Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Today on the morning show of BBC breakfast, they addressed the issue of covid vaccination side effects, Astra Zeneca the moment. The narrative throughout was how these effects are rare, and how many people have been saved by the jab. They only addressed VITT (Vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) I was quite shocked to see the segment, but I suppose it is starting to seep into the mainstream now, a trickle at a time.
Pesky Covid 19 "vaccination" ads in Stockholm

Up here, well nobody talks about it, and there is almost nothing of discussion going on revolving the dark side of the Covif 19 modRNA shots. As of lately, Stockholm City introduced a lot of advertising in the Stockholm subway. I probably took down around 120+ of those last night in several trains.

It still ticks me off that they write "Get vaccinated for a healthier winter", when exactly opposite is true. Gosh, after all these years, and we still get brainf***d with this stuff.


Get vaccinated for a healthier winter

If you were born in 1959 or earlier, are pregnant or are otherwise at increased risk of serious illness, you can now get vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 free of charge.

Today on the morning show of BBC breakfast, they addressed the issue of covid vaccination side effects, Astra Zeneca the moment. The narrative throughout was how these effects are rare, and how many people have been saved by the jab. They only addressed VITT (Vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) I was quite shocked to see the segment, but I suppose it is starting to seep into the mainstream now, a trickle at a time.
Yes, I read the article about this the other day on the BBC news website. They are obviously feeling that there is a need to address the issue as it is becoming more obvious but the medical author, Fergus Walsh, did annoy me.

However, we need to discuss not just the huge positives that Covid vaccines brought, but also the small minority left injured or bereaved by the AstraZeneca vaccine.

What huge positives were they (my highlight). The vaccine did not stop transmission of the virus, so pretty ineffective on that front. The article also continually reiterated how exceedingly RARE the side effects were. It came across as a sop to those concerned about the serious blood clotting side effects but made sure the public were constantly aware that the vaccines are GOOD.

If anyone wants to read it:

Yes, I read the article about this the other day on the BBC news website. They are obviously feeling that there is a need to address the issue as it is becoming more obvious but the medical author, Fergus Walsh, did annoy me.

What huge positives were they (my highlight). The vaccine did not stop transmission of the virus, so pretty ineffective on that front. The article also continually reiterated how exceedingly RARE the side effects were. It came across as a sop to those concerned about the serious blood clotting side effects but made sure the public were constantly aware that the vaccines are GOOD.

If anyone wants to read it:

Yes, I agree with what you say....also, very interestingly, at the beginning of the segment, the presenter made a point of saying how the vaccines had saved 6 million people...I've heard that number before!!
This has probably already been posted here, and I came across the story earlier this year, but thought I'd add it here just in case.

My only additional comment would be that this is a kind of 'hit' for the Cs when they said that the vaccine was designed to be induce more "obedience". Since it is accepted that the Covid virus causes a not insignificant drop in IQ, along with other degenerative neurological effects, and since the covid vaccine was made in a lab, and since the vaccine causes the toxic spike protein to be spread around the human body including the brain, we can presume that the vaccine also causes similar IQ and neuro effects.

Reducing a person's IQ certainly facilitates their compliance because being less able to think would make a person more easily conned and thereby more 'compliant' with whatever another person (i.e. the govt.) wants them to comply with.

Four years later, more shocking findings from John Olooney, the funeral director.
(bluefyre) Mike Adams analyzed the clots from the embalmers and says they seem to be amyloid plaques. Are they amyloid plaques?
A: Yes.

Q: (bluefyre) How are the jabs creating these?
A: The jabs don't, the body tries to defend itself from invasion.


Could this be some Shenanigans afoot?

Maybe just, monkeys out for a good time?

The movie 12 monkeys comes to mind.

Who knew that the US had a "Monkey Island" where thousands of monkey are used for medical research testing?

Dunno? I'm posting it here as a FWIW.

40 monkeys flee medical lab in US

Police have warned local residents not to approach the animals

"Residents of a town in South Carolina have been warned to avoid potentially infectious monkeys after 40 animals escaped from a nearby research facility."

