Spirit Release Therapy - A Retrospective

Assuming that all of this would be true, maybe in such scenario, some help could be called (Noble Spirits of Light perhaps?) to deal with those entities that would like to go, and escort them safely to the Light (and all of them at once by the way)? Maybe some 'work' on the empty spaces left after the detachment process could be performed by those Noble Spirits as well?

If we wouldn't force anything and just ask without anticipation about any attached spirits that have a will to go straight to the Light and then call for assistance, maybe both the host and the attachments would benefit and no one's free will would be violated in the process. What do you think?

That's still wanting for something or someone out there to do the work that one can do by oneself. And a risky request at that, not knowing who or what can "pose" as a "Noble Spirit". In the hypothetical scenario you described, I think that just working on the self would change the frequency, so to speak, and those attachments wold naturally stop being compatible with the host.
I just reply to give a feedback to my stupidity, things have not bettered as expected, and I still struggle to let my burden away. I'm really sorry again to have provoked some reactions in you, I really wanted to get 'straight in my mind' and provocation seemed to be the only way I could think for shaken myself up. I'm very ashamed and not very brave, here on the forum and in this life, so I apologize once again.

I did 'see' an 'Angel of light' one night in my room 'proposing to heal myself' but I was no sure of this kind of entity as you adviced and it left. Things get really strange indeed.
Awhile ago I watched a podcast interview conducted by a Catholic priest and a layperson (Fr Heilman and Doug Barry) on a channel called Grace Force, dedicated to Catholic spiritual warfare. In this episode they interview a seasoned priest, philosopher, theologian, and exorcist named Fr. Chad Ripperger, and together they discuss exorcism and combating the infiltration of demons into one's life. Obviously this is from a Catholic perspective, but there were some interesting bits of information I thought were worth sharing.

They talk about what has been increasing the number of demonic possession cases, and that there has been an increase in the number of portals to demons (which they define just an entryway of some kind). All the usual suspects of negative psychic hygiene abound here. Complementing the portals to demons are the portals to grace, or the means by which God's grace enters the world. For Catholics this means performing the sacraments. I.e. people who were baptized, go to confession, receive the Eucharist, get married, etc. Private prayers and gestures of devotion are themselves portals to grace.

Usually when someone suffering from attachments or possession comes to Fr. Ripperger, the first thing he normally asks is how their sacramental life has been going, their prayer life, etc. Getting someone onto a regular sacramental schedule and leading a regular Catholic life, according to Ripperger, clears out the negative attachment nine times out of ten. The vast majority of people who come for exorcism typically are not leading a sacramental life. It is very rare for a person to receive grace regularly and to have issues with demons. Fr Heilman notes in his own experience that one strong and sincere confession can drive a demon out also (this made me think of the importance of networking and vulnerability among people who are spiritually more advanced). These portals to grace are what can drive demons out, and that is in part their function.

Contrasting portals to grace are portals to demons. All mortal sins are portals to possession and open doors. It is a breaking of one of the commandments, and also:
  • Its subject matter must be grave.
  • It must be committed with full knowledge (and awareness) of the sinful action and the gravity of the offense.
  • It must be committed with deliberate and complete consent.
Here there is invocation of legal terminology. When you sin, you place yourself outside the authority of God and into the authority of Satan, and there is a level of aligning and allegiance and binding that enables more evil to enter out lives. Absolution, or remorse of conscience as Paul would say, is the salve that dissolves that bond or cord, restoring us in grace once again. This is, again, another method of breaking a possession case.

Because the portals to grace are the means of expelling demons, many demons attempt to dissuade or block people from confessing their sins, or attending other sacraments. Discipline is required internally and in one's home. Leading a prayerful and sacramental life is essential.

One interesting thing brought up in this video was the extent to which parents can influence the spiritual life of their children. Ripperger comes out and says that parents who do not lead a sacramental life can often enable demons in their children. Eg, if the parents are leading sinful lifes, the father is addicted to pornography, or the relationship isn't healthy or valid (as Catholics understand it). Catholicism teaches that parents by natural law have a binding power over their children to protect them from demons. Sometimes demons may attack the weak points of the parents to soften up the protection over the children. Destroying the spiritual connection of the father is an opening to take down other members of the family. Satan's M.O. is subverting authority (eg, persuading Eve's disobedience under natural law to Adam.)

Blessing property and rooms and boundary-marking objects helps keep demons out. Burning candles blessed in the old rite drives out the "demons of the air." (by which he means demons that travel through the air to attach to people. As for the candles, I wonder if this connects in a similar vein with Laura's recommendation to sprinkle salt and focus a powerful meditation or prayer into them?)

If I had to sum it up it would be:

-follow Paul's list of Dos and don'ts.
-keep up good psychic hygiene and avoid all types of portals that can potentially lead you into thoughts of temptation and sinful acts.
-keep a regular life maintaining your connection to the divine through self-remembering and prayer.
-Pray for the protection not only for your own sake but for those who are under your spiritual protection.
-Maintain a similar level of discipline and safeguarding for your home as well by blessing, keeping it clean and tidy.
-confess your sins and your struggles to those who are wiser than you, not only to learn how best to deal with it but because the act ITSELF can drive out a negative influence on its own.

