SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video suggestions

Fire Los Angles Nov. 1, 2019

Horseshoe Falls Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Liguria Italy
Bad weather in Italy Stunning images of the strong current yesterday in #Petronio #Liguria November 3, 2019 Credits: Sergio Batetelli Vía

Numerous requests for assistance arrived at #vigilidelfuoco for flooding and landslides in the Genoese east: in the clip the monitoring of our divers at the Gromolo, Petronio and Casarza Ligure streams #3novembre

Santa Paula, CA.
Alarming video coming out of Santa Paula, CA this weekend, as the Maria Fire continues to burn just north of Los Angeles. Over 9,000 acres have burned in Ventura County, and containment stands at 50% as of Sunday evening
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