Stan Deyo and

Re: The Wave and Stan Deyo’s Antimatter/Antigravity Experiments

qikiprana, it would be wise of you to actually search this forum for information on Stan Deyo before posting your advertisements. You'll quickly find that he is, at best, a disinformation artist, and, at worst, a fraud. I have merged your new post with one of the pre-existing threads on Deyo. There are several pre-existing threads.
You may find this interesting. I just uploaded it the other day.
MDJarv said:
You may find this interesting. I just uploaded it the other day.

Hi MDJarv,

It would be appreciated if you could post a description of the video and why you think the forum will find it interesting. Not all members of the forum are able to view videos on line and those that are able, often don't have the time to check out every video posted - so a description is externally considerate.

Also, since this is your first post on the forum, it would be great if you could post an introductory post in the Newbies Section - just how you found the forum and what you've read of Laura's material - no need for personal details.
No problem, Anart.

This is the description I included with the video on YouTube:

This originally aired on February 5, 1998, on the BBC's 'Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends'.

I am posting this because it shows how long some of these folks in the pay-triot movement have been in the business of peddling fear and doom in order to sell merchandise and make quite a living for themselves in the process.

Obviously the BBC has its own agenda in airing programs such as this. I understand this. Those who adequately understand the Hegelian dialectic understand how, just because a person might be critical of one side of a story, does not mean they are automatically in favor of the other. Obviously the purpose of this program is to marginalize anyone who questions the system as being loony and potentially dangerous.. Of course this is nonsense. However, there are people who claim to be on the side of truth who actually feed into these stereotypes, therefore making them no better than those they condemn, including the makers of this program.

For years Steve Quayle has been in the business of selling fear and making predictions that never come true. He is by far one of the most sensationalistic fearmongers in what is today called the Truth (or Patriot) Movement.. He is a regular guest on programs like Coast to Coast AM and the Alex Jones Show.

Remember several years ago on Coast to Coast, Quayle often appeared alongside Douglas Hagmann, who runs a website called the Northeast Intelligence Network, which plays into the globalist/neocon fearmongering agenda, putting out all sorts of bogus terrorism alerts that never come to fruition. Of course it's all about putting you into a state of fear and playing into the hands of the controllers. It's also about selling you useless survivalist crap, which the pay-triot (bowel) movement is largely based upon, other than being controlled opposition and a big psyop.

Quayle does nothing but muddy the waters and discredit legitimate information with his incessant doom-mongering and talk of stargates and giants returning to earth. Recently, on an appearance on Coast to Coast, Quayle said the reason the controllers are making the public fat with the GMO, additive-laden foods is because when the biblical giants return to earth, they plan on eating us. You cannot make this shit up, unless of course you are a professional bullshit artist and make a living peddling such nonsensical and delusional garbage.

Does anyone really believe that buying survival gear is going to somehow save them from the wrath of the NWO when they do come forward full-force with their extermination plans? How many people can afford $35,000 for an underground nuclear fallout shelter, and even then, how long would you plan on living in there? In the event of a nuclear attack, that radiation is not going to be going away anytime soon, which means you would probably have to remain in one of these things for the rest of your life (or until you run out of food and water).

These are rational questions that any rational-minded person would ask themselves before spending money on something so ridiculous. But of course the people selling you this stuff know that fear overrides logic and common sense, which is why they must continuously pound you over the head with this stuff on their radio programs.. Perhaps nobody knows this better than the controllers themselves, which is why keeping the public in fear has long been one of their main goals. If people understood the infinite nature of their being, there would be no reason to fear ANYTHING.

People who are at one with themselves and the creator of this universe know there is nothing to fear, and that our existence in the body we currently occupy is simply one small part of something much bigger that never truly dies. This has nothing to do with religion. I am not a follower of any manmade, pedophile priest religion, but I know through knowing the truth and understanding my own intuition, that there is something much higher than this existence.

Those who live in constant fear over the NWO are some of the least awake people and also the most vulnerable to what they fear, because of that fear, which keeps them from truly realizing who they really are.

Of course Steve Quayle is just one of many offenders who knowingly or unknowingly play into the hands of those who wish to enslave us through the promotion of fear and propaganda.
Like father like daughter???


