Something is OFF...

I can relate to almost everyone here with how I am experiencing things lately, especially. I am ill at ease but cannot identify the exact reason most of the time. The feeling is of dread along with a sadness...maybe relating to the death of something...a world I thought I knew...comfortable, not because it has been great, but just familiar. It is very concerning to believe that there has been a plan in place for world control by evil forces and there very well may be a time of huge change on the horizon. However, to actually see and feel it unfold in real time, to see how the programming is complete and to await the suffering of so many is shocking to the system.
The tension regarding events of late seems to be pushing many to choose a side and once that is done, there often is absolute refusal to entertain another thought. As a result, this has caused arguments and misunderstandings in our family. My husband and I are of the same mindset as well as one daughter. Everyone else seems to be buying the mainstream narrative, some more strongly than others. We do feel the stress as the thought of a toxic vaccine and a failing economy in the short term and totalitarian governing, earth changes and who knows what else around the corner sometimes throws me way off course. Then my job is to examine that and try to get into some equilibrium. I guess now is the time to have the faith of a saint and the courage of a warrior.
About two weeks ago I noticed a change in energy. It started around when there was a thick fog in Bristol, July 16th.

I have eperienced a lot of joy and calm over the past few weeks, accompanied with the feeling of something passing and a point of no return being crossed.

It was on on Thursday, when I went to work after they'd made masks mandatory in the UK, that I experienced a 'Welcome to the other side of that point of no return.' I still feel a grounding and balancing joy and calm, but so much around the world has shifted.

My neighbourhood's different now that masks are mandatory and everyone's more edgy and higher in nervous tension.

Other than rain or showers, there have not been any significant storms here.

In addition to earth solar and cosmic energies shifting altering FRV and in relation to the human-cosmic situation, I think the COVID-84 mandatory mask situation plus prospective vaccines, economic changes and 'BLM/White Fragility' is raising tensions and affecting the globe significantly and somewhat erratically.

People are responding differently and some of that is possibly from oxygen depletion, some of that from fear, or at least I am curious if the above is or could be so. In any case, the cosmos appear to respond differently recently.

The extent to which people value unqualified authorities and leaders at the expense of facts, truth and objective reality is being tested en masse and is causing a rift.
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The thing I've noticed is that people who aren't clued in, (and even some of those who should be), are being made crazy, driven to crazy extremes, blowing up, etc.

I've also had the ear ringing, which surprised me, as it hasn't occurred in a long while. -My immediate thought is, "Oh, I guess my #$&*ing alien implant is suffering some feedback again. Now.., what was I thinking and paying attention to just then when it went off..? I bet it's something they don't like me thinking or paying attention to. Noted and thank-you for the intel. I'll make good use of it."

The ringing usually goes silent again after that little internal dialogue. I don't know if there is any relation, but it makes me feel a little better about being a tagged rat.

Anyway, primeaddict noted:

This reminds me of the WIZARD OF OZ, lion, tigers and bars! Oh my! 😱

I have had so many of these events in my life that I have learned to recognize what is the real issue. This is classic response to the "terror of the unknown" What makes things more problematic is that the whole population has been thrown into the void be these disturbing events.

I remember from my health care education that there was a study of the physiolocical affect of adrenaline. They divided up the participants into 2 groups, A: participants were told that the injection was adrenaline and were informed of expected physiological responses, B: participant were not told what the injection was but were to write down all of the physiological responses. Both were told that the affects would only last an hour.

Group A went through the hour with no noticeable discomfort and documented the expected affects:
  • increasing the heart rate
  • redirecting blood toward the muscles, causing a surge in energy or shaking limbs
  • relaxing the airways to give the muscles more oxygen, which may cause breathing to become shallow
  • increasing the speed at which the brain works to plan an escape route
  • widening the pupils to let more light enter the eyes
Group B irrupted in significant negative emotional reactions to the changes. Panic, thoughts of deadly cancer, suicidal thoughts and anger towards others. In short they expressed their "terror of the unknown"

Because the entire world has shifted into "terror of the unknown" the adrenaline levels have increased with resulting reactions among the 2 groups. The forum and the knowledge received by the C's helps us stay in the group A category of lab rats. The low information lab rats, on the other hand, are the ones that are doing Group B behavior right on queue.

Our defense mechanism against the "terror of the unknown" is to stay informed, stay healthy, and stay strong, i.e. Work.

THIS is a very useful example of how knowledge protects, and wow, what a difference it makes!

