Maat said:blast !
Maybe we could do like this blog and put a read more ?
Maat said:blast !
Maybe we could do like this blog and put a read more ?
Maat said:an article about the works of Dr Candace Pert and entitled :neuropeptides, a connection between body and mind
Maat said:An interesting conference of Jeremy Narby "mistitled" plants and shamanim. I say "mistitled" because it is a lot more question of the arrogance of western science, of materialism, history of the western discovery of shamanism, nature of nature, etc.
Hope you will enjoy :)
Maat said:an interview with the author of the New dictionary of Newspeak
In addition, some examples of definitions here : _
Maat said:A 5 hours long course of Pierre Hillard about the NWO from a perspective not so often presented :
and an interview of Nigel Farage with Claire Severac and Marion Sigaut
Bastian said:Hello / Bonjour.
An article that I find interesting for the work on self :
Un article que je trouve intéressant pour le travail sur soi :
« Qu'est-ce qu'un connard ? » (about the book "Ass holes : a theory")
Extract / Extrait :
« le connard réunit trois caractéristiques:
1/ Il s’octroie certains avantages que les autres n’ont pas.
2/ Tout en pensant que cela lui est dû et qu’il est dans son bon droit.
3/ Le sentiment d’être dans son bon droit le rend imperméable aux plaintes de ses victimes. »
Note : funny, if you write "ass hole" without a space, it's automagically replaced by "bad people". :)
Note : funny, if you write "ass hole" without a space, it's automagically replaced by "bad people". :)