I started my research looking into acoustic levitation just to see if I could clarify the whole thing for myself. I went through all the usual sources- Tibetan monks, Leedskalnin, transcripts, etc.- but it was all very stagnant and I wasn’t getting anywhere. I needed a different perspective when another question came to my mind that finally got me going: how did the ancients
cut the rocks? Now, as far a I can see, the term ‘acoustic levitation’ never shows up in the transcripts. I don’t even know where that term comes from (and I wonder if it’s actually meant to be misleading?) because for cutting and moving rocks the C’s use the more open term ‘sound wave focusing’.
I’m going to start with the tracks on Malta. I didn’t intend to look into this at all. It just kinda happened. It’s just a theory and it could be completely wrong, but here goes.
May 27, 2000
The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!
A: Energy grooves.
Q: (L) What kind of energy?
A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.
Q: (L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?
A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.
Q: (L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?
A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.
Q: (L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?
A: Yes. Survivors built those.
Q: (L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.
A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.
Q: (L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?
A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.
Q: (L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I'm sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?
A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.
Q: (L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?
A: More like atomic changes structurally.
Q: (A) I don't understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?
A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.
These ‘cart tracks’ have also been found in the Azores:
And Turkey:
I stumbled upon this topic and realised that it wasn't mentioned yet on the forum or SOTT. Maybe it was, but it wasn't possible to find it using search.
Anyways, in
this session it's possible to read a lengthy discussion about "cart tracks" in Malta, but apparently there is something similar in Turkey as well.
In the Phrygian Valley of Turkey, in the west central part of Anatolia, are numerous so called “cart tracks” that crisscross across the landscape. These tracks are cut...
You may have seen this Eric Laithwaite video before, but have a look at this section at 12:22.
A still from the video.
I thought the effect of the Linear Induction Motor on these iron fillings could look a bit like a smaller version of said ‘cart tracks’. Perhaps the once flat rock had its atomic structure reshaped by possibly
following a path something like Laithwaite’s
magnetic river.
These next three sections are about the Atlantean civilization.
Nov. 16, 1994
Q: (L) And how long was the Atlantean civilization in existence?
A: 70,000 years
Nov. 19, 1994
Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals and were they cut or naturally grown?
A: Varied. Were synthetic.
Q: (L) Were they faceted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?
A: Pyramid.
Q: (L) Was that an absolute pyramid with the same proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Gizeh?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How large was the largest from base to apex?
A: 5000 feet.
Q: (L) What was the average size?
A: 500 feet.
Q: (L) And was the one that was 5,000 feet tall, is that one still in existence?
A: Yes.
Nov. 19, 1994
Q: (L) Besides the crystal in the Bermuda Triangle, are any of the others still active?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Does the government know about them?
A: Semi.
Q: (L) Where are the others located?
A: Off Japan; in Brazil; in Ural mountains of Russia; North and South Poles.
Q: (T) Are the ones on the Moon and Mars active also?
A: Yes.
There is also a Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer (TDARM) under Oak Island that could be used as a standalone device or be possibly powered by the Atlantean pyramid or towers.
My thinking is that this global, artificial grid of mammoth
synthetic crystal structures utilizing natural energy fields gets shorted out by some calamities 14,019 (or ~14,040 now) years ago. (Venus?)
May 23, 2020
A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!
Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!
(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.
(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?
(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...
A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.
Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...
A: Yes
Jul. 4, 2020
Q: (Pierre) I have a question about charges and discharges. The Malta Ruts suggest material removal. Were they caused by upward electric discharges?
A: Downward. Conducted.
Jan. 30, 2021
(Pierre) ... Were the Malta ruts caused by ground-to-ground discharge?
A: Yes
So I’m thinking that these ‘cart tracks’ were created by a ground-to-ground arcing that followed a magnetic pathway creating parallel lines. If I'm anywhere close, as weird as it may sound, there may be a connection between this and ‘sound wave focusing’. I'll get to that.