Mrs. Peel said:
When I go to that link, and click the little print icon underneath the title of the article, only the first page printed has text on it, and I got 60 blank pages! I'm printing it out at work, using IE as the browser (required), printing to a network printer. FWIW
I usually print most of forum threads and articles or news –due to ...many things, what I do is:
1 I selected the whole article with the mouse –lately I had been just pointing the mouse in the tittle and move down 3 lines or so and it get selected all …
2 I copy-paste in a pre-saved word file (stretched margin, 3 columns, with page numbers)
3 I change the font to Verdana (it had been the better one to read in paper so far) at 7 points and interlined up to 1 point or minimun, if it is too small the font you can put it at 9 points, it will be more pages to print though.
4 Change sizes from images or delete them.
--instead or 60 pages (along with commentaries I got 66), it came out to 19. I do not do it by the "print" button due those mentioned glitches.
5 I print first 1-10 and then in the other side 11-19 –when you got odd numbers, just make sure to separate the one which does not get its pair.
I get confused every time I want to printed both sides continuously and if one single paper get wrong the whole set can go to the trash or it takes to much time to arrange it, so I avoid doing it that way.
--- I print them in economode and in poor quality (I only have a black laser printer) –it saves more than 50% of toner.
6 If it is convenient or you had printed many pages you can also get it binded.