The Living Force
Sexual education in Germany - Westphalia.
Hard to summarize, but they push one step further ... young boys can receive a kind of license and win a kit if they succeed at the theorical AND practical test to use a condom ...
Original article : _http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/experten-warnen-vor-zu-frueher-aufklaerung-von-kindern-13203307.html
French traduction : _http://www.lebonnetdespatriotes.net/lbdp/index.php/chroniques/special-reports/item/1187-sous-le-couvert-de-la-diversit%C3%A9
Sexual education in Germany - Westphalia.
Hard to summarize, but they push one step further ... young boys can receive a kind of license and win a kit if they succeed at the theorical AND practical test to use a condom ...
Original article : _http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/experten-warnen-vor-zu-frueher-aufklaerung-von-kindern-13203307.html
French traduction : _http://www.lebonnetdespatriotes.net/lbdp/index.php/chroniques/special-reports/item/1187-sous-le-couvert-de-la-diversit%C3%A9