Smoking is... good?

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European Parliament Overturns Its Own Smoking Ban


MEPs' cigarette ban goes up in smoke
IT WAS a ban that left even the politicians who issued it gasping. After 43 days without lighting up, the members of the European parliament have reversed a decision forbidding smoking in their buildings.

Despite backing smoking bans in countries from Sweden to Ireland, when it came to sticking to their own new year's resolution MEPs proved that they lacked willpower.

A 12-member committee of MEPs, which included some smokers, decided that the ban, which had been in place at the parliament's premises in Brussels and Strasbourg since the start of last month, was "unenforceable". Politicians and bureaucrats from Poland, Malta and Greece were among those who helped force the reversal.

Critics and antismoking lobbyists condemned the move as an "absolute disgrace" and hypocritical when the European Union is promoting smoking bans across the continent.
Nice bit of hypocrisy from politicians there.
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Today a mind-boggling article This is war! Weaponizing Food with sott team comment in the end
sott said:
Comment: All of this REALLY makes you wonder why, if they are trying to kill people off - and it is clear they are - are they so anti-smoking? Is there some health benefit that smoking confers that we don't know about?
And Laura’s post on Codex Alimentarius thread
Laura said:
I put an article up on SOTT and while reading it over, something really stunning occurred to me:
if they are trying to kill people off - and it is clear they are - WHY are they so anti-smoking if smoking is supposed to kill people, cause all these evil diseases and so on?
Just think about that for a minute or two
forced me to start reviewing my attitude to smoking (and smokers!), which is plainly negative so far. I never questioned my anti-smoking stance, maybe it’s a right time to do it. Before I was plainly avoiding reading threads ‘for smokers’ as I have so strong belief (never questioned) that smoking is bad and I thought that quitting is very troublesome so smokers have dedicated threads to discuss problems they face. Today after reading threads on smoking I still fail to see any benefits of smoking. Besides of what Cs said that smoking heighten psychic abilities, which is extremely positive, if proven true; could please someone give me the first link with scientific facts to start with? I even don’t know what words should I type in yahoo: like benefits of smoking?
I don’t smoke, my mom, father, aunts neither. It just happened that none of my partners were smokers, someone even didn’t tolerate smoking in his presence at all. I can tolerate smoking person/s in a company, that is fine with me. Observing someone smoking a pipe is even a pleasant thing… But thinking that my son someday may start smoking sends me cripples…
Can someone give me the first link?
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Hi Folks...

I wanted to ask:

C's said:
Q: (L) Is there any particular brand of cigarettes to smoke?
A: No.
Later on, the C's says, as if clarifying:

C's said:
Q: Well, you DID say that it enhances resistance to disease and that it did other beneficial things.
A: Yes, but, it is best accomplished with pure tobacco products, not the corrupted variety available on the mass market.
So, does that mean the C's are not infallible in their responses unless
pressed to correct it? [Note: I am pointing this out on behalf of my
daughter - she is being critical, as if in 'nit pick' on semantics ;) ]
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

The C's material is the 10% inspiration that has been matched to the 90% perspiration of serious, in-depth, non-stop research. The quoted response could be as simple as their being no easily recognized 'brand' that qualified as a pure tobacco product at the time, or, depending on who was present at the session, other factors may be involved.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, most mass-market brands of cigarettes are made from a finely shredded roll of dried 'tobacco paste' composed of stems, leaf fragments and chemicals. These do contain nicotine, but they also contain a lot of other 'stuff' that can cause a lot problems in certain body types.

I see no contradiction in these two quotes, by the way, one is simply a continuation of the other. For what it's worth, the C's repeatedly say that they are not here to provide answers 'on a plate' - but they encourage learning and discovery and provide hints that may lead to that. Basically, it's not true just because the C's said it, but it's a good place to start to find the truth. I'm sure your daughter is well-intentioned, and she is free to nit-pick at the semantics of pretty much anything, while missing the larger point completely.
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Anart said:
I see no contradiction in these two quotes, by the way, one is simply a continuation of the other. For what it's worth, the C's repeatedly say that they are not here to provide answers 'on a plate' - but they encourage learning and discovery and provide hints that may lead to that. Basically, it's not true just because the C's said it, but it's a good place to start to find the truth. I'm sure your daughter is well-intentioned, and she is free to nit-pick at the semantics of pretty much anything, while missing the larger point completely.
I agree. The C's wouldn't recommend one brand over another just for smokers to go and switch to that brand. Rather they want to convey the notion that a nicotine supplement "is best accomplished with pure tobacco products", and leave it up to the seeker to explore the alternatives and discover his/her "brand".

CarpeDiem, you might want to start with Aliens don't like to eat people that smoke!

