Smoking is... good?

Nicolas said:
Galaxia2002 said:
Please can somebody clarify a question? Is is normal to cough when one start to smoking? I am referring not in the moment to puff but in a general way? I have one month trying and I have cough. is it a time thing to get habituate?

I may not be of much help since I am a light smoker but I do not have any couphing problems so far after over two months smoking. I smoke hand rolled cigs with no filter.

When you cough, do you feel any substance in your lungs? It could be the mucus layer building up.

Yes Nicolas, in fact it made get out phlegm when I cough, although not always. I am naturally a person that produces much phlegm. I got relief with ivy based expectorant. Maybe is the brand since I'am trying Drum Light because in my country there is no any organic tobacco. :(
Stranger said:
Mr. Premise said:
Wow. I guess free-base nicotine is way to hard-core for me! I had one large puff last night, and I stumbled back into the house like I was dead-drunk. I can still feel the effects. I am going to wait a day or two and try really small inhales. Too bad, too, because unlike what everyone has reported I found this organic American Spirit to be extremely smooth, not harsh. I must have gotten a very fresh pouch.

Wow, that's an intense reaction to one puff! During my first cigarette experiences I had lighter nicotine flashes which were really relaxing. I still have them with the first cigarette in the morning. I can't speak for you but maybe you could try to smoke one or two cigarettes a day, usually your body will accustom to the effect of nicotine within a few days/weeks. Apart from that you just could try other organic or additive free tobacco products available in your country. (Pueblo is inexpensive, for example).

Good Luck with adjusting! :)

Yeah, the tobacco shop I went to didn't have the Kentucky Select Organic, I was going to buy that.
Mr. Premise said:
Yeah, the tobacco shop I went to didn't have the Kentucky Select Organic, I was going to buy that.

I purchased that online at _
Nicolas said:
Mr. Premise said:
Yeah, the tobacco shop I went to didn't have the Kentucky Select Organic, I was going to buy that.

I purchased that online at _

Thanks for the link. In any case at the rate I'm going that pouch of American Spirit will last me a long time. Since cigars seem to be easier for me to take, I went online and ordered some organic cigars at _ :cool2:
_xyz_ said:
Psalehesost said:
Pashalis said:
on 2. April they sended a E Mail with state=in process
on 11. April they sended state=shipped and that it should be here in the following 20 days
on 21. April I received it

no worry I think you are right in time

That puts it in perspective - so the update usually takes some time after payment is made. I guess then that I'll just be patient, wait and see.

It can take longer, my delivery took over 4 weeks.

By the way it taster much better than I initially thought, because I first tried the dry tips of the "cigar" and didn't like it that much, but after I got to the still moist inner part, it tastes fantastic. A bit of chocolate flavor, very nice when rolled with slim filters.

Update: I got a reply to my email a few days after posting, and a few days later the status updated, and three weeks later (Monday, yesterday) got it.

It does taste nice (smoking it in my pipe), and a bit different. I don't get any lightheadedness from it despite its strength. It is a satisfying tobacco - a bit of smoking and I feel done for then. Compared to the other tobacco I smoke, my mind feels better - a lot of tobacco (including repeatedly smoking a smaller amount) sometimes makes me more mentally aloof and unfocused for a while, but here I feel both satisfied and strengthened.

(from experience with several kinds of tobacco, it seems to me that for me, the stronger the tobacco, curiously enough, the lesser the negative mental effects of smoking a lot - leaving now, it seems, only the positive)
I was watching C-PAC (Canadian Politics TV, similar to the US C-SPAN channel), and came across a Supreme Court case related to tobacco:

Supreme Court hearing on tobacco litigation
Should the federal government be held partially responsible for the harms of tobacco use?

What I found interesting was that a lawyer for one of the tobacco giants was saying that the Department of Agriculture had created a new variety of tobacco that allegedly was less harmful to smoke. The lawyer said that, although the companies were not regulated or obliged to use it, they felt that if they did not, they would be forced into using it through regulatory means. Therefore, the government became complicit in any effects such tobacco caused.

I find it interesting that my government created a variety that produces less of something, assumedly to make a safer cigarette and, since companies felt obliged to use it, have to wonder how far and wide this variety is distributed. Could it be that all major cigarettes in Canada use that tobacco variety?

I also wonder whether traditional means (selective breeding/hybridization, etc.) were used to create the variety or if they created the variety through genetic engineering.

Finally, I wonder if other countries went this route, either through their own research and development or by licensing the variety from Canada.

If, it is found that most commercial tobacco is based on newer varieties, regardless of the breeding method, it might make sense to try to source heritage varieties just to ensure one is smoking what one expects to smoke.

I'll try to find out more about this.

I just came across this ad on the internet. Maybe they’ll come up with something good, but I’m doubtful, since they’re ignoring the obvious solution. More likely, it’s just one more scheme to exploit people for profit.