I've been able to manage my own insane roller coaster ride, survive the humps and even guide things into some very positive-seeming outcomes. There's a lot of Big Energy swirling around, and if you know how to manage it gracefully, it can be put to good use. Though at the moment, simply surviving without a racing heart is a pretty fair accomplishment, but through all the chaos and power hiccups, I can really see some very, glowingly positive outcomes.

I noted, with some interest, that just two people in my life who can't get their shit together and/or who reject god and who choose to feed on the propaganda machine, are totally falling apart in spectacular, even violent ways. Their incapacity to hold their FRV in a sane way is the main reason for those around them experiencing woes and uncertainties. Just two people melting down creates ripples of misery. (In my immediate case, just one bit of crazy energy which hit me, (there are several others!) is that I suddenly am, as of a couple days ago, thrust into the position of having to move. Yay. But somehow, while it presents a definite problem, it is not a problem I've not solved before and I am not terribly concerned that I won't solve it again.)

Choosing not to engage in fear, anger and resentful thinking, not going down that slippery slope, is really helping, even sculpting the outcomes for the afflicted pair of people in a more graceful manner than might be otherwise. It would be easy to meet crazy with crazy, resentment with resentment, and the outcome of that can only be hell. However, meeting crazy with patience and understanding, listening with a sympathetic ear, (they're just scared and confused), seems to be very effective. -Not in making the crazy go away, (they're still self-destructing as all of their choices and refusals over the previous years have made inevitable), but in making the passage of its wave slightly more manageable and less fearsome.

Just some thoughts.

All my best to everybody out there Riding the Wave. You can do it and I believe in you all! Our extensive training here has been precisely for these days! You're Ready.
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Ear ringing and tones

I've been getting them in great intensity since 2016 when I started spinning. I get them on both sides, I get it on one side or the other, they don't stop. I can get one shot at me when I'm relaxing and not engaging with anything. I can get one when I'm about to get blind sided by a bird, or when I'm taking a corner and someone is there. I get them when something happens / when nothing happens.

Recently, they are relentless, and I feel the more intense they become, the more mindful I should be of my posture, my heart rate, my surroundings, and in a serene way as I breathe, not in some twitchy paranoid darting around, clutching my pendant and whispering prayers, but in a way of folding oneself if that makes sense, so you don't unravel and get knotted up. A methodical check list of being prepared to act in a way that is in accordance with your best interest and the interests of your loved ones, etc.

Also, as you do this... ignore the damn ear ringing. It's kinda mindless and you won't make sense of it yet. I'm sure we will or might be beginning to, but it just sounds like someone's holding a cell phone in my inner ear, or an antennae. It doesn't seem useful.
Thanks @Color for creating this thread. I can relate to many who have posted here.
I had also been feeling this uneasiness or agitation a couple weeks ago. Everything felt sped up - work, home life, around the community all seemed to reach a stressful level of intensity which led to unnecessary misunderstandings and general frustration. I started recalling the concepts of ‘hyperkinetic sensate’ and frv which I think helped me slow down and refocus.

There’s been so much destruction and unrest (not to mention bizarreness) that staying creative or actively organizing in some form has kept me stay grounded. I remember in Mind Parasites it was math for me just practicing drawing straight lines and circles helps. I call ‘em calibration exercises.

Another similarity being described now I thought I’d share was from this session last year(8/10/19):
(L) We want to know what happened to Pierre the other day when he fainted?

A: In case you did not notice, a great wave of negative energy circled the planet over the past few days, affecting those who are vulnerable due to lack of awareness.

Q: (Artemis) What happened?
(Andromeda) There was all kinds of stuff like multiple shootings and...

(Artemis) Yeah, but why and from who?

A: General chaos generated from 4D STS sources.

I remember the general feeling being very chaotic even dark, but now things seems double chaotic (another wave of great negative energy?) yet I’m able to maintain more balance now than then.

