Smoking is... good?

Alana said:
Gonzo said:
Fyi, for Canucks smoking Yuma, I just heard from my tobacconist that they are having a hard time getting Yuma in any more. When they inquired, the distributor suggested it might have to do with the change in labeling requirements, forcing even bigger fear-inducing images onto the packages.

Although I have not been able to verify the reason, I haven't been able to get Yumas for a few weeks now. Is anyone else having difficulties?

Just a note to the Canadians members that we were able to get Yumas again recently. Our distributor stopped bringing them for a while, but now they are back - with awful pictures on the package though.
Yeah! I was able to score some old leftover stock, but it was a little stale. Hurrah. <Happy dance>

Pashalis said:
_xyz_ said:
Got the Mapacho on Saturday and tried it over the weekend. It's jut a very strong tobacco, it gives you a short nicotine high of the kind that a non-smoker gets when lighting up a cigarette, not worse than that. Kinda like those old yellow-leaf Gitanes cigarettes for those who remember. Otherwise nothing interesting I can say about it except that the huge roll of about 1kg of the stuff is priced 25 EUR, so it's much cheaper than what you get in a tobacco shop. Rather dry though and tastes no better than American Spirit. And obviously you must cut it yourself.

I've received mine too.
did you noticed that it does not smell like tobacco too ?
I olso noticed that it smells like tea with a little bit of menthol

as of the smoking taste it's quite good for me. better than American Spirit

my role of Mapacho tobacco (nicotiniana rustica) was moldy inside and smelled a bit like it !
The first time I ordered mapacho (nicotiana rustica) it was chopped and it was from South Ukraine. I like it very much. As I said it was quite smooth. I smoke without filter. But the next time I offered mapacho from Ukraine, it wasn't the same as it was before. It was like mix of mapacho & ordinary tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). After that I searched in the web and ordered mapacho roles from Peru. A few days ago I receive it. The smell is a little bit different from mapacho that from Ukraine, but also smells like tea. But the taste is really different, it is like really strong tobacco (like Cuba cigar).
My role is also moldy inside. I don't know why, but after 2-3 days of smoking this tobacco I've got strong stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone. I had this stitch before, I said about it in my some previous posts, but it almost disappears. And now I don't know why? Maybe it because it is too strong, but why I didn't have such effect from mapacho that from Ukraine? The mapacho from Peru they said that it is 100% organic.
Serg said:
The first time I ordered mapacho (nicotiana rustica) it was chopped and it was from South Ukraine. I like it very much. As I said it was quite smooth. I smoke without filter. But the next time I offered mapacho from Ukraine, it wasn't the same as it was before. It was like mix of mapacho & ordinary tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). After that I searched in the web and ordered mapacho roles from Peru. A few days ago I receive it. The smell is a little bit different from mapacho that from Ukraine, but also smells like tea. But the taste is really different, it is like really strong tobacco (like Cuba cigar).
My role is also moldy inside. I don't know why, but after 2-3 days of smoking this tobacco I've got strong stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone. I had this stitch before, I said about it in my some previous posts, but it almost disappears. And now I don't know why? Maybe it because it is too strong, but why I didn't have such effect from mapacho that from Ukraine? The mapacho from Peru they said that it is 100% organic.

maybe because it is moldy ?
Pashalis said:
Serg said:
The first time I ordered mapacho (nicotiana rustica) it was chopped and it was from South Ukraine. I like it very much. As I said it was quite smooth. I smoke without filter. But the next time I offered mapacho from Ukraine, it wasn't the same as it was before. It was like mix of mapacho & ordinary tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). After that I searched in the web and ordered mapacho roles from Peru. A few days ago I receive it. The smell is a little bit different from mapacho that from Ukraine, but also smells like tea. But the taste is really different, it is like really strong tobacco (like Cuba cigar).
My role is also moldy inside. I don't know why, but after 2-3 days of smoking this tobacco I've got strong stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone. I had this stitch before, I said about it in my some previous posts, but it almost disappears. And now I don't know why? Maybe it because it is too strong, but why I didn't have such effect from mapacho that from Ukraine? The mapacho from Peru they said that it is 100% organic.

maybe because it is moldy ?
I've got chopped and tobacco in role (they name it 'mazo mapacho'). So it is not because of it. You know, the first mapacho I tried was the best tobacco for me, I've ever tried. I very like the taste of it. But this mapacho from Peru is really strong, it is stronger than any tobacco I've tried I can say. But it doesn't hard for me to smoke it; the only problem is this stitch. Today I spit out (or expectorate?) brawn thing (like brawn sniffles) and it seems to like that was coming from the area where I have the stitch and the stitch becomes easier after it. I used to spit out such thing, from time to time, in the past when I smoked store-bought cigs. And I have chronic rhinitis, it doesn't bother me when it is warm outside, but when it is cold it is annoying. But I get used to it. Maybe there are some sniffles in that area where I have this stitch. When I get up in the morning I feel them in my throat. But then how can I explain that after I switched to hand-rolled tobacco and then to the natural rolling paper the stitch almost disappear and now when I get this mapacho it appears again?
I'm adding to my previous post. Fot a long time, I was constantly trying to find pure tobacco and I have finaly got mapacho (Nicotiana Rustica) straight from Peru. Insted of feeling good after my organic mapacho and rolled in natural paper I get an instant stitch in the same place that hearts eve more than the stitch that I used to get from smoking store-bought cigs. I have no idea why this is happening, so I would really appriciated it if you could give me your suggestions on what it could be. Maybe I could have it checked in some chemistry lab? Thanks in advance.
Serg said:
I'm adding to my previous post. Fot a long time, I was constantly trying to find pure tobacco and I have finaly got mapacho (Nicotiana Rustica) straight from Peru. Insted of feeling good after my organic mapacho and rolled in natural paper I get an instant stitch in the same place that hearts eve more than the stitch that I used to get from smoking store-bought cigs. I have no idea why this is happening, so I would really appriciated it if you could give me your suggestions on what it could be. Maybe I could have it checked in some chemistry lab? Thanks in advance.

