Sound wave focusing follow up?

There is a lot of flex in the window, because you can see the top of the glass when it flexes and comes away from the door frame, and also you can see a gap in the door around the weather stripping. And then the camera adds the rolling effect to it. Very interesting.
I can see the glass vibrating- but warping the metal and glass is a bit of a stretch. I am not an expert but I think this is image manipulation of some kind. That being said- imagine what listening to this crap (sorry folks that dig this stuff) does to you!
We have some yahoo that rolls through our sub division blasting this stuff and it rattles the windows. Incredibly annoying. Especially when trying to enjoy a quiet evening or morning.
Otherwise, this is not my area so if anyone has more information it would be appreciated. Is the footage real and unaltered?
In my opinion this footage was manipulated using video editing software (Adobe After Effects or similar).
Here you can see a tutorial on how to achieve a similar effect. Around the 0:20s there are quite similar waves:

I'm not sure if this has been posted before but I just came across this wacko video posted in 2009. It's just a small section (1:20 minute) of a performance that followed a performance of Kurt Schwittzers' Ursonate: "Schwitters composed and performed an early example of sound poetry, Ursonate (1922–1932; a translation of the title is Original Sonata or Primeval Sonata)."

This was done by a group called Urchestra. It sounds like a Miles Davis disaster and the post production filter is quite appropriate. I don't know if this is as it appears but, just wait till the end.

The title of the video is Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring. This is a mythical place mentioned in the Tibetan Bon scriptures being closely related to Shambhala apparently.

Now, what struck me about this performance was a description of Tibetan monks levitating a rock as seen by the Swedish doctor, Dr. Jarl:

When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise.

I guess 'sounding good' is not a requirement.

Just for reference that has nothing to do with the above video, a complete version of the Ursonate poem (performed by Kurt's son Ernst Schwitters in 1958, which is apparently quite boring compared to the original recorded by Kurt himself from 1925/26, which was released as a 78 record) can be found here (41:32):

For a short section of Kurt's original recording, see here (2:43) (It's true. Much more lively.):

I started my research looking into acoustic levitation just to see if I could clarify the whole thing for myself. I went through all the usual sources- Tibetan monks, Leedskalnin, transcripts, etc.- but it was all very stagnant and I wasn’t getting anywhere. I needed a different perspective when another question came to my mind that finally got me going: how did the ancients cut the rocks? Now, as far a I can see, the term ‘acoustic levitation’ never shows up in the transcripts. I don’t even know where that term comes from (and I wonder if it’s actually meant to be misleading?) because for cutting and moving rocks the C’s use the more open term ‘sound wave focusing’.

I’m going to start with the tracks on Malta. I didn’t intend to look into this at all. It just kinda happened. It’s just a theory and it could be completely wrong, but here goes.

May 27, 2000
The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!

A: Energy grooves.

Q: (L) What kind of energy?

A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.

Q: (L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?

A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.

Q: (L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?

A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.

Q: (L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?

A: Yes. Survivors built those.

Q: (L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.

A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?

A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I'm sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?

A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.

Q: (L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?

A: More like atomic changes structurally.

Q: (A) I don't understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?

A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.

These ‘cart tracks’ have also been found in the Azores:

And Turkey:

You may have seen this Eric Laithwaite video before, but have a look at this section at 12:22.

A still from the video.
Laithwaite- Iron Fillings.jpg

I thought the effect of the Linear Induction Motor on these iron fillings could look a bit like a smaller version of said ‘cart tracks’. Perhaps the once flat rock had its atomic structure reshaped by possibly following a path something like Laithwaite’s magnetic river.


These next three sections are about the Atlantean civilization.

Nov. 16, 1994
Q: (L) And how long was the Atlantean civilization in existence?

A: 70,000 years

Nov. 19, 1994
Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals and were they cut or naturally grown?

A: Varied. Were synthetic.

Q: (L) Were they faceted?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?

A: Pyramid.

Q: (L) Was that an absolute pyramid with the same proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Gizeh?

A: Close.

