Spirit-Smokes.com website for discounted tobacco and cigarettes

CorkyC said:
Does anyone have any good leads on some natural brown tubes/papers? I think I would roll my own again if I could find some brown paper. I used to use Vera Cruz, but they got bought out by some hot shot tobacco company and the paper was never the same afterward. I swear that they were taking white paper and DYING it brown. Kinda defeats the purpose. :rolleyes:

Depending on your locale, Raw is a good brown paper. You can even get the organic brand, but they are all unbleached papers. Brown Sugar is another brand, they make natural and flavored papers. I think their are more but that's just off the top of my head.
Alejo said:
I currently smoke marlboro red, would you guys suggest me to try anything else? with probably less chemicals on it or just for taste's sake?
would be much appreciated :cool2:

yea, i would highly suggest getting off the reds. if you want some convincing, hold either a marlboro or a camel up to a black-light... splotch city! i used to smoke reds myself and i made the transition to natural tobacco via pall-malls... smoked pall-mall for about two years and then switched to a combination of drum & american spirit for hand-rolling.

the transition to hand-rolling is hard though, if you're used to the pre-mades like reds and camels. you can get little machines and bags of filters to make your own filter cigs though, and that's a good approximation. what you're gonna miss (if you switch) is the paper. most of the chemicals in pre-made cigs exist in the paper. handrolling papers, by and large, are thinner and have less tar-lines in them (though this is not true for all.)

at the moment, what i find most satisfactory is smoking drum and/or american spirit tobacco, with zig-zag papers (braunstein freres, in the white pack) or american spirit papers (made of flax with no tar-lines)... (pictured below) but i don't use filters, and that can be harsh for some people, so you'll have to try and see what you like...


RIZLA papers are also really good, no tar lines, made of flax...


sorry for all the images, but i thought it'd make them easier to recognize...

but yea, get off the reds! the difference between them and natural tobacco is night and day, like mcdonald's fries vs. a home-made salad.
For my part, I'm smoking small cigar now call, Mini Java. The taste is stronger but after a week you get use to it. Since last spring, I can't find American spirit in Quebec Canada anymore, the distributor just ceased to import them. I checked on line to get them by mail but none of them so far deliver in Canada. If you are a Canadian and still find them here please ask the name of the distributor next time you purchase them, I will relay it to my tabagiste who would appreciate a lot and me too or if you get them from the U.S by net order, I would appreciate if you post the address. Thank

I found this site _http://www.canadiantobaccogrowers.com/Product/ProudlyCanadian/tabid/1956/Default.aspx and they are apparently producing a whole leaf natural additive free tobacco product, and it's a Canadian company.
Posté par: manitoban

I found this site _http://www.canadiantobaccogrowers.com/Product/ProudlyCanadian/tabid/1956/Default.aspx and they are apparently producing a whole leaf natural additive free tobacco product, and it's a Canadian company.

Thank Manitoban, I will check it out. :D :cool2:

I found this site _http://www.canadiantobaccogrowers.com/Product/ProudlyCanadian/tabid/1956/Default.aspx and they are apparently producing a whole leaf natural additive free tobacco product, and it's a Canadian company.

Thank you eh! :)
yea, i would highly suggest getting off the reds. if you want some convincing, hold either a marlboro or a camel up to a black-light... splotch city! i used to smoke reds myself and i made the transition to natural tobacco via pall-malls... smoked pall-mall for about two years and then switched to a combination of drum & american spirit for hand-rolling.

the transition to hand-rolling is hard though, if you're used to the pre-mades like reds and camels. you can get little machines and bags of filters to make your own filter cigs though, and that's a good approximation. what you're gonna miss (if you switch) is the paper. most of the chemicals in pre-made cigs exist in the paper. handrolling papers, by and large, are thinner and have less tar-lines in them (though this is not true for all.)

at the moment, what i find most satisfactory is smoking drum and/or american spirit tobacco, with zig-zag papers (braunstein freres, in the white pack) or american spirit papers (made of flax with no tar-lines)... (pictured below) but i don't use filters, and that can be harsh for some people, so you'll have to try and see what you like..
Thanks a lot, i've been thinking about switching off it, i mean there's the whole anti-smoking propaganda, and then there's marlboro and it seems to be the only company not giving a damn about it, so i always had this thought in my head that there might have been someting up about them, thanks again for the post, and the pictures and scans, great idea really helpful! :D :cool2:
As manitoban as said, good new for the Canadian smoker. A Canadian company name North Shore is producing the same tobacco as American Spirit here in Canada. The New cigarette will be sold shortly under the name North Field, the distributor is Kretek international the same that use to sale Am. Spirit. At first, they will be available only in cigarette pack but my retailer told me that they will have tobacco, for those that like to roll, maybe next year. They are only waiting, at this moment, for the packaging to be finalize and they should be ready to deliver shortly to my retailer who passed this information to me this morning. He was sure glad when I gave him this info Manitoban because he lost many a good customer after American Spirit became unavailable here. By the way, he told me that the price should be about the same as what Am.Spirit sold for which is around $9 here in Quebec.
Helle said:
Bluestar said:
Here is another site that offers American Spirit cartons for $38.99. I think there is a shipping charge, but they offer specials & coupons.

Only ships in America. :cry:
I can't find anyone shipping to EU (Denmark), trying to carefully read through all the smoking-related topics, no luck so far..

Hi, Helle!
I find this web-site, it might help get American Spirit in Europe! :cool2:


I typed in American Spirit and it looks like they have it for 39 Euro for the rolling tobacco.
They have the blue and yellow package, 15 pack for 39.50 Euro.
It's kind of expensive.

Here is another site:

I hope it works in Europe. :)
anothermagyar said:
Helle said:
Bluestar said:
Here is another site that offers American Spirit cartons for $38.99. I think there is a shipping charge, but they offer specials & coupons.

Only ships in America. :cry:
I can't find anyone shipping to EU (Denmark), trying to carefully read through all the smoking-related topics, no luck so far..

Hi, Helle!
I find this web-site, it might help get American Spirit in Europe! :cool2:


I typed in American Spirit and it looks like they have it for 39 Euro for the rolling tobacco.
They have the blue and yellow package, 15 pack for 39.50 Euro.
It's kind of expensive.

Here is another site:

I hope it works in Europe. :)

I'll go have a look, thank you very much ;D
Laurentien said:
As manitoban as said, good new for the Canadian smoker. A Canadian company name North Shore is producing the same tobacco as American Spirit here in Canada.

Very good news indeed! I was getting near the last of my American Spirit when I found the site, so it is a relief! :cool2:
Until my heart surgery in August 08 I smoked Marlboro Menthol Lights. I bought some American Spirits a few months ago. Every time I would light up I would get really dizzy. I miss smoking.
Hi everyone,
Here's an update about the PACT Act (shipping tobacco products) The legislation was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee of our beloved US Congress.

THE SITUATION: Right now there is legislation pending in the United States Senate - the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act of 2009 (“PACT Act”) (S.1147) which contains, among other bad ideas, a provision to make ALL cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products nonmailable. This legislation has already been passed by the House of Representatives and has PASSED the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 19th 2009. Please call 1-800-828-0498 to contact your Senators office now and tell them to VOTE NO on the PACT Act.

Helle said:
I'll go have a look, thank you very much ;D

I use this site. They're in Germany, they ship to anywhere in Europe. Payment is by bank transfer. I like Pueblo too, which is pretty cheap.


If you know what you want and don't want to navigate their site for payment etc. just email them your order at shop@tabak-brucker.de they speak anglais.

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