Instead of selling fear and BS, she is selling sex appeal and red neck music.

That is very strange IMO, that she is the spawn of Steve.

Wow, just wow.
Just came back to this thread again.

ZeropointNinja said:
Like father like daughter???


Instead of selling fear and BS, she is selling sex appeal and red neck music.

That is very strange IMO, that she is the spawn of Steve.

Wow, just wow.

Not so strange since the Nashville music scene purportedly has some similarities to the Laurel Canyon music scene in that a few of the elite's useful idiot's kids are groomed for celebrity and/or other public functions that might help further the PTB agendas.

Thought it was interesting that Stephanie Quayle's website states that she was 'Hand selected by Maria Shriver to participate in the women's conference'. Obviously the gal has connections.

Ken Welch? Now there's the pot calling the kettle black...

Laura said:

BUSTED: Douglas J. Hagmann and
Northeast Intelligence Network
by Ken Welch in Houston

Posted Monday, September 11, 2006

Al Qaeda terrorist training camps in Georgia? Jihad crazed Muslims preparing to shoot up your local shopping mall? Why the government is hiding the obvious al Qaeda connections of the guy who robbed three gas stations in Oklahoma? All this and more is available from the often comical Northeast Intelligence Network created by Douglas J. Hagmann - or someone using that name. In this report we will listen to Hagmann as he broadcasts a terror alert that he knows is false, and get a brief glimpse of who the U.S. intelligence community believes were the real planners behind 9/11. You can have three guesses but none of them should be foreign.

I. Premier Disinformation Source on the Web

Northeast Intelligence Network is the premier government disinformation source on the web. The site claims over 30 million visitors this year alone, and its amazing production levels indicate a substantial budget drawn from deep pockets. It is always current on any news topic that can be used to spread fear. In fact, if you want to know what the monolithic U.S. propaganda machine will be doing next week on CNN, Fox, New York Times, et al, Hagmann is so close to the source he will be telling you about it today.

The main purpose of the website is to spread fear. [...]

I don't know if anyone remembers, a few years back, the hysterical alt news warning article about a ship anchored in Houston Harbor that contained a nuke that was going to go off on a certain date. The story went viral across the internet forum and blogosphere. That "explosive" date came and went, and when the event failed to materialize as predicted, the author claimed that it was because of his valiant investigative journalism that the false flag operation was scrubbed. He had singlehandedly blown the bad guys' cover and saved Houston. The original article was pulled down.

The author? Ken Welch, a man who is no stranger to the mongering of fear. These guys all seem to go ad hominem on one another if someone starts working their side of the street and gobbling up market share.
<< it was because of his valiant investigative journalism that the false flag operation was scrubbed. >>

While it could be true that raising awareness of a threat can deter the threat, it is surely a dynamic that is abused and lied about more often than not. After all, it's the whole basis of the problem-reaction-solution scam. Lie about a threat, then say you've stopped the threat, and to anyone who believes you, you're a hero. This is the basis for collecting trillions in taxes for creating militaries and the apparatus of police states, etc.

In fact, I'm reminded of a similar situation that just occurred last month. David Wilcock said he'd been told by his trusted, highly placed sources the precise date that Obama would announce to the world that we've made contact with friendly ETs. He went on the alternative radio-show circuit trumpeting this "knowledge" but wouldn't reveal it because he said it would be "bad" for him to do so. Then, a colleague of his, who apparently couldn't keep his ego in check, spilled the date, November 27 at some kind of speaking event. David said he knew then that the revelation of the date made it unlikely to come true -- and sure enough, it didn't. That's pretty convenient if there was never any truth there to begin with, and it got him a whole lot of publicity.

Oh, and now "the date window" has apparently been extended all the way through Spring 2010, for those who wish to remain on the edge of their seats. To be fair, David did admit, when asked, that it was possible he was being duped and used, but he didn't think so.
PopHistorian said:
Oh, and now "the date window" has apparently been extended all the way through Spring 2010, for those who wish to remain on the edge of their seats. To be fair, David did admit, when asked, that it was possible he was being duped and used, but he didn't think so.