Q: (L) How large was the largest from base to apex?

A: 5000 feet.

Q: (L) What was the average size?

A: 500 feet.

Q: (L) And was the one that was 5,000 feet tall, is that one still in existence?

A: Yes.

Nov. 19, 1994
Q: (L) Besides the crystal in the Bermuda Triangle, are any of the others still active?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Does the government know about them?

A: Semi.

Q: (L) Where are the others located?

A: Off Japan; in Brazil; in Ural mountains of Russia; North and South Poles.

Q: (T) Are the ones on the Moon and Mars active also?

A: Yes.

There is also a Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer (TDARM) under Oak Island that could be used as a standalone device or be possibly powered by the Atlantean pyramid or towers.

My thinking is that this global, artificial grid of mammoth synthetic crystal structures utilizing natural energy fields gets shorted out by some calamities 14,019 (or ~14,040 now) years ago. (Venus?)

May 23, 2020
A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Jul. 4, 2020
Q: (Pierre) I have a question about charges and discharges. The Malta Ruts suggest material removal. Were they caused by upward electric discharges?

A: Downward. Conducted.

Jan. 30, 2021
(Pierre) ... Were the Malta ruts caused by ground-to-ground discharge?

A: Yes

So I’m thinking that these ‘cart tracks’ were created by a ground-to-ground arcing that followed a magnetic pathway creating parallel lines. If I'm anywhere close, as weird as it may sound, there may be a connection between this and ‘sound wave focusing’. I'll get to that.
30 Mysterious Images Of Crop Circles Around The World.jpg

I couldn’t find any information about where or when this photo was taken but I’d like to give a possible interpretation of this crop circle.

On the right, at end of the arrow shape, is what looks like a wavy centre line in a half-circle, the Greek letter “Psi” or a short-handled pitchfork.

Mar. 18, 2000
Q: (A) I have two questions. The first question is about a German fellow named Heim who wrote a couple of books about gravity, antigravity, and all kinds of strange theories that somehow fit what I think is the right direction. These theories were advertised on the internet by our friend, Berkant, and I looked into it and they seem to be interesting. But, they are in German and are costly. They may be useful, but on the other hand it may be a risk. There is no way to say if they may be valuable or not. So, is it worthwhile to invest in these books?
A: Well, the books contain valuable information, but it is not all valid. One must weave. Static electricity engages a part of continuum.
Q: This relates to these books?
A: Yes. Three pronged instrument. Wave transducer.

Focusing on three points, the “three pronged instrument”, “static electricity” and “wave transducer” all seem to be relating to each other. The “three pronged instrument” could be a trident which is found with such gods as Poseidon/Neptune.

Then, in this short section a different device is mentioned.

Aug. 22, 1998
Q: When you say that it was built using sound wave technology, were these sound waves produced by human voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some sort?
A: Mostly latter.
Q: What kind of a device would this be? What would you call it?
A: Something like tuning fork.
Q: It would be something that could be struck and would produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?
A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser.
Q: Can we build such a thing?
A: Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.
Q: Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?
A: Silicon arterial wand.

This “something like tuning fork” device could perhaps also be a bident which was the staff of Hades/Pluto, the underworld brother of Poseidon. The third, youngest brother was Zeus/Jupiter whose weapon was a thunderbolt which was represented as something looking similar to the Indian Vajra, the weapon of Indra.

All three brothers are associated with lightning or “static electricity”.

But what is a “wave transducer”? A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form into another.

There is another reference to the “tuning fork” in the sessions that is described as the tool used by Leedskalnin.

Oct. 23, 1999
Q: (A) But that would mean that what is in this book by Leedskalnin is just normal experiments because, for the most part, they just use car batteries.
A: More power than that is needed, because the grid is too weak for substantive results.
Q: (A) But, when he was building this Coral Castle, apparently he was using such effects! What power was he using?
A: Sound waves.
Q: (A) How was he producing these sound waves?
A: Through correlation of rocks and power source, obtained "illegally." Instrument was similar to a tuning fork, but energized to a level that was lethal if one were to come in contact with it, or its ground.

