Stan Deyo and

...isn't this the part where one of the aforementioned players shows up to correct our poor misguided analysis? Or perhaps since suing is so in, to ask the thread to be removed and/or threaten to sue?

Norma said:
So much fear-mongering, with the evil Muslim terrorists are out to git us line. Reminds me of that awful Nostradamus TV special a few years back that kept flashing Osama Bin Laden's mug over and over, with Vinnie B positing as an expert, wearing those ridiculous glasses on the end of his nose.

Steve Q and his colleagues are non too subtle in regards to their neo-con propaganda. Pretty pathetic.
You can say that again. No wonder they are so frantic to defame us that sure explains why they are all backing Pepin! They are truly cointelpro, the whole lot of them! Closet neocons, worshippers of that strange god, Howwah/Yahweh, servants of darkness.

What bugs me is that we on this forum are called minions. It's been said we believe everything told to us just because we are told so. Sweet BeegeeBus people. I only wonder just how many on this big ole WWW just believe something because someone sez so. Really... That's what bothers me. Anyone with half a neuron firing could do a little independent research and not just BLINDLY accept statements with NO PROOF. Perhaps a major problem is all the lazy arses out there who are yes, too freakin lazy to get off their arse to check things out for themselves. THINK. Methinks that's the problem, maybe so many out there are just so damned dumbed down, they never learned to THINK for themselves. I guess it would be easier to just sit on ones' arse, listen and DO no research. This all just pee's me off. I shouldn't be mad at all, but who is the problem, the Evil Magician or the sheeple. Sorry for the noisy rant.

I think that the "minion" accusation is merely projection; that is, REAL "cult minions" accuse free thinkers of being cult minions to distract from their own state of "minionship." That's fairly typical of pathologicals. It's also kind of a reversive blockade, to keep insisting that something that is the opposite of the truth is true with such conviction that it eventually overpowers weak minded people. Again, a typical tactic of pathological types.

Laura said:
They are truly cointelpro, the whole lot of them! Closet neocons, worshippers of that strange god, Howwah/Yahweh, servants of darkness.
There's some deeply weird YouTube talks by Steve Quayle on YouTube. _ Even shows a mug shot of the guy. Listened to a couple of the talks and thought...holy crumb, this guy is totally whacked. He's all over the place, and sounds like a two-bit fire and brimstone preacher, with an added dash of New Age mumbo jumbo. He's been interviewed by George Noory of Coast to Coast and Alex Jones. Doesn't Jones posit that 911 was an inside job? Yet, here is Quayle so dang certain that Osama and the whole slimy Muslim bunch did 911 and are still out to git us.

Al Today said:
What bugs me is that we on this forum are called minions. It's been said we believe everything told to us just because we are told so...Anyone with half a neuron firing could do a little independent research and not just BLINDLY accept statements with NO PROOF. Perhaps a major problem is all the lazy arses out there who are yes, too freakin lazy to get off their arse to check things out for themselves.
As one who did do my research in regards to the Vinnie Bridges gang of defamers when I first came across this site, I can say I saw through their lies about Laura and the Cs after a few days of wading through their sludge.

Now, take a gang stalker of Laura's like Storm Bear, whose myspace page, cartoon work, and other internet ramblings make one think that he is politically liberal (likes Countdown with Keith Olberman, that Muslim-loving Jimmy Carter) and a practicing Buddhist. Guess the guy must be very open minded to take up with such an assortment of grifters, petty criminals, plagerists, liars, sexual predators, and proven slanderers like Vinnie B, not to mention one or two Bible-thumping, neo-con, "git all them evil Muslims before they git us" types.

Strange bedfellows, indeed.

Norma said:
Now, take a gang stalker of Laura's like Storm Bear, whose myspace page, cartoon work, and other internet ramblings make one think that he is politically liberal (likes Countdown with Keith Olberman, that Muslim-loving Jimmy Carter) and a practicing Buddhist. Guess the guy must be very open minded to take up with such an assortment of grifters, petty criminals, plagerists, liars, sexual predators, and proven slanderers like Vinnie B, not to mention one or two Bible-thumping, neo-con, "git all them evil Muslims before they git us" types.
Yeah, that used to puzzle me until I just figured out it's a mask, a foil, a phony public face to suck in the unwary.

Laura said:
Yeah, that used to puzzle me until I just figured out it's a mask, a foil, a phony public face to suck in the unwary.
All it takes is a little netsurfing...and a couple of neurons firing as AL Today pointed realize that the entire VB Brigade is not playing with a full deck. Must be difficult to keep their lies, supposed beliefs, and seemingly alternate personalities from view since they can't resist making a name (or names) for themselves.

