Smoking is... good?

Interesting post db, thanks for sharing with us.

I'm apnea diver (commenced with it because my father taught it's good for my problems with allergy & asthma), when I commenced to smoke, my father was, at least to say disappointed), but now 20 years after (the first cigarette), I don't have, even the slightest trace of asthma, my father (as well apnea diver) was sure, my diving abilities will diminish with smoking, I guess he was pretty surprised when he noticed, my abilities actually increased. At the beginning, I was lightheaded as well but smoking actually assisted to relax the muscles for yoga breathing practices (typical diaphragmatic breathing is essential part for every apnea diver, now I'm using EE) and diving, and I noticed I managed to stay much longer, when fully relaxed, under the water without any trace of apoxia (lack of oxygen in the brain and body), so who can say, perhaps new scientific researches should be done with our "anti tobacco" gang to find out exactly what tobacco is doing to us. (sott have a lot of excellent articles related to tobacco benefits on our health)

I'am glad it helped you but I noticed when running and during workout I have some difficulties with breathing, I breath more, but it doesn't have to be because of smokes because when I stopped with training I went to examine my hearth because I didn't felt pain but some kind of pressure I feel sometimes now. They said I have enlarged hearth what is normal with everyone that did sport but that it's pumping some blood backwards which they said is nothing serious. But now I'am not sure anymore after reading that article of Mercola about hearth scarring because it means probably that the hearth is on to pressure and can't pump it fast enough. I see it as a first sign of dysfunction. Now I don't do so statical training when running but more like Mercola said to do I do more intensive training with short breaks. My father also had problems with hearth when he was training because it was enlarged and he had to operate it and his hearth is now half artificial and has some kind of clock, so you can hear it ticking. I bought raw tobacco and it really hits you because it's really strong so I don't smoke it often. Instead I bough super light cigarettes with filter that don't struck me so hard.
Sincerely hope you'll be OK with your health and I wish the same for your dad :).

I was thinking a lot about connections between the sport and smoking and for now I have couple ideas. What if cigarettes affect certain activities but do not others, what is the difference between your sport and mine?? Perhaps the answer should be in type of the sport: Aerobic and Anaerobic sports. (Aerobic means with air and Anaerobic means without oxygen)? Could cigarettes have various immediate effects on smokers in aerobic and anaerobic sports?

I came to this idea when I was reading excellent article: Smoking Helps Protect Against Lung Cancer, link:

Between other interesting things in this article I foound out this:


"...smoking promotes the formation of a thin mucous layer in the lungs, "which forms a protective layer stopping any cancer-carrying particles from entering the lung tissue."


Could protective mucous layer affect on different ways sportsmen who use various energy systems?? I couldn't find any studies related to the same but perhaps with the time, we'll be able to read more independent and uncorrupted scientific studies on this thematic. I would really be happy to find out more....

PS: Be sure to check if your cigarettes are additives free actually that you are smoking tobacco nothing else, I'm smoking Original Choice and Danemann Moods (pure, organic, mild and smooth tobacco with carbon filters and bleach free paper wrap for the filters). ;)
Ljubica said:
PS: Be sure to check if your cigarettes are additives free actually that you are smoking tobacco nothing else, I'm smoking Original Choice and Danemann Moods (pure, organic, mild and smooth tobacco with carbon filters and bleach free paper wrap for the filters). ;)

Danemann pure, organic.......

where did you get this information
2006 visited their Brazilian factory in: Bahia São Felix, actually most of the tobacco is produced via small farmers (to poor to add anything to the tobacco or the soil) although they have some semi factory production. As much I could see, most cigarillos wrapping is done by hand, and they use"savory dry-cured cigarillos". At the time I did not smoke Moods (I was on Marlboro :cry:). I tried, other tropical tobacco, but they are pretty strong like the tobacco from Dominica, or Mexico or even Java. So, for the time being I'm watching closely what is going on with Danemann, and hope they will never addopt mass productions, but you never know....... I know even in most traditional production you can add whatever you want, but for the time its' looking pretty close to organic production....,...

