I think that our error is to make war to microorganisms (bacterias, worms, virus, fungus). These are inhabitants of our body ( also other mamalians', non-mamalian animals too), i.e. their world. In the same extent we are inhabitants of the planet Earth. When germs invade an organ or the whole body, it's because something doesn't work properly in the body. I put aside the case of genetically modified germs (bioweapons).
Of course we have no other choice to take antibiotics when our body is too weak to fight himself against invaders. But les't look at what make germs invade the body. The cause of Alzheimer, etc is infection (we learn thanks to articles like this one) but what made the infection come?
Or best: what is the cause of the infection at the start? Because we had the unfortune to catch a nasty germ? I don't think so. I think that germs are not nasty per se, they just do their work or adapt to their environnement (= survive to difficulties they encounter). Example; they develop resistance when they encounter un-natural chemicals (the antibiotics), in order to continue to survive and fulfill their duties. What duties? to help our body, to clean this "planet" (our body, where they live). Germs heve always been here, since our birth. We all carry, in our healthy state, all sorts of germs, even Candida albicans that everybody fears, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (the bacteria that thorrifies a doctor in intensive care services), or P. gingivalis, and many others. In a healthy state these germs are not harmfull, they even have their role. I vaguely remember C albicans being invoved in a stage in the production of vitamin B12 - I must look for the references and the accurate process.
Cells and bacteria communicate each other. Antigens, antibodies are a part of the tools in this communication. Antibodies are a trace of the body dealing with an event that involved a given germ. These are like archives, information, that will ease futur communication beetween our cells ( we are multicellular being) and cell froms unicellular beings (germs). It's a cooperation, like cooperation in the soils, with fungus wide web beetween plants and trees.
When a bacteria "attacks" some of our cells, it's because the cell has been damages, and the germs comes and eat it in order to remove it 'cleansing), in the same way our macrophages do ! Macrophages are white cells specialized in cleansing, everywhere in the body, they "eat " damaged cells. That's how autohemotherapy works (se the dedicated thread). When macrophages are overwhelmed, they communicate with germs and the latters come to their help.
In the case of tooth plaques (thus gigivitis) and cavities: We eat junk food, sugar, all sorts of acids that are not our natural environment (as it's processed food). These chemical oxydative products deplete us from nutrients, vitamins. In order to neutralize the oxydants, vit C is used. then comes the moment when there's a chronic lack of vit C (scorbut on early stage), thus gum becoming weakened, tooth enamel becoming eroded (lack of magnesium with its consequence of local loss of calcium). The body and its cooperating mooth bacterias trying to rebuild a layer of calcium but ineffectively due to lack of resources (vitamins) and constant attack by food chemicals, leading to tartar plaque. Calcium deposits are also formed in the arteries (junk food --> atherosclerosis), that's why there are also bacterias in arterial plaques (atherom). Infection is not the cause of these deseases but a phenomena that accompanies the primitive cause (junk food, heavy metals, foreign bodies like vaccines, stress, ...).
We found bacterias in Alzheimer brain, not because they are the cause but because they have been called for help (come and clean medical drugs like antidepressants for example, or aluminium from vaccines, etc). I read an article somewhere (on sott probably) explaining that we have also commensal dormant bacterias in normal conditions in our brain.
So what to do when we have a gingivitis or other distant inflammations elsewhere in the body? As Laura said: autohemotherapy, vit C. I didn't knew the synergy vitC - DMSO (thank you for this info !), among other things that make sens.
Searching bacterias in our body is not relevant (except in certain conditions like septicemia with resistant bacteria). You will find, let's say, C. albicans. And what? You'll do everything to kill it? You'll not succeed. The better thing to do is give your body the ressources to do itself what it wants to do, what it has been design to do.
Cooperating with germs instead of making war to them.
There is also another important factor that in not in our western material culture: the meridians, the electric part of living beings. I remember having read an article from Dr Tenant or Dr J Kruss, saying that our teeth are one of the batteries in our body, thus the importance of keeping them healthy. Thera are meridians for each tooth, and that's why we can have an organ failure distant from the mouth ( example, heart failure with cavity localised in a precise tooth, don't remember which one).