Anyway, good and evil seems be flowing around the planet and working through people aligning them one way or the other — perhaps with covid being a kind of indirect catalyst. Definitely get the sense that more rough seas are ahead and it’s time to baton down the hatches. :boat:
Thanks Colour and to everyone else for posting. It's being a very difficult time and I've felt this energy intensely of the last 2 to 3 weeks.
I've been listless and I'd say devoid of energy over the last 2 weeks. Luckily I've had a week off work and no need to return until Tuesday. I seem to have improved slightly and spending some quality time with my 8 year old son outside in nature has helped no end.
I've had bouts of this ear ringing on and off no reason to it the noise comes and goes.
I've felt alone and isolated. Exercise had to stop just not had the strength. When I did weight sessions my recovery took longer and I've being exhausted. I was doing more intense sessions on a couple off weeks earlier and then I'd felt on it probably feeling stronger than I had for some time.
I've struggled to keep up here and have felt unworthy to jump in and post real negative thinking on my part. I've found solace in praying over a number of month's but Im not sure why just couldn't bring myself to prayer either. The covid nightmare just gets worse here with further restrictions in certain areas in the UK. I'm not surprised by any of this though I realise there's little that can be done and people seem to have taken their sides. I do still have the thought help is on the way and I hope this is the case. At least that's something to cling onto.
Here we've had regular temps of 15 to 20c over the last few weeks. Yesterday jumped to 35c I cannot remember a sudden jump in temperature like that. I love the sunshine but found it difficult to be outside it was oppressive. Last night was humid and uncomfortable. We had thunder ⚡ but didn't clear it completely so will see what today brings. Strange times indeed.Very grateful that the forum is here, love to all please keep going the best you can don't get overwhelmed and give up. This too shall pass.
Yeah, but that could be bad, or it could be good. :-) Depends how you use the energy, and how aware a person is of how it's affecting them personally. It's not going to affect all people the same way. A thing that's deleterious to one person could be empowering to another.

yes Ruth, I know. Iperhaps should have been more clear. I did not mean to imply it, as in the movie, that something bad happened that is being sensed. The responses are so diverse I only meant this in a generic way that people, all of us, are responding to stimuli we can’t Quite see or fully comprehend but only have a Distant feeling sense of. And that the stimulus or catalyst is not of the every day “normal” variety. That, indeed, something IS off and it is being shared here like a safety valve. As in one frog says to the other “you know, this water IS feeling a bit on the toasty side” - a mutual reality test verification

Sorry for the bad typing. I am using my phone.
Yikes - so many alarming experiences! I feel fortunate that nothing dire has happened on a personal level, although there seems to be an uptick of violent and more unusual occurrences reported in the paper.
However, to actually see and feel it unfold in real time, to see how the programming is complete and to await the suffering of so many is shocking to the system.
I share this sentiment. Processing the reality of how much everything has changed since March - all predicated on an incredible level of lies - puts me in a state varying from upset/frustrated/angry to complacent/calm/accepting. I vacillate between wanting to fight to knowing it has to play out. It does impinge on daily life in that a general feeling of unease hangs in the air as the reality of the change is constantly thrust in one's face - most obviously with the masking of the populace. That mandate is the most aggravating aspect that is being promoted to the hilt - masked persons and even children appearing in TV commercials to masked cartoon characters in the comics. Continual admonishment to wear a mask for shopping, dining, or medical appointments. It's such a falsehood and I think that's what bugs me the most. Plus the damage that's being done . . . and all one can really do is sit back and watch. I did use the channels available to email my state legislators and the Stand for Health Freedom that also sent my email to the governor. Additionally, I also sent a missive to the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law. I focused my message on the science that doesn't support the wearing of masks and that they are harmful. And so, in doing something, even if nothing comes of it, has helped my state of mind to continue to cope with this bizarre, global psyop.

I saw this today and thought it might resonate:

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for July 31, 2020
Thank you for this topic, I feel something similar too. The past month has been very hard, my wife and I live in the same building with my parents and we discover that my father is an alcoholic and he was stealing a lot of alcohol from our supplies. There were also many small bad things in work / normal life, such as physical wounds, eg caused by a mistake in homework etc. The doctor diagnosed my wife with a serious illness. My father does not drink alcohol now and I think I could calm down other problems and my wife is doing more detailed research but I feel everything like a big campaign in a strategy game where I have to fight someone on a difficult level - very hard :-) I'm also feeling that bad things are enhanced but also good things are enhanced - it's like this battle is going on a new level and my mind need to speed up to that level too
I am so sorry of what the "bad" things that are happening to all of you, this Times are so hard. For my part I felt fatigue this last week, and anguish and sadness. What save me are these things (and Laura is right, it is so important to be able to communicate with good people around you, including the Forum) :

1. I thank the DCM to be able to meet Hesperides once a week and talk to her everyday. and thank the Forum also. Reading Laura's the Wave and her articles helps in a formidable way. The meetings with members of the forum that discuss about the Wave is a vitamin.

2. Every day I do Yoga Laugh, no matter what. Every morning I start a session at 7 AM and that gives me energy. Even if during the day I feel tired, this YL is a good start. Sometimes I would prefer to stay in bed, but no way. After the YL I go outside with the dogs, no matter what. I pray the prayer of the soul while walking and concentrate on my dogs, how happy they are, what they smell and things they do.