Towards the end of the article, there are some links on nicotine's love affair with acetylcholine. But wouldn't you know it, the first link (to Vitamin Research Products) now brings up Page Not Found ! !
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Ohh, thanks! did you save the page not found? If so, could you please @ me?
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Dant, over a year ago I thought that little comment by the C's was also a contradiction, but now I can see that it's not. However, there is something else they said that still seems contradictory to me:

Q: (L) Is smoking detrimental to any of our bodies?
A: Not if mild. Not if mind is in right mode.
Q: (L) What is causing the lung cancer they are attributing to smoking?
A: Mental conditioning and subliminal programming to expect it.
Q: (L) So, it only happens if you are convinced that it can and must happen?
A: Correct.
So could someone please tell me how this is consistent with the data that commercial tobacco products are filled with toxic chemicals, substances that are known to cause cancer? Knowing this, how then could lung cancer from smoking be just the result of mental conditioning?
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

And don't forget that C's said that smoking is NOT for everyone.

A: Those who fit this profile find it nearly impossible to "quit"
Q: So, there are people who are actually benefited by
A: Genetics will offer proof of this.
Q: You mean that one can see changes in DNA before and
after smoking?
A: Close
Q: Is this also true for F****?
A: Yes.
Q: Why us?
A: It is simply part of your "profiles."
Q: Ark doesn't need to smoke, does he?
A: No. He does not fit the profile. He actually had to "work"
to start smoking.
Q: (L) Did you? (A) Yeah, probably. (L) Well, then why did
you? (A) Well, it was somewhat self-annihilating. (L) Ark is
NOT happy with this explanation you guys have given.
A: Life contains unhappy explanations at 3rd density,
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Third_Density_Resident said:
So could someone please tell me how this is consistent with the data that commercial tobacco products are filled with toxic chemicals, substances that are known to cause cancer? Knowing this, how then could lung cancer from smoking be just the result of mental conditioning?
The air we breathe is filled with toxic chemicals, substances that are known to cause cancer. But you don’t see people dying on the streets (people DO die in great numbers, but not all of them have lung cancer). Smoking CAN cause damage. It’s not good for everyone; the same way seafood or peanuts can be deadly to some people. But in the same way it’s not harmful to EVERYONE, even if they smoke or live with the person who smokes. It can be a matter of genetics or general condition of the immune system. It can be lot of things.
But when there is a brainwashing about specific death cause (smoking) people start to see demons (and get cancer) where there aren't any.

C's said:
Q: (L) Is smoking detrimental to any of our bodies?
A: Not if mild. Not if mind is in right mode.
I have no idea what C’s meant when they said “right mode", but maybe it is similar to the following example: I had a friend who told me that every time she had a plan to make a trip somewhere or go on vacations, those plans were ruined by some illness. She told me that it happened so much times, she preferred not to plan anything in advance in order not to ruin her vacation. It didn’t help her anyway, and she always had something. Well, I told her that she “attracts" disease with her approach toward the issue. Maybe bacteria are like cockroaches – they are drawn to those who fear them (I am joking! ;) ) But what happened probably, that her own thoughts weakened her immune system, and she was literally “seeking" diseases before her vacation.
There is a saying: A healthy mind in a healthy body. Everything is interconnected.

C's said:
Q: (L) What is causing the lung cancer they are attributing to smoking?
A: Mental conditioning and subliminal programming to expect it.
Q: (L) So, it only happens if you are convinced that it can and must happen?
A: Correct.
What if C’s answered “correct" ONLY to those cases that were specifically labeled as a result of smoking? If I remember correctly, people who are “known" as heavy smokers suffer for a long time and later die of lung cancer. The disease isn’t a surprise for them. They probably suffer from other problems first and go to see the doctor. Doctor is the one who convince them that if they won’t stop – they will eventually die. And in the end – the do die. Who knows – maybe if they wouldn’t be convinced that this is their end, they would have a chance to live longer.
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

starsailor said:
"I'll continue with this but will look for another source of nicotine."

Name, would you consider taking up smoking again? I smoke 'American Spirit' - allegedly 100% chemical and additive free...
Even better to smoke American Spirit Organic Tobacco. Too bad I have to roll it with my cigarette machine. There is no one who sell organic cigz.
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

monkee said:
Even better to smoke American Spirit Organic Tobacco. Too bad I have to roll it with my cigarette machine. There is no one who sell organic cigz.
Monkee, your pictures always make me chuckle...
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

monkee said:
ROTFL ! ! Lookin' good Monkee :cool2:

Monkee said:
Even better to smoke American Spirit Organic Tobacco.
Dude! :D Thanx for the tip - didn't know there was Natural American Spirit; I had presumed it was organic?

Hmmm, have I been decieved all this time?!

monkee said:
There is no one who sell organic cigz.
Och, I love my rollies :)
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma


I could'a sworn you were a natural tobacco product salesman!!!
You did NOT say you were a salesman that in another forum: "What's your work..." :D
On smoking, cancer, nicotine and big pharma

Thnx people

Haha I am no seller. I am organic tobacco importer (for my own use)
I've been American Spirit smoker for some years before I switched to organic AS. I must say that I don't notice any difference between regular AS and Organic AS. But there is a huge difference between smoking other brands and AS.

Other monkee's product/services:

For ordering information dial: 00 800 M O N K E E ;)
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