Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

"Time is of the essence": geneticist Dr. Michael Nehls warns against switching off our brains​

„Die Zeit drängt“: Genetiker Dr. Michael Nehls warnt vor Ausschaltung unserer Gehirne​

If you want to install a new operating system, you first have to delete the old one": With these simple words, physician, molecular geneticist and bestselling author Dr. Michael Nehls sums up in the "Great Interview" with Elsa Mittmannsgruber the terrifying plan to turn us into obedient subjects and zombies.
And this process is already in full swing.
According to Dr. Michael Nehls, our "mental immune system" is being paralyzed. The consequence is that our brains no longer function properly. This facilitates the control and indoctrination of people.
In his new book "The Indoctrinated Brain", Dr. Michael Nehls supports these theses with comprehensive scientific data.

Michael Nehls offers us a possible global explanation of why the Spike protein was chosen for use in both a bioengineered virus and gene injections.
His global analysis of the situation is that we are in a real formatting of the hard disk of society to receive a new cultural program and he studies the phenomenon from his knowledge of the index neurons of the hippocampus that are in charge of registering the order and location of memories.
Shock and awe left the way open to insert by repetition and necessity new and increasingly dystopian approaches since they had eliminated the oppositional capacity of society.
He argues that they chose the spike protein given its affinity to the receptors of neurons that are also affine to stress signals to produce neuroinflammation that deactivates the regeneration of the hippocampus which is the area of the brain in charge of the capacity for analysis and alternative thinking.
In short, they eliminated the ability to use common sense to force everyone to follow the mass and feel protected by it.
They sought to create a docile society
He, as he explains the relationship of hippocampal health with Alzheimer's disease, opens a window of hope for patients and all those who live with the apprehension of diseases associated with aging.
A life closer to the needs of our bodies, with a lot of movement and physical exercise, social contact and a diet rich in omega 3 and above all lithium in low doses can help to avoid many cases of this disease although the use of lithium appears as a trace element that should be prescribed as an essential supply to help reduce the levels of depression, criminality and suicide in society.
He has published all the results of his studies on lithium in a substack so that everyone can consult it and request it from their doctor.

As a summary to his studies he concludes in the demand that all those who still retain the ability to use common sense should speak out and do so loudly to denounce what has happened so that we can take control of our lives and our society.

(Version Español)

I saw this on the news here in Canada just yesterday.

'Completely demoralizing': B.C. men with COVID-19 vaccine injuries frustrated by compensation delays​

Both men were approved for compensation through the federally-funded Vaccine Injury Support Program and have received payments, including ongoing monthly support as neither can work. But they said they are also supposed to be getting reimbursed for out-of-pocket medical expenses.

And they’re frustrated by the delays, and said emails and phone calls to the company that administers the program often go unanswered.

A man died suddenly in a supermarket car park in Vimoutiers​

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A 51-year-old resident of Ticheville (Orne, France) died suddenly on Friday 5 January 2024 in the car park of the Aldi supermarket in Vimoutiers. The mayor of Vimoutiers, Guy Romain, who lives opposite the shop, was called to the scene by the police.

The Vimoutiers fire brigade were on the scene for at least three quarters of an hour, but were unable to resuscitate the fifty-year-old, who suffered a heart attack", explains the elected representative, who knows the deceased's entire family well. He worked at Solaipa".


22 years old and dies of a heart attack...madness!
This article seems to have been “the straw” for me, this morning.
I don’t recall if I shared with the forum that my first born son took the first two injections, in the first “wave” of the psyop, due to his wife’s insistence.
They have been married for 11 years, lived together for 15 years.

My daughter in law is involved in the “Health” care system, and had totally swallowed every lie the authorities announced.
She is an amazingly multi talented, vivacious and loving person, yet, basing my observations on what minuscule knowledge that I have gained, she has a lot of unresolved trauma and there are areas of her psyche that are, for a lack of a better term, immature, impressionable and malformed.
In several areas, she seems to have been emotionally “retarded” at a very young age, around 6 years old, or so.

(Note: the observation above isn’t made in a “negative judgmental” way. These aspects are also a huge part of her beautiful ability to see wonder, beauty and delightful magic in life.)