Laura's list covers almost all those bases, and then some. It is extraordinarily rare to have an issue with spirit attachments while following all of these rules.
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Further to this, talk of an "inner child" always makes me think of the book In Search of the Miraculous (Ouspensky), where Gurdjieff, through some concoction, was able to bring forth the "essence" of a couple of volunteers. One of them started acting quite childlike, taking about wanting some bread with jam. Gurdjieff explained that many adults in the modern world have been essentially starving their essence since childhood, so it never actually grew up (I'm recounting all this from memory, so may have the details a bit off).

So it may be that the "inner child" is more of a metaphor for that part of us that has been pushed down by our modern lives and not allowed to develop. I think it manifests in irrational fears, immature behavior, "triggers" and the like; the coping strategies we developed in childhood that we would have outgrown given proper education and living in a sane world, just to speculate. How one would deal with this is difficult to say, but I think what Gaby has suggested, not letting "it" run the show and looking into the recommended psychology books, is a very good jumping off point.
Well yes I think not letting it run the show is the important point.
Then when the person is ready, there will be a natural unfoldment, and the "inner child," will be experience, not read about or though about metaphorically, as pain.
Ironically, this is when the information in the healing-self books is necessary.
But in fact, it is the foundation of acting like an adult that facilitates the healing process.
So if in fact I run around like, acting like a child, that will just crystalize the wounded inner child.
So the unfoldment should happen naturally.
So behaving like a decent human being, regardless of ones wounds, is key.
I have yet to read thinking fast and slow but will
Recently I'm reading the anonymous alcoholic book and I think that their knowledge and steps could be very usefull in SRT. Just take the words with alcohol and put your problems :-)
This is more or less how I understand the best approach can be described, essentially self awareness, honesty and discipline or action with a purpose, restraint and courage with a goal is probably the best way each one of us can address some of what could be described as Spirit attachments.
My friend is adamant about taking a trip to do Auyaska to “solve” his problems. I gave him the SRT Manual to read and said you may come back with more problems than you arrive with as things get released they can RE attach and you will be in a group setting this increases the chances. I can’t force him to do the work (free will) but if a person is in the middle of the road and you see a car coming do you say nothing? Thanks for the book recommendation on the forum maybe it will help another. I know the book Life Between Life has woke a knowing in me that has made my life more whole and calm
My friend is adamant about taking a trip to do Auyaska to “solve” his problems. I gave him the SRT Manual to read and said you may come back with more problems than you arrive with as things get released they can RE attach and you will be in a group setting this increases the chances. I can’t force him to do the work (free will) but if a person is in the middle of the road and you see a car coming do you say nothing? Thanks for the book recommendation on the forum maybe it will help another. I know the book Life Between Life has woke a knowing in me that has made my life more whole and calm
I also have a friend who recently invited me to a group retreat where the guests will spend a few days together with a plant medicine practitioner. I politely declined the invitation. Was a bit surprised that he started doing psychedelics since he is generally very pragmatic and has rational approach to life.

While I told him I'm not keen on trying psychedelics, I didn't warn him not to pursue that path or suggested books. Apart from him not having asked, I don't know how open he is to the idea of the astral realm and of spirit attachments. He also seems really convinced about the benefits, having experienced emotional release when he first tried it, and I'm aware how hard it is to extricate oneself from a strongly held belief even when confronted with evidence, something I have personally experienced numerous times.

I think that ultimately, it's his decision to go through those experiences and I would direct him to the relevant material if asked. Not implying this is the right approach but that's how I reacted when confronted with such a situation. I guess it depends on the specific situation and whether the person asks or is open to such concepts.
I also have a friend who recently invited me to a group retreat where the guests will spend a few days together with a plant medicine practitioner. I politely declined the invitation. Was a bit surprised that he started doing psychedelics since he is generally very pragmatic and has rational approach to life.

While I told him I'm not keen on trying psychedelics, I didn't warn him not to pursue that path or suggested books. Apart from him not having asked, I don't know how open he is to the idea of the astral realm and of spirit attachments. He also seems really convinced about the benefits, having experienced emotional release when he first tried it, and I'm aware how hard it is to extricate oneself from a strongly held belief even when confronted with evidence, something I have personally experienced numerous times.

I think that ultimately, it's his decision to go through those experiences and I would direct him to the relevant material if asked. Not implying this is the right approach but that's how I reacted when confronted with such a situation. I guess it depends on the specific situation and whether the person asks or is open to such concepts.

Yeah, it can be interesting how experiencing a breakthrough through one method can get one to develop tunnel vision, since there are lower risk ways of getting emotional releases.