It's looking like this in the factory:

they are as well tourist attraction.

this is the factory itself:
PS: Be sure to check if your cigarettes are additives free actually that you are smoking tobacco nothing else, I'm smoking Original Choice and Danemann Moods (pure, organic, mild and smooth tobacco with carbon filters and bleach free paper wrap for the filters). Wink

I looked and they aren't, they have 4mg of pitch, O.4 mg of nicotine and 5mg of carbon monoxide. I will stick to raw tobacco with flax paper after that pack. I'am no expert so I would ask if those cigarettes are available at normal tobacco shop(booth) and what's their price?

Could protective mucous layer affect on different ways sportsmen who use various energy systems?? I couldn't find any studies related to the same but perhaps with the time, we'll be able to read more independent and uncorrupted scientific studies on this thematic. I would really be happy to find out more....

I think there could be something in it but don't think we'll have the chance to find it out!
Ljubica said:
2006 visited their Brazilian factory in: Bahia São Felix, actually most of the tobacco is produced via small farmers (to poor to add anything to the tobacco or the soil) although they have some semi factory production. As much I could see, most cigarillos wrapping is done by hand, and they use"savory dry-cured cigarillos". At the time I did not smoke Moods (I was on Marlboro :cry:). I tried, other tropical tobacco, but they are pretty strong like the tobacco from Dominica, or Mexico or even Java. So, for the time being I'm watching closely what is going on with Danemann, and hope they will never addopt mass productions, but you never know....... I know even in most traditional production you can add whatever you want, but for the time its' looking pretty close to organic production....,...

It's looking like this in the factory:

they are as well tourist attraction.

this is the factory itself:

I wrote a E Mail to Dannemann because I wanted to know if they produce their products organic.
I also asked them if they produce without additives.
the reason why I wrote that E Mail was because I couldn't find any evidence that they produce organic or without additives.

weeks later they sent a smoke sample with the "answer" to my question.
the answer was really no direct answer to my questions !
instead they talked around the bush and said they produce conform to the guidelines from the EU.

so I think they are most likely not organic or without additives
dannybananny said:
I'am no expert so I would ask if those cigarettes are available at normal tobacco shop(booth) and what's their price?

here in germany they are available simply everywhere with a good price
Pashalis said:
Ljubica said:
2006 visited their Brazilian factory in: Bahia São Felix, actually most of the tobacco is produced via small farmers (to poor to add anything to the tobacco or the soil) although they have some semi factory production. As much I could see, most cigarillos wrapping is done by hand, and they use"savory dry-cured cigarillos". At the time I did not smoke Moods (I was on Marlboro :cry:). I tried, other tropical tobacco, but they are pretty strong like the tobacco from Dominica, or Mexico or even Java. So, for the time being I'm watching closely what is going on with Danemann, and hope they will never addopt mass productions, but you never know....... I know even in most traditional production you can add whatever you want, but for the time its' looking pretty close to organic production....,...

It's looking like this in the factory:

they are as well tourist attraction.

this is the factory itself:

I wrote a E Mail to Dannemann because I wanted to know if they produce their products organic.
I also asked them if they produce without additives.
the reason why I wrote that E Mail was because I couldn't find any evidence that they produce organic or without additives.

weeks later they sent a smoke sample with the "answer" to my question.
the answer was really no direct answer to my questions !
instead they talked around the bush and said they produce conform to the guidelines from the EU.

so I think they are most likely not organic or without additives

Well, at least, according to my humble experience is better than other cigar producers, I'm still happy with all the things I noticed in Danemann factory and on the tobacco fields, but this is the STS world and you never eyes could be tricked, my senses could be tricked..... :cry:
Recently I have started smoking, after reading this topic I'm wondering do you us filter or not ? because there is plastic in filter ?

And how much per day you smoke ? 10-15 ? for 100mg nicotine ?
I'm wondering how much nicotine is in 1 gr of tobacco ? ( now I'm buying organic tobacco form my local supply farmer... good price and organic ^^)
Ok, well, I have been smoking now for just over two months. I only smoke half of a hand rolled cigarette (1/3 Organic American Spirit and 2/3 Organic Kentucky Reserve) in the evening after dinner. Sometimes I will smoke a half after breakfast on the weekends.

