Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I had a chat yesterday with a former work teammate. I had requested a transfer from that team due to the supervisor's ineptitude. Anyway, I asked her if the sup had gotten any better at his job. She replied that he's been out sick a lot lately since he got his covid shot. He even had to go to the hospital because he was so sick. I don't know the details, but that sounds bad. He's a guy in his 40's, seemingly healthy.
Just wanted to report that my daughters bleeding is resolving itself and I am beginning to feel a bit better. Don't really know what that was all about. Seems suspicious to me but I just don't know for sure. I wish I did. Still keeping as much distance from the jabbed as possible.

I think this woman is definitely having a bad vaccine reaction though. Helps to laugh.

Would you be able to find out what the radio station was called, perhaps when it was broadcast and/or which hospital? Additional information would make it easier for us to find it. One would also think that if it has been on the radio, that other people in Germany critical of the vaccine will mention it on social media and in articles. That would be quite something if confirmed but let us wait and see if that is the case. It would be hard to keep secret for long if they have to keep the vaccinated patients apart from the non-vaccinated patients.
I will check, let me see and I will come back when I will have the information.

I check the audio, it is with this information, maybe it can help:

Top 20 Radio TV - Der ganze Teil von der Interne Mitteilung vom Klinikum

Also I found this link on their telegram page:

I check the audio, it is with this information, maybe it can help:

Top 20 Radio TV - Der ganze Teil von der Interne Mitteilung vom Klinikum

Also I found this link on their telegram page:
I looked on the link on Telegram. Looking back over the last 5 days, I didn't see anything, which does not mean that it doesn't exists, but it might also be a little different that what it sounded like. Perhaps others have heard something about it from other sources.
I looked on the link on Telegram. Looking back over the last 5 days, I didn't see anything, which does not mean that it doesn't exists, but it might also be a little different that what it sounded like. Perhaps others have heard something about it from other sources.
I went to Telegram and copied the link of the program, maybe that can help.

But it does not work, the link is the same I gave you before.
I went to Telegram and copied the link of the program, maybe that can help.
Thank you Loreta, I missed that. I listened to it and it says only what you mentioned above without more details or info. Only the difference that it concerns a clinic and not a hospital. Thus it would also be easier to keep information secret as a hospital would have a bigger staff. It says that the people working there are afraid of those who have been vaccinated. Perhaps more information will come in the coming days as to why that would be.
Thank you Loreta, I missed that. I listened to it and it says only what you mentioned above without more details or info. Only the difference that it concerns a clinic and not a hospital. Thus it would also be easier to keep information secret as a hospital would have a bigger staff. It says that the people working there are afraid of those who have been vaccinated. Perhaps more information will come in the coming days as to why that would be.
Ok, thank you for the traduction, it helps to put in perspective. There is a big difference between a clinic and a hospital. Surely something to give attention. Thanks again Aeneas!
Whistleblower account from a relatively senior person within the NHS

From her account you'll get a glimpse of the culture in there at this point in time.

To be honest the bottom line is the path won't change. Only undeniable disaster will bring this whole situation to an end.

We've already passed the threshold where this whole thing should have been stopped. That we have passed it and things still continue means this whole thing is being taken to its conclusion which includes jabbing kids.
As an ex member of the NHS for very many years, this account by a whistleblower resonates with me. The majority of staff in the NHS are there because they care. They care about the public and want to help them in any way they can. A lot of them can see the harm being done and the lack of transparency regarding the reporting of side effects and they have become very worried. That is good. The potential of losing their jobs is not good however, and that is leading to a state of fear.

I have a number of friends who still work in the service and they have said much the same thing. They have felt obliged to take the vaccinations in order to prevent the veiled threat of possibly losing their jobs becoming reality and the ability to care for families etc. being destroyed. Without this veiled threat the vaccination uptake would not have been anywhere near as great. That would have impacted on NHS staff speaking to the public about vaccinations. The public would naturally want to know that the staff believed in the vaccinations sufficently to have had them themselves. Imagine the scenario if Joe Bloggs asked a staff nurse whether they had had the shot. "No, I haven't as I am very concerned about the unknown long term health implications". Joe is definitely not going to have the shot himself. Getting the NHS onside was one of the first hurdles for the PTB. Veiled threats regarding potential job losses did the trick!!

It is mentioned that people are ok with the side effects. Why? Most people in this country have had vaccinations throughout their lives. Whoever has seen side effects on this scale before? I have mentioned this very point to quite a few people but no-one seems to have considered it to be that unusual. How did this state of affairs come about? The abnormal has become the new normal. All has been accepted as the gospel truth along with covid.

It is also mentioned that the people who have had the vaccination do not now want to hear anything about how deadly it might be. They have had it and it is already too late for them. They are bound to defend it in order to convince themselves that they haven't made a cataclysmic personal boo boo of mind blowing proportions.
Sweden - Phase 4 Vaccinations

Early this morning, I was notified by a colleague at work, that one young subway driver got the jab, went to work, but ended in the depot with severe pain in her jabbed arm (paralyzed ?) but the exact details were highly diffuse, due to that the information came "around two corners", without exact follow up.

Since Sweden now is going in phase 4, in which many regions have started to vaccinate people below 60 years of age, it appears that now all ages above 16 are welcome to do so. This means, it will also become more apparent at my workspace.


