Smoking is... good?

Loudspeaker alarms used to stub out hospital smoking

Smokers who light up outside three hospitals in north Wales will trigger an alarm and loudspeaker message telling them to stop.

The warnings have been installed at the main entrances and maternity units of Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, Glan Clwyd in Bodelwyddan and Wrexham Maelor.

Even lighting a match will set-off the bilingual message.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has taken the steps to create a smoke free environment.

Warning signs have also been put up to tell patients, visitors and staff that smoking is banned on the premises.

Health bosses hope the measures will lead to a "cultural change" whereby people will no longer find it acceptable to smoke outside hospital.

Andrew Jones, executive director of Public Health for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, said they wanted to "practice what we preach".

Loudspeaker message on video -
One young man today won 1st Prize and 200 000 HRK (<40 000 US$) in some kind of "National Contest to quit smoking" here in Croatia :huh: ...Which Psycho Genius invented this?
And this was broadcasted all around country in Top News ... And the most irritating was his age - I doubt if he was, let's say 19 :jawdrop:(YES he looks like he did not shave his face yet) :headbash: :curse: :ninja:

I mean where really is this world going?

I have to start smoking something! A neat Pipe - that could do :cool2:

Just an idea: could there be, somehow, added a new smiley that's smokin' :pipe: :-[
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)
I am still reading through this thread and have not yet finished, however I've noticed something recently that I think is worth a mention.

All my life whenever I smoked cigarettes it was generally when I was stressed (or drunk), and it would just totally numb my emotions. Whenever I was in a normal mood and smoked, it would give me the same kind of numb feeling but I would just sit there for about 20 minutes feeling depressed, not knowing what to do with myself. I would not have the drive to do anything, and would just wait until the mental cloud passed and I could get up and go about my life again. From this I concluded that I was not one of the people genetically predisposed to gain benefits from smoking.

However in the past month I have noticed that when I smoke I no longer get that feeling, and instead I get the mental focus that members of this forum talk about. I now smoke a lot more than I used to and generally really enjoy it.

I think this is because of my diet changes, helped along by the EE program. Switching to the paleo diet seems to have opened the door for me to be able to smoke and enjoy it. This also seems to fit well with the ideas that the C's have communicated, about high fat diets and smoking being two main ways of increasing health. However I have not yet read on this forum about diet and smoking working in tandem like this.

Also in the past, when on a night out, I have ingested certain substances that give you a feeling of euphoria. When In this mental state (and a lot of my friends at the time agreed) smoking was incredibly pleasurable. This could mean that smoking feels good when in clear headed and in a good mood, and that is what makes the difference (apparently regardless or whether the mental state is artificially induced). Of course, when I brought about this feeling by eating right and detoxing instead, it allowed me to enjoy smoking all of the time.

If this has been mentioned before then I apologise, and if not, has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?
Loudspeaker alarms used to stub out hospital smoking

Smokers who light up outside three hospitals in north Wales will trigger an alarm and loudspeaker message telling them to stop.

Good grief, funny how things change, while in hospital in 1979, the staff would change the ashtray as often as the bandages - it was all very normal to smoke in hospital, even in their beds. Even the doctor had one stoked up while diagnosing. 10 years later it was only in the hospital wings, ten year after that it was in designated areas and then out the door and now they are ringing alarms - arrests to likely follow as a progression.
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

I don't understand, how does sitting on your tobacco keeps it fresh? I would assume it would make it go dry faster

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?

does keeping it in a sealed jar work?
Bo said:
Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?
I've heard of danes using a piece of ryebread/schwartzbrot or an apple slice in their pouch. They say it works, haven't tested it myself.
Bo said:
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

I don't understand, how does sitting on your tobacco keeps it fresh? I would assume it would make it go dry faster

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?

does keeping it in a sealed jar work?

I use a quart sized air tight container similar to what you might keep sugar or flour in. I drop a couple of those moisture ball things (I forget what they're called) into the tin with some fresh tobacco and it stays fresh and moist for quite some time. Pretty much until I'm just about done with the container full.
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

Interesting method! You know, I was even thinking about smoking more, so that the tobacco wouldn't have time to dry out! ;)
Bo said:
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

I don't understand, how does sitting on your tobacco keeps it fresh? I would assume it would make it go dry faster

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?

does keeping it in a sealed jar work?

To be honest, I have no idea :lol:. I just discovered that when I've sat on it all day it compresses it all together and it doesn't go all dry and turn into sand.
Give it a go :P
Data said:
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

Interesting method! You know, I was even thinking about smoking more, so that the tobacco wouldn't have time to dry out! ;)
Thanks Data. I don't smoke all that much myself so my tobacco has a tendancy to dry out , which can be a pain.
parallel said:
Bo said:
Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?
I've heard of danes using a piece of ryebread/schwartzbrot or an apple slice in their pouch. They say it works, haven't tested it myself.

Sounds interesting, will try it, thanks :D

Timey said:
Bo said:
Timey said:
I've found a little trick to keep American Spirit fresher for longer. Just put it into your backpocket.
Sitting on it all days kinda "squishes" it all togther and stops it from drying out as quickly. Just thought I'd share ;)

I don't understand, how does sitting on your tobacco keeps it fresh? I would assume it would make it go dry faster

Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if other forum members have any creative tricks in keeping tobacco fresh?

does keeping it in a sealed jar work?