"The monkeys somehow made it out of the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center in Yemassee, about 60 miles (100km) southwest of Charleston, on Wednesday."

"The monkeys are then used for clinical trials for a variety of diseases."

"might carry some contagion.
The authorities are therefore urging extreme caution in dealing with the animals."

"In 2023, Alpha Genesis was contracted by the US government to run ‘Monkey Island’, a monkey colony off the coast of South Carolina that is home to about 3,500 primates."

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To be taken with a grain of salt, number seems a bit too sensational but there's certainly something.

“A team of leading American researchers found that Covid mRNA injections carry a risk of brain clots that is 1,119.6 times higher than the flu shot.”



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Ed Dowd has been on the front lines of calculating just what is going on with how many people have been killed and injured by the Vaxx. Just like with the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, there is hardly any coverage of the Vaxx genocide globally in the mainstream media. And it is, but in a few cases like in Japan, not acknowledged by national level government. 8 million to 15 million dead worldwide, conservatively, is like a world war has happened globally, but no one really knows about it nor about the number of dead and injured.

The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster. Dowd says, “We have been monitoring and tracking excess deaths, disabilities and injuries such as heart attacks, neurological problems, cancers and liver issues. There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines. As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US. There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . . Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time. You’ve got to think about it as a funnel. Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead. People can funnel down from one category to the next. We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over. It is going to stay with us for decades. The way to mitigate that is there needs to be national awareness so people can treat the problems they have. This is the biggest healthcare failure we have ever seen. We need to pull the mRNA vaccines and have a global truth moment. . . .We continue to go along with a wink and a nod to pretend there is not a problem. We are not going to talk about Covid and the mRNA vaccines, and in my mind, this is unethical, immoral and criminal.”

Sharath Jois: Celebrated yoga guru who taught Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow dies at 53​

A renowned yoga guru who taught celebrities including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow has died at the age of 53.

Tributes have been paid from across the yoga community following the “shocking” death of Sharath Jois.

Jois was the grandson of yoga guru K Pattabhi Jois, who developed and popularised the ashtanga vinyasa yoga style and established the K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore, India, in 1948.

Jois took over as head of the institute following his grandfather’s death, and travelled the world teaching ashtanga yoga.

He is understood to have been on a teaching tour in the US when he died in Virginia on Monday.

Article doesn't give a cause of death. This article however says that he died of a heart attack while hiking.
Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin
Session 226 "About living and dying"


🇩🇪 (German Language, 1 hour 8 min)

In this session, i picked out the conversation with Marlies Spuhler I thought was important: She is a funeral director in a small town /Village (Bellnhausen, 425 people) in Germany, of around 10.000 people in the county she is working. Her reports are strong and sad along the road of the conversation. According her a lot more people are dying nowadays, as well more younger people. Most remarkable is perhaps her observations that most people now die from cancer !

Because this session is about the Covid "vaccination" side effects i thought it is appropriate to put it in here (instead of the Corona thread).

In conversation with Marlies Spuhler (funeral director)

Marlies Spuhler gave us an update on the situation compared to her previous report at meeting 97 (25.03.2022). She reported a growing number of funerals, sometimes even several in quick succession in one family. Almost all of the deaths are from cancer, and a rapidly spreading one at that. As soon as the diagnosis is made, the patient is already dead. According to Marlies Spuhler, it is irritating that the deceased have almost no rigor mortis

🔸 Breast Cancers at very high age
She notes that women around 85 years of age, get breast cancer / turbo cancer which breaks out of the skin. Breast cancer in women at very high age, is (if i understood it correctly) very rare.

🔸 Liver Cancers
More people died from liver cancers

🔸 The issues of rigor mortis
Marlies Spuhler observed that the diseased vaccinated often show only very short periods of rigor mortis [German; Leichenstarre], sometimes not at all - compared to what is normally the case after death (rigor mortis lasting in average for 48 hours). Also the decay/decomposition of the corpse is much worse and faster in vaccinated, compared to normal deaths. Decomposition often shows in regions on the body, which normally aren't affected until later.

