Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’


In groundbreaking research presented Wednesday, statistician and Luzern University professor Dr. Konstantin Beck said data show miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women in Switzerland nine months earlier — and vaccine makers and public health officials either knew or could have known this information at the time.

A major increase in spontaneous abortion among pregnant women was directly linked to the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Switzerland, according to a new analysis by statistician and Luzern University professor Dr. Konstantin Beck.

Beck, a former adviser to the German Minister of Health and the Swiss Parliament, analyzed publicly available Swiss and German data from scientific publications, health insurance companies and the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics (FOS).

He found that miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women in Switzerland nine months earlier.

And, he said, vaccine makers and public health officials either knew or could have known this information at the time, if they cared to look. Instead, they presented the information to the public in a way that obscured the risks.

Beck presented his groundbreaking research findings on Wednesday to Doctors for Covid Ethics.

Also, contrary to public statements by Swiss authorities that, “There is no relevant excess mortality among young people ” in Switzerland, Beck’s re-examination of the government’s own data reveals significant patterns of excess mortality among young people emerged in late 2021 and early 2022.

He said these findings show that during the COVID-19 pandemic, “We exposed the most vulnerable unnecessarily to new risks that outweigh by far the original pandemic risk.” And that “today, more and more heavy consequences of our Corona measures pop up in our official statistics, but only a few are interested to know [about them].”

“By analyzing the rollout of these vaccines, especially for pregnant women and their unborn, I found plain evidence from the very beginning that rethinking and postponing the vaccination strategy would have been imperative,” he said.


Source: The Defender - French - English

This is interesting. A complete about turn. I am not sure where they are going with these denials. Do they really think that the public do not remember what happened in the recent past? Is it one of those instances where they hope that by drip feeding these lies they will eventually be believed as the true scenario? Seems bizzare to me. I was one of those who lost my job in the care industry as a result of refusing the vaccination and I have a very good memory.

This is interesting. A complete about turn. I am not sure where they are going with these denials. Do they really think that the public do not remember what happened in the recent past? Is it one of those instances where they hope that by drip feeding these lies they will eventually be believed as the true scenario? Seems bizzare to me. I was one of those who lost my job in the care industry as a result of refusing the vaccination and I have a very good memory.
I think the terminology used is important when questioning these guys. Nobody was technically "forced" but the consequences for not complying to quite a few people was quite severe e.g. not being able to work, restrictions in movement etc. What happened is that people were very strongly coerced which shouldn't be the case.
I think the terminology used is important when questioning these guys. Nobody was technically "forced" but the consequences for not complying to quite a few people was quite severe e.g. not being able to work, restrictions in movement etc. What happened is that people were very strongly coerced which shouldn't be the case.
Which is to force. Here's #2 definition for the verb (to) force in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
: to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means

This is interesting. A complete about turn. I am not sure where they are going with these denials. Do they really think that the public do not remember what happened in the recent past? Is it one of those instances where they hope that by drip feeding these lies they will eventually be believed as the true scenario? Seems bizzare to me. I was one of those who lost my job in the care industry as a result of refusing the vaccination and I have a very good memory.
This is programmation through mass media. Bots (and confused people) will use this pre-packaged argument to contradict anti-vax and they will accept the programming that it was not a rulers decision, that they were absolutely free to not took it.

And one of the trick of the programmation is to use repetition. MK-Ultra derived technique.
Families that inject mRNA together, develop Turbo Cancer together?

Families that inject mRNA together, develop Turbo Cancer together.jpg
12 unbelievable stories of two or three COVID-19 vaccinated family members developing aggressive turbo cancer at the same time!

It's happening. Turbo cancers are skyrocketing and some families will have two, even three members develop aggressive turbo cancer at Stage 4!

When multiple family members come down with cancer and a COVID-19 vaccine induced turbo cancer is suspected, always look for the presence of at least one of these: leukemia, lymphoma, brain cancer, breast cancer.

