Smoking is... good?

truth seeker said:
Hey Serg,

It sounds as if the problem was chemicals used in the tobacco and/or paper from the store bought cigarettes so it's good that you switched. I'm not sure about the Nicotiana Rustica, is this it?:

As for the tobacco itself, it should read organic somewhere on the package, I think but am not sure if this is common around the world so perhaps others can/will chime in.

Hi truth seeker,
I also think it's because of chemicals. A couple of days before my tobacco stock ended and I didn't have anything to smoke, I found some store bought cigarettes and smoked 3 of them and felt unwell after that.

And yes, it is the same Nicotiana Rustica that I was talking about.

And on the Petit Sumatra small cigarettes it writes 100% tobacco but I still can't find anywhere on the net whether they are organic or not. Here is the link
But after a day of smoking only Petit I can say for sure that they are better than anything else that I have tried. I'll see how it goes the next few days because I can't make any conclusions based on just one day.
I've recently taken up smoking within the last month, and would like to add a few observations.

parallel said:
Bo said:
Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?
I've heard of danes using a piece of ryebread/schwartzbrot or an apple slice in their pouch. They say it works, haven't tested it myself.

I've started keeping used slices of lemon/lime in the tobacco pouch to keep it moist. I like the added lemon/lime flavour too - I was finding the dry tobacco a bit too harsh.

I've also noted something rather interesting (which explains why I never smoked much until now). Firstly (and rather obviously) normal chemical laced cigarettes are really bad for me.
Secondly, if I've been eating too many carbs the chemical free tobacco also negatively effects me (nausea, headache, feeling drunk, feeling like I could pass out).
Having said that, when I'm not eating too many carbs and am eating lots of fat it seems to aid in digestion and (this is the main point) my thinking becomes very clear - any negative/emotional/obsessive thinking diminishes and I am finding more and more creative ideas flowing naturally. :)
RedFox said:
normal chemical laced cigarettes are really bad for me.

Those commercial smokes tastes... like chemicals.

A while back, I ran out of the roll you own generic A/S and bought an commercial emergency pack for something to smoke, just until I could afford a new can of A/S and...
:barf: :barf: :barf:
Not only did they taste like sewage based on petroleum paper products, I felt terrible. Bad taste buds, headache, and just downright cruddy. I swear I could feel the poison. I felt like I just ate at a fast food restaurant that has chemical laden garbage for food. fwiw

edit: spelling again. Amazing how a word may be spelled properly, but it's just the wrong word. :P
It's good to hear you're having positive experiences with smoking, RedFox. :) I've been increasing the amount of pipe I smoke and keeping the cigarette smoking about the same. It's great and I've been smoking for a LONG time.
I smoked my first cigarette (hand-rolled) few days ago - I couldn't manage to do it completely at once cause it made me feel dizzy (I find a nearby wall for support) :-[ - so I manage to finish it in third attempt (one cigarette @ :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:) :nuts: ... I could try a pipe but I ought to grow beard then :rotfl: ... I am interested if anyone has more experience with snus (first notice about that product found on this forum) and it's a kind of contraband in EU - and contraband we like it here on Balkans :pirate:?
After 6 days of smoking Petit small cigarettes i can say that it is really good for me. As i has already said before (some previous posts) that i had a stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone. The stitch decreased when I switched from store cigs to hand-rolled cigs. After smoking Petit i can say that stitch almost disappears. (Also it disappeared almost completely if I smoke only pipe). So i can say with 90% confidence that the paper cause this stitch (after i switched to hand-rolled cigs, because when smoke store-bought cigs the chemicals in tobacco could also cause the stitch). So I will have to find some organic paper Because I can't buy Petit for every day smoking because they are very expensive and I don't see them here in Ukraine.
The day before yesterday I receive my nicotiana rustica (or mapacho).
Pashalis said:
_xyz_ said:
Got the Mapacho on Saturday and tried it over the weekend. It's jut a very strong tobacco, it gives you a short nicotine high of the kind that a non-smoker gets when lighting up a cigarette, not worse than that. Kinda like those old yellow-leaf Gitanes cigarettes for those who remember. Otherwise nothing interesting I can say about it except that the huge roll of about 1kg of the stuff is priced 25 EUR, so it's much cheaper than what you get in a tobacco shop. Rather dry though and tastes no better than American Spirit. And obviously you must cut it yourself.