Laura said:
I think that the "minion" accusation is merely projection; that is, REAL "cult minions" accuse free thinkers of being cult minions to distract from their own state of "minionship." That's fairly typical of pathologicals.
I was pondering this the other day in relation to the "3-5 code":

C's session 95-11-11 said:
Q: (L) What does this code relate to? Is it letters or some written work?
A: Infinite power.
Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code? If you don't know the correspondences, how can you use a numerical code?
A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely for which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity.
Q: (L) Well, that is a round robin... a circle you can't get out of!
A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.
The pathological entity seems to seek knowledge only to serve the self. To them, the self is the only thing that is truly "Real", therefore they would never see themselves as "cult minions" because they consciously know that anyone they "pledge allegiance" to doesn't matter one bit. Their "allegiance" is merely empty words, and they will quite happily betray or overthrow those in their "cult hierarchy" if they think it will serve their interests.

But, as the C's say, the self-serving entities they "pledge" themselves to ALREADY KNOW THIS by virtue of having more knowledge and awareness (and a position higher up the ladder) than the minion. Thus, the minion's "slavery" is, in objective terms, quite real, with the amazing thing being that the minion fully believes they are not being manipulated - they believe that they are in fact manipulating the person they "pledge allegiance" to, while the "Master" believes that they have the "minion" completely under the spell of THEIR manipulations because they are conscious of that fact!

Now, the minion may even be aware they are being manipulated to some degree, but still choose to "follow orders" because they think they can eventually turn the tables and become "top dog" (or "top god"). This might create somewhat of a psychological dissonance within them while doing so, because then (on some level) they have to acknowledge an "other" whom they are playing this "game of minion/mastery" with. And it seems the best way to minimize this dissonance is to project the self/other dynamic they don't (or can't) wish to acknowledge onto people who present a "suitable target".

Thus, a network of people researching and sharing knowledge consciously and freely with each other are seen as "cult minions", because the relationship structure of the group SIMULATES the desired self/other dynamic that the pathological wishes to reject in order to restore their "inner equilibrium". The key difference appears to be that a group of researchers composed of non-pathological people understand at a deep emotional level that each other person is a separate entity with their own feelings, thoughts, will, consciousness etc, not merely an "object" which will be psychologically incorporated at the appropriate "time" when the "game" has run its course.

So, as Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view". If, at the deepest level of being, an entity can only see themselves, everything they do and say will reflect that core principle, even if it is required to completely "invert" common sense, logic, and objective reality in order to do it. On the other hand, if the entity can acknowledge and allow an OTHER to BE at the deepest level of being, they have the possibility of matching and "constructively reinforcing" the "waveform" of objective reality. In a sense, we could say that objective reality actually exists for these entities, whereas it exists only "temporarily" for pathologicals, because they cannot emotionally acknowledge the existence of others.

The C's express this point very concisely:

C's session 02-09-28 said:
Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past."
Ultimately, objective reality exists because it exists - the Universe has the final "say" in this. Who are we to deny the existence of others?

And as we can see from the state of the world - the atrocities and war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine etc - denying the existence of others by force is the final outcome when pathological behaviour is allowed to run unchecked. Only people of conscience have the ability to stop this. It is up to us.

Or so I think. I might be completely wrong.

NormaRegula said:
Must be difficult to keep their lies,
My ole hill folk grandmother taught me one reason not to lie is that you gotta remember what you said. It's can be easy to get caught in a lie, then watcha gonna DO? One can get lost and confused in trying to keep the different stories straight with different audiences. Then again, some liars just don't give a damn, do they.?.?.?

What's so amazing...or darkly humorous depending on the that pathological persons can't resist opening their big mouths to create a new, more "impressive" reality via lies. The internet abounds with proof of their hypocrisy, projection, and outrageous b. s., yet they deny they said and/or wrote such words when confronted with the truth. Vinnie Bridges is a text book example of this.

darkly humorous
I think so... I try not to get angry with them. Better to keep logic and reason to think, try to keep a cool head and don't let emotions into the conversation. I think they want to see an effect, maybe feel something, so they can know they "win", feel the power of situational control, "win" the game, prove to themselves they are "better", dominating.

yet they deny they said and/or wrote such words when confronted with the truth.
Yes, and this cracks me up. From one of my experiences, I confronted a fellow, in person, up front and personal, right there, in the then "here and now", no dilly dallying around, I got right to an irrefutable truth and they looked right at me and said: "WHAT?", "What do you mean?" and "I didn't do nothing", "WHA...". With the apparant outward appearance of no comprehension of what they did. He was looking right into my eyes as he try to piss me off, I think. I was dumbfounded. I swear He has piercing eyes that show no feeling, no empathy, empty, hollow, like a shell of a human, with no soul, nothing but a bio-machine...
By the way, also a family member so I get a lot of practice...

