Lenticularis clouds over Stockholm
25 July 2020

I stumbled across a photo the other day, which I took last year. The formation of lenticularis clouds far away from mountains, is rather rare. (Near mountains it appears to be a rather common occurrence, from what I understand). I have seen some spectacular lenticularis clouds over the east slopes above Etna volcano, though.

But in Stockholm... nah. Perhaps a handful times during my 37 years here.

It seems like, lots of strangest clouds keep appearing in the sky nowadays, that may something to do with the what Cs said about “breaching of the realm curtain.” If that is the case, then we never know what we will going to to see as to going near to moving into 4th density, so I am just intended to enjoying the show whatever cosmic displaying for us to see.

February 22nd 2020

Q: (L) Okay. Next topic. Oh, there was this weird video that Niall found. It was really weird.

Cosmic phenomenon? Strange waves pulse through cloud in skies over northwestern Syria --
Comment: We are most certainly not in Kansas anymore... Alien hunters and conspiracy theorists of all sorts do not need much to get them to seek traces of extraterrestrial guests or secret governmental programmes. A clip said to be filmed in...

(Niall) It's a video shown a couple of weeks ago supposedly somewhere south of Aleppo. That's near the big war zone in Idlib. It's looking up in the sky fixed on a cloud and there are like waves rippling up through the cloud.

A: We told you long ago that there is a large portal over the Middle East. This was a breaching of the realm curtain.

Q: (L) So... Was something coming in, or getting out of here?

A: Coming in!

Q: (Artemis) Something came in... Prepare for the worst!

(Chu) Something like what?

A: We told you that there would be strange cosmic phenomena!

Q: (Pierre) They didn't say what was coming in.

(L) I guess we have to wait and see.

(Joe) It was the Kraken. Godzilla!

A: Paying close attention helped you spot this. Wait for more and observe results and effects.

Q: (Artemis) So let's see what happens next.

(L) Things are getting nutty, ya know? It's getting really weird. So, just as a little reminder to myself about what it is that we're supposed to be doing... [laughter]

A: FRV modulation and synching!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're supposed to be modulating our FRV - i.e. our receivership capability - by work on the self, and synchronizing with all of the members of the group in order to... what?

A: Anchor the frequency of the new reality.
It seems like, lots of strangest clouds keep appearing in the sky nowadays, that may something to do with the what Cs said about “breaching of the realm curtain.” If that is the case, then we never know what we will going to to see as to going near to moving into 4th density, so I am just intended to enjoying the show whatever cosmic displaying for us to see.
The Cs also said that the battle between STO and STS forces were disguised as weather.

Commerce Georgia EEUU photo by Brad País Paisley.


Wave Cloud in Costa Rica.
The Cs also said that the battle between STO and STS forces were disguised as weather.
Wave Cloud in Costa Rica.
View attachment 47230

Something appears to be “off” …

I can’t help it - but there is something “not quite right” the with second cloud photo… but it is mainly a feeling the more i look at that photo. From an artistic point of view - i think it is absolutely awesome. But there are details which to me feels “off”.

To the more obvious:
the lower part of the photo (water) has been made a lot darker. (Which is ok). This you can see because the brightest part of the photo (yellow white), is “blown out” (no more details or info available in white areas). It’s reflection on the water surface - therefore becomes artificially darkened.

You cannot retrieve information in an area that has lost all its information.(think of a slide film photo - where it is clear - no details are left). Therefore when u make it darker - you get weird colors. In this case - like a gray film spanning over the yellow-white area (in the sea).

Less obvious:
the palm tree reflections in the water show (or simulate) movement of the water and therefore are blurry. But why aren’t we seeing the same with the details from the cloud in the water reflection ?! (Close to where the trees are in the water). those cloud details should be blurry, too !

But they are not.

Reason three:
The blur that i think is applied to the mirror reflected palm trees in the water, shows a vertical blur - instead of a natural, most common horisontal blur (common for water reflections).

Reason four:
There is a weird rotation going in details of the cloud in the mid frame, going counterclockwise - which to me looks unnaturally stretched.

Reason five:
The silhouette of the plam trees look to my eye being photoshop cutout. This is however not easy to determine for sure in a low resolution image. However.

Reason six
When taking images against something very bright, tree silhouettes in front that area would partially get compromised because of the extreme contrast (larger than what an image sensor can cope with) trees would get thinner and less defined, not even black anymore because light leaks from the bright areas into the black areas. (like an inverted halo effect)

i think it is a spectacular photo (if u love clouds) - especially if the artist would pay more attention to the fine details. I love the fantasy feel in it - i really do - and i had my share of experimenting with this kind of “photography” in the past 20 years. (It has a relieving quality, occasionally to go totally against “the rules” of what one normally does in photography)

However i always inform the reader to make it clear that it is a photoshop / fantasy creation.
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asperatus clouds

For me personally, this was likely one of the most defined asperatus clouds I have seen (making photos of, I mean). Most of the time, when they appear over Stockholm, they are not as well defined - and always far off from the extreme examples of ominous looking asperatus clouds we have seen on the internet (of which some are clearly exaggerated in post processing).

Nevertheless - the development came rather unexpected. (As the weather situation wasn't anything to call home about)

It started out slowly in a small (but increasing) area at the east horizon, on 18 July 2021 around 18:45, seen from South Stockholm - but developed really beautifully in pronounced waves for the next hour. By the time of 19.13 it took off in a pronounced way, and the scenery looked like this:




#Météo#Bretagne#Intempéries#Orages Chaotic sky (almost apocalyptic for the most philosophical among us) in Douarnenez (29) in the middle of the morning. @DimitriJacques
#Météo#Bretagne#Intempéries#Orages#Pluies Here is the passage of the first stormy salvo this morning over Brest with nice cloudy waves in the sky Ze North

4K - Jul 14, 2021
Some shots from Transient 3 that either hit the cutting room floor or deserved a bit more screen time.

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