Do you feel complete with your friend about your feelings? By which I mean, whatever we may say about free will and so on, do you feel like you could speak your opinion openly enough, such that you felt like you were transparent to him and like you didn't feel any pressure to hide your authentic voice? I think there is a way to do so without infringing on the validity of someone else's experience or their free will, for what it's worth. From the limited info you shared it seems to me like you could be close enough to have this degree of relating. For what it's worth. :-)
Yes, we have developed a close friendship over the last 5 or so years even though we don't meet that often, and have come to realise we have more things in common than not, including our viewpoints on the deep state, geopolitics and covid but we never really discussed the supernatural. Ironically, when we first talked about the 2016 US elections and I shared my stance on the subject, he told me he initially thought I was a SJW libtard. It makes you wonder about how your own perception of yourself can differ from how you come off to others, but I guess that strategic enclosure played its part as well.

To expand on the specific situation I described, he first brought up the use of psychedelics when we last met in December. He decided he wanted to try different drugs in a controlled environment after others shared their experiences. At the time he said he felt very peaceful, was able to release a lot of stress and feel more confident but didn't take the conversation further so I just assumed that it was more of a one-off thing and we went on to talk about other topics. It's only more recently that he texted me (since we live in different countries) asking if I wanted to join the retreat, and that's when I realised he was getting more deeply into psychedelics. I do plan on approaching the topic next time we meet and bring up the idea of life beyond the veil and spirit attachments. Who knows, we might discover we have even more in common...
Im sure there are some really expert facilitators in some of these cermonies -but I keep hearing of alot of casualties both phsically and psycholgically who are in the hands of folk that are both lacking in qualification and solid grounded expertise.

I also have a friend who recently invited me to a group retreat where the guests will spend a few days together with a plant medicine practitioner. I politely declined the invitation. Was a bit surprised that he started doing psychedelics since he is generally very pragmatic and has rational approach to life.

While I told him I'm not keen on trying psychedelics, I didn't warn him not to pursue that path or suggested books. Apart from him not having asked, I don't know how open he is to the idea of the astral realm and of spirit attachments. He also seems really convinced about the benefits, having experienced emotional release when he first tried it, and I'm aware how hard it is to extricate oneself from a strongly held belief even when confronted with evidence, something I have personally experienced numerous times.

I think that ultimately, it's his decision to go through those experiences and I would direct him to the relevant material if asked. Not implying this is the right approach but that's how I reacted when confronted with such a situation. I guess it depends on the specific situation and whether the person asks or is open to such concepts.
How does someone know how to ask about something they don't know exists? Its a good question for the C's "is presenting information to someone (bringing a horse to water) STS when one gives the info and walks away without wants or expectations? I don't think giving info without expectation or control is STS. Maybe it is I do not know everything my approaches are always a work in progress as new information is presented to me I adjust. More information about this friend ... I am close with his wife and children so there is a level of care in my giving as he is not the only soul affected by his decisions. Moreover, I have told him and EE breathing and he has practiced it before and had good reviews... I give based on my knowledge and each dynamic is different and leave it up to the "horse to drink"

The psychedelics IMO when one has not done the work or any work is like getting the answer on an algebra test. When tested again and there is no "help" what happens.... In doing the work and combining psychedelics maybe the "drugs" provide an intimation to help esoterically? These are my thoughts.

Ultimately its his souls/being decision based on the level he is in during the cycle. If you get too involved you are now involved in his Karma... You have your own being to consider and progress and protection for the work you have done and effort and time and level you are at. If you feel presenting him with the work overall is not a net positive why do it? This is your life to advance and learn as you know there's nothing wrong with NOT sharing information when not asked. Playing it safe is not bad.

Also who knows how life works there have been turn of events in my life that I could never accounted for my assumptions leave me blindsided so as a move forward approach I just weight the risks and either abstain or slowly enter into dynamics and react...Seems that you know intuitively to let your friend try a certain way without subjecting him to another way...Who knows how this works out I certainly am not the one to say right or wrong...Life will tell you in time and then you learn from what life tells you and apply it to your life and forward we go.....let the experiment give the result without your intervention seems fine with me if the experiment doesn't ask you for anything....
How does someone know how to ask about something they don't know exists? Its a good question for the C's "is presenting information to someone (bringing a horse to water) STS when one gives the info and walks away without wants or expectations?
Well, I think the key when offering someone advice is to at least be honest with oneself about one's intentions with offering that information. It may be, in the end, that one is indeed seeking to serve the self by trying to avoid watching someone one cares for get hurt.. because it would hurt one personally.. and if so, then that's the case.

And maybe that's the best and most effective form of advice, instead of trying to "educate" someone about something, you simply sincerely say "I have heard awful things about this, and it would hurt me to see you get hurt, but it is your choice ultimately".

It's better, IMO, to offer honest feedback or advise than to try to find the most STO way to deal with a specific situation. In the former, one is honestly being self serving and aware of this, on the second, one is covertly being self serving because of the feeling that being STO can offer.

So, IMO if you want to offer advise, offer it.. whether it will be received positively or have the effect you hope, it's a whole different story. But at least be honest with yourself about your intentions with offering the advise. I think that's probably the most we can aim for in this reality at least.
This is a good perspective. Preface the advice with "I do not want you to get hurt, get into trouble, have problems, or it would bother me if I didn't tell you X so you have more knowledge....and then leave it at that. Its true that we are in 3D STS so we can only be STO candidates this perspective I believe puts us in the running for candidacy.
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