I went to that other thread at gather dot com. What a mountain of invective just because somebody had the temerity to quote one of the better and more informative articles from here.

I also looked at the video linked by NormaRegula. The man shown at the beginning dressed in the "shocking in purple" attire looks to me like a police officer in civilian clothes (or a plainclothes officer). I dont know what was said, as I turned off the sound because of the annoying fistula voice of the speaker (probably wont miss it either).

Mr. Quayle, if you happen to read this: Why should I, or anybody else, apologize to you ? I wasn't even aware of your existence until Friday, and what has been said by others does not seem so out-of-place that it would constitute slander or defamation.

The short version: Get a life, man ...

Name said:
Mr. Quayle, if you happen to read this: Why should I, or anybody else, apologize to you ? I wasn't even aware of your existence until Friday, and what has been said by others does not seem so out-of-place that it would constitute slander or defamation.

The short version: Get a life, man ...
Ditto. Nothing ticks people off quicker that the truth. What's there to apologize for?

Following up this thread over the last few days, I revisited the original one (first link) at gather (dot) com

steve q said:
Hmmmm, this is as funny as hell - I used a random pseudonym of one of Laura's libel victims, S Quayle, to protect my own privacy, and sure enough, within minutes Laura Knight-Jadczyk and all her mindless minions began running around the net, chasing their tails like chickens with their heads cut off in an attempt to implicate and smear, libel and YES defame the real Mr Quayle.
Interesting...a lie to justify what? Looking at Steve's website promoting survivalist mentality should be warning enough. So to the non Steve Q, thanks for the heads up and research you promoted me and others todo! :)
He also seems to be (subjectively) reading this thread, and scanning over the forum.

steve q said:
You will notice that they have completely avoided the facts - that fact that Laura is being sued for $4.7m for libel and defamation, and the fact that Laura's SOTT forum encourages her minions to join in the ongoing feeding frenzy to libel and defame multitudes of folks - all without a shred of evidence. Laura supervises this feeding frenzy on a daily basis so she is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for EVERY thread.
Funny, I see the words, I feel the rage, and I seem to be missing the data. Would be nice if he could provide some quotes that are 'liabelus' from the pepin thread...that way we could remove the base of this VERY LOUD house of cards.

As a way of 'trying' to discredit this article, I suppose it has a reasonable potential of success in some cases.
People who are not use to reading such things about commets will (if they start to understand the situation) probably feel un-nerved by the article. To read some nice shouting against the source, well thats great!!! I can forget that nasty little article that made me feel scared because that nice Steve Q shouted the source what a nice guy!

God forbid he try to attack (did I say attack, I mean construct a balanced argument based on verifiable/researchable data) the article directly, or even victor clube.

I see a two pronged emotional manipulation going on here, a) non primary target, the reader of above article (don't be scared, go back to sleep) b) primary target, the 'minions'

I actually find it fascinating the image being constructed by 'steve' an odd sort of way I can't wait to see what he'll post next! Whatever it is, I bet its noisy! :)

RedFox said:
steve q said:
Hmmmm, this is as funny as hell - I used a random pseudonym of one of Laura's libel victims, S Quayle, to protect my own privacy, and sure enough, within minutes Laura Knight-Jadczyk and all her mindless minions began running around the net, chasing their tails like chickens with their heads cut off in an attempt to implicate and smear, libel and YES defame the real Mr Quayle.
That is the lamest load of horse hockey I've ever read for two reasons: 1) As I mentioned on the first page of this thread:

Seriously, I don't remember ever hearing anything about Steven Quayle (he spells his name differently in some places on the net), so I did a search. I found this page: which has one post. I guess nobody else ever heard of Quayle either so nobody responded.
So, nobody had defamed Steve Quayle when he supposedly picked this name to hide behind. And actually, nobody has defamed him at all. So, it strikes me that Steve Quayle is pretending not to be himself in order to make his defense of himself seem more legitimate, especially after he has been exposed for the questionable character he is in this thread. Which, I remind you, did not even exist until this guy, Steve Quayle, just came out of nowhere and for no reason at all except that he was obviously a Vincent Bridges, StormBear Williams, and/or Eric Pepin minion, and began defaming ME!!!! That is, assuming that he isn't an alter ego of Stan Deyo.

2) Taking his claim at face value (which is difficult for the reasons stated above), IF the guy is not Steve Quayle, what kind of nutzoid is it that uses the name of someone else to defame a third party as he has defamed me? Because, indeed, what Steve Quayle is doing IS defamation. Is that supposed to be ethical or even a clever ruse? Does this guy have any neurons firing at ALL? PuhLEEEEZE!

This guy, whoever he is, behaves and writes like he fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. That's my opinion, Stevie Boy!

I frankly don't have time to read or comment further on his nonsense; anybody who is taken in by it fell out of the same tree.
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