Her mental health became very, “fragile” during the initial hysterics of the scamdemic, but her devotion to “the NOBLE job” and the high that so many “Health”workers got, during the push of “Hero worship” she was experiencing at “the job” gave her a perverse “split in her personality”.

During the first two years, she road a wild horse of irrational fear, authoritarian worship, bravely tending to “plague carriers”....and nurturing an imagined superiority over the “unbelievers”.(Insert my name and picture here, and anyone else not playing)

My sons love and devotion to his wife, as well as his loyalty to his commitment to NEVER harm her, in words, or deeds, put him into one hell of a choice.

He was in a choice of balancing the knowledge he has gained over all these years of, well, having me for a mother, lol, always sharing what I learned, integrating his own nightmare experiences with “Health” care, juxtaposed with accepting the shots, playing along with the “game”, all for his deep devotion and love for his wife.

His reasoning to me, after the second and last injection was along the lines of:
“Mom, I’ve walked on the wildest sides of life, I’ve done a lot of drugs, drank myself nearly to death, and should have been dead in my teens. If taking these friggin injections for her helps her deal, and survive this bullshit, I’ll do it for her”.
That was two years ago, after the “mandatory” injection phase.

As of this morning, he is still very much alive, being his amazing, loving, creative self...
But, reading these stories, these reports, reminds me I must not take ANYTHING for granted, and in all sobriety I shall meditate on “The last hour of life” once again.

When I reached the final paragraph, of the article linked above, that did it, that was the straw:

“From this terrible tragedy of a young man's life cut so short for no apparent reason, Tercia and my whole family have seen a side of Kiam we knew was there but not to the extent that all of his wonderful friends did. The outpouring of grief, the love and hundreds of messages have really helped us cope with the knowledge that he was a really loved and popular man.”

The naive, wide eyed stupidity and puzzlement just isn’t stopping...but, KNOWING the reason, doesn’t give me much comfort, either.
This article seems to have been “the straw” for me, this morning.
I don’t recall if I shared with the forum that my first born son took the first two injections, in the first “wave” of the psyop, due to his wife’s insistence.
They have been married for 11 years, lived together for 15 years.

My daughter in law is involved in the “Health” care system, and had totally swallowed every lie the authorities announced.
She is an amazingly multi talented, vivacious and loving person, yet, basing my observations on what minuscule knowledge that I have gained, she has a lot of unresolved trauma and there are areas of her psyche that are, for a lack of a better term, immature, impressionable and malformed.
In several areas, she seems to have been emotionally “retarded” at a very young age, around 6 years old, or so.

(Note: the observation above isn’t made in a “negative judgmental” way. These aspects are also a huge part of her beautiful ability to see wonder, beauty and delightful magic in life.)

Her mental health became very, “fragile” during the initial hysterics of the scamdemic, but her devotion to “the NOBLE job” and the high that so many “Health”workers got, during the push of “Hero worship” she was experiencing at “the job” gave her a perverse “split in her personality”.

During the first two years, she road a wild horse of irrational fear, authoritarian worship, bravely tending to “plague carriers”....and nurturing an imagined superiority over the “unbelievers”.(Insert my name and picture here, and anyone else not playing)

My sons love and devotion to his wife, as well as his loyalty to his commitment to NEVER harm her, in words, or deeds, put him into one hell of a choice.

He was in a choice of balancing the knowledge he has gained over all these years of, well, having me for a mother, lol, always sharing what I learned, integrating his own nightmare experiences with “Health” care, juxtaposed with accepting the shots, playing along with the “game”, all for his deep devotion and love for his wife.

His reasoning to me, after the second and last injection was along the lines of:
“Mom, I’ve walked on the wildest sides of life, I’ve done a lot of drugs, drank myself nearly to death, and should have been dead in my teens. If taking these friggin injections for her helps her deal, and survive this bullshit, I’ll do it for her”.
That was two years ago, after the “mandatory” injection phase.

As of this morning, he is still very much alive, being his amazing, loving, creative self...
But, reading these stories, these reports, reminds me I must not take ANYTHING for granted, and in all sobriety I shall meditate on “The last hour of life” once again.

When I reached the final paragraph, of the article linked above, that did it, that was the straw:

“From this terrible tragedy of a young man's life cut so short for no apparent reason, Tercia and my whole family have seen a side of Kiam we knew was there but not to the extent that all of his wonderful friends did. The outpouring of grief, the love and hundreds of messages have really helped us cope with the knowledge that he was a really loved and popular man.”