After just a few inhalations, I get a strange sensation...almost like a weight descends upon me. This sensation makes it difficult to walk and I feel uncoordinated for about an hour. Is this a normal sensation for beginner smokers? Does this sensation eventually stop? Or am I just not suited for smoking and should just give it up? I really don't have anyone near me to talk about this so any insights would be appreciated.
Nicolas said:
After just a few inhalations, I get a strange sensation...almost like a weight descends upon me. This sensation makes it difficult to walk and I feel uncoordinated for about an hour. Is this a normal sensation for beginner smokers? Does this sensation eventually stop? Or am I just not suited for smoking and should just give it up? I really don't have anyone near me to talk about this so any insights would be appreciated.

I think this feeling is common for beginners and not heavy smokers.

Or am I just not suited for smoking and should just give it up? I really don't have anyone near me to talk about this so any insights would be appreciated.

I would say that you should not force yourself to smoke when you not feel like it.
when I remember correctly the C's said that it is not useful or necessary for everybody (I think they told that ark is one of them).
so if that's true maybe you are one of them too?
Nicolas said:
Ok, well, I have been smoking now for just over two months. I only smoke half of a hand rolled cigarette (1/3 Organic American Spirit and 2/3 Organic Kentucky Reserve) in the evening after dinner. Sometimes I will smoke a half after breakfast on the weekends.

After just a few inhalations, I get a strange sensation...almost like a weight descends upon me. This sensation makes it difficult to walk and I feel uncoordinated for about an hour. Is this a normal sensation for beginner smokers? Does this sensation eventually stop? Or am I just not suited for smoking and should just give it up? I really don't have anyone near me to talk about this so any insights would be appreciated.

I've been experimenting with smoking again (I smoked for a year or two more than twenty years ago). I was wondering if I could smoke lightly like you seem to be doing, Nicolas. Even as little as once or twice a week. What would be inconvenient for me would be to have to smoke all day (like when I did before, even though it was a little bit frequently throughout the day) because I travel a lot for my job so am in planes and airports a lot where you can't smoke and I work at clients' offices (some of them don't even allow smoking in the parking lot. Not to mention the cost. So anyway, I have been smoking a little bit in the evenings once or twice a week. So far just small cigars. Puff a little and inhale once or twice.

It looks to me like if you only smoke in the evenings, and you feel a nicotine buzz like you described it means you haven't developed a tolerance (addiction).

I have noticed some beneficial effects on brain function at even these small amounts. Things that would normally stress me out just don't.

So maybe, Nicolas, if you don't like the dizzy feeling you could just have one or two inhalations and see how that goes.
I Starting to smoke a few cigarettes a day and I discovered that I improve from a problem I've had a lifetime: After eating I could not read or study anything because the digestion stopped with symptoms of headache and nausea. :)

Unfortunately in my country there is no organic and additive-free tobacoo and started experimenting with rolled drum light. Now with this U.S. law that cannot be purchased online RYO tobacco I am done for.

But I have other questions. I know that coughing is normal the first few times you smoke but I imagine it must go. I have one month smoking, inhaling small amounts of smoke but I have a cough for some time and I wonder how long it takes to go and if it is normal to do so.?? I want to buy some filters that are called targard that reduce the amount of tar and try it what happen.

I have never smoked and decided to try it a few months ago. The first few weeks I would sometimes get dizzy and even sick to the stomach, especially when I smoked a few cigarettes on an empty stomach. Now it is fine. I find that I enjoy smoking on most days and usually I smoke about 3-5 American Spirits a day while driving.
I came across this article quite by 'accident' during an unrelated Google search, and wanted to share it with everyone here. I performed a number of searches of both SOTT and the forums and could not find any mention of it.

There is a lot of very sound reasoning within this article, and much of it supports what we have already figured out on the topic.

by Robert A. Levy and Rosalind B. Marimont

As this is a Cato Institute publication, I doubt it will be scrubbed, so I chose not to include the full text here at this time. But I did save a local copy just in case. :)
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