Hi Serg,

It may be that there’s much more nicotine in Nicotina Rustica:

[quote author=Wikipedia] Nicotiana rustica leaves have a nicotine content as high as 9%, whereas Nicotiana tabacum (common tobacco) leaves contain about 1 to 3%. . .

(in Vietnam) It should be said however that even heavy smokers have had trouble with the intense volume of smoke and that side effects include nausea and vomiting.

The main difference between smoking thuoc lao (N. Rustica) and the use of other tobaccos is in the method of consumption, in that they are consumed with water pipe.[/quote]
Serg said:
I'm adding to my previous post. Fot a long time, I was constantly trying to find pure tobacco and I have finaly got mapacho (Nicotiana Rustica) straight from Peru. Insted of feeling good after my organic mapacho and rolled in natural paper I get an instant stitch in the same place that hearts eve more than the stitch that I used to get from smoking store-bought cigs. I have no idea why this is happening, so I would really appriciated it if you could give me your suggestions on what it could be. Maybe I could have it checked in some chemistry lab? Thanks in advance.

Try rolling it with filters. Also, you said it was moldy in an earlier post. Smoking mold can't be good.
If the tobacco is moldy, throw it out immediately and buy a fresh batch or return it to the company for a refund if you can. If you can't get a refund, I'd say cut your losses and go with another company. You're only going to make yourself sicker by continuing to smoke it and it's not worth ruining your health over.
Serg said:
Pashalis said:
Serg said:
The first time I ordered mapacho (nicotiana rustica) it was chopped and it was from South Ukraine. I like it very much. As I said it was quite smooth. I smoke without filter. But the next time I offered mapacho from Ukraine, it wasn't the same as it was before. It was like mix of mapacho & ordinary tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). After that I searched in the web and ordered mapacho roles from Peru. A few days ago I receive it. The smell is a little bit different from mapacho that from Ukraine, but also smells like tea. But the taste is really different, it is like really strong tobacco (like Cuba cigar).
My role is also moldy inside. I don't know why, but after 2-3 days of smoking this tobacco I've got strong stitch in my chest just beneath my left colar bone. I had this stitch before, I said about it in my some previous posts, but it almost disappears. And now I don't know why? Maybe it because it is too strong, but why I didn't have such effect from mapacho that from Ukraine? The mapacho from Peru they said that it is 100% organic.

maybe because it is moldy ?
I've got chopped and tobacco in role (they name it 'mazo mapacho'). So it is not because of it. You know, the first mapacho I tried was the best tobacco for me, I've ever tried. I very like the taste of it. But this mapacho from Peru is really strong, it is stronger than any tobacco I've tried I can say. But it doesn't hard for me to smoke it; the only problem is this stitch. Today I spit out (or expectorate?) brawn thing (like brawn sniffles) and it seems to like that was coming from the area where I have the stitch and the stitch becomes easier after it. I used to spit out such thing, from time to time, in the past when I smoked store-bought cigs. And I have chronic rhinitis, it doesn't bother me when it is warm outside, but when it is cold it is annoying. But I get used to it. Maybe there are some sniffles in that area where I have this stitch. When I get up in the morning I feel them in my throat. But then how can I explain that after I switched to hand-rolled tobacco and then to the natural rolling paper the stitch almost disappear and now when I get this mapacho it appears again?

Serg I found out that my rhinitis was due dairy products. I quit them and it dissapeared. Tobacco smoke in fact helped me with rinithis because it have antihistaminic properties.
My punch of kentucky select get mold because I put a device to give humity but it was too much, and the flavor of that moldy tobacco was very strong and unpleasant. I had to throw it away because micotoxins are very harmful. I am now smoking peter stokkebye amsterdam, it is not organic but that's what I can have for the moment.
Jerry said:
Hi Serg,

It may be that there’s much more nicotine in Nicotina Rustica:

[quote author=Wikipedia] Nicotiana rustica leaves have a nicotine content as high as 9%, whereas Nicotiana tabacum (common tobacco) leaves contain about 1 to 3%. . .

(in Vietnam) It should be said however that even heavy smokers have had trouble with the intense volume of smoke and that side effects include nausea and vomiting.

