Awesome sHiZo! I love it. The rate of the heartbeat could depend on the emotional effect we want. I initially pictured a fairly slow beat, but a faster one could convey nervousness, which is a better fit for the terror of the situation. I'll work on putting sound to this part tonight so we can hear what it's like.sHiZo963 said:What I got done thus far of the EKG part of the movie has been uploaded - it can be seen by clicking here. I realize it may be a bit too fast towards the end, but that's easy to change. Comments/suggestions?
Edit: sHiZo or anyone else who would be able, could the EKG file that's saved as a swf be converted to a quicktime or avi file? I tried but I'm not familiar with flash enough or am missing something on my computer that's not letting me do it.
Perhaps you could elaborate a little more on the idea? I don't think Power Point needs to be used - a lot of people may not have that program either. A descriptive text should work fine, imo. I think if we use a story board, then the minuets and seconds of the song/s should be set as the base and the story line would then correspond to the lows, highs, beats, etc. of the music. That way the different parts that are made could come together with a good fit. osit.sHizo963 said:Also, I was wondering whether my "story board" idea was any good - what do you all think about that?
I think using the term 'Political Ponerology' is important for several reasons. For starters it gives credit to the information we are using. What's being presented is also new to people, and giving it a name so they can identify it is also useful, imo. Actually, if we are talking about accessibility to the truth, then NOT using the term is making truth less accessible. But I think you're using the term in the meaning of being accessible to the masses. And if this is done, a primary focus of truth is easily ponerized because we're trying to adapt to a ponerized mass, osit.Iconoclast said:also, i'm not a big fan of using the words 'political ponerology' in the very beginning of the movie - nobody outside this site has a clue what that means, and we should make the video as accessible as possible.
It also depends on the goal and the form of output we want - a service to others or a service to self. If we are running programs that are expressed in a result of our work, then our programs will be magnified and accessibility to the truth will be hampered. So in all our work, particularly the ones that may be distributed widely, a consideration of what our programs are and their effect on others and the effect on truth should hold a lot of weight.
This project is also going out of the bounds of past group work, which up to this point all such work has been for the members (except for the transcript project which was still under the SotT umbrella). So, this is going into new territory, and I don't think this is a bad thing but the aims of the forum still need to apply. If as a group, we're to step outside of the strategic enclosure, then I think we need to make sure our egos and intentions are in check. This seems a test of group development. The results are the groups results, and the esoteric return of the fruit will also be the groups.
Iconoclast, there seem to be several indications of some programs being run in your teamwork suggestion. One was your first sentence in the preamble to your script:
This is quite similar to what you say here:Iconoclast said:[this presentation is intended for a general audience and therefore doesn't mention subjects that are too controversial, that initiate an emotional shutdown/defense procedure - the goal is to keep their attention until the end]
Was the preamble designed in part to sway the use of the term 'Political Ponerology?' If so, that seems manipulative. The other odd thing that came up was that you didn't have any reference to the SotT website in your script - even though you are using the SotT forum for the project as well as using information that is the fruit of the SotT team's work. Was the preamble designed for this as well?Iconoclast said:also, i'm not a big fan of using the words 'political ponerology' in the very beginning of the movie - nobody outside this site has a clue what that means, and we should make the video as accessible as possible.
So, I think the focus on a 'general audience' may be distorting the work that needs to be done. I agree that these things should be made in a way is easily understandable, but part of the approach your seeking seems more like inner considering than external considering, fwiw.
I could be wrong in all this, but I wanted to bring it up as something that could be a possibility.