Q: (A) Have we been discouraged from experimenting here?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did he use this tuning fork while sitting in his suspended swing?
A: Yes, because to do otherwise would have been fatal!.
Q: (L) Where did he illegally obtain this power source?
A: Tapped into high energy power lines.
Q: (L) So, he was an energy pirate! But, that certainly makes it less mysterious!

In the Aug. 22, 1998 section, a “silicon arterial wand” is mentioned as being somehow a part of the “tuning fork”. I didn't know what to search for with this but found something called a ‘silicon (or semiconductor) controlled rectifier’ (SRC) which is GE’s trade name for a type of thyristor. It’s described as a “solid-state current-controlling device” that converts AC electricity to DC electricity (a rectifier). Although the SCR doesn’t sound like an “arterial wand”, and the fact that the first ones were made in 1956, something like it might have been a needed component of Leedskalnin’s setup if he “tapped into high energy power lines” (AC electricity). (Although, as a sidenote, I do run into a problem for when electricity was made available in his part of southern Florida. And putting “illegally” in quotes and “tapped into high energy power lines” seems a bit of a contradiction.) Nevertheless, this rectifier shares a similarity to a transducer in that they both convert something.

Back to the crop circle, on the left is depicted a large circle with a string of smaller circles forming a chain emerging out of it. This is pretty vague, but there is one exchange in the transcripts that caught my attention.

Feb. 2, 2003
Q: (L) Don has made a little expedition out to Palomar. He found the rock you had mentioned previously. He says that there was a strange hole in the rock that was obviously put there with some effort since the type of rock and the size and shape of the hole indicate that it could not have been put there too easily. He is curious about this rock. Is this the right rock, and if he was to go up there, what is he supposed to do? So, is this the right rock and who drilled the hole in the rock?
Yes. Forces from 4D STS.
What is the purpose of the hole in the rock?
It is a sort of "wall outlet," shall we say?
So, something gets plugged into it?
Yes. Just think of it as an antennae.

Again, in the 1998 section, the “tuning fork” had to be setup as a “two-way antenna”. Are instruments like a trident and bident being plugged into holes bored into rocks?
Are instruments like a trident and bident being plugged into holes bored into rocks?

I forgot to add this section:

Nov. 9, 1994
Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?
A: Energy collector translevel; stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at stonehenge.

So, here are a bunch of sections highlighting rocks in general.

Oct. 5, 1994
Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence.
Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?
Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.
Q: (L) Did these stones themselves actually possess any power?
(L) What object were the ancients going to place in the tower of Babel to...
A: Crystal.

Oct. 22, 1994
Q: (L) What did the tower of Babel look like?
Looked very similar to your Washington monument. Which re-creation is an ongoing replication of a soul memory.

Nov. 2, 1994
Q: (L) Who were the original inhabitants of the city of Jericho?
A: Aramaic.
Q: (L) There was a stone tower at one of the lower levels, what was it built for?
Energy disbursement. Attempt to duplicate tower of Babel and Atlantean crystal towers.

Aug. 16, 1997
Q: What was the 'Benben' stone?
A: Laboratory.
Q: Well, nobody really knows, but they think it was like a pyramidal object, and it has been represented as being on top of an obelisk. Why?
What do you mean?
A: It produces energy.
What kind?

Nov. 19, 1994
Q: (L) How come this crystal didn't shatter or break up during the subsidence of Atlantis?
A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear explosion would be absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy. That relates to the design function.
Q: (L) And then what would happen?
A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the Atlanteans.

Aug. 16, 1997
Q: Okay, what was the purpose of the Grand Gallery?
Energy collector.

Oct. 23, 1994
Q: (L) What was Stonehenge built to do or be used for?
Energy director.
(L) What was this energy to be directed to do?
All things.
(L) Was the energy to be directed outward or inward to the center?
A: Both.

Nov. 9, 1994
Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?
A: Energy collector translevel; stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at stonehenge.