The naive, wide eyed stupidity and puzzlement just isn’t stopping...but, KNOWING the reason, doesn’t give me much comfort, either.
It's extremely difficult to deal with obviously, to us at least, a 'wrong' choice by our loved ones. Unfortunately, that dealing and letting them choose their own path/decision, even if it seems so wrong to us and even if they stick to it for whatever reason after we warned them, showed them and informed them to the contrary and in some cases maybe even 'begged' them no to take that road, is a burden we need to carry.

IOW, it seems that our lesson in those situations is to allow the loved ones their free will choice, which is also sort of their lesson - to choose (freely) their own way based on their knowledge and being.

It sucks, I know, both my mother and brother have went the 'wrong' path with the vaxx, but I just have to deal with that and love them as they are, accept their choices and lessons, as well as my own, in that context at least.
Flashback hack of the Covid Vaxsine Psychos and experiencing the world of the Fourth-Density-STS?

Standing in a crowded room and realizing nobody is wearing a mask. A family dog that has passed away protectively guarding grandkids. Having a pleasant get-together with someone you haven’t thought of in years, then suddenly realizing everyone is a little too close, and a little too sick.

Do any of these instances sound familiar? A few weeks ago, we asked Science Friday listeners if their dreams have changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We heard from many listeners who said yes, their dreams have become more vivid, with elements of the pandemic included.

ranscript: This is Tyler in Atlanta, Georgia. Since the pandemic began, I have been dreaming a lot more, and been dreaming about people and places I haven’t thought about in years. Like, not since childhood. But the biggest change is starting in April, my dreams started having sound in them. And previous to this, I never had any sound in any of my dreams. Like, I’m not talking to people in them or anything, but I do have people talking to me and hear other sounds in the dreams now. And as the pandemics going on, my dreams have started getting back to what they used to be. But it’s still not quite normal.

I have had a number of dreams where I am in a social setting or someone’s home or something like that, and suddenly realize that no one is wearing masks, and they’re not maintaining social distance. And I wake up feeling very anxious and unsettled after that.

I have recently started having nightmares, where I’m in a crowded room. And I am usually at a school gathering or some kind of convention where there’s lots of vendors, and there’s hundreds of people. And at first, I’m totally unbeknownst that I’m in a pandemic, and that everything’s fine. And then a few minutes into the dream where I’m in this crowded room, I notice that every single person is not wearing a mask and I begin to panic. And it’s just as terrifying as the nightmares in college where I thought I had signed up for a college course. And I forgot I signed up for it, and I showed up for the day of the exam. So, it is very panic stricken and kind of funny at the same time.

“Enter REM Sleep.” Credit: Deirdre Barrett

A change in dreams due to a crisis is very common, says Deirdre Barrett, a dream researcher and assistant professor of psychology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. When we’re in a dream state, the brain is processing the same things we think about during the day. But when we’re asleep, the parts of our brain that handle logic and speech are damped down. The parts that handle visuals, however, are ramped up.

Barrett has been collecting dreams from people all over the world since the start of the pandemic. She says common dream themes range from actually getting the virus, natural disasters and bug attacks. Healthcare workers have regularly reported the highest level of stressful COVID-19 dreams, according to her data.

“The typical dream from the healthcare workers is really a full-on nightmare,” Barrett says. “Just as bad as you’d see in war zones.”

Barrett joins SciFri producer Kathleen Davis to talk about her research into crisis dreams, and what people can do if they want to experience stressful dreams less often.

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Participate In Barrett’s Dream Research

Have you had a memorable or disturbing dream during the pandemic? Recount your experience in Barrett’s online survey for her research. She’s received more than a thousand responses to date.
Take the survey 👀🤐

By Frontiers November 30, 2020
Researchers employed artificial intelligence to analyze the dream content of nearly a thousand individuals. They discovered that over half of the distressing dreams reported involved the novel coronavirus
Study applies artificial intelligence to analyze content of nightmares using crowdsourced data from more than 800 people during pandemic lockdown in Finland.

COVID-19 has turned 2020 into a nightmare for many people, as they struggle with health problems, economic uncertainty, and other challenges. Now a team of researchers in Finland has evidence that the pandemic really is a bad dream. In a paper published in Frontiers in Psychology, scientists used artificial intelligence to help analyze the dream content of close to a thousand people and found that the novel coronavirus had infected more than half of the distressed dreams reported.

