Spirit-Smokes.com website for discounted tobacco and cigarettes

MC said:
I've been wanting to order American Spirits online. They're over $11/pack in NY now. :mad:

Hi all,

Just popping in. Back in April when they raised all the taxes, I had to switch brands because I couldn't afford the Spirits. I now smoke Native's. They're $22/carton from the same site. I think I actually like them better than the Spirits now. They are knock-offs, so they don't have as much tobacco per cigarette and you have to pack them down really well before you open them, but I always had trouble finishing an American Spirit cigarette on a 10 minute break anyway.

Also, is it bad that I smoke unfiltered cigarettes periodically? I find that when I wake up in the morning a filtered cigarette just doesn't do it for me.
Im in New Jersey, USA, and the link is not working, tried different browsers and nope...any good site in the USA?
Alejo said:
Im in New Jersey, USA, and the link is not working, tried different browsers and nope...any good site in the USA?

It's not working for me either this morning. Maybe the site is down for some reason.
Speaking of:
... unfiltered cigarettes ...

Years... ago, unfiltered cigarettes used to leave a brown resin on your smoking fingers. Holding the cigarette between two fingers when smoking used to discolor fingers brown and leave a sticky substance that would make fingers stick together. Do any still do that, or does anyone else remember "old" cigarettes? I swear, they use to be more straight tobacco and stronger... Except when the ptb used/experimented with asbestos, fiberglass and gawd knows what other things in making the cigarette filters... Cigarettes've been pumped with harmful substances for years... fer years I've said the gubement is out to poison us...

:whlchair: :whlchair: :whlchair:

edit: for clarity
[quote author=Al Today]Except when the ptb used/experimented with asbestos, fiberglass and gawd knows what other things in making the cigarette filters... Cigarettes've been pumped with harmful substances for years... fer years I've said the gubement is out to poison us...[/quote]

Good Gawd!

Asbestos, fiberglass! Can be more poisonous then this?
Maybe vaccines? :evil:

Sick bag, please... :scared:

Btw, fifteen years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn disease, my doctor -who also was a smoker -she told me
I can smoke because the nicotine has a calming effect on the digestive system.

So I actually my doctor recommended smoking for me! :P
Btw, fifteen years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn disease, my doctor -who also was a smoker -she told me
I can smoke because the nicotine has a calming effect on the digestive system.

So I actually my doctor recommended smoking for me!

Yep, my wife has also been diagnosed with Crohns dis-ease, and her doc recommended the same thing :cool2:

The diet and health information that we've found here at the forum has also been extremely beneficial in minimizing her symptoms.....our fridge sure ain't what it used to be!

As for the topic of discussion, I smoke Drum for the most part, yet will twist up an American Spirit once in a while. Prices are around 8.50 to ten bucks in my area, with a tin running just under forty. A reservation can be handy for cheaper smokes, if one is in traveling distance......it'd be a bit of a commute for anyone outside of the usa, tho :P

I've had friends over the years that ordered cheaper smokes from canada or other states, which worked just fine although they did say they got letters from the feds for the taxes :evil:
Bluestar said:
Here is another site that offers American Spirit cartons for $38.99.

That's actually a really good price. Wonder how their service is...

Al Today said:
Years... ago, unfiltered cigarettes used to leave a brown resin on your smoking fingers. Holding the cigarette between two fingers when smoking used to discolor fingers brown and leave a sticky substance that would make fingers stick together. Do any still do that, or does anyone else remember "old" cigarettes? I swear, they use to be more straight tobacco and stronger...

I get the brown fingers. :lol: I've had a few of the guys at work ask me for one, and none of them can handle it. ;D

Al Today said:
Except when the ptb used/experimented with asbestos, fiberglass and gawd knows what other things in making the cigarette filters... Cigarettes've been pumped with harmful substances for years... fer years I've said the gubement is out to poison us...

I am happy to report that I've gotten 4 of my coworkers off menthol since I started working there. It's not much, but it's something. :)

Does anyone have any good leads on some natural brown tubes/papers? I think I would roll my own again if I could find some brown paper. I used to use Vera Cruz, but they got bought out by some hot shot tobacco company and the paper was never the same afterward. I swear that they were taking white paper and DYING it brown. Kinda defeats the purpose. :rolleyes:
LOL, 11 bucks a pack??? I feel very fortunate to buy the brand i buy, it's 2.50 a pack (OK, united states) i had no idea cigs were that much in other parts of the country! :umm:
abstract said:
LOL, 11 bucks a pack??? I feel very fortunate to buy the brand i buy, it's 2.50 a pack (OK, united states) i had no idea cigs were that much in other parts of the country! :umm:

♫ ♫ New York! New York! . . . it's a wonderful town ♫ ♫. . . :mad: :curse:
Al Today said:
Do any still do that, or does anyone else remember "old" cigarettes? I swear, they use to be more straight tobacco and stronger... Except when the ptb used/experimented with asbestos, fiberglass and gawd knows what other things in making the cigarette filters... Cigarettes've been pumped with harmful substances for years... fer years I've said the gubement is out to poison us...

Yeah, I can remember a few of my uncles who smoked the "old" cigarettes - they were the ones who lived to 90 and were still healthy despite being "evil" smokers for decades!
Do any still do that, or does anyone else remember "old" cigarettes? I swear, they use to be more straight tobacco and stronger... Except when the ptb used/experimented with asbestos, fiberglass and gawd knows what other things in making the cigarette filters... Cigarettes've been pumped with harmful substances for years... fer years I've said the gubement is out to poison us...

I currently smoke marlboro red, would you guys suggest me to try anything else? with probably less chemicals on it or just for taste's sake?
would be much appreciated :cool2:
Alejo said:
... I currently smoke marlboro red, would you guys suggest me to try anything else? with probably less chemicals ...

I cannot find an article, but awhile back there was an urban legend that marlboro had 702 secret ingredients. Kept them in a safe, like Coca-Colas has secret ingredients. Man-o-man, I was/am hooked on the red pack. Whatever those ingredients are, I'm addicted. Really. I'm still trying to give them up. It's been tough. I've tried I don't know how many brands, but nothing, nothing has given the smoking satisfaction like a good old sterile stick. Any of you :whlchair: remember them called that, or are they still called that... Sorry Alejo for having no words of wisdom, just what I've experienced...
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

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