The idea of Stonehenge being an 'energy collector/director' with the energy being directed both outwards and inwards seems paralleled by the C’s revelation of the ‘tuning fork’ instrument being a ‘sound enhancing collector/focuser’ that has to be built as a ‘two-way antenna’. If Stonehenge was an ‘energy collector/director’ could Coral Castle be the same? It seems to lack a 'coil', spherical or tetrahedral arrangement, though. However, the energy fields may or may not need such arrangements to 'flow in balance' as referenced in the second session below.

Aug. 22, 1998
Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do 'all things' or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do 'all things.' This seems to indicate that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?
A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently.

Aug. 17, 1996
Q: (L) All right, let's get on to our questions here. Let me ask a quick one about the tetrahedron. Terry, you ask it, because you know more about it. (T) The Tetrahedron, triangle mathematics that Hoagland is working with in conjunction with the Mars/Cydonia region where he supposedly discovered this...
A: Energy consolidator. EM Wave capturer.
(T) Ok, so it’s an EM wave capturer. Does it also expel EM waves?
(T) From the same points? The 19 points, whatever it is... [He obviously meant the points on the planet that Hoagland talks about that are located at about 19 Degrees of latitude if you place a tetrahedron inside a sphere.]
A: Channels and enhances, when used properly, and in pristine conditions.
(T) Hoagland is not talking about... whatever he's talking about, as far as the mathematics go, of the tetrahedral triangles within the sphere, which I'm assuming this planet is calling the sacred geometries, but are physics-type things of different densities, which may not actually be right. OK, this doesn't apply just to Mars, this is, every sphere has these same properties...?
(T)... a golfball, a base ball; I know they're not perfect spheres, they have dimples; all the way up to the sun, and so forth and so on, of any size, made out of any material, as long as it's a sphere, it will have the same properties.
A: No.
Q: (T) OK, it has to have certain kinds of materials?
A: No, must be magnetized.
(T) OK, it's a magnetized sphere; something that has a magnetic field around it. (L) Is the tetrahedral configuration a property of the magnetism?
A: Yes. No.
Q: (T) Yes to my question, no to Laura's question?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) OK, my question is, the sphere has to be able to generate a magnetic field, like the earth has a magnetic field, like Mars generates a magnetic field...
A: Or be magnetized by installation of internal magnetic generator.
(L) OK, what's the purpose of this? What's the purpose of these tetrahedrons? What are the...
A: Purpose is not proper term.
Q: (T) That's right. It's not a purpose, it just exists this way. These spheres that are magnetic, or are able to be magnetized, this happens just because they are what they are, and this is how the physics works?
Reflection of universal balance.
A: Artificial constructed tetrahedrons are placed on strategic locations on the planet's surface in order to utilize magnetic fields properly.
Q: (L) Do the tetrahedrons spin within the sphere? Do these power points of the tetrahedron spin?
Energy fields flow in balance.
(T) So they're spinning to keep balance? (J) Like a gyro. [Notice that the Cs did NOT say that anything was spinning, only that energy was flowing.] (T) Is there... now, am I correct in the fact that there's a direct relationship here to the real Hebrew Star of David, to these tetrahedrals?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And that everything that has been done to it for the last 500 years or so, has been done to screw things up?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Yes. So that that symbol is not a religious symbol, as such, but a very important... (L)...power symbol?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) It describes a physics that transcends the densities.
A: So is pentagon.
Q: (T) So is the Pentagon? (J) A pentagon. (T) The pentagon shape. These are part of what humans describe as the sacred geometries.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, in that 'Bear' book that I have...
A: You as Atlanteans knew this, and lived by it in many ways. For example, the pyramid recharges by capturing exactly half the energy points, thus allowing a positive imbalance buildup to be captured, then expended.

Mar. 29, 1996
A: It is, but not as you think. Stonehenge power. Vortex. Magnetic principles understood by you when you occupied other bodies, ask Hilliard, ole boy.

