Spirit-Smokes.com website for discounted tobacco and cigarettes

manitoban said:
Laurentien said:
As manitoban as said, good new for the Canadian smoker. A Canadian company name North Shore is producing the same tobacco as American Spirit here in Canada.

Very good news indeed! I was getting near the last of my American Spirit when I found the site, so it is a relief! :cool2:

Not sure if this will work for anybody outside the States, but I found a coupon in a magazine yesterday, go to


and type in promo code 79190

and they are supposed to send you two $10 gift certificates for use in purchasing their cigarettes. Offer expires 6/30/2010.
I have also posted this in another thread which was about getting american spirits in Australia, this article was posted in a blog in 2006 so I'm not sure if it is still accurate, ut I figured for those who are looking it's worth a try!

Are Natural American Spirit Cigarettes available outside of the United States?

Currently, Natural American Spirit Cigarettes and Roll-Your-Own are available in several foreign countries; and we plan on making them more widely available as time progresses. (As we enter new countries, we will make announcements on this web site.) For details regarding products currently available outside of the U.S.A., please contact one of the offices below:

In Australia

Please contact our office in Victoria for information about Natural American Spirit products in Australia:

Direct phone: 1800 335 691

Mailing address:
Swedish Match Australia Pty Ltd
Private Bag 18
Clayton South, Victoria 3169 Australia

E-mail: contact@swedishmatch.com.au

In Japan

Although our rolling tobacco is not yet available in Japan, we offer four styles of Natural American Spirit Cigarettes, including our Regular Filter Cigarettes made with 100% organic tobacco. Please contact our office in Tokyo for information about Natural American Spirit products in Japan:

Direct phone: (03) 3587.6711

Mailing address:
Intercontinental Trading Corp.
Cigar & Cigarette Division
Izumi Kamiyacho Bldg. 1F
1-8 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku
Tokyo, 106-0044

E-mail: tobacco@intercontinental.co.jp

In Europe

Please contact our office in Hamburg for information about Natural American Spirit products throughout Europe:

Direct phone: +49.40.853.110.50

Mailing address:
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
Europe GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 13
22671 Hamburg

Web site: www.americanspirit-europe.com

E-mail: info@americanspirit-europe.com
I am in France and the site opens fine for me. Are you aware that www.smokes-spirits.com does not ship outside the US?
Fortunately I can have it sent to me by my daughter in the states. Anyone living offshore will need to have a yank friend or relative in the states forward the order to you.
As you may have notice that this product line has a color coding to there packaging in their packs and cartons . An example is the red pack organic. Which is a much stronger smoke and heavier tasting and my produce a bit of a rush. As to the blue pack which is milder and processes a lighter taste and smoke. But each and everyone should do there own research to what suits them, and to the possible side effects to the strength's that are available from them . Also be advised that unless your rolling your own and smoke theses out of pack that the factory rolled when lite counties to burn when set down. This can be extremely dangerous as the temperature's at the tip have the ability to start small fires that can and will lead to the spread of larger fires. Make no assumption's that light cigarette if drooped will extinguish its self as they continue to burn to the filter if not put out. I can say that i have witnessed the destruction and the loss of life to the people and whole family's from the effects when one choices to smoke on the cough or in bed and falls a sleep with one in there fingers, only to wake up and the bed or house is fully involved with smoke and fire if they wake up at all. As the smoke can will render one unconscious due to carbon monoxide. :evil: Don't be sorry. be safe !
I finally was able to track down the North Fields in Ottawa (situated in the Canadian province of Ontario for the non-Canadians on the forum). So far I could only find them in two of our larger tobaccanist shops but I've asked a few stores that used to sell American Spirits before they were taken off the Canadian market about North Field's and gave them the distributor's name. So far no word.

Anyway, they are a great tasting smoke, surprisingly smooth for having no additives. I can't wait to try their organic if/when it comes out.