The main difference between smoking thuoc lao (N. Rustica) and the use of other tobaccos is in the method of consumption, in that they are consumed with water pipe.


Hi Jerry, I now that the amount of nicotine is much higher than in Nicotiana tabacum. But that is why I decided to try it. I also think that such a stitch cannot occur simply from nicotine, because I got such stitch from store-bought cigs, and when I switch to hand rolled cigs it decreased. Then I switched to natural paper and it almost disappeared. When I first time ordered mapacho (nicotiana rustica) from Ukraine (where I live), I tried it and it was smooth and tasty (it was the best tobacco I've ever tried) and the first time I smoked it I got 'head in the fog' effect. I think it was because of big amount of nicotine. I've got no pain after it.
But this one from Peru has quite a sharp taste and it is really strong. And I don't get it why the mapacho from Ukraine did not have such effect; however the both have the similar smell (they smell like black tea)?

Edit: spellcheck
Psalehesost said:
In short: Stimulating a sane and healthy mind is a good idea; my mind (particularly the adaptive unconscious/system 1 part thereof) must now become saner and healthier - then, smoking might work.

I'm now smoking again (I have since just two days or so after posting that), but moderating it - particularly the nicotine intake. At first I simply began smoking less at a time and less often, and keeping track of the state of my mind so as not to fuel the wrong state of mind - smoking only when the 'wrong' pattern of mental activity, to the extent discerned, was absent. Now, I've learned in short order to puff on rather than inhale from my pipe, and so I can easily have a milder smoke - and more than ever enjoy the soft, refreshing "burn" of the pipe tobacco as it clears my mouth and throat.

It seems to me that a small amount of nicotine can still be of use, particularly when mentally working hard. A larger amount still might fuel my overall tendency to burn lots of mental energy producing imaginings and illusions.
echo said:
Q: (L) Is smoking detrimental to any of our bodies?
A: Not if mild. Not if mind is in right mode.
[...] Has the "right mode for smoking" been discussed anywhere on the forum?

Not to my knowledge, but I can speculate:

I think the crux of it is about which way one is focusing - when genuinely focusing on objective reality, or working on anything in a genuinely creative state of mind, I think it'll help.

But when the mind - as mine is wont to do - burns energy fueling illusions, then adding energy to such a mind, in such a state, will simply fuel that process, or so I think.

echo said:
Best wishes on getting healthier, Psalehesost!

Mr. Premise said:
Try rolling it with filters. Also, you said it was moldy in an earlier post. Smoking mold can't be good.
truth seeker said:
If the tobacco is moldy, throw it out immediately and buy a fresh batch or return it to the company for a refund if you can. If you can't get a refund, I'd say cut your losses and go with another company. You're only going to make yourself sicker by continuing to smoke it and it's not worth ruining your health over.

I didn't have filters at home, but I found some cig with filter. Somewhere near half an hour ago I rolled one cig with this filter, almost no difference. Maybe this filter was bad one, and I should buy some filters.
And I have tobacco in roll, which is a little bit mold and chopped tobacco which is not mold. First few days I smoked only chopped mapacho.
Maybe even chopped mapacho is mold, but I don't see it. :huh:

Added: The mapacho in role is mold a little bit around the outside (on the top leaves of the role).
And I waiting for my mapacho for nearly 2 month (that’s why, maybe, it is a little moldy and that’s why I don’t know if chopped mapacho could be also mold, but it seems to me that chopped isn’t mold )

Galaxia2002 said:
Serg I found out that my rhinitis was due dairy products. I quit them and it dissapeared. Tobacco smoke in fact helped me with rinithis because it have antihistaminic properties.
My punch of kentucky select get mold because I put a device to give humity but it was too much, and the flavor of that moldy tobacco was very strong and unpleasant. I had to throw it away because micotoxins are very harmful. I am now smoking peter stokkebye amsterdam, it is not organic but that's what I can have for the moment.

I cut out dairy about 2 month ago, maybe even longer. How long after you gave up daire ypur rhinitis disappeared?
I don't know about histamine, I should read about it. But tobacco also help me with rhinitis; I try to exhale more through the nose when my rhinitis gets worse.

to exhale more through the nose when my rhinitis gets worse.
Add: When I tried my previous tobacco (tobacco that I smoked before mapacho) I get sick a little bit, and it is very light to me. Maybe I get used to high dose of nicotine that mapacho has.?

Edit: spellcheck and some info added.
Serg said:
I cut out dairy about 2 month ago, maybe even longer. How long after you gave up daire ypur rhinitis disappeared?
I don't know about histamine, I should read about it. But tobacco also help me with rhinitis; I try to exhale more through the nose when my rhinitis gets worse.

to exhale more through the nose when my rhinitis gets worse.
Add: When I tried my previous tobacco (tobacco that I smoked before mapacho) I get sick a little bit, and it is very light to me. Maybe I get used to high dose of nicotine that mapacho has.?

Edit: spellcheck and some info added.

I cut dairy two years ago, but If I still remember well, it takes one month. Remember each person is different and in your case can be something else.
I don't exhale through the nose because my throat and conducts get too much dry but the effect antihistaminic is still present anyway.
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