SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video suggestions

Hurricanes and weather as 4D battles

HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density

Session date 30 July 1994:

Q: (L) Will there be a war in the sky with the aliens?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Will it be between Orions and the Federation?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Will it be visible on earth?

A: Oh, yes.

Q: (L) When will this be?

A: It has already started. Will intensify steadily.

Q: (L) Why are we not aware that it has already started?

A: Disguised at this point as weather. Fighting part still in other dimension. Will go to this one within 18 years. Anytime within this period. Not determinable exactly when. Could be tomorrow or 18 years.

Q: (L) 18 years from now is 2012. Is there some special significance to that time?

A: By then.

Session 7 October 1995:

A: We have message for you… Review: what did we say about weather. Why do you suppose “Opal” occurred at time, place reference point?

Q: (L) To put a stop to the UFO conference in Gulf Breeze? Does this mean we ought to stay home? (We were planning to attend a UFO conference there.)

A: Up to you, but, suggest deferment, we could tell you of titanic battle!!!!

Q: (L) So, hurricanes are a reflection of battles at higher levels? Did the good guys win?

A: Yes, but not concluded, and we fear for those drawn to locator because of sinister plans by 4th density STS.

(L) Exactly. And look at some of the genetic engineering our scientists can do. But regarding 4D minds, I mean, come on, if 4D battles manifest in our reality as Earth changes and cosmic changes and volcanoes and weather and giant storms and so forth, what the hell kind of reality is that? What kind of intelligences are those?

(Joe) You make reference to that quite a lot lately...

(L) Because I think about it a lot lately! Years and years ago the Cs talked about 4D battles as weather, and darned if we are not seeing it now in spades!

(Joe) I know, but... When they say 4D battles, what do they mean?

(L) What do you mean by "4D battles?"

A: As above, so below.

Q: (L) Well, since you brought that up, there has been a discussion on the forum where people are saying things like, "Well, I don't want to have a gun because it's a dirty thing, it’s just about death" and so on and so forth. Or, "I just couldn't kill anybody even to protect myself, or if I had to I'd feel like I failed as a human being." Yet you're saying that there are battles in 4D and it's reflected in 3D. So, what's going on right here in 3D is basically a reflection of this battle that's taking place in this higher...

(Joe) Are there wars in 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Their version of war.

A: STS seeks to impose domination which must be resisted. You wrote about this yourself!!

Q: (L) Yeah, I did. Wasn't it that Michael Topper article? I wrote about it somewhere else, too. I think in the article I wrote something about the psychopathic state of America, that we're almost required to resist that domination for the sake of the future, for the sake of the STO position itself. Well, so in other words...

A: One thing you should consider is that the so-called "rules" that dictate that it is being less than human to defend oneself and what is right and true just may have been programmed to make one weak.

Q: (Artemis) Well, yeah, I mean if you look at Western society and values and TV, they're all about not killing people at all even if you're a good guy and even if you need to.

(L) At the same time, they promote killing with all their shoot-em-ups and blow-em-ups. There's something about that, because... It's like Jonathan Haidt who talks about the different moral systems and that the liberal snowflake moral system foundation is mainly just about not harming anybody, and nobody should ever get hurt, nobody should have hurt feelings... And that's kinda bizarre because it doesn't accommodate the fact that...

(Andromeda) In the wrong situation, it leads to hurt!

I was just pondering after watching some videos above plus spanish tv news about weather impact today and remembered what the C's have said about weather. I share it in case of new people in the forum wondering what is all this stuff about.

Being at my 41's I do not remember watersprouts, tornadoes, and the kind of calamities I am watching this days in my own country, Spain.

(Emphasis on quotes mine)
The railroad becomes a river in Alicante, eastern Spain, today with persistent torrential rains. September 12. Video @Meteoalicante1

They report heavy flooding in Orihuela in Alicante, Spain. Meteorihuela credits @chematierra @WeatherMex

The video of the impact of a nearby lightning shot from a balcony is beginning to roll around, posing as if it had been in some areas of the southeast of the Peninsula and is not correct. The video already has its time and is recorded in Greece. #NoMeLaColáis#StopBulos .

⚡ #Storm in Orihuela, Alicante, Spain 🇪🇸 12 September 2019
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