crew here have set up a little "set" for me to get back in front of the camera and talk about certain topics that have been laid aside for too long now. So much to do, so little time, so much attack and betrayal, and so few helpers.

Well, the difficult we do immediately, the impossible just takes awhile. I'd say that figuring out the Jesus question was a biggie even if I find that a couple other people have figured it out before me. As I said, that is actually a comfort and I'm thankful that each of them has done it exactly the way they have because now I can just quote and cite them and concentrate on the "rest of the story."

Well I wanted it to be a surprise, but I'm working on a 30 to 60 second youtube add promoting the sott radio program about this subject. I should have the first rough by tomorrow. But if there is something I can help with right now, that is needed and it is within my capability, I would love to help.

By the way the image I’m using to sculpt 3d Julius is from this reference. Is this pretty accurate image of Julius?
Laura said:
Did anybody really catch the significance of the prestidigitation of the data from the ancient historians in respect of environmental bits? It's like the smoking gun that history was deliberately re-written, particularly the history of the fall of the empire in the 6th century. There can be no other explanation for the gap of that kind of information that is EXACTLY filled by the history of Gregory of Tours in the West. Someone deliberately moved that specific kind of information from other histories and placed it in a Western context to make it seem authentic, wrote a history around it (mostly political and ecclesiastical) and then hunted down and destroyed the "endings" of every copy of the original histories in existence. There IS a record of a pope sending out emissaries to search for documents and buying them all up. Earlier popes could have done it and left no record. And then, they were busy re-copying/editing and suddenly "discovering" all kinds of things that produced the history they wanted for their political agenda.

I would say that some of the same stuff happened with the history of Caesar and many other histories that were "too hot" to be allowed to survive.

This was one of the most striking parts of the show for me after thinking about it. How much of history is not only distorted, but fabricated and made up to fit an agenda. Makes me think of current day events and as mentioned on the show about the equivalent of JFK and 9/11 alternative info being disappeared how history will be described and fabricated in 100 or 1000 years. I’ve been thinking off and on today that with internet records of who bought what books from where that it wouldn’t be that difficult with access to the records and a police state to track down most copies and disappear alternative ideas. I can’t think of one important book off hand that I bought at a regular book store that doesn’t have some kind of internet or electronic record. Kind of chilling.
neema said:
By the way the image I’m using to sculpt 3d Julius is from this reference. Is this pretty accurate image of Julius?

This seems to be the statue of Julius Caesar at the Vatican. There is a discussion about the statues here:

Edit: There is also this extract from a TV program about a possible reconstitution of J. Caesar's face:

Edit2: notice that in this program, the wax effigy on the cross has not the arms horizontal (which should be the logical posture) in order to avoid the graphical connection with Jesus' crucifixion.
mkrnhr said:
neema said:
By the way the image I’m using to sculpt 3d Julius is from this reference. Is this pretty accurate image of Julius?

This seems to be the statue of Julius Caesar at the Vatican. There is a discussion about the statues here:

Edit: There is also this extract from a TV program about a possible reconstitution of J. Caesar's face:

Edit2: notice that in this program, the wax effigy on the cross has not the arms horizontal (which should be the logical posture) in order to avoid the graphical connection with Jesus' crucifixion.

Thanks. From the first look i think i like this one.


Also do we know what color were his eyes?
Laura said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Wow....... I can not stop thinking about this. It is strange that I feel a little sick about it. I am not a follower of the whole Jesus thing and I still have very strong emotions about this. I can only wonder what this info would do to Joe public :shock:

I am going to have to duct tape the strategic enclosure thread to my face on this one!

I don't feel sick, I feel so thankful that at least one real human being in our god-forsaken history was truly such a man that anybody, knowing the true story, can find in him a hero and a role model.

At the same time, just thinking about the reality of his life, all he did for humanity at large, only to be betrayed by small-minded, petty, jealous and greedy people, strikes me in the heart the way the Jesus story never did.

What makes me feel a lot "sick" is to consider the countless ripples of effects the past 2,000 years (e.g. The Inquisition, lives wasted "trusting Jesus") which have resulted from the morphing of Julius Caesar into "Christianity," which has in turn further degraded into a multitude of sects due to theological hair-splitting -- of a "hair" that isn't even real!
Approaching Infinity said:
neema said:
Also do we know what color were his eyes?

They say in that video that he had very dark eyes.

According to Suetonius, he had black eyes. - Source

XLV. It is said that he was tall, of a fair complexion, round limbed, rather full faced, with eyes black and piercing; and that he enjoyed excellent health, except towards the close of his life, when he was subject to sudden fainting-fits, and disturbance in his sleep.
neema said:
By the way the image I’m using to sculpt 3d Julius is from this reference. Is this pretty accurate image of Julius?

That's the one in the Vatican that was heavily stylized. There's a better one at the archaeological museum in Naples that I think comes closest to showing how he looked during the period of the Gallic wars.

Great show! Finally managed to listen to it and having the whole picture a bit clearer on the issue. The importance of the Stoics, MM and the pirates, Eudoxus and the big clue to be analyzed in the next volume of SH. Just thrilling :wizard:
A transcribed version seems to be on the working and it would be greatly appreciated, the details are soooo many, Wow!

Carotta's book was out of stock last time I've checked through Then the Italian Amazon lists it with prices from 150 Euros and up... I may have grabbed a bargain copy for a few Euros, but didn't get a confirmation as yet.
Laura said:
Approaching Infinity said:
neema said:
Also do we know what color were his eyes?

They say in that video that he had very dark eyes.

Cicero said he had blue-gray eyes.

I was wrong on this. I did read about the blue gray eyes, but here is the correct context from Wikipedia:

Caesar was born in a family, the gens Julia, which claimed descent from Iulus, son of the legendary Trojan prince Aeneas, supposedly the son of the goddess Venus.[2] The cognomen "Caesar" originated, according to Pliny the Elder, with an ancestor who was born by caesarean section (from the Latin verb to cut, caedere, caes-).[3] The Historia Augusta suggests three alternative explanations: that the first Caesar had a thick head of hair (Latin caesaries); that he had bright grey eyes (Latin oculis caesiis); or that he killed an elephant (caesai in Moorish) in battle.[4] Caesar issued coins featuring images of elephants, suggesting that he favoured this interpretation of his name.[5]
JGeropoulas said:
What makes me feel a lot "sick" is to consider the countless ripples of effects the past 2,000 years (e.g. The Inquisition, lives wasted "trusting Jesus") which have resulted from the morphing of Julius Caesar into "Christianity," which has in turn further degraded into a multitude of sects due to theological hair-splitting -- of a "hair" that isn't even real!

I got the opportunity to listen to this show last night and wanted to chime in with my WOW!!! feelings :D

Christianity and other monotheistic religions have ruled the world with their Authoritarian follower programming for generations on end. I cannot think of anything more healing than going through all the lies, distortions and the deceptive ways in which truth got hidden from the world, particularly from this angle of Julius Caesar.

Can you imagine, the real story behind it all is actually of a person who inspires Gurdjieffian/Stoicism philosophy as opposed to Authoritarian follower philosophy!! It has enormous inspiring consequences and as more people realize that, they well get back their sense of hope and have a different view on "saviors". No wonder there has been so much attack as of late. But now with the radio show on this topic and the sharing of info in the forum, this info is likely going to get a whole more audience and momentum for the upcoming shows, books and/or videos. Can't stop the signal now, it is out there :)
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