I've received mine too.
did you noticed that it does not smell like tobacco too ?
I olso noticed that it smells like tea with a little bit of menthol

as of the smoking taste it's quite good for me. better than American Spirit

As Pashalis said it smells like tea. I even check if it is not a tea, I brew it :lol: (i was tobacco :cool2:). I also expected that it would be a very strong cigarette. It is really quite smooth and tasty. I try to roll with and without filter, i prefer more without. Also at the site were i ordered them was written: too dry mixture gives a bitter smoke with pungent smell. For the soft fragrant smoke mixture should have a humidity content of about 15%. Dry mixture can be moisten. To do these just add 2 teaspoons of water to 50g. of tobacco and mix thoroughly. I received dry tobacco. I added a little more water because it was very dry.
I had the ‘head in the fog’ effect after I smoked it first time. But I also think it is because of its’ huge amount of nicotine, as it mentioned earlier. Also after smoking I had some sort of ‘pain’ in the back of the head (occiput or hind head or where the neck ends/ I don’t know the correct word). I can say that this ‘pain’ is feel like somebody push you (some sort of easy push). I can’t say that this annoys me. I have this often happened when I read the wave series and gain knowledge. How do you think what it can be?
The 'pain' that i have after smoking, I mean after smoking mapacho.
Maybe I said smth unclearly in previous post, so I can clarify.
Al Today said:
RedFox said:
normal chemical laced cigarettes are really bad for me.

Those commercial smokes tastes... like chemicals.

A while back, I ran out of the roll you own generic A/S and bought an commercial emergency pack for something to smoke, just until I could afford a new can of A/S and...
:barf: :barf: :barf:
Not only did they taste like sewage based on petroleum paper products, I felt terrible. Bad taste buds, headache, and just downright cruddy. I swear I could feel the poison. I felt like I just ate at a fast food restaurant that has chemical laden garbage for food. fwiw

edit: spelling again. Amazing how a word may be spelled properly, but it's just the wrong word. :P

For me it's enough to walk behind someone smoking 'normal' cigarettes and I'm close to choking, the odor itself smells foul. I use to smoke those as well and can't imagine going back. Those additives do kill you.
rylek said:
Al Today said:
RedFox said:
normal chemical laced cigarettes are really bad for me.

Those commercial smokes tastes... like chemicals.

A while back, I ran out of the roll you own generic A/S and bought an commercial emergency pack for something to smoke, just until I could afford a new can of A/S and...
:barf: :barf: :barf:
Not only did they taste like sewage based on petroleum paper products, I felt terrible. Bad taste buds, headache, and just downright cruddy. I swear I could feel the poison. I felt like I just ate at a fast food restaurant that has chemical laden garbage for food. fwiw

edit: spelling again. Amazing how a word may be spelled properly, but it's just the wrong word. :P

For me it's enough to walk behind someone smoking 'normal' cigarettes and I'm close to choking, the odor itself smells foul. I use to smoke those as well and can't imagine going back. Those additives do kill you.
Personally, if I run out of organic tobacco, I don't think some "normal" smokes are all that terrible. I understand that they are full of additives, but if you are in need of "emergency" cigarettes, as AI put it, some of the higher quality ones are not totally disgusting. In my opinion, of course.
Well, I've been smoking Yuma organic cigarettes for the better part of a year. Prior to discovering Yuma, I was smoking Northfields, which are additive free but not organic, and are only available in Ontario, Canada (from what I can tell).

Last week,, my store ran out of Yuma, so I bought 4 packs of Northfields to hold me over until the Yumas became available.

After lighting up the first one, I noticed how moist and smooth the smoke was. But after a few puffs, I started experiencing a burning sensation in the back of my throat. The burning continued with each cigarette. But when I was finally able to get my Yumas, the burning ceased. I think the burning sensation came from the chemical fertilizers in the additive-free Northfields.

So, even when the cigarette was additive-free, the chemical residue was enough to evoke a strong reaction. However, when I was smoking Northfields regularly before I found the Yuma organic smokes, I never experienced the burning sensation.

This leaves me wondering to what degree our reactions to toxicity in cigarettes are inhibited when we constantly consume the toxins but become obvious when we return to the toxins after a sufficient amount of time away from them. Much in the way we experienced significant reactions to certain foods after avoiding them for an extended period of time, it appears the alarms in our system get tired of ringing and eventually shut down until we reboot our system and attempt to eat something we used to consume regularly with little to no immediate negative effects (or so we thought).

So, if this is what happened with additive-free cigarettes, I can only imagine the effect commercial cigarettes would have.

My $0.02, FWIW,
hmmm I think that I'll pass on the whole electronic cig thing
Gonzo, the non-organic, but additive-free Northfields (or any other brand) might also have pesticides that are giving you reactions, besides chemical fertilizers. Just thought I'd mention that possibility.

I don't have very big reactions to non-organic tobacco. But certain commercial cigarettes are really nasty, just smoking one taken from someone -- some more than others. There are some commercial cigarettes that aren't nasty. So it may be a certain additive or a combination that make some of them really vile.
Timey said:
I get chest pain from organic tobacco, but don't from regular cigarettes. Whats the deal with that?
Can you say what kind/brand of organic tobacco and paper and what kind/brand of cigarettes?
truth seeker said:
Timey said:
I get chest pain from organic tobacco, but don't from regular cigarettes. Whats the deal with that?
Can you say what kind/brand of organic tobacco and paper and what kind/brand of cigarettes?
American Spirit original blend rolling tobacco. I normally use Rizla greens, but sometimes use reds. Chesterfield Red is the regular cigarette.
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