3. I read, read, read. Between serious books I read books that give me human feelings, Miss Read is a huge help these days. Also reading about war diaries, or simply diaries like the one of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. To read is receiving confort. We need it so much!

4. When I feel scare or sad for what is happening, when I feel angry I just stop and look at my dogs. It helps!

5. I take some moments during the day to coloring some drawings that I photocopied, they are drawings that inspire me, specially about scenes of the past, families around a table during an Hollyday where you see dogs and cats and kids, and people, country scenery where you see beautiful houses and people walking, etc. The minuscule detail on the page is very important, during the time you are coloring you are focusing, intensely and you can feel the "flow" a moment when just the present counts. In psychology the definition of the flow is this one:

In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time.

It can be doing other things like knitting, painting, playing a musical instrument, etc. Just some 15 minutes is enough to feel grounded again.

5. I wrote about the past in a creative way. The past, this world that is not there anymore needs to be comforted, we in the past need to be comforted. So writing about this past is an act of creativity and gentleness. It is a good way to ask for forgiveness and to say goodbye in a gentle way.

I live in a island where people are cool, gentle, so that helps. But I am conscious of the sufferance that people are living, and the extremely sufferance that will come, like a tsunami. I hope I will be able to help. While this happens I am grateful when I see gentle people, no matter how tired they are, for example people that work at the stores and have to wear a mask 8 or more hours a day. That permits to be gentle with them, it is an exchange of gentleness. To received gentleness from others that are tired is something so extraordinary.

When I feel panic I take the Flowers of doctor Bach. And homeopathy.

Me too I feel sometimes that suicide can be a solution for what is coming. But then I look at my husband that needs me, my dogs and... all the books I still have to read. But the idea of death is present, like a bird in the sky.

Thanks for all your comments that are so precious and helps to share and also say to us to be vigilant. Color thanks for starting this thread and wish your things be ok. When I was reading your post I thought that maybe something the crazy people that are responsible of all this mess... maybe they put something in the air? I was thinking also about one sand tempest we had around February I think, a terrible tempest that was so big that airports has to be close. And then I took a virus after that and a superbe bronquitis that last more than a month and was so strange to have in this island when the weather is good. So maybe something was in the air, also. Who knows.

What I see is how this world is falling in the dark, and very fast. I see really, really crazy people controlling this planet, they are completely nuts. They are hysterical. They are literally loosing their minds. This is very weird. This is very scary. But we need to be able to deal with this, no matter what.
I would like to thank Color for starting this thread and everybody for sharing. I feel extremly tired this week, I thought it was because the bed I'm sleeping on is too firm. I'm on my vacation and I really needed one but there I feel I didn't sleep for a week.
Since March my life has changed for a worse but on another hand it was a great learning ground to recognise the flaws in my psyche, how to explain: some of my nightmares came true. I used to have a dreams where I have to go to a toilet and I couldn't find a clean one or the one you can close the doors properly, since March I work on another location, in my hometown and the place doesn't have a ladies toilet. I go to a place where guys crap everything and the doors can't be closed normally and guys talk to me there when I'm in like I'm one of them:wow:. People here are different, Corona makes it extra hard. I was embarrest what I do for living and I bumped into every person I didn't want to see me. But what is sad, people really enjoyed it because I failed in life like every mortal.So this is my private failed aspect. I think it's learning me to be humble.
I don't like my job, because it's exhausting and I can do much more, I don't think is smart to stay outdoors with so many violence and crazy weather, I'm a letter carrier and when you see sheets of rain on tv or freak hail, it was on my back:lol:. I have to carry a 4d phone with me and I'm tracked so I woun't go off my route. First of all with economy I don't know where to start searching for another job, I don't want to belong to this IT world who makes our lives more restricted but instead I want to broaden up our horizonts somehow;-). Thanks for listening, sorry for typos, too tired. I believe you can get through this madness, as Mr G said it if you really wish something good for another they will find it in their next ten steps, and you are in my thoughts every day and I wish you stay protected and achieve everything you feel you need to achieve. Hugs to you and your friends and families
Thank you all for sharing your feelings and experiences. I feel less lonely now. 🙂 I just came back from a vacation in a place I love, surrounded by my family and friends, and I thought that this was a welcome moment and that I was going to release the pressure of the last few months. But it didn't go as planned. I felt the same things as some of you, irritability, low energy, detachment from myself, as if I was no longer connected to myself. It was quite disturbing!
But all around me, I could see the same thing.
We have to tell ourselves that we have to accept change, including its undesirable effects.
At least I tell myself that we have the chance to become aware of it and that if we remain attentive to these changes we can better understand them. Those who don't know what's going on will be much more affected than we are and will let the side effects take over. This is why we see more violence and crazy things happening.
So let's stay connected to ourselves and continue to share our feelings, it's a very good outlet.
I wish you all the strength to continue to fight against the low energies that want to take control.😉
In the last few days, I feel some problems with my ears. Ringing in the ears and sudden ear blockage. Sometimes on the left side sometimes on the right. Yesterday I have a sudden right ear blockage while checking the forum.

