I am so sorry of what the "bad" things that are happening to all of you, this Times are so hard. For my part I felt fatigue this last week, and anguish and sadness. What save me are these things (and Laura is right, it is so important to be able to communicate with good people around you, including the Forum) :
1. I thank the DCM to be able to meet Hesperides once a week and talk to her everyday. and thank the Forum also. Reading Laura's the Wave and her articles helps in a formidable way. The meetings with members of the forum that discuss about the Wave is a vitamin.
2. Every day I do Yoga Laugh, no matter what. Every morning I start a session at 7 AM and that gives me energy. Even if during the day I feel tired, this YL is a good start. Sometimes I would prefer to stay in bed, but no way. After the YL I go outside with the dogs, no matter what. I pray the prayer of the soul while walking and concentrate on my dogs, how happy they are, what they smell and things they do.
3. I read, read, read. Between serious books I read books that give me human feelings, Miss Read is a huge help these days. Also reading about war diaries, or simply diaries like the one of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. To read is receiving confort. We need it so much!
4. When I feel scare or sad for what is happening, when I feel angry I just stop and look at my dogs. It helps!
5. I take some moments during the day to coloring some drawings that I photocopied, they are drawings that inspire me, specially about scenes of the past, families around a table during an Hollyday where you see dogs and cats and kids, and people, country scenery where you see beautiful houses and people walking, etc. The minuscule detail on the page is very important, during the time you are coloring you are focusing, intensely and you can feel the "flow" a moment when just the present counts. In psychology the definition of the flow is this one:
positive psychology, a
flow state, also known colloquially as being
in the zone, is the
mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time.
It can be doing other things like knitting, painting, playing a musical instrument, etc. Just some 15 minutes is enough to feel grounded again.
5. I wrote about the past in a creative way. The past, this world that is not there anymore needs to be comforted, we in the past need to be comforted. So writing about this past is an act of creativity and gentleness. It is a good way to ask for forgiveness and to say goodbye in a gentle way.
I live in a island where people are cool, gentle, so that helps. But I am conscious of the sufferance that people are living, and the extremely sufferance that will come, like a tsunami. I hope I will be able to help. While this happens I am grateful when I see gentle people, no matter how tired they are, for example people that work at the stores and have to wear a mask 8 or more hours a day. That permits to be gentle with them, it is an exchange of gentleness. To received gentleness from others that are tired is something so extraordinary.
When I feel panic I take the Flowers of doctor Bach. And homeopathy.
Me too I feel sometimes that suicide can be a solution for what is coming. But then I look at my husband that needs me, my dogs and... all the books I still have to read. But the idea of death is present, like a bird in the sky.
Thanks for all your comments that are so precious and helps to share and also say to us to be vigilant. Color thanks for starting this thread and wish your things be ok. When I was reading your post I thought that maybe something the crazy people that are responsible of all this mess... maybe they put something in the air? I was thinking also about one sand tempest we had around February I think, a terrible tempest that was so big that airports has to be close. And then I took a virus after that and a superbe bronquitis that last more than a month and was so strange to have in this island when the weather is good. So maybe something was in the air, also. Who knows.
What I see is how this world is falling in the dark, and very fast. I see really, really crazy people controlling this planet, they are completely nuts. They are hysterical. They are literally loosing their minds. This is very weird. This is very scary. But we need to be able to deal with this, no matter what.