Jun. 7, 1997
Q: What is the symbology of the 'breaking of rocks,' as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as 'he who breaks?'
A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

This video might already be on the forum but it's about a supposed megalithic site known as Sage Wall in Montana. The whole thing is interesting but I just want to draw attention to one part at 8:38 where a magnet pretty convincingly sticks itself to the stone. The wall is made of granite (it looks like black granite) and while it's not unusual for granite to exhibit magnetic properties, it might be at this strength.

I found another version of the crop circle I posted earlier.

Crop Circle 2.jpg

And yesterday the book Thunderbolts of the Gods by Talbot and Thornhill arrived. Right away I read the first chapter (and looked ahead at the next) and found something that I had forgotten and something new.

On page 54 is a depiction of the trident.

The idealized form of the discharge, given for the purpose of illustrating three-dimensional structure and plasma dynamics, is formation (A) below. In the "brandy glass" formation, the upper termination of the axial discharge column appears as a central spike enclosed with "horns" or outstretched "wings".

Plasma Trident (rs).jpg

Now, back on page 24, I read a description that surprised me in reference to the 'rope of circles'.

The discharge sequence leading to the stacked toruses begins with two braided current filaments ("Birkeland currents," named after Kristian Birkeland), as illustrated on the left [below]. Under the magnetic forces generated by the currents, the two filaments tend to draw closer. As they do, they rotate about each other faster and faster. If the current is strong enough, it may "pinch off" in what is known as a "sausage" instability, forming a series of cells that look like a string of sausages or a string of pearls.

Plasma Stacked Toruses (rs).jpg

Now, this "stacked toruses" sequence holds a second connection for me. If you've looked into acoustical levitation, then you've probably run into this video or video's like it. Notice how the standing wave of acoustical levitation is basically identical to the stacked toruses of plasma discharge.

Matt Simon: Walk us through what acoustical levitation is and how it works.

Chris Benmore: Acoustic levitation uses sound waves to generate a force to counteract gravity. It was developed, primarily, by NASA, in the 60's and 70's, to do ground based experiments on looking at the effects of anti-gravity on a [cut off].

So, acoustical levitation was created to counteract gravity, a weak force. But plasma deals in the considerably stronger force of electromagnetism. Imo, that's the difference between 'acoustical levitation' and 'sound wave focusing' and the two concepts should be separated.
Rather then re-posting the "Secret Sound Technology Found in India?" video from here, the guy tells another local story that stuck in my mind.

And there is something else that is really strange about this. They say that if we keep tapping this rock for a certain amount of time with the exact number of people, the rest of the rocks around this rock will become soft as clay. And this is the procedure that ancient builders used. They basically used the sound of these rocks to create very soft material from rock and this is why these amazing megalithic structures were built. And once we stop tapping on this rock, now whatever was as soft as clay, will slowly harden and become a regular rock.

The connection being made is that sound is being used to soften rock which re-solidifies after the sound stops. Running with this idea, I came across some apparent petroglyphs that many are probably familiar with already.

Located on White Mountain in Sweetwater County, Wyoming are a series of petroglyphs. On on particular outcropping of sandstone (mohs: 6-7) are several patterns that look like hand prints pushed into or scooped out of the rock.

White Mountain Hand Prints.jpg

Here is a short video (4:13) that proposes several ideas.

What looks like the same design is found in Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah.

Kodachrome Petroglyphs.webp

One theory that is shared by many is that ancient people made these prints in clay which solidified into rock over time. I can't say it's wrong, but I don't know if these impressions would survive that long (though fossilized footprints have been found, an example). What I find strange about these is that there are only 'fingers', no 'palm' per se, like someone grabbed a chunk of the rock (or clay) and removed it. Were they even made with hands? Was each 'finger' made one at a time?

In another, but different, example, at the entrance to Milarepa's Cave in Tibet there is a hand print in the rock.

Milarepa's Hand Print.jpg

The story goes that:

In the 11th century, Tibetan yogi Milarepa who was known for miraculous yogic abilities left an imprint of his hand in the cave wall in Tibet where he spent many years of his life. The story goes that Milarepa was demonstrating to a student his mastery over the limits of physical reality by placing his hand at shoulder level and pushing it into the rock. When he did so the rock beneath his hands became malleable leaving a deep impression of his hand that can still be seen to this day. The cave can be visited by anyone prepared to make the journey which is a side trek off the well know Annapurna circuit in Nepal.