The researchers crowdsourced sleep and stress data from more than 4,000 people during the sixth week of the COVID-19 lockdown in Finland. About 800 respondents also contributed information about their dreams during that time — many of which revealed a shared anxiety about the pandemic.

“We were thrilled to observe repeating dream content associations across individuals that reflected the apocalyptic ambiance of COVID-19 lockdown,” said lead author Dr. Anu-Katriina Pesonen, head of the Sleep & Mind Research Group at the University of Helsinki. “The results allowed us to speculate that dreaming in extreme circumstances reveal shared visual imagery and memory traces, and in this way, dreams can indicate some form of shared mindscape across individuals.”

“The idea of a shared imagery reflected in dreams is intriguing,” she added.

Pesonen and her team transcribed the content of the dreams from Finnish into English word lists and fed the data into an AI algorithm, which scanned for frequently appearing word associations. The computer built what the researchers called dream clusters from the “smaller dream particles” rather than entire dreams.

Eventually, 33 dream clusters or themes emerged. Twenty of the dream clusters were classified as bad dreams, and 55 percent of those had pandemic-specific content. Themes such as failures in social distancing, coronavirus contagion, personal protective equipment, dystopia, and apocalypse were rated as pandemic specific.

For example, word pairs in a dream cluster labeled “Disregard of Distancing” included mistake-hug, hug-handshake, handshake-restriction, handshake-distancing, distancing-disregard, distancing-crowd, crowd-restriction, and crowd-party.

“The computational linguistics-based, AI-assisted analytics that we used is really a novel approach in dream research,” Pesonen said. “We hope to see more AI-assisted dream research in the future. We hope that our study opened the development towards that direction.”

The study also offered some insights into the sleep patterns and stress levels of people during the pandemic lockdown. For instance, more than half of respondents reported sleeping more than before the period of self-quarantine, though 10 percent had a harder time falling asleep and more than a quarter reported more frequent nightmares.

Not surprisingly, more than half of the study participants reported increases in stress levels, which were more closely linked to patterns like fitful sleep and bad dreams. Those most stressed out also had more pandemic-specific dreams. The research could provide valuable insights for medical experts who are already assessing the toll the coronavirus is having on mental health. Sleep is a central factor in all mental health issues, according to Pesonen.

“Repeated, intense nightmares may refer to post-traumatic stress,” she explained. “The content of dreams is not entirely random, but can be an important key to understanding what is the essence in the experience of stress, trauma and anxiety.”

Reference: “Pandemic Dreams: Network Analysis of Dream Content During the COVID-19 Lockdown” by Anu-Katriina Pesonen, Jari Lipsanen, Risto Halonen, Marko Elovainio, Nils Sandman, Juha-Matti Mäkelä, Minea Antila, Deni Béchard, Hanna M. Ollila and Liisa Kuula, 1 October 20, Frontiers in Psychology.
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.573961
Just for today there's 2 news of teenagers having cardiac arrest in the French MSN stream displayed in Windows.

Vienne- investigation launched into the death of a 12-year-old girl in her bed.jpg
Vienne: investigation launched into the death of a 12-year-old girl in her bed

According to the Vienna public prosecutor's office, which has opened an investigation, the autopsy did not reveal any traumatic lesions suggesting the intervention of a third party.

Landes  - 14-year-old girl suffers cardiac arrest at school, two mothers save her life.jpg
Landes: 14-year-old girl suffers cardiac arrest at school, two mothers save her life

Two mothers, assisted by the school nurse, used the school's defibrillator and performed cardiac massage until help arrived.

Yesterday, it was this person with no much explanation:

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Our friend and colleague Thomas Guillaume, sports journalist, has died

Thomas Guillaume, a journalist with the Brest newsroom since 2007, died on Monday at the age of 42. A keen football fan, he kept a close eye on news from Stade Brestois. His colleagues remember him as a "super pro" and a "joker".

Now, just shy of his 43rd birthday, our colleague and friend Thomas Guillaume has retired. A journalist in the sports department at the Brest newsroom since 2007, this football fanatic has died in Brest, the city of his heart.

