Smoking is... good?

Today for the very first time, I have seen the following on Ukrainian TV, in one of the Russian TV series or movies.
An old man and a girl were speaking about something.
The man said to the girl: 'you have to smoke to understand what to do in this case.
If you don/t smoke, nothing will work."
The smoke might kill rabbits but as for humans it 'heats up' (it means speeds up) their brains'' :cool2:

I have never ordered online from abroad and I didn't think about it earlier.
I want to ask about the organic paper. As i understand the best choice to order would be 'OCB organic' or 'Raw organic'.
Can anybody give me advice what organic paper to order according to what you have tried? (also, if you can, hand-rolling machine for it )
Serg said:
I want to ask about the organic paper. As i understand the best choice to order would be 'OCB organic' or 'Raw organic'.

Can anybody give me advice what organic paper to order according to what you have tried? (also, if you can, hand-rolling machine for it )

I've found the Raw papers to be very nice - they are lightweight, and burn clean. They also offer filter plugs if needed.

Not sure about hand-roll machines, I only use a filter tube machine, and at this point I have the same question - has anybody found a more natural filter tube solution? I've tried Premier, Silver Tip, Zig Zag, Gambler...they all taste like paper and accelerants after awhile...
Jason (ocean59) said:
I've found the Raw papers to be very nice - they are lightweight, and burn clean. They also offer filter plugs if needed.

Not sure about hand-roll machines, I only use a filter tube machine, and at this point I have the same question - has anybody found a more natural filter tube solution? I've tried Premier, Silver Tip, Zig Zag, Gambler...they all taste like paper and accelerants after awhile...

I used to roll tubes, but when I tried Nicotiana Rustica tobacco(or mapacho) I found it very tasty even without filter.
I rolled with Gizeh and it's not really good.
I found 2 websites where I can order paper and the will ship it to my country. I want to order the Raw Organic Hemp rolling paper. I'm trying to find the shop online where I can get them cheaper, maybe some whole-sale.

Can you give me the link where you order?(if you order online :))

Edit: I'd rather order once than order manuy times and pay for the shipping
There are multiple stores available via searching Google. Many members have used the following store with good feedback (myself included). They offer both the Raw and OCB papers you are looking for:

Jason (ocean59) said:
Not sure about hand-roll machines, I only use a filter tube machine, and at this point I have the same question - has anybody found a more natural filter tube solution? I've tried Premier, Silver Tip, Zig Zag, Gambler...they all taste like paper and accelerants after awhile...

A few brands you can test: Mascotte tubes -

Laramie -

Zen -

Just FYI, I don't smoke so I don't have any experience with these tubes, but I do know the brands well. It would be interesting to see if they were better than the other brands you've tried.
Jason (ocean59) said:
There are multiple stores available via searching Google. Many members have used the following store with good feedback (myself included). They offer both the Raw and OCB papers you are looking for:


Thanks for the link. I just recently find this site :
It is the cheapest that I've found so far. One pack costs here 1.15$. If I take 25packs it will be 0.92 per pack + 10$ for shipping.
I'll look now on the site you give the link, how much there shipping costs. I've to register first
Serg said:
Thanks for the link. I just recently find this site :
It is the cheapest that I've found so far. One pack costs here 1.15$. If I take 25packs it will be 0.92 per pack + 10$ for shipping.
I'll look now on the site you give the link, how much there shipping costs. I've to register first

We buy these packs of 300 RAW papers per packet. Works out cheaper:
Pob said:
We buy these packs of 300 RAW papers per packet. Works out cheaper:

Thanks for the link. :) I thought that I would oreder Raw organic hemp, but now I don't know. What are the differences between raw organic hemp and Raw Natural Unrefined?
Is there any substantial difference between these papers?

Edit: Unrefined also means that it is unbleached as I understood?
Jason (ocean59) said:
Not sure about hand-roll machines, I only use a filter tube machine, and at this point I have the same question - has anybody found a more natural filter tube solution? I've tried Premier, Silver Tip, Zig Zag, Gambler...they all taste like paper and accelerants after awhile...

Hi Jason,

I have been making my own tubes because I have found that all the tubes on the market irritate my throat. I now use rice papers or the clear ones made with cellulose. I take a previously stuffed tube, or a pen to form the paper around and a then use a bamboo mat (don't have to have this - but I like it), filter and roll it, pull out what ever you use as a form, and walla, you have a tube. Can make a bunch pretty fast. :cool2:
I have just been hand rolling my own with a little $5 plastic thingie. But, I haven't been using any filters -- just the tobacco and the paper. Is there some health reason to use filters if the tobacco and papers are organic? If so, do you recommend any that would work in my little rolling machine (like this but different brand: _
gaman said:
I have just been hand rolling my own with a little $5 plastic thingie. But, I haven't been using any filters -- just the tobacco and the paper. Is there some health reason to use filters if the tobacco and papers are organic? If so, do you recommend any that would work in my little rolling machine (like this but different brand: _

Filters are largely a personal preference. You can try and see which you prefer. They do cut down tar AND nicotine intake, though. Also some of the filters can have fibers coming off into the lungs, so be careful what type you use -- generally better to use paper filters.
Heimdallr said:
A few brands you can test:

I'll add them to the list to try for next time. Thanks for the info Heimdallr.

Rhiannon said:
I have been making my own tubes because I have found that all the tubes on the market irritate my throat. I now use rice papers or the clear ones made with cellulose. I take a previously stuffed tube, or a pen to form the paper around and a then use a bamboo mat (don't have to have this - but I like it), filter and roll it, pull out what ever you use as a form, and walla, you have a tube. Can make a bunch pretty fast. :cool2:

You know, I have wondered many times "I wonder if I can just make my own tubes?" and now with these instructions, I can give it a try. Very cool, thanks Rhiannon! :)
I get mapacho that I order today. But I was disappointed because this mapacho is not the same as I order it previous time. It seems to me that this one is a mix: Nicotiana Rustica + Nicotiana Tabacum (mapacho+ ordinary tobacco). I smoke one it almost the same as was but lighter, then after some time I smoke second it almost tastes like ordinary tobacco (and chips my tongue). And it, for sure, doesn’t have such amount of nicotine as the previous one. :(

I want to add a little about filters. I make sometimes ‘filter’, I can't even named it a filter, with carton paper (cardboard). I just a little piece of carton and roll it in a form of spiral.
It helps to save more tobacco and you don't eat tobacco from time to time.(I meant the when you smoke without filter, sometimes a little pieces of tobacco can 'come' to your mouth) I don't know if it helps anybody... :)
I've used rolled up cardboard about (1/2 inch to 3/4 inch piece) as a filter in the past too. I've rolled it up pretty tight and it does work to filter somewhat, and keeps tobacco from coming into your mouth, as you say, Serg.
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