She says, that they normally get 10 days in order to prepare a Corpse burial (instead of burning), but due to the rapid decomposition, she cannot let the relatives look at the corpse. (They use the ice boxes located at the cemetery instead). Most funerals however, are Cremations.

🔸 Large/long/stringy clots
She is part of an international Funeral group; abroad it is far more common to do embalming. and there are numerous reports of large, stringy clots being pulled out of people's bodies, including young people ! Nothing has changed in that regard. Not just one clots but many are being pulled out. The Funeral Group says, that the large amount of clots being pulled out of diseased people, is unparalleled. That never existed in the past. Almost all diseased have stringy clots.

Viviane Fischer asks Marlies Spuhler if the diseased (who had clots) died from thrombosis or other diseases. She confirmed that people also died from other diseases, had those clots. People also often have Water retention in hearts and kidneys (heart insufficiency), albeit often in connection with cancer / turbo cancers.

🔸 Chemotherapies
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg mentions - that many of the cancer chemotherapies and the newer combinations that are being used in last 10-20 years, are still in "clinical trials". Which in my ears sounds similar in principle like the rollouts of mRNA jabs, being all experimental.

Marlies Spuhler herself, states that in her household nowadays, only have naturopathy products at home, no conventional medicines really. She is ware that there are several cases in which people healed themselves from cancer with it. Cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence.

Wolfgang Wodarg states, that with these types of vaccin induced cancers, the usage of chemotherapy often only prolongs life with 2-3 months in average. (They work much less or not at all, and give bad life quality on patients), as Marlies Spuhler comments on that, they had several cases of factual deaths caused by the chemotherapies. The chemotherapies are among the most expensive treatments in medicine.... So, big money, big business.

🔸 Repeated deaths in families
Mrs Spuler reports of several family cases, in which sometimes up to 5 members died from turbo cancers. It is far more common, that several family members died (She get's to know all this due to her profession; through the personal conversations with family members and relatives). She adds that she looks if the relatives who have still cases of turbo cancers in the family, if are open for alternative treatments, and gauges in, if they possibly could be helped that way.

🔸 Healthy jabbed people... suicidal / problems with the psyche
There is a note about people who are seemingly healthy, but are plnning to take their lives. They are in a low state psychologically, despite having house, animals, functioning relationship since a long time - but can't find the will to live. Mrs Spuler says she has three people are are planning to take their lives, but haven't done it yet. Dr Wodarg states, that the many injuries in the fine blood vessels as well brain cells, creating changes, leading to more cases in which people loose their will to live / or though personality changes.

🔸 Mechanical, chillier contacts (in personal conversations)
Mrs Spuler tells that in the personal conversations she has in her profession, that many have become more "technical" and "chilly / impersonal/cold". While conversations with people that are unjabbed, are more like... REAL - like it used to be; warm and sincere. She note that people cried more often in those personal talks, while now it is rather distant and strained / mechanical, as well lack of reactions (!)
My father has been taken the shots every time and got his 6th shot in October along with the yearly flu shot of which he has had like 17 or 18. He felt that they hadn't done him any harm and then went along with what doesn't kill you makes you strong.

Well until today. This morning he fell and it turned out he had two big blot clots, one in the neck and one in left side of the brain whic meant he got paralyzed on the left side and also was unable to speak. He was rushed to the hospital and they managed to clear the blot clots and also put a stent in. He was also put on blood thinners to ensure that blood flowed to the brain even though it carries the risk of a brain hemorrage. Having a lack of oxygen to the brain for well over 3 hours means that he suffered brain damage. During the scan they also discovered that he has a heart flutter, which they suspected had been there for some time.

My father is 89 years old and has always had a strong constitution. The days before, he had been out with the chainsaw cutting trees which had fallen recently, so despite his age he was still very strong. Anyway, I put it here knowing full well that it might not have been due to the shots but at the same time, they most likely haven't done anything to prolong his life. Tomorrow is another scan and then we will see what direction it will take.

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