SOTT worthy articles in French

Not a paper but a conference of Marion Sigaut, historian, entitled "children under the care of Ancien Regime : secrets well hidden" or we could say an historic case of pedophilic network
(on a side note, conference that encountered problems to be hold)


Pas un article mais une conférence de Marion Sigaut, historienne, intitulée "les enfants sous la tutelle de l'Ancien Régime : des secrets bien gardés" ou pourrait-on dire, un cas historique de réseau pédophile (entre parenthèses, conférence qui a rencontré des problèmes pour avoir lieu)
Maat said:
Not a paper but a conference of Marion Sigaut, historian, entitled "children under the care of Ancien Regime : secrets well hidden" or we could say an historic case of pedophilic network
(on a side note, conference that encountered problems to be hold)


Pas un article mais une conférence de Marion Sigaut, historienne, intitulée "les enfants sous la tutelle de l'Ancien Régime : des secrets bien gardés" ou pourrait-on dire, un cas historique de réseau pédophile (entre parenthèses, conférence qui a rencontré des problèmes pour avoir lieu)

Thank you Maat, the article has been published: Conférence de Marion Sigaut à Aix-en-Provence
Another article / Un article du collectif Pièces & Mains d'oeuvre (PMO) :
Bas les pattes devant Snowden, Manning, Assange et les résistants au techno-totalitarisme
Hello !

Several articles which seems interesting to me :

* Ordinary psychopathy : a Saudi princess jailed in Calilfornia for slavery.

(Please note that the 3 following articles are not from « Le Monde » newspaper, but from blogs.)

* Biology : so the mind of a worm is not in his head ! (Is it the same for us ?)

* Frankenstein "surgery" : human head transplatation over another human body would be possible (OMG !).

* Electronic spying : a well-documented article on the situation in France
For the fun, there is this story about a jackalop found in Mankato (US)
"High strangeness" ? Well, not that much !

Extract from French Wikipedia (with a photo of another « jackalope » rabbit) :
« Les lapins atteints d'un papillomavirus CRPV (cottontail rabbit papillomavirus) peuvent développer des tumeurs noirâtres et allongées (sur le corps, parfois sur la tête). Cet aspect étrange pourrait être une des origine de la légende de l'existence d'un animal mi-lièvre, mi-antilope : le jackalope. »
not a news but an interesting conference, IMHO, entitled "initiation to the history of esoteric authors and mystic litterature, from Antiquity to nowadays"
part 1 : _
part 2 : _

I don't know if it's really appropriate for SOTT but anyway I think, and hope, some forumites will enjoy it.
Maat said:
not a news but an interesting conference, IMHO, entitled "initiation to the history of esoteric authors and mystic litterature, from Antiquity to nowadays"
part 1 : _
part 2 : _

I don't know if it's really appropriate for SOTT but anyway I think, and hope, some forumites will enjoy it.

Thank you so much Maat for these links. I watch the first part tonight and it was so interesting that I took notes (I did it once before, it was for The Gospel of Caesar). Very interesting and I guess the second part will be too!

At this point, I warmly recommend it. :thup:

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