Another dead without explanation some days ago:

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Singer James Morrison "devastated": his partner found dead in their home

The British press announced the death of James Morrison's partner last Friday. Gill Catchpole was 45. She leaves behind two daughters and an inconsolable long-time partner.

Dr William Makis on X:
Mexican singer and actor, 42 year old Adan Canto died suddenly on Jan.9, 2024

after battling a very rare cancer of the Appendix

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancer probable

I guess he was jabbed, like many actors who worked during the plandemic.

From Daily Mail:
Mysterious rise in appendix cancer in young people: Disease that killed Designated Survivor star Adan Canto at just 42 has soared 200% in under-50s since 2000

Surprisingly, Daily Mail has enabled commenting for this article. As one commenter speculated referring to the headline:
"From 2000? Nah!, nore likely 2019, now let's see, what happened in 2019? Hmmm! - oh! yeah, of course . . . . ."
There was supposed to be an inquiry into covid vaccines, but it's been postponed until after the general election. No surprise there, given that the incumbent party was the one who managed this madness and they wouldn't like to damage their chances of reelection should uncomfortable information come to light.

The investigation into Covid vaccine development will not begin this summer as planned. The testimony phase has been delayed, with a new date expected after the forthcoming general election.
Baroness Hallett, leading the inquiry, expressed regret for the disappointment caused, stating more time is needed to prepare for a related NHS impact probe. Hallett is determined to conclude the inquiry by her initial target of summer 2026.

The Covid-19 inquiry is divided into sections, with the first examining pandemic preparations and the second, which began in October 2023, scrutinizing key political decisions. The probe into vaccines, meant to start in 2024, is now postponed with updates on timing due soon.

The module on vaccine distribution and safety issues will also examine the UK Vaccine Taskforce, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and compensation for vaccine-related health damage.

Additionally, Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, is scheduled to testify this spring. He previously critiqued officials in Whatsapp messages, showing frustration over leadership during the pandemic.

The BBC and other outlets are reporting the same thing:

Given that vaccine injury and compensation for it, as well as the overall management of the "pandemic" were on the agenda of the inquiry, no wonder Tories prefer it happened after the election. There'd be too much stuff coming out to shove under the rug effectively and they're barely keeping up with that as it is.

SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - Men ages 30-39 who died May to Nov. 2023 - 186 sudden deaths explored - What is killing COVID-19 Vaccinated men at 30-39?​

MEN ages 30-39 who died May to Nov.2023.jpg
Reality is, mRNA jabbed Doctors have to IGNORE all the young
people dropping dead around them. NO RESEARCH. NO ANALYSIS.

The sudden deaths continue at a frantic pace. Examples include:

Nov.28, 2023 - Amsterdam, NY - 31 year old Amsterdam High School
teacher Liam Pickett died suddenly of a burst aortic artery on Nov.28,
2023 which happened after teaching his last period class.

Nov19, 2023 - South Wales - 30 year old Charlie Batcup, British
soccer player, died suddenly during a trip to Amsterdam Nov:19, 2023.

Nov19, 2023 - BRAZILIAN DOCTOR DEAD - 33 year old Dr.Rodolfo
Duarte Ribeiro dos Santos suffered a cardiac arrest following a
haemorrhage in the liver and died on Nov.19, 2023.

Nov18, 2023 - Kinnelon, NJ - 30 year old volunteer firefighter Justin
Bower died suddenly.

Nov18, 2023 -Former Ohio University wrestler, 37 year old Josh Horne
died suddenly on Nov.18, 2023.

Nov17, 2023 -Cork, Ireland -39 year old sailor, Leading Seaman Conor
Kiely was found unresponsive by his colleagues on a vessel that was
in dock. He died on Nov:17, 2023.

Nov18, 2023 - Nov16, 2023 - 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain
Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi's Indira Gandhi
International Airport during training.

Nov15, 2023 - Zimbabwe intemational soccer player 32 year old
George Chigova died 4 months after suffering a heart attack. He died

Nov15, 2023 - Dekalb County, GA - 33 year old Police Officer Samuel
Curry died on Nov.15, from complications related to a "sudden

It is literally a "Tsunami of Death". This is the largest publication of
sudden deaths of men ages 30-39, a total of 186 deaths.