I just came back from spending a week in San Antonio, Texas with a friend and brought back several packs of American Spirits. I didn't know what colour pack to get and the guys behind the counter were no help. I ended up with the yellow packs, which turned out to be a "light" version, so I have to cover the ring of tiny holes they put across the filter so I can get a stronger drag on them.

I also bought the red packs which are their organic version and I must say they are considerably stronger than what I'm used to smoking and if I am foolish enough to chain-smoke two in a row, my stomach gets rather queasy.

In terms of flavour, the lighter ones taste somewhere between a Canadian cigarette and an American smoke. The organic ones taste similar but also have a hint of a cigar.

Thanks, manitoban for letting us know about North Field - I am now "hooked" on them.

Gonzo said:
Anyway, they are a great tasting smoke, surprisingly smooth for having no additives. I can't wait to try their organic if/when it comes out.

Yeah! I actually prefer them to American Spirit, and a few fellow smokers I know who didn't like AS, DO like North Fields though I wouldn't think there is much of a difference between the two.
manitoban said:
Gonzo said:
Anyway, they are a great tasting smoke, surprisingly smooth for having no additives. I can't wait to try their organic if/when it comes out.

Yeah! I actually prefer them to American Spirit, and a few fellow smokers I know who didn't like AS, DO like North Fields though I wouldn't think there is much of a difference between the two.

Purchased NF's about 5 days ago, have to agree with both of you - very smooth :cool2:, much looser leaf than AS; couple of questions though, does any one know if NF's filters/paper is something different then the statuesque and do they have rolling tobacco - have asked the vendor but they do not know and yes organic would be best if and when as Gonzo said.

Thanks :)
987baz said:
In Europe

Please contact our office in Hamburg for information about Natural American Spirit products throughout Europe:

Direct phone: +49.40.853.110.50

Mailing address:
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
Europe GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 13
22671 Hamburg

Web site: www.americanspirit-europe.com

E-mail: info@americanspirit-europe.com

I've just visited the americanspirit-europe website apparently they only sell merchandising products (T-shirts, belts...) and no tobacco.
Just a notice for American smokers, they are trying to ban sending tobacco through the mail. It's about to get the Senate's vote. You can voice your opinion through the website or phone. The link is at the top of spirit-smokes site in red text.

It's crazy they're doing this, it will force a lot of companies to shutdown, hurt the shipping services, and cost the consumers more. I've been looking into starting smoking and maybe growing some tobacco, but I could see them eventually trying to tax or make illegal that too. I don't know if I can legitimately voice my opinion on this, because I've never voted.

I'd also like to mention that I've found a place where you can buy uncut tobacco. Since it's not in RYO form and you have to shred it yourself, it doesn't get the $25 per pound tax. One pound is $25 and 5 is $100. A pound makes about two cartons I've heard. So it seems you could supply yourself a year's worth for about $400 at a pack a day unless they pass this bill. FWIW.

Site is: http://freshchoicetobacco.com/home.html

EDIT: figure was for 10 cigs a day, fixed price per year.
3D Student said:
Just a notice for American smokers, they are trying to ban sending tobacco through the mail. It's about to get the Senate's vote. You can voice your opinion through the website or phone. The link is at the top of spirit-smokes site in red text.

It's crazy they're doing this, it will force a lot of companies to shutdown, hurt the shipping services, and cost the consumers more. I've been looking into starting smoking and maybe growing some tobacco, but I could see them eventually trying to tax or make illegal that too. I don't know if I can legitimately voice my opinion on this, because I've never voted.

I'd also like to mention that I've found a place where you can buy uncut tobacco. Since it's not in RYO form and you have to shred it yourself, it doesn't get the $25 per pound tax. One pound is $25 and 5 is $100. A pound makes about two cartons I've heard. So it seems you could supply yourself a year's worth for about $200 at a pack a day unless they pass this bill. FWIW.

Site is: http://freshchoicetobacco.com/home.html

This is fascinating. Thanks for sharing! I had no idea you could order all natural leaves in bulk.
JonnyRadar said:
This is fascinating. Thanks for sharing! I had no idea you could order all natural leaves in bulk.

