Common meaning of OPEP in French is : Organisation des Pays Exportateurs de Pétrole...)Pour la HAS[18], le terme préconisé est celui « d’organisation de la personnalité à expression psychopathique » (qui donne l’acronyme OPEP)
Bastian said:Hello.
It's raining cosmic stones over the eastern Pyrenees... (This event took place this morning, it's not the same as the one a week ago.)
freesurfer said:Hi,
just an other interesting article translated by Hélios
Gaza is a laboratory.
voyageur said:Just wanted to pass along that I often forget to look at the french SoTT page and other languages, and all I can say is wow! You've all done a great job. :)
Citation de: voyageur le Hier à 07:58:07 am
Just wanted to pass along that I often forget to look at the french SoTT page and other languages, and all I can say is wow! You've all done a great job.
Thank you voyageur and I totally agree with you.
The French, the German and the Spanish team are really great and although each team is a very small team, they are doing a great job.