What are the characteristics of these sudden deaths? Every doctor,
from the jabbed-upto-the-eyeballs type to the health freedom doctor
should be analyzing these but they're not.

Here are the characteristics of this group (working with incomplete information):
36 athletes (non-soccer, including 7 football, 6 bodybuilders, 4 boxers, 3 basketball)
23 soccer players, coaches or rugby players
13 doctors
13 first responders (8 police, 5 firefighters)
12 musicians/artists
6 military
6 teachers
2 pilots

Here are the causes of death in this is group (working with incomplete information):
27 cardiac arrest/heart attack
18 deaths in sleep (usually cardiac)
14 cancer
7 blood clots (pulmonary emboli, strokes)
5 died from infection
3 died from aneurysm
2 died from autoimmune diseases
the rest "cause unknown"

Deaths during activity:
7 died during training
5 died during vacation
4 died playing soccer
3 died in their car
3 died at work
3 died while running
2 died while swimming

I have done a similar article on sudden deaths of men ages 20-29. How do they compare?

are by far the most deaths in both 20-29 and 30-39 age groups

More university students in 20-29, more doctors dying in 30-39.
Doctors are really getting destroyed in all highly mRNA jabbed
(they are catching up to Canadian doctor deaths which
continue to be covered up by their own Association @CMA_Docs)

First responders very prominent in both age groups (police,
firefighters) - these are mandate deaths, no question about it. No
other explanation possible.

Military deaths similarly prominent in both groups. Also mandate
deaths. I suspect many deaths in the military are hidden from the
general population.

I didn't expect so many musicians and artists in 30-39 age group
dying suddenly. Jabbed to travel?

The causes of death break down very similarly between 20-29 and 30-39.

Cardiac arrests, being found dead at home, dying in sleep are by far
the most common causes of death in both groups.

Men ages 30-39 have a mild uptick in cancers and blood clots vs ages

More men ages 20-29 die while running or cycling, this makes sense
as you'd expect 20-29 to be more physically active than 30-39.

The three deadliest activities for men between 20-29 and 30-39:

1. Training (military, police, etc) - extreme physical exertion - they die
during or right after
2. soccer (deadliest sport by far!)
3. running (extremely dangerous for the jabbed)

Ask yourself why the "freedom health media" are running stories on
everything BUT the victims of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA

Many controlled narratives in our space.

Anything but giving voices to the victims, or focusing on the victims.

I will write more on the controlled opposition in the "freedom health
movement" in coming weeks.

@EthicalSkeptic amazing graphs on US all cause mortality show that 4
years into the pandemic and we have: record deaths, record cardiac
deaths in young people.

We are years now into the medical establishment knowingly and
willingly harming & killing people with ongoing rollout of Pfizer &
Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and boosters - with all the
implied criminal liability and premeditation.

Special Thanks to: @Tulloch1978 @JonelessHomes @toobaffled
@resilient333 @prolifrantivaxr for their hard work in documenting these

These are the true heroes that should be giving speeches in European


Tucker Carlson Network - "17 million deaths from the COVID vax?"​

Bret Weinstein, Tucker Carlson.jpg
- Bret Weinstein: There was a press, I was recently at a conference in Romania on the COVID crisis, and so there
was a lot of work trying to unpack what we actually understand, and I saw a credible
estimate of something like 17 million deaths globally from this technology.


- Tucker Carlson: 17 million deaths from the COVID Vax?

- BW: When you scale up to billions, it's not hard to reach a number like that with a technology
this dangerous. Now, to your deeper question, I think, let's steel man.

- TC: Just for perspective, I mean, that's like the death toll of a global war.

- BW: Yes, absolutely. This is a great tragedy of history, so that proportion.
And amazingly, there is no way in which it's over.
I mean, we are still apparently recommending these things for healthy children.
Never stood any chance of getting any benefit from them.
Every chance of suffering harms that are not only serious, but tragic on the basis that
children have long lives ahead of them.
If you ruin a child's immune system in youth, they have to spend the rest of their presumably
shortened life in that state.
So it never made any sense that we were giving this to kids in the first place.
The fact that we're still doing it when the emergency to the extent there even was one
is clearly over, and when there's never been any proper justification of administering
it to healthy kids.
It just, you know, healthy kids don't die of COVID, and the shot doesn't prevent you
from catching or transmitting it.
So there was just literally no justification you could come up with.

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