I just got to know, this minute, that my husbands ex-wife and best friend (Sicily), took the Pfizer vaccine... I can't believe this... (She is well informed, but "forced" to take it as a school teacher, they made it mandatory to keep the job. So, she decided not to fight and is "happy" because she got a doctors papers not having to take the AstraZeneca/Oxford jab, by choosing Pfizer/BioNTech... Choosing between two evils wrapped under the disguise of making a better choice. :shock:

Lots of attacks within the family in Sicily

As of lately there has been a lot of attacks between members of his sisters family, because she refuses the vaccine. But she is determined not to take it, and the only one who appears to be aware of the sinister motives behind it. So her husband (going most insane of fear revolving Corona forcing a lot of bad influence on all), but also the two sons which just weeks ago turned into daddies, are attacking her. They use the newborns as a primary argument, trying to force the sister to take the vaccine "to protect the babies". Given that she has several health issues, the jab would likely put her in immediate danger.

My husband and I were taken aback the last week about the fierce conflicts flaring up in the family revolving the Covid vaccines. We didn't expected massive hostility taking place.

In an astonishing moment, i heard later via my husband that the sister said: "I am aware that evil is working though my husband and my sons, attacking me. But what they say, isn't really them by heart". That lady has some serious 'jeezas powers', and personally I was astonished and surprised. Delighted of course, that she has the strength to withstand fierce attacks from all who surrounds her where they live, without falling apart.

Apparently she has started a network (!) of similar minded people, from which one is a priest from Palermo, who is well informed about the dark motives behind the Plandemic, the vaccines and other deceptions. Just wow !
Within my circles, it's about 50/50. Fifty percent have gotten the shot, and fifty percent will not ever consent to it. I am firmly in the latter. I've had severe anaphylactic reactions to three different classes of pharmaceutical drugs. Antibiotics, blood thinners, and unknown components in light sedation anesthesia.

Immediate family includes four siblings, and my daughter and her family. Three siblings have gotten the shot(s), one never will. My daughter's family is a family of five, mom, dad, 2.5 year girl, 4 month old boy and dad's mother. She was pregnant and now nursing, no way is she going to take a shot.

She was in the upper end of the age cohort targeted when Gardasil was first introduced. She stated firmly "I don't need or want that toxic sh!t". Today she would be identified as "vaccine hesitant", i.e. actually knowledgeable about the dangerous nature of "vaccines". However, her mother in law lined up for hers as soon as she could because she's "at risk". I struggle with the feelings I'm experiencing, that she's now a risk to our mutual grandchildren. This on top of my ongoing struggle with envy regarding her daily involvement in their lives. On one hand, I'm glad the kids live with their grandmother, on the other, I feel sad that I'm not more a part of their lives right now. It doesn't overwhelm me, I let the feelings be felt and then pass with observation instead of attachment.

Among my friends and relations, most have had mild side effects, sore arms, fever, feeling ill for a few days, headaches, etc. My partner has two relations that are having serious side effects. One is his stepmother, 95 who lives in an assisted living facility. We spoke with her on New Years' day. She was lively and still very mentally sharp. She was "vaxxed" in January. We spoke with her yesterday for Mother's Day, and it was like speaking with a totally different person. She was mentally out of it, slurring her words, did not remember that we have lived in the country for three years. We had to repeat pretty much everything we told her. It was sad, and somewhat alarming.

The other serious reaction is in a 62 y/o man with a history of heart disease. About a year and a half ago, he went Paleo, cut out bread and sugar, and was improving his health. He was initially against taking the shot, but the pressure/manipulation/extortion from the "health care providers" was too much. He got the first shot at the end of March. Within 48 hours, he was in the ER with a dangerously unstable heart rate, fluctuating blood pressure. He was hospitalized for four days. Upon his release, his cardiologist, gave him his private cell number and told him to call every day to report any symptoms or the lack thereof. His second shot was scheduled for the end of April. When he got the second shot, his reaction was immediate. Heart rate spiked from 50-55 BPM to 150-155 BPM, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, said he felt like a truck had run over him. He was hospitalized for ten days. When he was released, his cardiologist told him to keep reporting daily. He said he was "not allowed" by his employer to report this as aa adverse
Apologies, I hit post by accident. The cardiologist was not allowed to report this as an adverse vaccine reaction. It was listed in his health records as part of his "preexisting" heart disease. The cardiologist told him they both knew it was a reaction to the shot, and to please keep reporting symptoms. We hope this doctor is privately amassing data about the serious and deadly effects of the shots. We are very concerned for our friend. One of the last things he said in our last conversation with him was "they're trying to kill me, man!"
A friend died a few weeks ago. It was a bit of a surprise, but he had not been in good health for a long time. He was about 60. They did an autopsy due to his being found dead at home. The results show he died of a heart attack. OK, sad but OK. NOW.... I was told by another friend of his, that the dead friend had received a covid jab! I don't know exactly when, but it wasn't within a day or two of the death, maybe a few weeks. Did that jab cause the heart attack? I don't know, but it makes me sad to think that a guy who already had health problems, was convinced to take an experimental shot. On top of THAT, the other friend who had reported the jab, said HE was going to get his shot, because one of his customers was a pharmacist and told him that he could get the shot free (with no waiting!) at the drug store where the pharmacist worked!

The stories on this thread make me so sad at the state of humanity, so willing to accept things that kill them.
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