In light of what we have seen of David Wilcock, I would say that he is duping and using as many people as he can to get what he wants - fame and riches - so, of course, he doesn't think he's being duped and used since he is the one doing the using and duping. :guru:
Stan Deyo on the Steve Quayle Show

Is he talking to himself or are there two different people???


Notice who their "guru" is!

Parents Duct Tape "Demon Possessed" Children

Lawrence, KS - Two parents who admittedly duct taped their children inside an SUV in a Walmart parking lot said they did so because they were "demon possessed."

During Tuesday's court hearing, the judge dropped five felony counts of aggravated child endangerment against both parents. The couple still faces three felony counts.

A police officer testified in court that the couple's 12-year-old daughter said her two youngest siblings, ages seven and five, were occasionally tied up with their faces and eyes covered with duct tape to keep the demons out.

Adolfo Gomez, 52, and Deborah M. Gomez, 43, were arrested June 13 in a Walmart parking lot in Lawrence, Kan., after a customer saw two children bound with tape. They have been charged with two counts of child abuse and five counts of child endangerment.

During Tuesday's preliminary hearing, the court learned the couple had sold most of their belongings and left their suburban Chicago home because, "a darkness was coming over the house," and the house was possessed by demons. Police said the family left Chicago and were headed to Arizona where their oldest son attends college. On their way to Arizona, the Gomez family broke down in Lawrence and were temporarily living in their SUV in the Walmart parking lot.

At the time of their arrest, police said they were forced to tase Adolfo Gomez three times. His wife, Deborah Gomez, was found shopping inside Walmart. Inside her cart police found a baseball bat, two rolls of duct tape and two tarps.

During the police interview, officers asked Adolfo if he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Adolfo, according to police, said he had not used acid in over 30 days and said he had not had any alcohol because his wife threatened to leave him if he did. He also told police he hadn't slept for nine days.

During the preliminary hearing, the court also learned the couple was regular listeners of Steve Quayle, a conspiracy theorist, who, according to his website, believes the world is coming to an end. In the introduction to his 2003 book, Genetic Armageddon: Todays Technology - Tomorrows Monsters (sic), Quayle says, "It is safe to say that most those reading this book will live to see this terrifying future, and may know the sorrow of seeing loved ones herded into death camps, and of seeing mankind ground into powder under the metal and clawed feet of amoral supermen. This future will make the mass genocide's of the 20th Century pale by comparison.

The foundation for fulfilling this nightmare are already in place, and as will be detailed in this book, fully entrenched in government and business. There is no "if" to whether or not these things will be put into motion. They are already unfolding and will continue to fruition if not stopped immediately. "

The Gomez's youngest children, ages 15, 13, 12, 7 and 5, are now protective custody. They will be back in court on Thursday, August 16.
Oh my... this is awful.

Some people are being so AMPed up with
fear and terror, they start to disintegrate,
and do irrational acts.

I never forgot the Year 2000 date and some
people went off the deep end as well.
Quayle and Cie are good actors. And people believe in them as if they were real people. But they are brands, they represent brands. They are nothing more then advertisers of products and the best product that they advertise is fear. If you are innocent then you confound reality with fiction and you believe all the BS that Quayle and all the crackpots like him are telling.

It is so sad, always innocents like children are the firsts victims of all of this. :(
By chance, I turned my radio on last night and Coast to Coast was on. I recognized the familiar voice of Steve Quayle and listened for a minute or so. OMG! It's the end of the world! He was very hyped up and dramatic speaking about the followers of the Hindu god Shiva, some secret thing happening in Antarctica that different countries are involved in, how people are going crazy everywhere and the "Gates Of Hell" have truly opened now. We are getting Very close folks, it seems, according to him.

My impression was of a person spouting pure bs, trying to pull people into fantastic, secret plots and promoting fear... be afraid, be very, very afraid, for the end is upon us. I guess, certain people will be pulled into this stuff and thats unfortunate. But anyone that has their being centered in "reality" the impression he makes is pure sensationalism and disinformation. I listened to him years ago, off and on, on this radio show. I think he's gone a lot further down the bs road over the years.

So whats this secret in Antarctica? lol! A secret star gate has been found maybe. I wonder what George Noory thinks of all this stuff.
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