I tried to clean the ear but nothing came out. It was clean. Same thing a few days ago on the left side.

I suddenly can handle very hot weather. Like few days ago it was 40C outside and everybody was complaining how hot it is but I could function without problems. It was hot but it was ok for me.

One night I woke up at 1 am, in the middle of the night. I tried to sleep again but I could not. I get out on the balcony and as I step on the balcony I looked up in the dark night sky. The Cassiopeia constellation was in front of me. I feeling of warm and calm energy went through me.

A few times in the past I was trying to locate the Cassiopeia constellation in the night sky but without any visual success.
Then I took a phone with the Star Walk 2 app and it confirmed to me that it was Cassiopeia constellation.

Other than that, in the last few days, I feel calmer. No fear or anger as it was back in March and April when all Corona circus started.
I had a 2 week paid vacation from the job and I am back to work on Monday, so maybe things will change.
I was embarrest what I do for living and I bumped into every person I didn't want to see me. But what is sad, people really enjoyed it because I failed in life like every mortal.So this is my private failed aspect. I think it's learning me to be humble.
I don't like my job, because it's exhausting and I can do much more

Hi Martina, I went through a rough period of my life in which I found myself without a job and unable to find one quickly, savings all spent so I was unable to pay my rent, while living in a foreign town with my daughter, no friends or family near. I surrendered myself to the wisdom of God/DCM and let it lead the way, I was 'out of options/ideas'. Person I lost contact with more than a decade ago suddenly contacted me and helped us to move back to my hometown instantly. There I took the only job I could find immediately that was payed in cash and daily - cleaning the daily rent apartments, 13 of them to be precise. I never ever in my life thought I would be doing such a job! But I needed the cash and fast and was determined not to despair anymore but to take action instead, whatever it takes! I was payed a miserable sum per hour but I worked like a maniac every single day, they soon let go of other ladies when they realized I clean it much faster and more efficiently by myself and although I was on the verge of exhaustion all the time I managed to earn enough through 6 months to get us out of the financial pit. Good thing I was on Keto diet and in great shape cause otherwise I wouldn't be able to pull it out, no way!

Women I worked with at the beginning were... How to put it kindly, hmm... Low educated (and I'm not talking just about the formal education here, they were ignorant about everything outside of their immediate surrounding), egoistical and manipulative and worst of all - they were talking constantly! They didn't shut up! I never associated with that kind of people before and spending long hours with them was worst for me than any dirty toilet I had to clean. :nuts: Married couple and their daughter that I worked for were also a story by themselves, greedy mean low conscious people whom treated me like dirt all the time. Guests I was cleaning after often included rich mafia type Roma people that I had to deal with constantly cause they never left the apartments on time and treated me as some low life prostitute.

I survived it all, silently, keeping my goal in mind. I was NOT sad about it, I was NOT angry about it, I WAS proud of what I was doing cause I did it RIGHT, no slacking and I was doing something (no matter only on a basic level) which helped to clean the chaos and bring in some order in this existence. I was doing an honest job and doing it properly and if my ego occasionally had some problems with it - I would shut it up instantly, I was not to have THAT discussion, it was useless and distracting for my goal.

So, dear Martina, don't be bothered with reactions and behavior of people around you, they are not a true reflection of your being and your soul mission and for certain they do NOT represent the positive, loving, wise and good side of this Universe! Do your thing, work it out, connect with the Truth within and around you and with wise people of this community when in doubt and just keep on going toward your inner goal, one step at the time. Being truly humble and patient and trustful in God's plan is among greatest lessons this earthly school provides. Once you learn it, in your core, there will be no need for this lesson to play out in your external life, at least not in any such drastic way.

While I was going through that experience what made me smile was thinking about TV show Merlin ( which my daughter loved while growing up, how he had to learn the hard way about his true abilities and then to keep them hidden from everyone, especially from Arthur who treated him often as an incompetent servant, all in order to protect him when truly mattered. :-)
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