jake tassell
The Force is Strong With This One
Smoking prevalence among US & International adults
Snuffing seems to have attributes that smoking doesn't have (and vice versa).
Also, different kinds of snuff have different kinds of effects.
For example, I found that Wilsons of Sharrow's "Tom Buck" appears to be in some way instumental in generating a lot of coincidences (every time take it, I keep bumping into the most unlikely people that I haven't seen in years).
My favourite one at the moment is Freybourg and Treyer's "Santo Domingo". I'll tend to have a little bit of it in the morning and it'll supply me with an alert background chord that'll stay with me for most of the day, on top of which: I'll smoke cigarettes as per usual.
I had a Soho coffee with an old acquaintance of mine the other day. This person smokes cigarettes, takes crack, acid, ketamine, coke and weed on a regular basis, but when I offered her some of the Santo Domingo, she quickly made it clear that she wouldn't go near it with a barge-pole - which seemed to be an indicator of some kind.
Wilsons of Sharrow: http://www.sharrowmills.com/
McChrystals: http://www.mcchrystals.com/en/
Masonic Snuff Boxes: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/snuff_box_table_of_contents.htm
Yahoo Snuff Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/snuffboxthenasalsnuffclub/
I've done a bit of experimentation in the snuff area since my last post on this subject.joeshmoe said:I like the idea of people snorting because it seems so pollitically incorrect as it relates to the War On (Some) Drugs. "Your under arrest for cocaine possession". "Hey, its tobacco you idiot!"
Snuffing seems to have attributes that smoking doesn't have (and vice versa).
Also, different kinds of snuff have different kinds of effects.
For example, I found that Wilsons of Sharrow's "Tom Buck" appears to be in some way instumental in generating a lot of coincidences (every time take it, I keep bumping into the most unlikely people that I haven't seen in years).
My favourite one at the moment is Freybourg and Treyer's "Santo Domingo". I'll tend to have a little bit of it in the morning and it'll supply me with an alert background chord that'll stay with me for most of the day, on top of which: I'll smoke cigarettes as per usual.
I had a Soho coffee with an old acquaintance of mine the other day. This person smokes cigarettes, takes crack, acid, ketamine, coke and weed on a regular basis, but when I offered her some of the Santo Domingo, she quickly made it clear that she wouldn't go near it with a barge-pole - which seemed to be an indicator of some kind.
Wilsons of Sharrow: http://www.sharrowmills.com/
McChrystals: http://www.mcchrystals.com/en/
Masonic Snuff Boxes: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/snuff_box_table_of_contents.htm
Yahoo Snuff Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/snuffboxthenasalsnuffclub/