Yeah no problem, I just kind of stumbled on it from looking at how to grow tobacco on youtube. I think this would be a lot less time consuming and cheaper considering growing materials and curing chambers than growing your own.
JonnyRadar said:
...at the moment, what i find most satisfactory is smoking drum...

It seems that there are some other additive free tobaccos other than American Spirit. I found some here: _http://www.rollyourown.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=92_97. Not all ryo tobacco is additive free though, right?

I also have a question to those in the states who have ordered from spirit-smokes or other online sites. Do you have to somehow pay taxes on the products you buy? Some of the Native American sites say something like: "The buyer is responsible to report state taxes on purchases." I don't want to run into any problems next tax year if I buy some.
3D Student said:
I also have a question to those in the states who have ordered from spirit-smokes or other online sites. Do you have to somehow pay taxes on the products you buy? Some of the Native American sites say something like: "The buyer is responsible to report state taxes on purchases." I don't want to run into any problems next tax year if I buy some.

Technically, yes.

The authorities would have to know of the transaction however.
3D Student said:
I'd also like to mention that I've found a place where you can buy uncut tobacco. Since it's not in RYO form and you have to shred it yourself, it doesn't get the $25 per pound tax. One pound is $25 and 5 is $100. A pound makes about two cartons I've heard. So it seems you could supply yourself a year's worth for about $400 at a pack a day unless they pass this bill. FWIW.

Shredding? Perish the thought, but I digress to semantics :cool2:

Actually I am in the third year of a tobacco growing/learning project. Today I isolated more sprouts into their individual pots and they are doing well in the propagator. They will be ready to go into the ground in another 3 or 4 weeks. Last years harvest was tied into hands today and is hanging in the garage waiting for me to complete the curing chamber. Once that is done the hands of tobacco will be shag cut. See, I am even learning the lingo. We'll soon be smoking pure organic tobacco, for free, after the initial cost of the equipment, which was about the cost of two months smokes. I have been having the 5 ounce tins of loose American Spirit shipped to me from the states by a family member, but they recently went from $12 a tin to $32... to fund America's military adventurism. I decided to just say no.

For those who buy hands of whole leaf, there is a very reasonably priced machine which will make it smokeable. It comes with a pressing box and full instructions on how to do it properly. I bought an antique German manually operated cutter, but after using it a few times, I realize it will not be sufficient to handle the volume of tobacco that will be required by the French residents of this project, so I'll be ordering one of these soon. Its an excellent deal for Euro 62.00:


There is a youtube demonstration of the Cuthof machine:

Perhaps one day we'll need one of these:
[quote author=CorkyC]Hi all,

Just popping in. Back in April when they raised all the taxes, I had to switch brands because I couldn't afford the Spirits. I now smoke Native's. They're $22/carton from the same site. I think I actually like them better than the Spirits now. They are knock-offs, so they don't have as much tobacco per cigarette and you have to pack them down really well before you open them, but I always had trouble finishing an American Spirit cigarette on a 10 minute break anyway.[/quote]

I switch between Natives and American Spirits as well. Natives are an excellent choice when money is tight for me but I still want natural tobacco with no additives. For the price of 2-3 packs of AS (retail), I can buy a carton of Natives including shipping. I buy them from http://www.threefeatherstobacco.com/ because they are fairly local to me (Buffalo, NY) and the cigarettes are always extremely fresh and arrive fast. They smoke nicely and taste really good once you get used to the unique flavor. In terms of value brands they are far better quality than Gold Coast and the like, IMO.

[quote author=CorkyC]I am happy to report that I've gotten 4 of my coworkers off menthol since I started working there. It's not much, but it's something.[/quote]

May I ask what the motivation was to convince your co-workers to quit smoking menthol? Is it something especially damaging about combusting and inhaling menthol? If that's the case would it be safe to assume that if the menthol flavor was located in the filter, and not in the tobacco (resulting in combustion), then it would be safe to consume?

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