Presumably, if multiple family members went to get their COVID-19 vaccine at the same time, they may have received a “bad batch” or “hot lot”, a toxic pharmaceutical product with poor quality control that may have had too much mRNA or may have been contaminated with DNA plasmids containing the carcinogenic SV40 promoter!

The immune system damage and organ damage that those family members might then experience from a “bad vaccine batch” or a “hot lot”, may be similar and may give rise to turbo cancers in multiple family members.
Study: Relapsing myocarditis following initial recovery of post COVID-19 vaccination in two adolescent males – Case reports

[...] We describe two cases experiencing recurrent myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine despite a prior episode with full clinical recovery. Between September 2021-September 2022 we observed two male adolescents with recurrent myocarditis related to mRNA-based-COVID19 vaccine. During the first episode both patients presented with fever and chest pain few days after their second dose of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine (Comirnaty®). The blood exams showed increased cardiac enzymes. In addition, complete viral panel was run, showing HHV7 positivity in a single case. The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was normal at echocardiogram but cardiac magnetic resonance scanning (CMR) was consistent with myocarditis. They were treated with supportive treatment with full recovery. The 6 months follow-up demonstrated good clinical conditions with normal cardiological findings. The CMR showed persistent lesions in left ventricle ‘s wall with LGE. After some months the patients presented at emergency department with fever and chest pain and increased cardiac enzymes. No decreased LVEF was observed. The CMR showed new focal areas of edema in the first case report and stable lesions in the second one. They reached full recovery with normalization of cardiac enzymes after few days. These case reports outline the need of strict follow-up in patients with CMR consistent with myocarditis after mRNA-based-COVID19 vaccine. More efforts are necessary to depict the underlying mechanisms of myocarditis after SARS-CoV2 vaccination to understand the risk of relapsing and the long-term sequelae.

Look like the body attack itself due to spike protein in the heart.
Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a “Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point”

Ed Dowd.jpg
- Deborah Birx said, "I always knew that this wouldn't offer - these shots wouldn't offer protection against infection". What you already - 676 million injections later, CV19 injections at America alone, 13.3 billion in the world, you knew it wouldn't work. Is this a crime?
- Well, I wasn't in the room, but at this point, it's a crime, because it's a cover up. I said that in my book in December of 2022,
that they see the same data that I see. And the data has only gotten worse since then. So it's a crime and it's a cover up.
So that's all you need to know. Forget about the who and the why, whether it was a bioweapon, it was a mistake. I don't care at this point.
This is a joke. They're killing people. They continue to mandate these jobs at some universities. Some employers still mandate them.
The UK is requiring all school children who enter the school in the fall to take these shots.
This is a joke, this is a crime. It's a cover up and it's murder at this point.

Pfizer officials told a Senate hearing in Australia that their employees had received a special batch of vaccines, not the one distributed to the public.

Australia Senate Pfizer audition
- I read that your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine, especially imported for Pfizer, which was not tested by the TGA. Is that correct?
- Senator, so Pfizer undertook to import a vaccine specifically for the employee vaccination program.
It was quite obvious. If i remember correctly, the Cs mentioned not so much received placebo though...


The eastern European country of Slovenia a person purporting to be a whistleblower nurse claims that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication.

🌍 #World New data indicate the transmission of mRNA of the COVID-19 vaccine by airborne droplets from vaccinated to unvaccinated⚠️☝️

According to a peer-reviewed study published in ImmunoHorizons, researchers identified antibodies of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the saliva of vaccinated people and on their masks.

The study suggests that if Ig antibodies can be transmitted from person to person, there is a possibility that the spike protein generated by COVID-19 vaccines can also be transmitted.

Brazilian soccer player Jose Aldean Oliveira dies during training

Brazilian soccer player Jose Aldean Oliveira
The 36-year-old goal scorer suffered a sudden heart attack, and although he was attended by medical personnel from the team, he couldn't be saved.
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