Or worse, another "alternative" movement designed to vector health-seekers from the "frying pan into the fire" (e.g. "Fats and butter make you get fat and clog your arteries"--so use corn oil. Food's kind of bland?--add corn syrup. Getting fat anyway and teeth rotting out?--use aspartame vs. corn syrup, then get mercury fillings and brush more often with fluoride. Arteries clogged anyway?--take cholesterol-reducing drugs. Can't move around much or think clearly? Sit down and do what I tell you!)


Nicoventures Limited is a newly created start-up company whose objective is to provide a new choice to smokers looking for a safer alternative to cigarettes. [uh…what about organic tobacco without any additives?]

Nicoventures will focus exclusively on the development and commercialisation of innovative regulatory-approved nicotine products that provide a consumer-acceptable alternative to cigarettes without the real and serious health risks of smoking.

The UK Government’s recently updated public health strategy for England recognises there are many smokers who may not want to quit smoking but who want a safer alternative to cigarettes. We believe that the products currently on the market today are not meeting the needs of these smokers.

That is why we have brought together scientists, regulatory specialists, innovators and communication experts from a wide range of backgrounds to work together with the aim of providing smokers with a safer alternative to cigarettes.

The products that Nicoventures is looking at are not currently available on the market. However, it’s still early days, so watch this space.
“Communication experts”? For what–-to persuade people to use a product that pleases the “regulatory specialists” and that the “innovators” have laced with mono-atomic gold or some other mind-impairing substance?

Where are the organic tobacco farmers and crop subsidy experts on this illustrious start-up team?!

…should be interesting
Breo said:
Ljubica said:
Hi folks,

What do you think about: Mac Baren pipe tobacco.?

more on:

I tried their: Original Choice tobacco, didn't taste like fabric tobacco (heavy lungs, irritation in the throat, morning after coughing, chemical taste in smoke and on tongue, awful smell while smoking...) actually smells very nice and, it is more like mild slow processed tobacco, nice taste, searched on their web page for trace of additional unwanted chemicals, found only natural aroma processing, but you newer know...,... Anyone knows more about this brand??

I started with Mac Baren "Aromatic Choice" (pipe) and I am very happy with it. Smooth taste, no burning on the tongue or throat, very pleasant smell, that is also noticed by non smokers positively. In my tobacco shop they recommended this tobacco to me, when I searched for a natural tobacco without any additives or added flavour. But I did not find any published proof that the tabocco itself was grown organically....As you say, you never know. Besides, I really love smoking this tobacco. It has a "nourishing" effect on me (can´t find a better word.)


I've been smoking Mac Barren Original Choice pipe tobacco for a little over a month, and I agree, it's excellent and has a sweet, pleasant smell. It's a blend of Virginia, Burley, and Mac Baren Cavendish, great combo in my opinion.
Re: Smoking is... good? Organic Tobacco

OK i have found organic farm that sell tobacco for 28 pln that is about 7 Euro per 1 kg .
you purchased in the leaves and then cut himself.

I can send it to UE if someone want cheep good tobacco :) for cigarettes or pipe
SeekinTruth said:
Breo said:
Ljubica said:
Hi folks,

What do you think about: Mac Baren pipe tobacco.?

more on:

I tried their: Original Choice tobacco, didn't taste like fabric tobacco (heavy lungs, irritation in the throat, morning after coughing, chemical taste in smoke and on tongue, awful smell while smoking...) actually smells very nice and, it is more like mild slow processed tobacco, nice taste, searched on their web page for trace of additional unwanted chemicals, found only natural aroma processing, but you newer know...,... Anyone knows more about this brand??

I started with Mac Baren "Aromatic Choice" (pipe) and I am very happy with it. Smooth taste, no burning on the tongue or throat, very pleasant smell, that is also noticed by non smokers positively. In my tobacco shop they recommended this tobacco to me, when I searched for a natural tobacco without any additives or added flavour. But I did not find any published proof that the tabocco itself was grown organically....As you say, you never know. Besides, I really love smoking this tobacco. It has a "nourishing" effect on me (can´t find a better word.)


I've been smoking Mac Barren Original Choice pipe tobacco for a little over a month, and I agree, it's excellent and has a sweet, pleasant smell. It's a blend of Virginia, Burley, and Mac Baren Cavendish, great combo in my opinion.

Most interesting thing it doesn't leave specific "smelly" taste in the pipe, even if I don't clean my pipe immediately after smoking, and this tobacco is fine cut, easy to make rolly or to put it in the pipe, but I noticed increase of the price in last month for 17%, wondering why???
I am now chain-smoking with a clear conscience, sharpened mind and protective scent :cool2: and its interesting to look at with 4d stuff in mind the way it moves in the air and such :cool2:
Hey for thos spanish readers. I have found an interesting blog that talks about the tobacco farse, and talks about the lies about it and it has I see lot of articles.

So if you want to check it:

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