This short video (1:05) shows the print from many angles. You can see that the impression and surrounding rock looks melted.

Here is another hand print (high res photo through link) found at Split Mountain, Montagna Spaccata, Gaeta, Lazio, Italy.

Hand Print from Split Mountain, Italy (rs).jpg

There are several shots of this print around. Here's another one that shows the plaque beneath. I tried translating the Latin in Google but it made no sense. Here's a third photo with a hand to show the position.


According to local stories, God was so distraught at the crucifixion of Christ that He made the earth shake and let out a lightning bolt which created three giant cracks in this mountain. The Sanctuary of Santissima Trinita, or Holy Trinity, was built during the 11th century by the Benedictine monks to honor this event.

During the 9th century, Gaeta was invaded by Saracen pirates who used Montagna Spaccata as a hideout. According to legend, one day a Turkish sailor was walking along the mountain, mocking the stories of how it came to be broken apart, and (depending on whom you ask) saying to his fellow sailors that if it were true, then the mountain must be made of cheese. As he said this, he placed his hand on the wall of the mountain and somehow his hand sank into the rock which became liquefied, leaving an imprint of his fingers.

It doesn't really look like a hand print but more like just finger holes. And again, the rock looks melted, almost like it poured out of those holes. If you push a hot wire or something into wax, the molten wax has to go somewhere and gets forced out and dribbles down. Pull the wire out and you have a hole with a blob of re-hardened wax below it. The immediate surrounding rock also has a shininess to it. Vitrification? The petroglyphs don't seem to have any evidence of such melting.

These might be cleaver fakes to perhaps entice belief, or to increase tourist dollars. But I did run into something that makes me wonder.

A while back, I was reading the wiki page for Plasma (physics) to see what it had on lightning when I noticed where the word came from. It's from the Greek and means 'mouldable substance' which didn't make any sense to me. Etymonline gives me a similar definition ("something moulded or created", from the PIE root *pele-(2) "flat; to spread") which has apparently been obsolete since the 1700's, if I read it right. The "blood" sense comes in at 1845 and the 'ionized gas' sense at 1928. On a whim, I went to the perseus.tufts site to see if there was anything there about this.

FI´CTILE anything made of earth or clay, earthen, fictile. In Greek the special word for moulding in soft materials, πλάσσω (plássō), with its derivatives πλάσμα (plásma), πλάστης (plástes), πλαστική (plastĭcē), was gradually applied only to clay, in which sense the words plastes and plastice passed into Latin. Then, as clay played an important part in the preparation of works in bronze, the use of these words was extended to metal, and still further to statuary in stone and marble. ...

Athene Modelling the Trojan Horse (rs).jpg

The accompanying woodcut represents Athene modelling in clay the Trojan horse. Although the horse of the legend was made of wood, and the instruments which hung in the picture are tools for wood-carving, there can be no doubt that the goddess is here represented working in clay, of which a large lump lies at her feet, and a piece is being laid on in her hand: probably the artist wished to represent the preliminary model in clay (πρόπλασμα (proplasma), argilla), which was as necessary a preliminary to sculpture in wood as it was for sculpture in bronze.

PROPLASMA (πρόπλασμα), the first sketch for a work in clay, preparatory to its execution in bronze, marble, or other materials.

PLASMA , ătis, n., = πλάσμα, something formed or moulded.
I. Lit., an image, figure, a creature (eccl. Lat.)
B. Transf., an affected modulation of the voice
II. Trop., a fiction

"An affected modulation of the voice" is interesting but if I take the clay element out of it then "something formed or moulded" could be anything. If I apply the electric universe theory then cosmic plasma forms or moulds galaxies, solar systems, planets (clay?). I also wonder if the above 'hand' images might have some kind of relation to the Greek meaning.
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