To be honest, I have no idea :lol:. I just discovered that when I've sat on it all day it compresses it all together and it doesn't go all dry and turn into sand.
Give it a go :P

:) I certainly will try this aswell, thanks :clap:
I can attest to the fact that a slice of fruit does keep tobacco from drying out. I only had an old pear in my fridge so I used a slice of that. I buy a 6 oz bag of tobacco which is pretty dried out by the time I get my hands on it. I divide the big bag into little baggies and put a slice of pear in each. I jiggle the bag around every now and then to distribute the moisture. Usually after about a little over a day the tobacco is moistened. Then I take to pear slice out of the starting baggy. The moistness lasts util I'm done with the baggy. Don't leave the apple or pear slice in too long or your tobacco will get soggy.
The first time i tried to smoke, i think, it was when I was 10-11 years old, but i smoked whithout inhaling into my lungs. At that time I thought that it is a bad habbit and everybody that I know smoked just because it was cool, they started to smoke and then could not quit. But I didn't consider it to be cool and I didn't want to have a bad habbit, so I didn't start smoking. I started smoking when I was 15. After 2 years of smoking I tried to quit, I quit but only for a month. I also tried to quit later but I also failed. It was just hard for me to imagine the idea that I would never smoke. At time I thought that I would quit and smoke a few cigs from time to time whithout having the habbit. I found the research about smoking being good 1.5-2 years ago and i was so glad and impressed:cool2:. The first thing I did was bought a pipe. I tried to smoke pipe tobacco, most of which was aromatic. I smoked aromatic tobacco for nearly 5-6 month and felt ill from it. Then I tried to find non-aromatic and it was hard to find. I tried different tipes and found "clan" that was the most suitable for me. I also bought a hand-rolling machine for tubes. But i also couldn't find the non-aromatic tobacco to roll, so i took that same pipe tobacco "clan". I stick with Gizeh tubes. My hand-rolled cigs are much better than cigs from the store, but I feel some taste of chalk in Gizeh, maybe it is the bleach. I don't know where I can found the organic paper here in Ukraine. A few days ago I got a present, 8 packs of Petit small cigarettes 100% tobacco(does that mean organic?), today i tried to smoke them, they are totally different. I'll try to smoke them for a couple of days and see the difference. Recently, I found the Nicotiana Rustica in the internet and ordered them, I'll get it in a few days and also try it :cool2:. But it is still a problem whith the paper :(
After my first 3 years of smoking I started feeling a stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone and I've no idea what it was. I gave up smoking for some time and this stitch almost dissapeared. But I quit smoking for 1-2 weeks only and then started to smoke again. The stitch dicreased when I switched from store cigs to pipe and hand-rolled cigs. Does anybody know what it can be?
Serg said:
The first time i tried to smoke, i think, it was when I was 10-11 years old, but i smoked whithout inhaling into my lungs. At that time I thought that it is a bad habbit and everybody that I know smoked just because it was cool, they started to smoke and then could not quit. But I didn't consider it to be cool and I didn't want to have a bad habbit, so I didn't start smoking. I started smoking when I was 15. After 2 years of smoking I tried to quit, I quit but only for a month. I also tried to quit later but I also failed. It was just hard for me to imagine the idea that I would never smoke. At time I thought that I would quit and smoke a few cigs from time to time whithout having the habbit. I found the research about smoking being good 1.5-2 years ago and i was so glad and impressed:cool2:. The first thing I did was bought a pipe. I tried to smoke pipe tobacco, most of which was aromatic. I smoked aromatic tobacco for nearly 5-6 month and felt ill from it. Then I tried to find non-aromatic and it was hard to find. I tried different tipes and found "clan" that was the most suitable for me. I also bought a hand-rolling machine for tubes. But i also couldn't find the non-aromatic tobacco to roll, so i took that same pipe tobacco "clan". I stick with Gizeh tubes. My hand-rolled cigs are much better than cigs from the store, but I feel some taste of chalk in Gizeh, maybe it is the bleach. I don't know where I can found the organic paper here in Ukraine. A few days ago I got a present, 8 packs of Petit small cigarettes 100% tobacco(does that mean organic?), today i tried to smoke them, they are totally different. I'll try to smoke them for a couple of days and see the difference. Recently, I found the Nicotiana Rustica in the internet and ordered them, I'll get it in a few days and also try it :cool2:. But it is still a problem whith the paper :(
After my first 3 years of smoking I started feeling a stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone and I've no idea what it was. I gave up smoking for some time and this stitch almost dissapeared. But I quit smoking for 1-2 weeks only and then started to smoke again. The stitch dicreased when I switched from store cigs to pipe and hand-rolled cigs. Does anybody know what it can be?
Hey Serg,

It sounds as if the problem was chemicals used in the tobacco and/or paper from the store bought cigarettes so it's good that you switched. I'm not sure about the Nicotiana Rustica, is this it?:

As for the tobacco itself, it should read organic somewhere on the package, I think but am not sure if this is common around the world so perhaps others can/will chime in.
I have a question for my fellow Croats here on forum: can i buy some organic tobacco in our country? A friend of mine is smoking "Zlatni Dukat" (Golden Ducat) and he also is making his cigarettes with hand-roller ... He is "serious" smoker and says that GD brand is "best buy".... :huh:
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